How do functions with multiple parameters of the same name work? - actionscript

I've been looking through the code for a Flash game (link). However, I'm having trouble understanding how some of these functions work, especially because some of them have function definitions that I would think to fail to get past the compiler.
The following is some code from that appears to conflict with itself (or at the very least uses bad naming conventions).
private static var gFlashingColor:Color = new Color();
final public static function ClampFloat(ClampInt:Number, ClampInt:Number, ClampInt:Number) : Number
if(ClampInt <= ClampInt)
return ClampInt;
if(ClampInt >= ClampInt)
return ClampInt;
return ClampInt;
final public static function ClampInt(gFlashingColor:int, gFlashingColor:int, gFlashingColor:int) : int
if(gFlashingColor <= gFlashingColor)
return gFlashingColor;
if(gFlashingColor >= gFlashingColor)
return gFlashingColor;
return gFlashingColor;
Also in the code is the weirdest syntax for a for-each loop that I've ever seen (this example also features a package name as a parameter name)
public function CountPlantByType(com.popcap.flash.framework.resources.fonts:int) : int
var _loc_3:CPlant = null;
var _loc_2:int = 0;
var _loc_4:int = 0;
var _loc_5:* = this.mPlants;
while(<to complete>)
_loc_3 = __nextvalue;
if(_loc_3.mSeedType != com.popcap.flash.framework.resources.fonts)
return _loc_2;
Those are just a few examples of things that I think look super weird and am having trouble understanding. But these functions all work and are used extensively throughout the code. Can someone explain how the ClampFloat and ClampInt functions work, or why it's legal to use a package name as a parameter? Thanks

Resolved. Turns out the program I used to extract these files from the SWF also corrupted them in the process. Using JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler instead of ActionScriptExtractor fixed the code syntax.


Equivalent of tuples in Dart [duplicate]

Is there a way to return several values in a function return statement (other than returning an object) like we can do in Go (or some other languages)?
For example, in Go we can do:
func vals() (int, int) {
return 3, 7
Can this be done in Dart? Something like this:
int, String foo() {
return 42, "foobar";
Dart doesn't support multiple return values.
You can return an array,
List foo() {
return [42, "foobar"];
or if you want the values be typed use a Tuple class like the package provides.
See also either for a way to return a value or an error.
I'd like to add that one of the main use-cases for multiple return values in Go is error handling which Dart handle's in its own way with Exceptions and failed promises.
Of course this leaves a few other use-cases, so let's see how code looks when using explicit tuples:
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
Tuple2<int, String> demo() {
return new Tuple2(42, "life is good");
void main() {
final result = demo();
if (result.item1 > 20) {
Not quite as concise, but it's clean and expressive code. What I like most about it is that it doesn't need to change much once your quick experimental project really takes off and you start adding features and need to add more structure to keep on top of things.
class FormatResult {
bool changed;
String result;
FormatResult(this.changed, this.result);
FormatResult powerFormatter(String text) {
bool changed = false;
String result = text;
// secret implementation magic
// ...
return new FormatResult(changed, result);
void main() {
String draftCode = "print('Hello World.');";
final reformatted = powerFormatter(draftCode);
if (reformatted.changed) {
// some expensive operation involving servers in the cloud.
So, yes, it's not much of an improvement over Java, but it works, it is clear, and reasonably efficient for building UIs. And I really like how I can quickly hack things together (sometimes starting on DartPad in a break at work) and then add structure later when I know that the project will live on and grow.
Create a class:
import 'dart:core';
class Tuple<T1, T2> {
final T1 item1;
final T2 item2;
factory Tuple.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return Tuple(
item1: json['item1'],
item2: json['item2'],
Call it however you want!
Tuple<double, double>(i1, i2);
Tuple<double, double>.fromJson(jsonData);
You can create a class to return multiple values
class NewClass {
final int number;
final String text;
NewClass(this.number, this.text);
Function that generates the values:
NewClass buildValues() {
return NewClass(42, 'foobar');
void printValues() {
print('${this.buildValues().number} ${this.buildValues().text}');
// 42 foobar
The proper way to return multiple values would be to store those values in a class, whether your own custom class or a Tuple. However, defining a separate class for every function is very inconvenient, and using Tuples can be error-prone since the members won't have meaningful names.
Another (admittedly gross and not very Dart-istic) approach is try to mimic the output-parameter approach typically used by C and C++. For example:
class OutputParameter<T> {
T value;
void foo(
OutputParameter<int> intOut,
OutputParameter<String>? optionalStringOut,
) {
intOut.value = 42;
optionalStringOut?.value = 'foobar';
void main() {
var theInt = OutputParameter(0);
var theString = OutputParameter('');
foo(theInt, theString);
print(theInt.value); // Prints: 42
print(theString.value); // Prints: foobar
It certainly can be a bit inconvenient for callers to have to use variable.value everywhere, but in some cases it might be worth the trade-off.
you can use dartz package for Returning multiple data types
Dart is finalizing records, a fancier tuple essentially.
Should be in a stable release a month from the time of writing.
I'll try to update, it's already available with experiments flags.
you can use Set<Object> for returning multiple values,
Set<object> foo() {
return {'my string',0}
print(foo().first) //prints 'my string'
print(foo().last) //prints 0
In this type of situation in Dart, an easy solution could return a list then accessing the returned list as per your requirement. You can access the specific value by the index or the whole list by a simple for loop.
List func() {
return [false, 30, "Ashraful"];
void main() {
final list = func();
// to access specific list item
var item = list[2];
// to check runtime type
// to access the whole list
for(int i=0; i<list.length; i++) {

How to define functions within a function in typescript?

