Do Amazon Lex instances have to be re-built / published each time the contents of a Custom Slot changes? - amazon-lex

The problem is a Chatbot interface to a CMS.
The content updates many times a day, and I'd like to build a "tell me about " intent.
In an ideal world, the XXX could be passed into Lambda "unchanged", but Lex can't do that. [The old "Address" trick doesn't really work any more - they seem to validate.]
So the only option seems to be to trigger a "Slot values" update from the CMS.
So, does that take affect on a published Lex intent immediately, or do we also need to rebuild the instance every time someone publishes a new thing?

No, it doesn't.
It's not clear from the API what extra steps are needed to "republish", but updating a custom slot through the API does not attach it to any running intents, not even those set to "use current version of the slot."

I'd assume at this point that Lex will rebuild itself.


Amazon-lex returning clarification prompt for all inputs

I am trying to create a chatbot in amazon lex but no matter what input I type it returns the clarification prompt to me. I have currently configured the bot with 2 slots mnemonic and company and with 2 sample utterances in a single intent requestParameterInfo
what is the {mnemonic}​ value for {company}​
what is the {mnemonic}​ value for {company}​ for the year {date}
any suggestions why this might be happening ?
Couple things to check:
Make sure your Slots have a number of good example values.
Make sure you have built the bot and are testing on the current version.
Under monitoring, check the missed utterances and add them as sample utterances.
Check your Lambda initialization and validation hook is not overriding or otherwise messing with the request.
If none of these are the case, it could be that the values you are providing for {mnemonic} may not be able to be identified by Lex. I've seen this issue when trying to detect yes and no as a slot, and wouldn't be surprised if other words, or non-words are not detected.

Delete job posting after a set time

I am trying to develop a web application that allows users to post a short job description and set a time limit as to when the message should cease to show on a time line. (NB: The post is not deleted it only ceases to show up on time lines) The least time is 4hrs other times are in multiples of 4 up to 24hrs. I don't know the best way to approach this, I am thinking of doing some multi-threading but I am not sure if that is the right approach. In essence I am trying to build something like snapchat but a text based one.
I would to know if:
I need a special hosting package to host such an application.
If multi threading is a viable option
What would you do if you were building an app like this.
NB: I am using ASP.NET with C#
You don't need any threading or special processes, just a better database design.
Also, deleting items from a database generally isn't a good idea, instead just modify your design to be like this:
JobPostings( JobPostingId bigint, Title nvarchar, Description nvarchar, VisibleUntil datetime )
then just exclude old job postings from your queries:
SELECT * FROM JobPostings WHERE VisibleUntil >= NOW()

Specflow Feature File Best Practice

Thanks in advance for the help.
My question pertains to best practices inside a SpecFlow feature file?
Is using a wait command inside of the feature file considered bad practice.
And i click on the username
And wait 5 seconds
And i input new value into last name
The wait command forces a 5 second wait. I am doing this to make sure the page is loaded to prevent "element not found" errors or other errors. Basically to make sure I have a clean page to manipulate.
Would a better practice be to use a wait inside of the Step file itself?
//using Fluent Automation
I.WaitUntil(() => ());
I.Wait(); //timespan
My reasoning for not using the Fluent Automation wait is:
By utilizing the Fluent Automation method you are dependent on the default timeout in the Settings object. The default timeout in some cases may not be long enough or may be to long. Seems very verbose to me to continually change/reset the Settings object with the only benefit being to remove wait commands from the feature file.
So what is really the best practice?
I think the best practice is to keep the feature file for your scenarios, and free of the implementation details.
Since we are following a BDD process ( then the feature file is the output of that conversation between you and the process expert, and the scenario represents the steps that you are going to take to prove that your functionality works for that example. You could hope that those steps define the business process and could be performed by any system, not just the one we might be developing now. Ideally this logic captures our intent and can be reused on any future systems that might replace the current one.
So I just don't see you saying that you need to wait
Although you might want to say
When the page has loaded
and that maps quite nicely onto the fluent automation.

