Deployment with Ansible in Jenkins pipeline - docker

I have an Ansible playbook to deploy a java application (jar) on AWS EC2. I would like to use it inside a Jenkins pipeline as 'Deploy' step. To deploy on EC2, I need the downloaded private ssh key when the instance was created.
I have 2 choices :
Install ansible on the machine hosting Jenkins, insert the private SSH key in Jenkins, and use ansible-playbook plugin to deploy my app
Take a base docker image with ansible installed, extend it by inserting my private SSH key, and use this docker image to deploy my app
From a security point of view, what is best ?

For option 1, it's recommended to create a new user account, e.g. jenkins in the EC2 instance without sudo privilege, or at least passcode protected sudo
And it's a good scenario that using Ansible to manage those users accounts, it limits usage of the super key created by AWS
While for option 2, Docker is a good scenario of immutable deployment, which means the configuration should be determined even before the image is ready, so that Ansible is not quite useful in this scenario.
Different conf means different images to be created
Maybe you still use Ansible to manage those DockerFiles rather than initiate Ansible and interact with the application itself
The 2 options look quite different from each other in terms of how you design your system more than security concern
Do let me know you need more clarification


Move Jenkins config from one Kubernetes cluster to another

I have inherited a Jenkins installation which is used by multiple remote teams, and running on an Amazon EKS cluster. For reasons that are not really relevant, I need to move this Jenkins workload to a new EKS cluster.
Deploying jenkins itself is not a major issue, I am doing so using helm. The persistence of the existing jenkins deployment is bound to an Amazon EBS volume, the persistence of the new deployment will also be. The mount point will be /var/jenkins_home
I'm trying to find a simple way of migrating everything from the current jenkins installation and configuration to the new one. This includes mainly:
Authorization Strategy (RBAC)
Cloud and Agent Config
I know that everything required is most likely in Jenkins Home. Could I in theory just dump out the current Jenkins Home folder and import into the new running jenkins container using kubetl cp or something like that? Is there an easier way? Is this unsafe in some way?

I want to deploy an image Docker ( perhaps to tomcat ? or other)

I want to deploy an image docker which is in my private docker registry, I don't know how to deploy it and on which server ( tomcat, Kubernetes? or ....).
I want to do it with a job or pipeline Jenkins in the same machine. Thank you for your proposals
There are many ways to address this, a sample action would be something like this
Have a Dockerfile with required statements as per your requirement within your codebase or context path
Create a jenkins pipeline with docker plugin(you may have to set the credentials of your private registry in plugins section)
Let it build and push based on hook or manual action.
Makesure you tag your images well and keep them unique.

Starting already existing VM with Jenkins on Google Cloud

I am trying to start a VM that already exist in Google cloud with my jenkins to use it as a slave. The reason is because if I start the template of this VM I need to do a few things before I can use my Jenkins code.
Does anyone know how to start VM's that already exist in my VM Pool in Google Could via Jenkins?
There might be 2 approaches to this depending on the operations that you need to run before in your machine that is preventing you from just recreating it.
First and possibly the most straightforward given the restriction that the machine already exists would be talking directly to the GCE API in order to list and start the machine from Jenkins (using a build step).
Basically you can make requests to the GCE API to do operations with your instances. I suggest doing this using gcloud from within the Jenkins master node as it'll save you having to write your own client. It's straightforward as you only have to "install" it in your master and you can make it work safely using a service account.
Below is the outline of this approach:
Download the cloud-sdk to your master node following these release instructions.
You can do this once outside of Jenkins or directly in the build step, doesn't matter as long as Jenkins and its user is able to get the binary.
Create the service account, generate authentication keys and give it permissions to interact with GCE.
Using a service account is the way to go as you can restrict its permissions to the operations that are relevant for you.
Once you get the service account that will be bound to your gcloud client, you'll need to set it up in Jenkins. You might want to do this in a build step (I'm using Groovy here but it should be easy to translate it to the UI):
//Considering that you already installed gcloud in this node, but you can also curl it from here if that's convenient
// You can set this as an scope env var in Jenkins or just hard code it
gcloud config set project ${GOOGLE_PROJECT_ID};
// This needs a json file location accessible by jenkins like: --key-file /var/lib/jenkins/..key.json
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file ${GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY};
// Check the reference on this command:
gcloud compute instances start my_existing_instance;
echo "Instance started"
println "Result : ${currentBuild.result}";
Wrapping up: You basically create a service account that has the permissions to start your instances. Download an client that can interact with the GCE API (gcloud), authenticate it and start the instance, all from within your pipeline.
The second approach might be easier if there were no constraints regarding the preexisting machine.
Jenkins has a plugin for Compute Engine that will automatically spin up new workers whenever needed.
I know that you need to do some previous operations before Jenkins sends some work to these slave machines. However, I want to bring to your attention that this plugin also considers the start up scripts.
So there's always the option to preload your operations there before the machine takes off and by the time it's ready, you might have everything done.
Hope this helps.

