Monitor Nginx and Docker using google-stackdriver - docker

I have few servers which is on premise. I need to monitor Nginx and Docker containers using stackdriver. I installed the monitoring agent from GCP and I'm having difficulties in configuring it. I'm actually new to this monitoring and logging in GCP, If someone can help me or post some articles related to this it would be so helpful. Thanks.


Monitoring Openwhisk cluster

We have openwhisk setup on onPrem on Docker. I want to moniter it via prometheus and grafana tool. How can I intergrate Kamon with my cluster and prometheous? As a DevOps guy, I need to monitor every single point of my openwhisk cluster.
Also, there is a docker image "kamon/grafana_graphite" which may help me in the cluster monitoring. But there is zero documentation available that how can I connect it to my openwhisk cluster.
You can find the documentation inside the docs directory

Where can I host docker containers

Maybe this is a trivial question, but I am new to docker and definitely not an expert on web hosting. I couldn't find the exact answer to this question on google, and this might be something that would interest a lot of other people.
What are my options for web hosting for docker containers? If docker can be run anywhere, does that mean that I can host my containerized app on LAMP shared hosting? Or do I need a VPS and set it up somehow for docker platform? I also heard about AWS providing some hosting for docker, so I am confused about what can docker be hosted on, and if someone can explain me it would be of great help.
Docker can be run in Ubuntu, Linux, recent windows server 2016 support docker. Docker can be installed in any one of above server with bare minimum requirements. Coming to cloud hosting , cloud provides platform to manage docker container like DC/os, kubernetes etc but not docker as service. To install docker it's require vps or in on-primise server

Unable to run a health check on a docker image deployed to Pivotal Cloud Foundry

I'm unable to run a health check other than process on a docker image deployed to Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
I can deploy fine with health-check-type=process, but that isn't terribly useful. Once the container is up and running I can access the health check http endpoint at /nuxeo/runningstatus, but PCF doesn't seem to be able to check that endpoint, presumably because I'm deploying a pre-built docker container rather that an app via source or jar.
I've modified the timeout to be something way longer than it needs to be, so that isn't the problem. Is there some other way of monitoring dockers deployed to PCF?
The problem was the docker container exposed two ports, one on which the healthcheck endpoint was accessible and another that could be used for debugging. PCF always chose to try to run the health check against the debug port.
There is no way to specify, for PCF, a port for the health check to run against. It chooses among the exposed ports and for a reason I don't know always chose the the one intended for debugging.
I tried reordering the ports in the Dockerfile, but that had no effect. Ultimately I just removed the debug port from being exposed in the Docker file and things worked as expected.

cAdvisor: How to run it with a remote docker API?

Is there a way to run a cAdvisor container in a Monitoring server and monitor docker containers in a separate server? Is there a command I can include when running cAdvisor?
Because I want to be able to monitor containers in a separate server but I’m not sure how to achieve that…
Any suggestions or shared knowledge would be very helpful. Thank you.
To take measurements from different machines, you will have to deploy cAdvisor to every separate server.
My source is:
A monitoring solution for Docker hosts, containers and containerized services
Extending the monitoring system
Dockprom Grafana dashboards can be easily extended to cover more then one Docker host. In order to monitor more hosts, all you need to do is to deploy a node-exporter and a cAdvisor container on each host and point the Prometheus server to scrape those.
On how to create and start a container by using the remote api, you can check this answer: How to use docker remote api to create container?

How to create a docker cluster with MQ without Kubernetes

How to create a docker cluster with MQ without Kubernetes ? or with kubernetes is also fine , but has any one configured this before ? if so can you please help me out ?
If you are referring to fabric8 MQ I understand from their website that they only run kubernetes based. And from what I understand it's a packaged platform that used Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes for easier Microservices development.
I haven't done the setup myself yet, but I assume their quickstart may be a good starting point.
