Is it ok to forward a JWT between two custom services? - oauth-2.0

I'm using Azure AD Implicit Flow for authentication between a SPA and a WebApi.
I want to know if it would be ok/save to redirect from the SPA to a intermediary service of my own as well with the BearerToken, and forward once more, from there, the Bearer token to the WebApi.

If they belong to the same security domain (i.e. under control by the same entity) in principle that is not a problem. You should take precautions against token leakage/exposure, as always.


OAuth2.0 without OIDC (Plain OAuth2.0)

As far as I understand, applications that we can login with our different accounts use OpenID Connect(A profile of OAuth2.0).
OAuth is for Authorization and OIDC is for authentication(It has ID Token-User Info Endpoint).
So, was it not possible to login to an application from another application account using OAuth before OIDC? (If possible, how?)
If plain OAuth can't be used for authentication, what is/was it used for?
I mean what does it do with 'authorization' exactly?
What does it get from the resource service with the access token?
I have always found the jargon around this unhelpful so I understand your confusion. Here is a plain English summary:
OAuth 2.0
Before OIDC apps used OAuth 2.0 to get tokens, and this involved optional user consent. The process of getting tokens was termed 'delegation'.
In practical terms though all real world OAuth 2.0 providers also included authentication in order for their system to be secure. How authentication was done is not defined in OAuth specifications.
OAuth is primarily about protecting data, where scopes and claims are the mechanisms. These links provide further info:
IAM Primer
Scope Best Practices
Claims Best Practices
This just adds some clearer definition around how authentication messages before and after authentication should work:
A client simply includes an openid scope to use OpenID Connect
A client may force a login during a redirect via a prompt=login parameter
A client may request an authentication method via an acr_values parameter
The client receives an ID token (assertion) once authentication is complete, can digitally verify it if required, then use the information in it (eg a user name)
OIDC still does not define how the actual authentication works though.
Use them together
Pretty much all OAuth secured apps (and libraries) these days use both together, so that the authentication and delegation both use standards based solutions. It gives you the best application features and design patterns for doing the security well.

SPA calling a WebAPI calling a WebAPI

I am building a SPA (javascript) which will call WebAPI A (.net MVC API) and which in turn will call (server side) WebAPI B (.net MVC API).
All three entities are protected by ADFS4 (OAuth2). In my workflow I want WebAPI A to call WebAPI B on behalf of the user who has logged into the SPA.
In reading the various documentation by Microsoft I found that the scenario described in the following article applies best to my case:
The article assumes that the client application can perform the authorization grand flow. Nevertheless in my case I am dealing with a SPA which should be using the implicit flow of OAuth2. In addition even if I wanted to use the authorization grand flow I would still need to do a POST on the token endpoint of ADFS from the SPA which is not possible as ADFS4 does not offer a way to add CORS headers. I could of course deploy a proxy in front of it and add the headers... I have not explored this option yet.
I found a solution to make this work but it seems more like a hack to me; The SPA during login requests two tokens (1 for WebAPI A and 1 for WebAPI B) from ADFS4. It passes both tokens to the WebAPI A which knows that the 2nd token is for accessing WebAPI B.
Does this solution seem correct? Should I be doing something differently?
Thank you!
1) SPA cannot accesss directly WebAPI B as it is accessible only internally.
2) Assume I have total control over development on all three entities.
it's not a good idea to use the authorization code flow for SPA application, because you have to really keep the secret key that can generate access_token, which is not secure in that case.
i suggest that you use the implicit flow for you spa application and between your servers use the authorization code flow, this way you are sure about security

IdentityServer4 app architecture

I currently have the ability to host one and only one site (meaning under one domain). I will have a SPA front-end, Web Api resource, and then IdentityServer4 for security (utilizing AspNetCore Identity framework for user management).
Something feels "wrong" with this approach as a single hosted site architecture. I believe AspNet Identity creates an auth cookie once authenticated, and then IdentityServer would be serving up JWT tokens for my SPA to call my API.
Upon further reflection though, this seems misguided. The thing that seems off is that I believe my API calls will also have the auth cookie automatically attached along with the JWT token in the header because the API call will be requesting from the same domain as the auth cookie was generated. And so it seems I'm using two forms of authentication at once unnecessarily... thoughts?
In other words, when everything is running under one domain, is adding IdentityServer4 to an AspNetCore Identity-enabled application unnecessary? The one benefit to plumbing in IdentityServer4 would be to future proof the application if it were to ever be deployed separate from its Resource (Web Api), then you would have nothing but configuration to modify.