parse an active log file

Looking for a little help getting started on a little project i've had in the back of my mind for a while.
I have log file(s) varying in size depending on how often they are cleaned from 50-500MB. I'd like to write a program that will monitor the log file while its actively being written to. when in use it's being changed pretty quickly easily several hundred lines a second or so. Most if not all of the examples i've seen for reading log/text files are simply open and read file contents into a variable which isn't really feasible to do every time the file changes in this situation. I've not settled on a language to write this in but its on a windows box and I can work in .net flavors / java / or php ( heh dont think php will fly to well for this), and can likely muddle through another language if someone has a suggestion for something well built for handling this.
Essentially I believe what I'm looking for would probably be better described to as a high speed way of monitoring a text file for changes and seeing what those changes are. Each line written is relatively small. (less than 300 characters, so its not big data on each line).
EDIT: to change the wording to hopefully better describe what i'm trying to do. Which is write a program to keep an eye on a log file for a trigger then match a following action to that trigger. So my question here is pertaining to file handling inside a programming language.
I greatly appreciate any thoughts/comments.
If it's incremental then you can just read the whole file the first time you start analyzing logs, then you keep the current size as n. Next time you check (maybe a timed action to check last modified date) just skip first n bytes, read all new bytes and update size.
Otherwise you could use tail -f by getting its stdout and using it for your purposes..
The 'keep an eye on a log file' part of what you are describing is what tail does.
If you plan to implement it in Java, you can check this question: Java IO implementation of unix/linux "tail -f" and add your trigger logic to lines read.
I suggest not reinventing the wheel.
Try using the
All of these applications are open source and free and are capable of monitoring (together) and trigger actions based on input.
filebeats - will read the log file line by line (supports multiline log messages as well) and will send it across to logstash. There are loads of other shippers you can use.
logstash - will take the log messages, filter them, add tags and send the messages to elasticsearch
elasticsearch - will take the log messages and index them, the store them. It is also capable of running actions based on input
kibana - is a user friendly web interface to query and analyze the data. Or just simply put it up on a dashboard.
Hope this helps.

How to log user activity with time spent and application name using 2.0?

I am creating one desktop application in which I want to track user activity on the system like opened Microsoft Excel with file name and worked for ... much of time on that..
I want to create on xml file to maintain that log.
Please provide me help on that.
This feels like one of those questions where you have to figure out what is meant by the question itself. Taken at face value, it sounds like you want to monitor how long a user spends in any process running in their session, however it may be that you only really want to know if, and for how long a user spends time in a specific subset of all running processes.
Since I'm not sure which of these is the correct assumption to make, I will address both as best I can.
Regardless of whether you are monitoring one or all processes, you need to know what processes are running when you start up, and you need to be notified when a new process is created. The first of these requirements can be met using the GetProcesses() method of the System.Diagnostics.Process class, the second is a tad more tricky.
One option for checking whether new processes exist is to call GetProcesses after a specified interval (polling) and determine whether the list of processes has changed. While you can do this, it may be very expensive in terms of system resources, especially if done too frequently.
Another option is to look for some mechanism that allows you to register to be notified of the creation of a new process asynchronously, I don't believe such a thing exists within the .NET Framework 2.0 but is likely to exist as part of the Win32 API, unfortunately I cant give you a specific function name because I don't know what it is.
Finally, however you do it, I recommend being as specific as you can about the notifications you choose to subscribe for, the less of them there are, the less resources are used generating and processing them.
Once you know what processes are running and which you are interested in you will need to determine when focus changes to a new process of interest so that you can time how long the user spends actually using the application, for this you can use the GetForegroundWindow function to get the window handle of the currently focused window.
As far as longing to an XML file, you can either use an external library such as long4net as suggested by pranay's answer, or you can build the log file using the XmlTextWriter or XmlDocument classes in the System.Xml namespace
