How to save downloaded files and view in File app using React Native in iOS? - ios

I am using react-native-fs to download files from server and save them. Once they are downloaded I am using react-native-file-viewer to open them. This process totally works fine: I am able to download and open it in the viewer, but I am not able to save the file in the File application from the viewer, though I can save in iCloud but not in the iPhone.
The downloaded file is stored in a place like
but this is not shown in the File app.
The code I am using to download and view the file is as follows
fromUrl: '',
toFile: `${RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath}/react-native-pdfurl.pdf`,
}).promise.then((r) => {
console.log('yo yo yo ');
this.setState({ isDone: true });
const path = `${RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath}/react-native-pdfurl.pdf`;
.then(() => {
// success
.catch(error => {
// error
RNFS.readDir(RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath).then(files => {
.catch(err => {
console.log(err.message, err.code);
The readDir gets me the name path of the file saved. But this is not reflected in any folder in the File application.
My question is how can I save the file in a way that it shows in the File application.

The below code downloads the file and opens it. In case the file already exists it will directly open it.
downloadOpenClick = async (item) => {
try {
let platformName = 'ios';
if (Platform.OS === 'ios'){
platformName = 'ios';
platformName = 'android';
const selectedFile = item;
var dirType=null;
if(Platform.OS === 'ios'){
dirType = RNFS.DocumentDirectoryPath;
await this.requestStoragePermission();
dirType = RNFS.ExternalStorageDirectoryPath+'/AppName';
RNFS.mkdir(dirType+`/Folder`).then(files => {
RNFS.mkdir(dirType+`/Folder/SubFolder`).then(files => {
}).catch(err => {
//console.log(err.message, err.code);
}).catch(err => {
//console.log(err.message, err.code);
var exists = false;
RNFS.exists(`${dirType}/Folder/SubFolder/${selectedFile}`).then( (output) => {
if (output) {
exists = true;
const path = `${dirType}/Folder/SubFolder/${selectedFile}`;
.then(() => {
// success
.catch(error => {
// error
} else {
const selectedFileUrl = selectedFile.replace(/\s/g, '%20');
fromUrl: `https://mywebsite/api/getAttachment?selectedFile=${selectedFileUrl}`,
toFile: `${dirType}/Folder/SubFolder/${selectedFile}`,
background: true,
begin: (res) => {
this.setState({ contentLength: res.contentLength});
progress: (res) => {
this.setState({ showSpinner: true });
var prog = res.bytesWritten/res.contentLength
this.setState({ downloaded : prog});
}).promise.then((r) => {
this.setState({ showSpinner: false });
this.setState({ downloaded : 0});
const path = `${dirType}/${tipoDesc}/${oggetto}/${selectedFile}`;
.then(() => {
// success
.catch(error => {
// error
}).catch(error => {
} catch (error) {
react-native-file-viewer and react-native-fs


React native camera roll not returning any images in getPhotos and getAlbums method in ios

I am currently using #react-native-community/cameraroll currently and i am trying to get images and albums on my ios device.
The following is the code I tried
.then((res) => {
console.log("result 1", res)
}).catch((error) => { })
.then((res) => {
console.log("result 2", res)
.catch((error) => {
result 1 and result 2 give the following result
result 1 {"edges": [], "page_info": {"has_next_page": false}}
result 2 []
Any help would be appreciated. The same code works well on Android.
I tried with a lot of combinations and the one below worked for the ios device -
CameraRoll.getPhotos({ first: 5000, assetType: 'Photos' })
.then((result) => {
const tempBuckets = [];
var edgesArr = result.edges;
}).catch((error) => { })
The result here contains an edges array that has all the images and their respective properties.
The count '5000' is an arbitrary number i have used, without which the result array obtained was empty.
the solution is to add permission before request like
async function hasAndroidPermission() {
const permission =
const hasPermission = await PermissionsAndroid.check(permission);
if (hasPermission) {
return true;
const status = await PermissionsAndroid.request(permission);
return status === 'granted';
and use like this
const Gallery = async () =>{
if (Platform.OS === "android" && !(await hasAndroidPermission())) {
CameraRoll.getAlbums({assetType: "Photos", albumType: "All"})
.then((r:any) => {
.catch((err:any) => {
//Error Loading Images

