String Newline not displaying in Doors - ibm-doors

I have csv file containing some data like:
374,Test Comment multiplelines \n Here's the 2nd line,Other_Data
Where 374 is the object ID from doors, then some commentary and then some other data.
I have a piece of code that reads the data from the CSV file, stores it in the appropriate variables and then writes it to the doors Object.
Module Openend_module = edit("path_to_mod", true,true,true)
Object o ;
Column c;
string attrib;
string oneLine ;
string OBJECT_ID = "";
string Comment = "";
String Other_data = "";
int offset;
string split_text(string s)
if (findPlainText(s, sub, offset, len, false))
return s[0 : offset -1]
return ""
Stream input = read("Path_to_Input.txt");
input >> oneLine
OBJECT_ID = split_text(oneLine)
oneLine = oneLine[offset+1:]
Comment = split_text(oneLine)
Other_data = oneLine[offset+1:]
When using print Comment the output in the DXL console is : Test Comment multiplelines \n Here's the 2nd line
for o in Opened_Module do
if (o."Absolute Number"""==OBJECT_ID ){
attrib = "Result_Comment " 2
o.attrib = Comment
But after writing to the doors object, the \n is not taken into consideration and the result is as follows:
I've tried putting the string inside a Buffer and using stringOf() but the escape character just disappeared.
I've also tried adding \r\n and \\n to the input csv text but still no luck

This isn't the most efficient way of handling this, but I have a relatively straightforward fix.
I would suggest adding the following:
Module Openend_module = edit("path_to_mod", true,true,true)
Object o ;
Column c;
string attrib;
string oneLine ;
string OBJECT_ID = "";
string Comment = "";
String Other_data = "";
int offset;
string split_text(string s)
if (findPlainText(s, sub, offset, len, false))
return s[0 : offset -1]
return ""
Stream input = read("Path_to_Input.txt");
input >> oneLine
OBJECT_ID = split_text(oneLine)
oneLine = oneLine[offset+1:]
Comment = split_text(oneLine)
Other_data = oneLine[offset+1:]
//Modification to comment string
int x
int y
while ( findPlainText ( Comment , "\\n" , x , y , false ) ) {
Comment = ( Comment [ 0 : x - 1 ] ) "\n" ( Comment [ x + 2 : ] )
This will run the comment string through a parser, replacing string "\n" with the char '\n'. Be aware- this will ignore any trailing spaces at the end of a line.
Let me know if that helps.


Parsing an integer and HEX value in Ragel

I am trying to design a parser using Ragel and C++ as host langauge.
There is a particular case where a parameter can be defined in two formats :
a. Integer : eg. SignalValue = 24
b. Hexadecimal : eg. SignalValue = 0x18
I have the below code to parse such a parameter :
INT = ((digit+)$incr_Count) %get_int >!(int_error); #[0-9]
HEX = (([0].'x'.[0-9A-F]+)$incr_Count) %get_hex >!(hex_error); #[hexadecimal]
SIGNAL_VAL = ( INT | HEX ) %/getSignalValue;
However in the above defined parser command, only the integer values(as defined in section a) gets recognized and parsed correctly.
If an hexadecimal number(eg. 0x24) is provided, then the number gets stored as ´0´ . There is no error called in case of hexadecimal number. The parser recognizes the hexadecimal, but the value stored is '0'.
I seem to be missing out some minor details with Ragel. Has anyone faced a similar situation?
The remaning part of the code :
int lInt = -1;
action incr_Count {
action get_int {
int channel = 0xFF;
std::stringstream str;
while(iGenrlCount > 0)
str << *(p - iGenrlCount);
str >> lInt; //push the values
action get_hex {
std::stringstream str;
while(iGenrlCount > 0)
str << std::hex << *(p - iGenrlCount);
str >> lInt; //push the values
action getSignalValue {
cout << "lInt = " << lInt << endl;
It's not a problem with your FSM (which looks fine for the task you have), it's more of a C++ coding issue. Try this implementation of get_hex():
action get_hex {
std::stringstream str;
cout << "get_hex()" << endl;
while(iGenrlCount > 0)
str << *(p - iGenrlCount);
str >> std::hex >> lInt; //push the values
Notice that it uses str just as a string buffer and applies std::hex to >> from std::stringstream to int. So in the end you get:
$ ./a.out 245
lInt = 245
$ ./a.out 0x245
lInt = 581
Which probably is what you want.

How to access the baseline comparison results in IBM Rational Doors from scripts?

The background to the question is, that I would like to create software change requests from Doors requirement changes.
For this I have to get the differences of requirements between two user selectable baselines of a module in a human readable format.
