Eventbrite find user id when given Organisation name or email address - eventbrite

I'm building a system where a user can log in to my website and manage events via the Eventbrite api, the only unique identifier every account will have on creation is a user id, is there a way to have a user input their username, query the api and return their user id?

Eventbrite are working on integrating the organiser_id into the API, this will allow you to do a similar thing when it is live


Microsoft Graph API for external users

In my application, I need to get user data like user name and email, also using API, I use find meeting time and create calendar event. Users those will use application will not be in my AD group.
Is there some scenario for making API workable for external users?
There are certain limitations and for guest users in the organizations:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/users?view=graph-rest-1.0#user-and-group-search-limitations-for-guest-users-in-organizations
For inviting or adding the Add a guest user and send an invitation please refer :https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/external-identities/b2b-quickstart-add-guest-users-portal

How to identify existing users after authenticating via Slack OAuth?

I have an web application with existing users and user ids (i.e. not Slack user ids). I'd like to allow my users to install my new Slack app.
How do I know which of my users connects to Slack using OAuth and installs my app? I know you can request email but what if the Slack email is different from the email address used to originally sign up to my application.
It's crucial that I know which Slack users are linked to my existing users. Is there a way to send my existing users' user_id through the OAuth process so I know how to link a Slack user to one of my users?
Potential Solutions?
User's cookie will allow me to identify them upon the Slack OAuth
Use the state variable as a way to identify a user on my
I would not use the state property to transfer user information. It's theoretical possible, but would defy the purpose of the state property as security measure.
Instead you just need to keep the user context on your website during the Oauth process (e.g. by storing the user ID in a server session), so you can store the connection between your custom user ID and the Slack user ID later.
Here is the full process:
You users will first need to log-in to your website to identify
Your website will then have the user ID of the user and need to keep
this context, e.g. in a server session.
Next your user has the option to install your Slack app. After the
installation is finished the Oauth process will automatically
redirect your user back to your website.
You can then get the current user ID by calling auth.test
with the access token you just received.
Finally have both the custom user ID and the Slack user ID an can store
this connection, e.g. in your database for future reference.
Alternatively you can add this information to the Slack user as
custom property with users.profile.set

Is there a unique identifier for a user across different Google APIs?

I am using google's oauth2 to allow users to register/login into my site (php library). The first time a user attempts to login I get the user's email address and google+ id which are provided by the Google OAuth2 API (with the user's permission).
In a different part of the site I need some information from the user's youtube channel. I am using the incremental authorization to get the extra permissions as it is recommended (and described here: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer#incrementalAuth ).
The problem is that I don't have a unique identifier for the user between the calls, in order to keep track of him/her in my side of the application. A user, for example might have multiple youtube channels and each one can be associated with a different google+ account/id and a different email address, which most of the time is not a real address but a provided email with the format 'username-XXXX#plus.google.com'.
I was wondering if google's apis can return a unique identifier for the 'parent' account of a user across different apis.
Thanks in advance.

Can a Twitter app obtain user's email

I'm interested to know, is there a way I can obtain an email from a Twitter user, with legal means?
Create an app, that will pull a user's ID, email etc. Does Twitter API provide that information?
No, you cannot get the user's email address through the API. This is a deliberate design decision by the Twitter API team.

multiple oauth providers and implicit user account creation

I'm learning oauth 2.0 and was wondering about the following scenario
say I want a website to allow login with both twitter and facebook
when a new user logs in for the first time using twitter, the server checks if a user with this twitter id exists in the database and if not, creates a new user using values returned from twitter
the same user logs out and logs in again, this time using his facebook account
Question: how can I match the returning user with the account that was created the first time and avoid creating a second user account for the same user ?
If you request for their email address, you can detect matches and merge that way?
If you are only interested in having the user log in, then you should be looking at openID, not OAuth.
Unless you explicitly ask the user to link their various accounts together for your app, there really isn't a good way to know that JohnDoe on Twitter is JohnDoe on Facebook.
You can ask the customer to link their accounts together and give them tools to merge two accounts (one created with Twitter account and one with Facebook account) together.