IOS Notification Permission alert does not show

SDK Version: 39.0.0
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): All
I am not getting accept or decline notifications permissions alert when loading my app in production.
I have tried clearing certificates and keys and allowing expo to add everything from a clean slate, but still no luck. I am starting to think maybe it’s my code which is the reason why the alert doesn’t get fired.
import Constants from "expo-constants";
import * as Notifications from "expo-notifications";
import { Permissions } from "expo-permissions";
import { Notifications as Notifications2 } from "expo";
handleNotification: async () => ({
shouldShowAlert: true,
shouldPlaySound: true,
shouldSetBadge: false
export default class LoginScreen extends React.Component {
state = {
email: "",
password: "",
notification: {},
errorMessage: null
async componentDidMount() {
Notifications2.addListener(data => {
this.setState({ notification: data });
_handleNotification = notification => {
this.setState({ notification: notification });
_handleNotificationResponse = response => {
handleLogin = async () => {
try {
const { email, password } = this.state;
const expoPushToken = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
const userinfo = await firebase
.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
console.log("user ID ", userinfo.user.uid);
await firebase
expo_token: expoPushToken["data"]
.then(function() {
console.log("token successfully updated!");
.catch(function(error) {
// The document probably doesn't exist.
console.error("Error updating document: ", error);
} catch (error) {
console.log("=======Error in login", error);
this.setState({ errorMessage: error.message });
registerForPushNotificationsAsync = async () => {
if (Constants.isDevice) {
const { status: existingStatus } = await Permissions.getAsync(
let finalStatus = existingStatus;
if (existingStatus !== "granted") {
const { status } = await Permissions.askAsync(
finalStatus = status;
if (finalStatus !== "granted") {
alert("Failed to get push token for push notification!");
const token = await Notifications.getExpoPushTokenAsync();
//this.setState({ expoPushToken: token });
} else {
alert("Must use physical device for Push Notifications");
if (Platform.OS === "android") {
Notifications.setNotificationChannelAsync("default", {
name: "default",
importance: Notifications.AndroidImportance.MAX,
vibrationPattern: [0, 250, 250, 250],
lightColor: "#FF231F7C"
import { Permissions } from "expo-permissions";
should of been
import * as Permissions from 'expo-permissions';
Sometimes we all make simple mistakes.