In the GUI I use the "Baseline Compare" function.
How can I access these results from a script (inside or outside of Doors) in a structured format?
A good starting point might the Doors DXL library Tools -> DXL Library -> baseline comparator example, but it needs heavy modifications for your overall use-case I guess. Take a look.
Found a modified version of the baseline compare script at this forum . I haven't tried it yet, but here's the code, which does use a GUI but you should be able to redirect the input & output pretty easily:
// Your Company Baseline Compare with Attributes
Date Posted: 16-Jan-2008 00:03
Posted By: Juergen Albrecht
// (Your Company Baseline Compare) *
// *
// Project: Your Company Ottobrunn *
// *
// Module: all modules for baseline compare *
// Description: ... *
// *
// Functions: compare any two baselines of the current module *
// (or a baseline against the current version). *
// Sets a filter on objects which differ with request *
// to Object Heading, Object Text, Object Type and .... *
// *
// *
// Copyright (C) Your Company Your Town 2005-2007 Confidential. All rights reserved. *
// *
// $Header: /doors/lib/dxl/addins/user/BaselineCompare.dxl Ver. 1.0 15.03.06 18:00 UID-USER $
// *
// $History: BaselineCompare.dxl $
//********************************* Version 1.0 ****************************
// User: Date: Time: *
// Jürgen Albrecht (uid-al28423) 15.01.08 18:00
// Created in $/doors/lib/dxl/addins/user/BaselineCompare.dxl
// *
// *
// *
pragma runLim, 0
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// constants for Attributes
const string DUMMY_LIST[] = {}
const string strAffectsArr[] = {"Ch.Bars", "Ch.Date", "History"}
const string strCharacterArr[] = {"System ", "Hidden ", "Customised"}
const string strValidityArr[] = {"Module ", "Object"}
const string strPropertyArr[] = {"Inherited", "Multi value"}
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// variables for Attributes
DB dbBLCompare = null
DBE dbeAttrDefNameList = null
DBE dbeAttrCharacter = null
DBE dbeAttrAffects = null
DBE dbeAttrValidity = null
DBE dbeAttrProperty = null
DBE dbeAttrType = null
DBE dbeDefaultValue = null
DBE dbeAttrTypeList = null
DBE dbeAttrTypeSelect = null
////////////////////////////////////////////////////// functions for Attributes
int chopInsert2(DBE inlist, string s)
{ int no_inlist = noElems inlist
int low = 0
int high = no_inlist-1
int hw = 0
string c
if (no_inlist == 0)
{ insert(inlist,0,s)
return 0
while (high-low > 1)
{ hw = low + ((high-low) / 2)
c = get(inlist,hw)
if (s < c)
high = hw
low = hw
c = get(inlist,high)
if (c < s)
{ insert(inlist,high+1,s)
return high + 1
c = get(inlist,low)
if (c > s)
{ insert(inlist,low,s)
return low
return low+1
} // chopInsert2
void populateLstAttrDef(bool bIncludeSystemAttr)
{ AttrDef ad
for ad in current Module do
{ if (ad.module)
if (!bIncludeSystemAttr)
{ if (ad.system || ad.hidden)
chopInsert2(dbeAttrDefNameList, "")
set(dbeAttrDefNameList, 0, true)
} // populateLstAttrDef
void doNothing(DBE dbeKlick, int iKlick)
} // doNothing
void cbSystemSelect(DBE dbeKlick)
{ bool bSelect = get(dbeAttrTypeSelect)
empty (dbeAttrDefNameList)
populateLstAttrDef (bSelect)
} // cbSystemSelect
void doSetAttrTypes(void)
AttrDef ad = find(current Module, get(dbeAttrDefNameList, get(dbeAttrDefNameList)))
AttrType at = find(current Module, ad.typeName "")
string strDefVal = "", strAttrType = "", s = ""
int iAttrChar = 0, iAttrValid = 0, iProperty = 0, iAffects = 0
if (ad.system)
iAttrChar = 1
iAttrChar = 4
if (ad.hidden)
iAttrChar = iAttrChar | 2
set(dbeAttrCharacter, iAttrChar)
if (ad.object)
iAttrValid = 2
if (ad.module)
iAttrValid = iAttrValid | 1
set(dbeAttrValidity, iAttrValid)
if (ad.inherit)
iProperty = 1
if (ad.multi)
iProperty = iProperty | 2
set(dbeAttrProperty, iProperty)
if (!ad.nobars)
iAffects = 1
if (!ad.nochanges)
iAffects = iAffects | 2
if (!ad.nohistory)
iAffects = iAffects | 4
set(dbeAttrAffects, iAffects)
if ( null at )
{ strAttrType = "Unable to determine type of attribute"
set(dbeAttrType, strAttrType)
strAttrType = at.type ""
if ( at.type == attrInteger )
{ int i
if ( at.minValue )
{ i = at.minValue
s = s "Min > " i "\n"
if ( at.maxValue )
{ i = at.maxValue
s = s "Max < " i "\n"
else if ( at.type == attrReal )
{ real r
if ( at.minValue )
{ r = at.minValue
s = s "Min > " r "\n"
if ( at.maxValue )