I know basic Javascript, but am confronted with a problem in a Typescript file. I'm using Ionic framework to test a page where a user can theoretically "swipe" like they're on Tinder, just for fun.
I have all the JS written, because I'm moving this over from Codepen, but I can't seem to get past Typescript's syntax.
The Javascript:
var tinderContainer = document.querySelector('.tinder');
var allCards = document.querySelectorAll('.tinder--card');
var nope = document.getElementById('nope');
var love = document.getElementById('love');
function initCards(card, index) {
var newCards = document.querySelectorAll('.tinder--card:not(.removed)');
newCards.forEach(function (card, index) { = allCards.length - index;
The Typescript (that I put together using Google and SOF answers):
export class TestPage {
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController) {
tinderContainer = document.querySelector('ion-content');
allCards = document.querySelector('.tinder--card');
nope = document.getElementById('nope');
love = document.getElementById('love');
declare initCards(card,index) {
newCards = document.querySelectorAll('.tinder--card:not(.removed)');
newCards.forEach((card,index)) { = allCards.length - index;
some hints are:
Use let newCards in you function as you have to declare your variable.
Your forEach should be something like this.
newCards.forEach((card, index) => {
but in order to use syntax like and allCards.length you will have to declare variable types..
For unknown models you can use something like card['style']['zIndex']
Also you have to use this to access class properties, like this.allCards

Working with F# Options in C#. e.g. FSharpOption<Dictionary<Guid, MembershipUser>>

I'm wonder if there is a way to reduce the ugliness of dealing with option types that are returned from F# to C#. For instance:
var result = TheOneCache.Get<Dictionary<Guid, MembershipUser>>(TheOneCache.EntryType.SQL, USERNAME_DICTIONARY);
if (FSharpOption<Dictionary<Guid, MembershipUser>>.get_IsSome(result))
I'd love to not have to provide the <Dictionary<Guid, MembershipUser>> every time. Any way to improve this situation?
#MiMo pointed me the right direction in the comments. If anyone else comes across this problem, the following trick from jaredpar' blog will wrap these calls up for you so you can just call FSharpOption.isSome(x)
public static class FSharpOption {
public static FSharpOption<T> Create<T>(T value) {
return new FSharpOption<T>(value);
public static bool IsSome<T>(this FSharpOption<T> opt) {
return FSharpOption<T>.get_IsSome(opt);
public static bool IsNone<T>(this FSharpOption<T> opt) {
return FSharpOption<T>.get_IsNone(opt);

How to debug static code block in GEB Page model

I am trying out GEB and wanted to debug the static code block in the examples. I have tried to set breakpoints but i seem unable to inspect the data that is used in the static content block.
class GoogleResultsPage extends Page {
static at = { results }
static content = {
results(wait: true) { $("li.g") }
result { i -> results[i] }
resultLink { i -> result(i).find("a.l")[0] }
firstResultLink { resultLink(0) }
Any clue on how this normally can be debugged using for example IntelliJ?
Since the content block is using a DSL and undergoes a transformation when compiled I'm thinking it wouldn't be possible to debug without special support from the IDE, however I hope someone can prove me wrong.
The approach I have been using is to define methods for anything beyond the core content. This provides a few benefits, including debugging support, IDE autocompletion when writing tests, and good refactoring support. The drawback of course is slightly more verbose code, although the tradeoff has been worth it for my purposes.
Here's how I might do the GoogleResultsPage:
class GoogleResultsPage extends Page {
static at = { results }
static content = {
results(wait: true) { $("li.g") }
Navigator result(int i) { results[i] }
Navigator resultLink(int i) { result(i).find("a.l")[0] }
Navigator firstResultLink { resultLink(0) }
Then when writing the test I use a slightly more typed approach:
class MySpec extends GebReportingSpec {
def "google search with keyword should have a first result"() {
GoogleHomePage homePage = to(GoogleHomePage)
GoogleResultsPage resultsPage = at(GoogleResultsPage)

Static pointers that link objects in a chain

In some legacy code that works perfectly fine the following method is used:
public class A
public static A First;
public static A Last;
public A Next;
public A Previous;
public A()
if (First == null) { First = this; }
else { Previous = Last; Previous.Next = this; }
Last = this;
This way all instances of type A are linked in order of creation, without using explicitly a linked list or whatever.
As a matter of fact I consider it an elegant solution, but I also suppose many objections can be made. Which objections should I consider?
My main objection: it is not thread safe. If this algorithm is used in multiple threads the result is unpredictable