RN fetch blob download docx or pdf from URL in IOS

What is done:
Implemented in Android and its getting downloaded in specific DCIM directory in android.
In ios using DocumentDir to download the pdf or docx file. Using "rn-fetch-blob": "^0.12.0";
In IOS it says the message in console :
The file saved to
The code to download is something like this :
downloadFileOnSuccess = async () => {
let dirs =
Platform.OS == 'ios'
? RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DocumentDir
: RNFetchBlob.fs.dirs.DCIMDir;
console.log(dirs, 'document path');
// response data will be saved to this path if it has access right.
fileCache: true,
path: dirs + `/wow13.pdf`,
//some headers ..
.then(res => {
// the path should be dirs.DocumentDir + 'path-to-file.anything'
console.log('The file saved to ', res.path());
But i cannot get where the file is downloaded in my iphone 7 real device. Is there any permission i'm missing in IOS? Havent added any permission for IOS.
Thanks to pruthvi, i got the answer , for ios i need to prompt the user:
.then(resp => {
if (Platform.OS === "ios") {
hope it helps you guys
Latest working solution:
const actualDownload = () => {
const { dirs } = RNFetchBlob.fs;
const dirToSave = Platform.OS == 'ios' ? dirs.DocumentDir : dirs.DownloadDir
const configfb = {
fileCache: true,
useDownloadManager: true,
notification: true,
mediaScannable: true,
title: pdfInfo.pdf,
path: `${dirToSave}/${pdfInfo.pdf}`,
const configOptions ={
ios: {
fileCache: configfb.fileCache,
title: configfb.title,
path: configfb.path,
appendExt: 'pdf',
android: configfb,
console.log('The file saved to 23233', configfb, dirs);
.fetch('GET', `${pdfInfo.pdf}`, {})
.then((res) => {
if (Platform.OS === "ios") {
RNFetchBlob.fs.writeFile(configfb.path,, 'base64');
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
showSnackbar('File downloaded');
console.log('The file saved to ', res);
.catch((e) => {
console.log('The file saved to ERROR', e.message)
Improving on Ajmall Hasan's answer.
I have to change ${pdfInfo.pdf} to ${'pdfInfo.pdf'} to make it work
const actualDownload = () => {
const { dirs } = RNFetchBlob.fs;
const dirToSave = Platform.OS == 'ios' ? dirs.DocumentDir : dirs.DownloadDir
const configfb = {
fileCache: true,
useDownloadManager: true,
notification: true,
mediaScannable: true,
title: pdfInfo.pdf,
path: `${dirToSave}/${'pdfInfo.pdf'}`,
const configOptions ={
ios: {
fileCache: configfb.fileCache,
title: configfb.title,
path: configfb.path,
appendExt: 'pdf',
android: configfb,
console.log('The file saved to ', configfb, dirs);
.fetch('GET', `${'pdfInfo.pdf'}`, {})
.then((res) => {
if (Platform.OS === "ios") {
RNFetchBlob.fs.writeFile(configfb.path,, 'base64');
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
showSnackbar('File downloaded');
console.log('The file saved to ', res);
.catch((e) => {
console.log('The file saved to ERROR', e.message)
GetItem_downloadbtn = (item, itemname) => {
var pdfInfo = itemname;
const { dirs } = RNFetchBlob.fs;
const dirToSave = Platform.OS == 'ios' ? dirs.DocumentDir : dirs.DownloadDir
const configfb = {
fileCache: true,
useDownloadManager: true,
notification: true,
mediaScannable: true,
title: pdfInfo.pdf,
path: `${dirToSave}/${itemname}`,
const configOptions ={
ios: {
fileCache: configfb.fileCache,
title: configfb.title,
path: configfb.path,
appendExt: 'pdf',
android: configfb,
console.log('The file saved to 23233', configfb, dirs);
.fetch('GET', item, {})
.then((res) => {
if (Platform.OS === "ios") {
RNFetchBlob.fs.writeFile(configfb.path,, 'base64');
if (Platform.OS == 'android') {
showSnackbar('File downloaded');
console.log('The file saved to ', res);
.catch((e) => {
console.log('The file saved to ERROR', e.message)

Can I run `stencil push` command without prompt?