{ r = at.maxValue
s = s "Max < " r "\n"
else if ( at.type == attrDate )
{ Date d
if ( at.minValue )
{ d = at.minValue
s = s "Min > " d "\n"
if ( at.maxValue )
{ d = at.maxValue
s = s "Max < " d "\n"
else if ( at.type == attrEnumeration )
{ string strAttrTypeName =
strAttrType = strAttrType ": " strAttrTypeName
int i
for ( i = 0; i < at.size; ++i )
s = s at.strings[i] "\n"
set(dbeAttrType, strAttrType)
set(dbeAttrTypeList, s)
if (ad.defval)
{ if (strDefVal == "")
strDefVal = ad.defval
set (dbeDefaultValue, strDefVal)
set (dbeDefaultValue, "")
// Ausgabe in File
// output <<"\n"
// output << s"\n"
} // doSetAttrTypes
void cbDoSetAttrTypes(DBE dbeKlick, int iKlick)
{ doSetAttrTypes
} // cbDoSetAttrTypes
void showAttributes()
{ if ( null current Module )
{ ack "This tool must be run within a module..."
// Ausgabe in File
// output << "\t\t"(current Module)."Name""\n"
// close output
} // showAttrInvestigatorDB
/////////////////////////////////////////// Definition for Modules
DBE lblOldList, lblNewList
DBE dbeListCurrent, dbeListBaseline // two global lists containing the baseline selected (or current version)
DBE dbeOutFileBrowse, dbeOutFileLabel
DBE dbeChangeBarToggle
DBE dbeShowDiffToggle
Stream outFile
Skip skBaselines = create // cache current baselines
bool bShowDiff
string strCellBorders = "\\clbrdrt\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrl\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrb\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 \\clbrdrr\\brdrs\\brdrw15\\brdrcf11 "
string lastHeadingNumber(Object o)
{ Regexp reg = regexp "\\.0-[0-9]+$"
string onum = number o
if (onum[0:0] == "0")
{ return "0"
else if (reg onum)
{ int i = start 0
string hd = onum[0:i-1]
while (reg hd)
{ int j = start 0
hd = hd[0:j-1]
return hd
{ return onum
} // lastHeadingNumber
bool oleInsDel(Object o1,o2)
{ bool oleRec = false
string modType = ""
int oldOle = oleCount(o2."Object Text")
int newOle = oleCount(o1."Object Text")
if (newOle > oldOle)
{ oleRec = true
modType = "Figure/Table inserted"
if (newOle < oldOle)
{ oleRec = true
modType = "Figure/Table deleted"
if (oleRec)
{ outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell OLE\\cell " modType "\\cell \\cell\\row\n"
return oleRec
} // oleInsDel
bool oleChange(Object o1,o2)
{ int i = oleCount o1."Object Text"
if (i > 0)
{ Buffer b1 = create
Buffer b2 = create
b1 = richTextWithOle o1."Object Text"
b2 = richTextWithOle o2."Object Text"
int l1 = length b1
int l2 = length b2
delete b1
delete b2
if (l1 != l2)
{ outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell OLE\\cell Figure/Table modified\\cell \\cell\\row\n"
accept o1 // set filter
accept o2 // on both objects
return true
return false
} // oleChange
bool compareObjects(int absno, Object o1, o2, string attr)
{ // function to compare an attribute of two objects with same absolute number
Buffer s1 = create
Buffer s2 = create
Buffer s3 = create
s1 = o1.attr
s2 = o2.attr
if (s1!=s2)
{ outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trkeep"
// if ((attr=="Object Text") && bShowDiff)
if (bShowDiff)
// {
// diff(s3, s2, s1,"\\cf1\\strike ","\\cf3\\ul ")
// outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
// outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " s3 "\\cell " s2 "\\cell\\row\n"
// }
{ diff(s3, s2, s1)
Regexp ct = regexp "colortbl[^}]*}"
string frag
if (ct s3)
{ frag = s3[end 0 + 1:(length s3) - 3]
{ frag = richTextFragment stringOf(s3)
outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " frag "\\cell\\row\n"
{ outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl \\fs16 " identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\cell " attr "\\cell " s1 "\\cell " s2 "\\cell\\row\n"
accept o1 // set filter
accept o2 // on both objects
delete s1
delete s2
delete s3
return false
delete s1
delete s2
delete s3
return true
} // compareObjects
Skip getAbsnos(Module m)
{ // Build a skip list which maps absnos onto their corresponding objects. Also initialize the DXL filter to "reject"
Skip res = create
Object o
for o in m do
{ int a = o."Absolute Number"
reject o // filter those mentioned in report
put(res, a, o)
return res
} // getAbsnos
void applyCompareFunction (DB dbKlick)
{ // Main comparison routine: find out which modules to compare
// compare objects present in both, report on
// those present in only one.
