How to get Jenkins lastBuild API working with multi-branch pipelines? - jenkins

I've had no problems getting last build details out of Jenkins in the past, but I've struck a weirdly-configured corporate environment, where the API urls are structured like this:
I can find the last build for a specific branch in this heirarchy:
But how to get the last build of a project regardless of branch has defied all my efforts so far.
I can tell you that the obvious (and all non-obvious variations that I've tried) truly, seriously don't work. For instance, this is a complete failure:
And returns "This page isn’t working redirected you too many times."
I'm guessing that the multiple copies of /job/ in the working URLs are a symptom of an unusual structure, so if anyone has any ideas I'm all ears!


Jenkins jobs, history, users - all missing after a reconfigure

This question has been asked multiple times around however 'Reload from disk' didn't work for me.
I opened my local Jenkins after a month, this time it asked me to reconfigure everything including the plugins as well as admin user (it had generated a new password). Moreover, my old jobs, build history, scripts etc. everything has gone missing. I have tried 'Reload from disk', but it did not work. I checked for most known places to see if my folders are available but they aren't.
Please can anyone help me get at least my scripts back?

Suspending a Travis build

I have a travis.yml script as part of a package on my github site. So every time I push an update, it is automatically rebuilt and checked. However, sometimes I know it won't build correctly and I am just pushing my changes to keep from losing them.
Another incentive for suspending a build is that I literally cringe when I receive an e-mail with a subject line saying it has "errored." I wish somebody would tell this Travis guy that "error" is a noun, not a verb.
The best way to handle your travis build would be to setup a branch where the build is trigger and to build in another branch. This way, you will do what you want and only trigger the build when you will do a merge.
About the verb errored, it isn't currently a verb. But it will maybe be, like to google.
error (third-person singular simple present errors, present participle erroring, simple past and past participle errored)
(computing) To function improperly due to an error, especially accompanied by error message.
The web-page took a long time to load and errored out.
Remove that line of code and the script should stop erroring there.
This directory errors with a "Permission denied" message.

CircleCI never completes

I have a Ruby/Rails project I inherited. It's a private github repo, and it's hooked up to CircleCI in the standard way: github won't allow a merge til the required CircleCI tests pass. That's fine, but when I create a pull request, I only get "ci/circleci — Waiting for status to be reported" and that never changes (I waited all weekend). I'm not sure where to look for log files, or what might be going wrong. I'm new to CircleCI. Any help? The last item I see in my circleci dashboard is months ago, so it's almost like it's not seeing the new pull request. But I can see github sending it and getting a 200 reply.
BTW, the circle.yml just sets the machine timezone, nothing else, nothing fancy.
You may need to configure the branch settings:

Jenkins redirect plugin?

I am not super familiar with Jenkins. I just searched the web for "Jenkins Redirect Plugin" but no luck. I renamed a bunch of jobs and turns out it broke all the link names to the previous jobs. So now when one clicks a link in Github they get a 404.
My two options that I can see are:
1. Rename the jobs so they are named incorrectly again. Restoring the old links.
2. Install/write some redirect functionality
Really would like a #2 out there. Any such thing or does this need to be written or maybe there is a #3 out there?

Jenkins fails due to NoClassDefFoundError: org/sonatype/aether/version/VersionConstraint

I'm attempting to set up Jenkins on my server but after building the job things turn south. You can view the console here:
At first I thought this was an issue with me not having configured my nexus yet (since the error contained sonatype, the makers of Nexus), but when I built one of my jobs without it having repository pushing, this still happened.
Any clues? I see there's a question like mine, unanswered however, here
Have a look at the Maven explanation for it. This might be your error.