I'm trying to configure bitbucket pipelines with bigcommerce stencil.
The problem is the stencil push command asks some questions. I would like to auto-respond those questions.
Is that possible?
These are the questions prompted:
* Would you like to apply your theme to your store at http://xxxxxxx/? (y/N)
* Which variation would you like to apply?
- Light
- Bold
- Warm
You will need to make changes to the existing stencil-cli to make this work.
Stencil-cli uses the Commander package. My solution was to create an additional flag that would skip all the prompts if you supplied a variant name. This was created from stencil-cli version 1.13.1 so you may need to modify the example.
Inside /bin/stencil-push:
#!/usr/bin/env node
const apiHost = '';
const dotStencilFilePath = './.stencil';
const options = { dotStencilFilePath };
const pkg = require('../package.json');
const Program = require('commander');
const stencilPush = require('../lib/stencil-push');
const versionCheck = require('../lib/version-check');
.option('--host [hostname]', 'specify the api host', apiHost)
.option('-f, --file [filename]', 'specify the filename of the bundle to upload')
.option('-a, --activate [variationname]', 'specify the variation of the theme to activate')
if (!versionCheck()) {
stencilPush(Object.assign({}, options, {
apiHost: || apiHost,
bundleZipPath: Program.file,
activate: Program.activate,
}), (err, result) => {
if (err) {
console.log('not ok'.red + ` -- ${err}`);
console.log('Please try again. If this error persists, please visit and submit an issue.');
} else {
console.log('ok'.green + ` -- ${result}`);
Inside /lib/stencil-push.js:
'use strict';
const _ = require('lodash');
const async = require('async');
const Bundle = require('./stencil-bundle');
const fs = require('fs');
const Inquirer = require('inquirer');
const os = require('os');
const ProgressBar = require('progress');
const themeApiClient = require('./theme-api-client');
const themePath = process.cwd();
const themeConfig = require('./theme-config').getInstance(themePath);
const uuid = require('uuid4');
const utils = {};
const Wreck = require('wreck');
const bar = new ProgressBar('Processing [:bar] :percent; ETA: :etas', {
complete: '=',
incomplete: ' ',
total: 100,
module.exports = utils;
function validateOptions(options, fields) {
options = options || {};
fields = fields || [];
fields.forEach(field => {
if (!_.has(options, field)) {
throw new Error(`${field} is required!`);
return options;
utils.readStencilConfigFile = (options, callback) => {
options = validateOptions(options, ['dotStencilFilePath']);
fs.readFile(options.dotStencilFilePath, { encoding: 'utf8' }, (err, data) => {
if (err) { = 'StencilConfigReadError';
return callback(err);
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, {
config: JSON.parse(data),
utils.getStoreHash = (options, callback) => {
options = validateOptions(options, ['config.normalStoreUrl']);
Wreck.get(`${options.config.normalStoreUrl}/admin/oauth/info`, { json: true, rejectUnauthorized: false }, (error, response, payload) => {
if (error) { = 'StoreHashReadError';
return callback(error);
if (response.statusCode !== 200 || !payload.store_hash) {
const err = new Error('Failed to retrieve store hash'); = 'StoreHashReadError';
return callback(err);
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, { storeHash: payload.store_hash }));
utils.getThemes = (options, callback) => {
const config = options.config;
accessToken: config.accessToken,
apiHost: options.apiHost,
clientId: config.clientId,
storeHash: options.storeHash,
}, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return callback(error);
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, {
themes: result.themes,
utils.generateBundle = (options, callback) => {
let bundle;
if (options.bundleZipPath) {
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options));
bundle = new Bundle(themePath, themeConfig, themeConfig.getRawConfig(), {
dest: os.tmpdir(),
name: uuid(),
bundle.initBundle((err, bundleZipPath) => {
if (err) { = 'BundleInitError';
return callback(err);
callback(null, Object.assign(options, { bundleZipPath: options.bundleZipPath || bundleZipPath }));
utils.uploadBundle = (options, callback) => {
const config = options.config;
accessToken: config.accessToken,
apiHost: options.apiHost,
bundleZipPath: options.bundleZipPath,
clientId: config.clientId,
storeHash: options.storeHash,
}, (error, result) => {
if (error) { = 'ThemeUploadError';
return callback(error);
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, {
jobId: result.jobId,
themeLimitReached: !!result.themeLimitReached,
utils.notifyUserOfThemeLimitReachedIfNecessary = (options, callback) => {
if (options.themeLimitReached) {
console.log('warning'.yellow + ` -- You have reached your upload limit. In order to proceed, you'll need to delete at least one theme.`);
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options));
utils.promptUserToDeleteThemesIfNecessary = (options, callback) => {
if (!options.themeLimitReached) {
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options));
const questions = [{
choices: => ({
disabled: theme.is_active || !theme.is_private,
value: theme.uuid,
message: 'Which theme(s) would you like to delete?',
name: 'themeIdsToDelete',
type: 'checkbox',
validate: (val) => {
if (val.length > 0) {
return true;
} else {
return 'You must delete at least one theme';
Inquirer.prompt(questions, (answers) => {
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, answers));
utils.deleteThemesIfNecessary = (options, callback) => {
const config = options.config;
if (!options.themeLimitReached) {
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options));
async.parallel( => {
return cb => {
accessToken: config.accessToken,
apiHost: options.apiHost,
clientId: config.clientId,
storeHash: options.storeHash,
}, options), cb);
}), err => {
if (err) { = 'ThemeDeletionError';
return callback(err);
callback(null, options);
utils.uploadBundleAgainIfNecessary = (options, callback) => {
if (!options.themeLimitReached) {
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options));
utils.uploadBundle(options, callback);
utils.notifyUserOfThemeUploadCompletion = (options, callback) => {
console.log('ok'.green + ' -- Theme Upload Finished');
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options));
utils.markJobProgressPercentage = percentComplete => {
bar.update(percentComplete / 100);
utils.markJobComplete = () => {
console.log('ok'.green + ' -- Theme Processing Finished');
utils.pollForJobCompletion = () => {
return async.retryable({
interval: 1000,
errorFilter: err => {
if ( === "JobCompletionStatusCheckPendingError") {
return true;
return false;
}, utils.checkIfJobIsComplete);
utils.checkIfJobIsComplete = (options, callback) => {
const config = options.config;
accessToken: config.accessToken,
apiHost: options.apiHost,
clientId: config.clientId,
storeHash: options.storeHash,
bundleZipPath: options.bundleZipPath,
jobId: options.jobId,
}, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return callback(error);
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, result));
utils.promptUserWhetherToApplyTheme = (options, callback) => {
if (options.activate) {
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, { applyTheme: true }));
} else {
const questions = [{
type: 'confirm',
name: 'applyTheme',
message: `Would you like to apply your theme to your store at ${options.config.normalStoreUrl}?`,
default: false,
Inquirer.prompt(questions, answers => {
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, { applyTheme: answers.applyTheme }));
utils.getVariations = (options, callback) => {
if (!options.applyTheme) {
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options));
accessToken: options.accessToken,
apiHost: options.apiHost,
clientId: options.clientId,
themeId: options.themeId,
storeHash: options.storeHash,
}, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return callback(error);
if (options.activate !== true && options.activate !== undefined) {
const findVariation = result.variations.find(item => === options.activate);
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, { variationId: findVariation.uuid }));
} else if (options.activate === true) {
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, { variationId: result.variations[0].uuid }));
} else {
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, result));
utils.promptUserForVariation = (options, callback) => {
if (!options.applyTheme) {
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options))
if (options.variationId) {
callback(null, options);
} else {
const questions = [{
type: 'list',
name: 'variationId',
message: 'Which variation would you like to apply?',
choices: => ({ name:, value: variation.uuid })),
Inquirer.prompt(questions, answers => {
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, answers));
utils.requestToApplyVariationWithRetrys = () => {
return async.retryable({
interval: 1000,
errorFilter: err => {
if ( === "VariationActivationTimeoutError") {
console.log('warning'.yellow + ` -- Theme Activation Timed Out; Retrying...`);
return true;
return false;
times: 3,
}, utils.requestToApplyVariation);
utils.requestToApplyVariation = (options, callback) => {
if (!options.applyTheme) {
return async.nextTick(callback.bind(null, null, options));
accessToken: options.accessToken,
apiHost: options.apiHost,
clientId: options.clientId,
storeHash: options.storeHash,
variationId: options.variationId,
}, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
return callback(error);
callback(null, Object.assign({}, options, result));
utils.notifyUserOfCompletion = (options, callback) => {
callback(null, 'Stencil Push Finished');
This allowed me to use something like stencil push --activate bold to specify a variation and skip all of the prompts.
As of version 1.15.1 this seems to be available with the -a, --activate [variationname] switch for stencil push
> stencil push -a "My Variant" worked for me
Thanks Nikita Puza!
It works like a charm. I applied the changes on stencil 1.14.1 version and the source code looks exactly the same.
The only difference is the second file is called stencil-push.utils.js instead of stencil-push.js