string name1, name2, outf
int idx1, idx2
bool updateChangeBars
idx1 = get dbeListCurrent // position in list
idx2 = get dbeListBaseline
name1 = get dbeListCurrent // baseline name
name2 = get dbeListBaseline
outf = get dbeOutFileBrowse
updateChangeBars = get dbeChangeBarToggle
bShowDiff = get dbeShowDiffToggle
if (idx1 < 0 || idx2 < 0) // error checking
{ ack "two selections are needed"
else if (idx1 == idx2)
{ ack "same selection on both sides"
Regexp slash = regexp "[\\\\]"
if (!slash outf)
{ outf = currentDirectory "\\" outf
Baseline sel1, sel2
outFile = write outf
outFile << "{\\rtf1\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fswiss\\fcharset177 Times New Roman;}}{\\colortbl ;\\red255\\green0\\blue0;\\red0\\green255\\blue0;\\red0\\green0\\blue255;}\n"
outFile << "\\paperw11906\\paperh16838\\margl1134\\margr567\\margt1134\\margb851\\headery567\\footery567\n"
string where = (current Module)."Name"
outFile << "\\ul \\fs24 Modified Objects in Module: " where "\\ul0 \\par \\par\n"
outFile << "\\trowd \\trgaph108\\trleft-108\\trhdr"
outFile << strCellBorders "\\cellx1026 " strCellBorders "\\cellx2727 " strCellBorders "\\cellx6129 " strCellBorders "\\cellx9531\n"
outFile << "\\intbl \\fs20 Identifier\\cell Attribute\\cell Current Baseline\\cell Old Baseline\\cell\\row\n"
string str
for str in skBaselines do // find each baseline
{ Baseline b = key skBaselines // the baseline is the key
string str = (major b) "." (minor b) (suffix b)
if (name1==str) sel1 = b
if (name2==str) sel2 = b
progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", 1)
Module old = current
Module b1, b2
if (idx1==0)
b1 = old // i.e. the current Module
{ progressMessage("Load First Baseline Module")
b1 = load(sel1, true) // load the baselines on the screen
progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", 1)
if (idx2==0)
b2 = old // i.e.e the current Module
{ progressMessage("Load Second Baseline Module")
b2 = load(sel2, true)
if (updateChangeBars and (idx1 == 0))
{ AttrDef atcb
atcb = find(b1,"ChangeBar")
if (null atcb)
{ updateChangeBars = false
ack "No ChangeBar attribute in current module"
{ atcb = find(b1,"WordDocChangeLog")
if (!null atcb)
{ b1."WordDocChangeLog" = outf
else if (updateChangeBars)
{ updateChangeBars = false
ack "Can only update ChangeBar in current module"
Skip skCompAttributes = create
string aName
AttrDef atb1,atb2
int i, iSkip = 0, iElems = noElems (dbeAttrDefNameList)
bool bCheck
for (i=0;i<iElems;i++)
{ bCheck = getCheck (dbeAttrDefNameList, i)
if (bCheck)
{ aName = get (dbeAttrDefNameList, i)
atb1 = find(b1,aName)
atb2 = find(b2,aName)
if ((null atb1) or (null atb2))
{ if (null atb1)
infoBox aName " not in later baseline"
infoBox aName " not in earlier baseline"
put(skCompAttributes, iSkip++, aName)
current = b1 // make sure filtering is off
filtering off // on both sides.
