iOS: Use of other navigation bar for embedded navigation controller - ios

In a view controller, I have an embedded NavigationController with disabled navigation bar. I want to use the navigation bar at the beginning for the embedded NC. How can I achieve that?


How to use custom NavigationBar in ios TabBarController

I'm using a TabController which has a Navigation Controller as it's root and all works fine thus far except i would like to show the NavigationBar of the child viewcontrollers within the tab bar but for now just the tabcontroller's Navigation Bar shows.
This is how the tab bar shows now. with It's NavBar
This is the Navbar of the child ViewController I want to show
Embed a UINavigationController for each tab bar item rather than a UIViewController. You can then make the root view controller of each UINavigationController point to the view controller you want to use for that tab.
This allows each tab to have its own navigation bar and navigation stack.
Also, if you intend on keeping your current navigation controller as the initial view controller, make sure you hide it's navigation bar by unselecting "Shows Navigation Bar" in interface builder
or by setting it in UITabBarController:
self.navigationController?navigationBar.isHidden = true
or by setting it in UINavigationController:
self.navigationBar.isHidden = true

Navigation Bar not showing in embed Navigation Controller

I'm trying to display the navigation bar at the top of the screen, but it's not showing in embed navigation controller.
Here is how it is in the storyboard:
And here it's in the simulator:
As you can see, I created a custom TabBar (following this tutorial) at the bottom of the screen so I can navigate between the different views.
I believe that I'm going to have to load the navbar programatically because the only solution that I found was to set the navigation controller as the initial view controller, but I already set another view as the initial one so I can't do that.
Issue :
When you instantiate a viewController using storyBoard identifier they wont come with free embedded navigation controller, even if you have added a NavigationController to them. As a result you are adding a viewController without navigation bar to your tab bar VC.
Solution1: If you want each child viewControllers to carry their own navigation controller hence their own navigation stack, provide a storyboard identifier to Navigation Controller behind your child viewControllers and instantiate the Navigation controller itself rather than ViewController. And add NavigationController as you tab bar looking VC's child. Because navigation controller loads the embdedded VC by default you will see your child VC with nav bar.
Solution2: All that you care for is only nav bar than add the Navigation Controller behind the VC containing tab bar looking View.
Hope it helps
Have you tried constraining the navigation bar to your view? Otherwise it can move offscreen.
You need to point the tab bar controller segue to the navigation controller of your view - otherwise if you point the segue straight to the view you're just loading the view without any navigation controller attached.

iOS navigation with TabBarController and NavigationController

I have a RootViewController which is a TabBarController which have 5 ChildViewControllers. Each child is a NavigationController. Each child will be able present a FullScreenController which have modalTransitionStyle set to OverFullScreen and present by calling showDetailViewController. The FullScreenController need to be able to further navigate which will push another ViewController into the current NavigationController.
The problem I am facing is that the FullScreenController is presented by the TabBarController, and I cant present the original TabBarController again since it is the PresentingViewController of the FullScreenController.
Anyone know how to properly support a ViewController hierarchy with the following requirements
Should support a navigation bar and a tab bar
Should be able to present a FullScreenController which don't have navigation bar and tab bar
The FullScreenController can navigate to another ViewController which have both navigation bar and tab bar
Should support navigate backward
Each tab on the tab bar represent its own navigation stack
You can add full screen view as child controller to Each Tab bar controller and keep the close button from full screen view (close will take them back to tab bar view).
Hope this will help.

Do I need to implement a Navigation Controller to make a UISearchViewController?

I'm working on my first iOS app and I'm realizing just right now that I don't have a navigation controller. Since I'm already pretty far in the app and not completely sure of how I would implement a navigation controller, I was wondering if I would need one in order to implement a search controller, meaning a UITableViewController with like a navigation bar on top.
To implement a Navigation Controller you just need to select the View Controller in storyboard then Click up top Editor -> Embed In -> Navigation Controller. You could also just add a navigation bar to the top of the View Controller you are using.
These are the two options for adding a navigation bar, however, neither is required for adding a search bar.
You do not need to add a navigation controller just to display a navigation bar. Navigation bar can be added to any UIViewController.
You can also add just the search controller in a navigation controller, without affecting your other view controllers. This will add a Navigation bar to the search controller and also allow you to navigate to (Push) other view controllers.

UITabBarController with many UINavigationControllers?

I need some help figuring out the anatomy of my app.
What I need is a tab bar that also have a top navigation bar. And then each view controller within the tab bar will need to have buttons that can transition in new views within this tab. Does that make sense?
So my question is, how should I set this up. Should it be a main tabarviewcontroller and then each view has a separate nagivationcontroller? Or should it be a navigation controller that has the tab bar as a root. And then just use that navigation controller to do any transitions within the viewcontroller?
Your main view can be a UITabBarController, and you can add your UINavigationControllers to the tab bar viewControllers array. Each navigation controller will have a separate navigation bar and function independently. Clicking on a tab will switch to the appropriate navigation controller.