sails.js req.file.upload with bluebird promise

I'm using sails.js as my backend with bluebird promise, I tried to upload file using req.file.upload, the callback way works just fine and the file gets uploaded:
maxBytes: 2000000,
dirname: 'uploadFolder'
}, function (err, files) {
if (err) {
return res.serverError(err);
return res.ok();
But the promise way does not:
var Promise = require('bluebird');
var fileUploader = Promise.promisify(req.file('file').upload);
maxBytes: 2000000,
dirname: currentUploadFolder
}).then(function(files) {
return Promise.resolve(files);
}).catch(function(err) {
return Promise.reject(err);
File doesn't get uploaded and the console keeps complaining:
data: app.js:1800 - [TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined]
Any thoughts please?
This case is unique and you can't use promisify here. You need to create new Promise and return it.
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
maxBytes: 2000000,
dirname: 'uploadFolder'
}, function (error, files) {
return error ? reject(error) : resolve(files);
You can move it to helper\services\whatever and got something like this
// api/services/UploadService.js
module.exports = {
uploadFile: function(req) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
maxBytes: 2000000,
dirname: 'uploadFolder'
}, function (error, files) {
return error ? reject(error) : resolve(files);
// api/controllers/AnyController.js
module.exports = {
upload: function(req, res) {