current = b2
filtering off
current = old
Skip absno1 = getAbsnos b1 // build caches of absnos -> objects
Skip absno2 = getAbsnos b2
Object o1, o2
int iObj=0, iMaxObj=0, diffs=0
bool StartInsert = true
for o1 in absno1 do // loop through side 1
progressStart(dbBLCompare, "Baseline Compare", "", iMaxObj)
progressMessage("Compare selected attributes of all objects by Identifier")
for o1 in absno1 do // loop through side 1
{ progressStep(iObj++)
Object o2
int i = (int key absno1)
if (find(absno2, i, o2)) // absno exists in other baseline
{ bool ChangeFound = false
for aName in skCompAttributes do
{ ChangeFound = !compareObjects(i, o1, o2, aName) || ChangeFound
ChangeFound = oleInsDel(o1,o2) || ChangeFound
if (!ChangeFound)
{ ChangeFound = oleChange(o1,o2)
if (ChangeFound)
{ diffs++ // found a difference
if (updateChangeBars)
{ o1."ChangeBar" = true
else if (updateChangeBars)
{ o1."ChangeBar" = false
delete(absno2, i) // remove from dbeListBaseline
{ if (StartInsert)
{ outFile << "\\pard\\par\\ul \\fs24 Inserted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
StartInsert = false
outFile << "\\fs20" identifier(o1) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o1) "\\par "
accept o1
if (updateChangeBars)
{ o1."ChangeBar" = true
raise (dbBLCompare)
infoBox "Baseline Compare has finished"
if (StartInsert)
{ outFile << "\\pard\\par\\ul \\fs24 Inserted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
outFile << "\n\\par\\ul \\fs24 Deleted Objects\\ul0\\par \\par "
for o2 in absno2 do // now we can check for objects not in dbeListCurrent
{ int i = (int key absno2)
outFile << "\\fs20" identifier(o2) " section " lastHeadingNumber(o2) "\\par "
accept o2
delete absno1 // delete caches
delete absno2
delete skCompAttributes
bool doFilter // set to true if differences
if (diffs==0)
{ outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 no differences found\\par "
else // set filtering on in baselines
{ if (diffs==1)
outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 one difference found\\par "
outFile << "\n\\par \\fs24 " diffs " differences found\\par "
outFile << "\\par }"
current = b1 // set filters
if (b1 != old)
close b1
// filtering doFilter
// refresh current
current = b2
if (b2 != old)
close b2
// filtering doFilter
// refresh current
current = old // return to former current module
} // applyCompareFunction
//// MAIN PROGRAM ////////////////////////
Module m = current // check calling context
if (null m)
{ ack "program requires current Module"
Baseline b
int i=0
for b in m do // count number of baselines
{ i++
if (i==0)
{ ack "no baselines to compare"
// Now make a dialog for selecting two baselines for comparison
string where = (current Module)."Name"
dbBLCompare = create "Your Company Baseline Compare V. 1.0 startet at Module: \"" where "\""
string strEmptyArr[] = {}
dbeListCurrent = list(dbBLCompare, "Current/Baseline:", 300, i+1 <? 5, strEmptyArr) // make maximum size of 5 elements
dbeListCurrent->"right"->"unattached" // make lists side by side
dbeListBaseline = list(dbBLCompare, "Baseline to compare with:", 300, i+1 <? 5, strEmptyArr)
separator (dbBLCompare)
dbeAttrDefNameList = listView(dbBLCompare, listViewOptionCheckboxes , 250, 14, DUMMY_LIST)
dbeAttrAffects = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "", strAffectsArr, 0)
inactive (dbeAttrAffects)
dbeAttrCharacter = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "", strCharacterArr, 0)
inactive (dbeAttrCharacter)
dbeAttrValidity = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "valid for: ", strValidityArr, 0)
inactive (dbeAttrValidity)
dbeAttrProperty = checkBox(dbBLCompare, "Properties: ", strPropertyArr, 0)
inactive (dbeAttrProperty)
dbeAttrType = field (dbBLCompare, "Type: ", "", 27, true)
dbeDefaultValue = field (dbBLCompare, "Default value:", "", 21, true)
dbeAttrTypeList = text(dbBLCompare, "Possible values or defined borders:", "", 215, 142, true)
dbeAttrTypeSelect = toggle(dbBLCompare,"show System and Hidden Attributes", true)
separator (dbBLCompare)
dbeOutFileLabel = label(dbBLCompare, "Output to:")
dbeOutFileBrowse = fileName(dbBLCompare, "D:\\Project - DOORS Demonstration\\BL_Comp_Result.rtf", "*.rtf", "Rich Text files", false)
dbeChangeBarToggle = toggle(dbBLCompare,"Update ChangeBar attribute", false)
beside (dbBLCompare)
dbeShowDiffToggle = toggle(dbBLCompare,"Show Object Text changes as markup", true)
// dummy
DBE dbeDummy = label(dbBLCompare, "")
// Copyright
DBE dbeCopyRight = label(dbBLCompare, "Copyright (C) Your Company Your Town 2005-2007 Confidential. All rights reserved.")
apply(dbBLCompare, "Compare Now", applyCompareFunction)
set(dbeAttrDefNameList, cbDoSetAttrTypes, doNothing, doNothing)
set(dbeAttrTypeSelect, cbSystemSelect)
realize (dbBLCompare, 0, 0) // we realize so that the lists can be populated using insert
insertColumn(dbeAttrDefNameList, 0, "Attribute Name", 200, iconNone)
for b in m do // fill up the baselines skip list with current baselines
{ string str = (major b) "." (minor b) (suffix b)
put(skBaselines, b, str)
insert(dbeListCurrent, 0, str)
insert(dbeListBaseline, 0, str)
insert(dbeListCurrent, 0, "current") // put current at head of lists
set(dbeListCurrent, 0)
insert(dbeListBaseline, 0, "current")
set(dbeListBaseline, 1)
show dbBLCompare // off we go.......