Using jenkins and docker to deploy to server

Hey I am currently learn Jenkins pipeline for CI and CD
I was successfully deploy my express js by Jenkins
On locally machine my server
It was for server and my ENV was show off on my public repository
I am here trying to understand more how to hide that ENV on my Jenkins? That use variable
And is that possible to use variable on Dockerfile also to hide my ENV ?
On my Jenkins Pipeline
I run my ENV on docker run -p -e myEnV=key
I do love to hide my ENV so people didn't know my keys inside on my Jenkinsfile and Dockerfile
I am using multi branches in jenkins because I follow the article on hackernoon for deploy react and node js app with Jenkins
And anyway, what advantages to push our container or image to Docker Hub?
If we push it to there and if we want to move our server to another server
We just need to pull our repo Docker Hub to use that to new server because what we have been build everytime it push to our repo Docker Hub , right ?
For your first question, you should use EnvInject Plugin. or If you are running Docker from the pipeline, then set Environment variable in Jenkins, then access these environment variables in Docker run command.
in the pipeline, you can access environment variable like this
So your Docker run command will be
docker run -p -e myEnV=${env.DEVOPS_KEY}
But make sure you have set DEVOPS_KEY in the Jenkins server.
Using EnvInject it pretty much simple.
You can also inject from the file.
For your Second Question, Yes just the pull the image from docker-hub and use it.
Anyone from your Team can pull and run so only the Jenkins server will build and push the image. So it will save time for others and the image will be up to date and will also available remotely.
Never push or keep sensitive data in your Docker image.
Using Docker Hub or any kind of registry like Sonatype Nexus, Registry, JFrog Artifactory helps you to keep your images with their tags and share it with anyone. It also means that the images are safe there. If your local environment goes down, the images will stay there. It also helps for version control. If you are using multibranch pipelines, that means that you probably will generate different images with different tags.
Running Jenkins, working the jobs, doing the deployment is not a good practice. In my experience from previous work, the best exaples are: The server starts being bloated after some time, Jenkins doesn't work the most important times that you need it, The application you have deployed does not work because Jenkins has too many jobs that takes all the resources.
Currently, I am running different servers for Jenkins Master and Slave. Master instance does not run any jobs, only the master instances do. This keeps Jenkins alive all the time. If slaves goes down, you can simply set another slave.
For deployment, I am using Ansible which can simultaneously deploy the same docker image to multiple servers. It is easy to use and in my opinion quite safe as well.
For the sensitive data such as keys, password, api keys, you are right about using -e flag. You can also use --env-file. This way, you can keep it outside of docker image and keep the file. For passwords, I prefer to have a shell script that generates the passwords in environment files.
If you are planning to use the environment as it is, you can keep the value that you are going to set as environment variable inside Jenkins safely. then you can get that value as a variable. You can see it in Jenkins website

How can I deploy to Google Compute Engine via CI/CD

I have a jar and a docker image that I wish to deploy to my Compute Engine instance and run docker compose down/up after it being there. I can use git on the instance if that helps.
I want to do this using CI/CD tools, something like Google cloud build, gitlab, bitbucket pipelines. Ideally something that has a free tier.
I am aware this might be a bit vague, so am willing to add more details if necessary
In your case you can try Jenkins and use an ssh plugin to execute commands on your remote instance and send the files. There are some considerations that you might want to take before doing that.
1.- Add your ssh keys in the metadata for that instance .
2.- Make sure your firewall rules allow incoming traffic on port 22.
Once your instance allows incoming traffic on port 22 and you’d installed the ssh plugin, you just have to type the commands (docker-compose up/down) in the ssh section added by the plugin.