HowTo Request an ActAsToken from IdenityServer, holding an OAuth2 JWT bearer token in the WebApi?

We're trying to extend our current infrastructure to be able to use WebApi/OAuth2 for our mobile apps. Currently we have been using SAML tokens for the mobile apps but it's to heavy. I was hoping somebody here could point me to the right direction for getting and ActAsToken for our already WIF protected WCF services ... We've come to a point were we have imported the AuthorizationServer from ThinkTecture into our solution, and we're now holding a fully legit JWT token which we use from our codeExample calling the WebApi. We've made the first call into the protected WebApi project and we can access the claims on the ClaimsPrincipal from within the WebApi.
So far, so good ... I've seen multiple examples on how to get into the secured WebApi and I've done that successfully with OAuth2. But now I need to get from the WebApi, down to the Middletier WCF services which are protected by WIF, using SAML tokens ( we still want to use the SAML tokens for the WCF services, we've already got the speed increase by getting the OAuth2 refresh_tokens/access tokens into our mobile devices ).
I'm wondering how we'll go from here, making an active signin against our StandardTokenService to get an SAML ActAs-token so the WebApi can call our middletier WCF services which are protected with SAML tokens. I found a similar post on this matter here; Identity Delegation ActAs with JsonWebToken but so far it's still unanswered.
This post above has a similar setup to ours - we need to get a DelegationToken (ActAs) from our IDP, from our holding JWT OAuth2 token inside the WebApi project.
Am I missing something? I want to get the ActAs token from within the secured WebApi to be able to call the all our WCF services in the middletier which are already protected by WIF using SAML tokens.
We want the mobile devices to contain the JWT refresh token/access tokens to speed things up ( instead of bullblown saml tokens ) but then we need to get the ActAs tokens, calling from the WebApi to be able to communicate with the WCF services on the middletier. The ideal solution would be to able to create a RequestSecurityToken (RST) with enough information populated from the JWT to be able to issue out a legit ActAs token ( before we populated the RequestSecurityToken (RST) from the SAML bootstraptoken ) for the WebApi to use.
Kind regards,

Authentication-Authorization issue when dealing with WebAPI

I'm re-developing an app as a web app (the "previous" iteration was in VB6) to run on azure. One requirement is that we only use facebook/google authentication (OAuth 2.0). Another business requirement lead me to break my project into the following schema:
1 Project for the WebAPI 2.0
1 Project for Controllers
1 for Data Access (typical layer pattern)
N Projects for MVC 5 front-end
The idea is that the MVC projects will only consume the WebAPI via javascript/json! The N MVC projects will contain just the GET implementation for the pages. No models or others actions (post for example). In other words the MVC projects are completally disconnectd from the other projects and should have no intelligence what-so-ever!
This is the selected way because of (bitchy clients and) limited time constraints.
Anyway, as you can notice the "core" (WebAPI + controllers + DA) is shared. The core is in fact a multi-tenant service. (but remember the disconnected facet!)
My problem here is: How do I handle Authorization? What/how should treat the passing of the claims between the MVC projects and the WebAPI? Im lost here. After some thought, I came to the conclusion that I need to make the WebAPI project act as a proxy here, something like:
Random users lands on
Chooses a login provider
The MVC project redirects the user signaling facebook to return to
I intercept the claim and redirect the user to the original or something...
Am I getting it wrong?
You have to use OAuth 2 for authentication and authorization purpose in this scenario. Yes, you should be making the authentication at the MVC level and then use tokens to keep the security intact for rest calls.
Here your MVC application should get a Bearer token from the identity provider like google and then hide it some where on the form. Then for every jquery request you make to web api, you have to send this bearer token in the request.
This is considered kind of hack and I do not encourage it. And this works only if both the systems are in same domain.
If both MVC and Web API are on different domains, then you can think of using Azure ACS Service Identity to build the trust between domains. Then pass the bearer token of User claims in the payload of the request.
This is much more better way to handle this but must be accompanied with proper token revocation and https security.