// end of BaselineCompare.dxl

Nom Parser To Unescape String

I'm writing a Nom parser for RCS. RCS Files tend to be ISO-8859-1 encoded. One of the grammar productions is for a String. This is #-delimited and literal # symbols are escaped as ##.
#A String# -> A String
#A ## String# -> A # String
I have a working function (see end). IResult is from Nom, you either return the parsed thing, plus the rest of the unparsed input, or an Error/Incomplete. Cow is used to return a reference built on the original input slice if no unescaping was required, or an owned string if it was.
Are there any built in Nom macros that could have helped with this parse?
extern crate nom;
use std::str;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use nom::*;
/// Parse an RCS String
fn string<'a>(input: &'a[u8]) -> IResult<&'a[u8], Cow<'a, str>> {
let len = input.len();
if len < 1 {
return IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Unknown);
if input[0] != b'#' {
return IResult::Error(Err::Code(ErrorKind::Custom(0)));
// start of current chunk. Chunk is a piece of unescaped input
let mut start = 1;
// current char index in input
let mut i = start;
// FIXME only need to allocate if input turned out to need unescaping
let mut s: String = String::new();
// Was the input escaped?
let mut escaped = false;
while i < len {
// Check for end delimiter
if input[i] == b'#' {
// if there's another # then it is an escape sequence
if i + 1 < len && input[i + 1] == b'#' {
// escaped #
i += 1; // want to include the first # in the output
s.push_str(str::from_utf8(&input[start .. i]).unwrap());
start = i + 1;
escaped = true;
} else {
// end of string
let result = if escaped {
s.push_str(str::from_utf8(&input[start .. i]).unwrap());
} else {
Cow::Borrowed(str::from_utf8(&input[1 .. i]).unwrap())
return IResult::Done(&input[i + 1 ..], result);
i += 1;
It looks like the way to use the nom library is using the macro combinators. A quick browse of the source code gives some nice examples of parsers, including parsing of strings with escape characters. This is what I came up with:
extern crate nom;
use nom::*;
named!(string< Vec<u8> >, delimited!(
is_not!(b"#") |
|_| &b"#"[..]
|mut acc: Vec<u8>, bytes: &[u8]| {
fn it_works() {
assert_eq!(string(b"#string#"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], b"string".to_vec()));
assert_eq!(string(b"#string with ## escapes#"), IResult::Done(&b""[..], b"string with # escapes".to_vec()));
assert_eq!(string(b"#invalid string"), IResult::Incomplete(Needed::Size(16)));
As you can see, I simply copy the bytes into a vector using Vec::extend - you could be more sophisticated here and return a Cow byte slice if you wanted.
The escaped! macro does not appear to be of use in this case unfortunately, as it can't seem to work when the terminator is the same as the escape character (which is actually a pretty common case).

SQL CLR User Defined Function (C#) adds null character (\0) in between every existing character in String being returned

This one has kept me stumped for a couple of days now.
It's my first dabble with CLR & UDF ...
I have created a user defined function that takes a multiline String as input, scans it and replaces a certain line in the string with an alternative if found. If it is not found, it simply appends the desired line at the end. (See code)
The problem, it seems, comes when the final String (or Stringbuilder) is converted to an SqlString or SqlChars. The converted, returned String always contains the Nul character as every second character (viewing via console output, they are displayed as spaces).
I'm probably missing something fundamental on UDF and/or CLR.
Please Help!!
Code (I leave in the commented Stringbuilder which was my initial attempt... changed to normal String in a desperate attempt to find the issue):
[return: SqlFacet(MaxSize = -1, IsFixedLength = false)]
//public static SqlString udf_OmaChangeJob(String omaIn, SqlInt32 jobNumber) {
public static SqlChars udf_OmaChangeJob(String omaIn, SqlInt32 jobNumber) {
if (omaIn == null || omaIn.ToString().Length <= 0) return new SqlChars("");
String[] lines = Regex.Split(omaIn.ToString(), "\r\n");
Regex JobTag = new Regex(#"^JOB=.+$");
//StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
String buffer = String.Empty;
bool matched = false;
foreach (var line in lines) {
if (!JobTag.IsMatch(line))
buffer += line + "\r\n";
else {
//buffer.AppendLine("JOB=" + jobNumber);
buffer += ("JOB=" + jobNumber + "\r\n");
matched = true;
if (!matched) //buffer.AppendLine("JOB=" + jobNumber);
buffer += ("JOB=" + jobNumber) + "\r\n";
//return new SqlString(buffer.ToString().Replace("\0",String.Empty)) + "blablabla";
// buffer = buffer.Replace("\0", "|");
return new SqlChars(buffer + "\r\nTheEnd");
I know in my experiences, the omaIn parameter should be of type SqlString and when you go to collect its value/process it, set a local variable:
string omaString = omaIn != SqlString.Null ? omaIn.Value : string.empty;
Then when you return on any code path, to rewrap the string in C#, you'd need to set
return omaString == string.empty ? new SqlString.Null : new SqlString(omaString);
I have had some fun wrestling matches learning the intricate hand-off between local and outbound types, especially with CLR TVFs.
Hope that can help!

String Split in DXL

I have a string
Ex: "We prefer questions that can be answered; not just discussed "
now i want to split this string from ";"
We prefer questions that can be answered
not just discussed
is this possible in DXL.
i am learning DXL, so i don't have any idea whether we can split or not.
Note : This is not a home work.
I'm sorry for necroing this post. Being new to DXL I spent some time with the same challenge. I noticed that the implementations available on the have different specifications of "splitting" a string. Loving the Ruby language, I missed an implementation which comes at least close to the Ruby version of String#split.
Maybe my findings will be helpful to anybody.
Here's a functional comparison of
Variant A: niol's implementation (which at a first glance, appears to be the same implementation which is usually found at Capri Soft,
Variant B: PJT's implementation,
Variant C: Brett's implementation and
Variant D: my implementation (which provides the correct functionality imo).
To eliminate structural difference, all implementations were implemented in functions, returning a Skip list or an Array.
Splitting results
Note that all implementations return different results, depending on their definition of "splitting":
string mellow yellow; delimiter ello
splitVariantA returns 1 elements: ["mellow yellow" ]
splitVariantB returns 2 elements: ["m" "llow yellow" ]
splitVariantC returns 3 elements: ["w" "w y" "" ]
splitVariantD returns 3 elements: ["m" "w y" "w" ]
string now's the time; delimiter
splitVariantA returns 3 elements: ["now's" "the" "time" ]
splitVariantB returns 2 elements: ["" "now's the time" ]
splitVariantC returns 5 elements: ["time" "the" "" "now's" "" ]
splitVariantD returns 3 elements: ["now's" "the" "time" ]
string 1,2,,3,4,,; delimiter ,
splitVariantA returns 4 elements: ["1" "2" "3" "4" ]
splitVariantB returns 2 elements: ["1" "2,,3,4,," ]
splitVariantC returns 7 elements: ["" "" "4" "3" "" "2" "" ]
splitVariantD returns 7 elements: ["1" "2" "" "3" "4" "" "" ]
Splitting the string 1,2,,3,4,, with the pattern , for 10000 times on my machine gives these timings:
splitVariantA() : 406 ms
splitVariantB() : 46 ms
splitVariantC() : 749 ms
splitVariantD() : 1077 ms
Unfortunately, my implementation D is the slowest. Surprisingly, the regular expressions implementation C is pretty fast.
Source code
// niol, modified
Array splitVariantA(string splitter, string str){
Array tokens = create(1, 1);
Buffer buf = create;
int str_index;
buf = "";
for(str_index = 0; str_index < length(str); str_index++){
if( str[str_index:str_index] == splitter ){
array_push_str(tokens, stringOf(buf));
buf = "";
buf += str[str_index:str_index];
array_push_str(tokens, stringOf(buf));
delete buf;
return tokens;
// PJT, modified
Skip splitVariantB(string s, string delimiter) {
int offset
int len
Skip skp = create
if ( findPlainText(s, delimiter, offset, len, false)) {
put(skp, 0, s[0 : offset -1])
put(skp, 1, s[offset +1 :])
return skp
// Brett, modified
Skip splitVariantC (string s, string delim) {
Skip skp = create
int i = 0
Regexp split = regexp "^(.*)" delim "(.*)$"
while (split s) {
string temp_s = s[match 1]
put(skp, i++, s[match 2])
s = temp_s
put(skp, i++, s[match 2])
return skp
Skip splitVariantD(string str, string pattern) {
if (null(pattern) || 0 == length(pattern))
pattern = " ";
if (pattern == " ")
str = stringStrip(stringSqueeze(str, ' '));
Skip result = create;
int i = 0; // index for searching in str
int j = 0; // index counter for result array
bool found = true;
while (found) {
// find pattern
int pos = 0;
int len = 0;
found = findPlainText(str[i:], pattern, pos, len, true);
if (found) {
// insert into result
put(result, j++, str[i:i+pos-1]);
i += pos + len;
// append the rest after last found pattern
put(result, j, str[i:]);
return result;
Quick join&split I could come up with. Seams to work okay.
int array_size(Array a){
int size = 0;
while( !null(get(a, size, 0) ) )
return size;
void array_push_str(Array a, string str){
int array_index = array_size(a);
put(a, str, array_index, 0);
string array_get_str(Array a, int index){
return (string get(a, index, 0));
string str_join(string joiner, Array str_array){
Buffer joined = create;
int array_index = 0;
joined += "";
for(array_index = 0; array_index < array_size(str_array); array_index++){
joined += array_get_str(str_array, array_index);
if( array_index + 1 < array_size(str_array) )
joined += joiner;
return stringOf(joined)
Array str_split(string splitter, string str){
Array tokens = create(1, 1);
Buffer buf = create;
int str_index;
buf = "";
for(str_index = 0; str_index < length(str); str_index++){
if( str[str_index:str_index] == splitter ){
array_push_str(tokens, stringOf(buf));
buf = "";
buf += str[str_index:str_index];
array_push_str(tokens, stringOf(buf));
delete buf;
return tokens;
If you only split the string once this is how I would do it:
string s = "We prefer questions that can be answered; not just discussed"
string sub = ";"
int offset
int len
if ( findPlainText(s, sub, offset, len, false)) {
/* the reason why I subtract one and add one is to remove the delimiter from the out put.
First print is to print the prefix and then second is the suffix.*/
print s[0 : offset -1]
print s[offset +1 :]
} else {
// no delimiter found
print "Failed to match"
You could also use regular expressions refer to the DXL reference manual. It would be better to use regular expressions if you want to split up the string by multiple delimiters such as str = "this ; is an;example"
This solution will split as many times as needed, or none, if the delimiter doesn't exist in the string.
This is what I have used instead of a traditional "split" command.
It actually skips the creation of an array, and just loops through each string that would be in the array and calls "someFunction" on each of those strings.
string s = "We prefer questions that can be answered; not just discussed"
// for this example, ";" is used as the delimiter
Regexp split = regexp "^(.*);(.*)$"
// while a ";" exists in s
while (split s) {
// save the text before the last ";"
string temp_s = s[match 1]
// call someFunction on the text after the last ";"
someFunction(s[match 2])
// remove the text after the last ";" (including ";")
s = temp_s
// call someFunction again for the last (or only) string
Sorry for necroing an old post; I just didn't find the other answers useful.
Perhaps someone would find handy this fused solution as well. It splits string in Skip, based on delimiter, which can actually have length more then one.
Skip splitString(string s1, string delimit)
int offset, len
Skip splited = create
while(findPlainText(s1, delimit, offset, len, false))
put(splited, s1[0:offset-1], s1[0:offset-1])
s1 = s1[offset+length(delimit):length(s1)-1]
put (splited, s1, s1)
return splited
I tried this out and worked out for me...
string s = "We prefer questions that can be answered,not just discussed,hiyas"
string sub = ","
int offset
int len
string s1=s
if ( findPlainText(s1, sub, offset, len, false)) {
print s1[0 : offset -1]"\n"
s1= s1[offset+1:length(s1)]
print s1
Here is a better implementation. This is a recursive split of the string by searching a keyword.
pragma runLim, 10000
string s = "We prefer questions that can be answered,not just discussed,hiyas;
Next Line,Var1,Nemesis;
Next Line,Var2,Nemesis1;
Next Line,Var3,Nemesis2;
Next Line,Var5,Nemesis4;
string sub = ","
int offset
int len
string searchkey=null
string curr=s
string nxt=s
string searchline=null
string Modulename=""
string Attributename=""
string Attributevalue=""
while(findPlainText(curr,"Next Line", offset,len,false))
int intlen=offset
if(findPlainText(searchkey,"Next Line",offset,len,false))
int counter=0
if (findPlainText(searchline, sub, offset, len, false))
Modulename=searchline[0 : offset -1]
else if(counter==1)
Attributename=searchline[0 : offset -1]
searchline= searchline[offset+1:length(searchline)]
print "Modulename="Modulename " Attributename=" Attributename " Attributevalue= "Attributevalue "\n"
