Can you use two iOS apps with the same Firestore database? - ios

I am working on a project that requires a user iOS app and a creator iOS app, such as how Uber has a driver iOS app and a customer iOS app.
Can I use the same Firebase project and Firestore database for both?
How would I set this up with the GoogleService-Info.plist? as both apps will have a different Bundle Identifier.

On your project console, go to settings and scroll down. you should see the button to download the GoogleService-Info.plist of the iOS app you already have. If you click on the "Add app" button you can add another iOS app for the same project, which will have its won .plist file.


Firebase Dynamic Link dont work in Xamarin.iOS

I created short link in firebase like this:
In apple developer i set Associated Domains:
I have developed & installed an iOS app locally on my device. On android, after setting IntentFilter to it did not work but after changing to everything works fine.
When i set associated domains in iOS entitlements as weel: or or
When I open or click on dynamic link on iOS, it opens app page in the App Store app and not opening app itself though it's installed.
What could be wrong?

Apps Not Showing in Settings on iPhone in iOS 15.4 Swift

I recently developed an iOS app using Xcode 13.1 . I ran it on my iPhone (which is currently operating on iOS 15.4), and it worked fine.
However, my app uses the location, and I have been attempting to have the user go to settings, and enable/disable the location permission.
But my app does not appear in the list of apps in settings. It does not show up in the developer section either. I did multiple things (reboot all settings - restart my iPhone...) but nothing helped.
Info.Plist Permission:-
Permission Popup:-
How can I resolve this bug? Thanks.
Already Tried Given below Answer but no luck:-
Opening the Settings app from another app
How to open your app in Settings iOS 11
How to open Settings programmatically like in Facebook app?
How to open your app's settings (inside the Settings app) with Swift (iOS 11)?
How do I open phone settings when a button is clicked?

Creating an iMessage App/Sticker App that Allows to Save Stickers, Xcode 9, Swift |&| Replacing an App with One on iTunes Connect

I want to create an iMessage app that allows the user to save stickers, so when a new release of the iMessage app comes out with entirely different stickers the user would be able to use the stickers from the previous version, and so on.
I would also like to know if you can replace an app on iTunes Connect with a different project than the original was built on.
create a game for iOS
a few months later, create the same game for iMessage and iOS but with a new project, and the identifications, profiles and certificates the same as the original.
Not sure if the community can help you with the first part of your question, because it depends on your implementation. Sure it's possible, but you won't be able to use the native UI within iMessage.
Secondary part of your question with regards to updating an app on iTunes Connect: You can always update an app if you use the same bundle ID ( and make sure the version and build code are correct. (i.e. increasing) Besides that it does not matter what project / base you are using, if you correctly sign and build the IPA and upload it to iTunes Connect:

How to directly go to App Store with Firebase dynamic link in iOS?

Using Firebase dynamic link in the iOS App. It's working when app is installed, but if the app is not installed it going to the App Store but showing a another page before going to the App Store.
Please check below image.
Those are app preview pages:
These allow for deep linking after install, and avoid some issues with jumping straight to the app store. You can customise them by providing metadata in your link, or disable them by using the parameter efr=1.
I had the same issue , i found it was because i didn't add the app store id you should add IOS parameters in this format
new DynamicLink.IosParameters.Builder("com.example.ios")
I was facing the same issue. It was because I had wrong app Id in the Firebase project settings. Open button started work correctly when I set correct App store Id.

Google app invites on iOS deep link only opens app store

I am working on adding Google App Invites deep linking to an iOS app and I followed all the steps for Adding App invites to iOS but the deep link just opens the app store to my app page even if the app is installed.
To recap, I...
Installed the Cocoapod
Generated and added the config file using the appropriate app store ID and bundle ID
Included the code for application:openURL:... and didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
Added the URL Scheme for google and inputted the REVERSED_CLIENT_ID
I'm not sure how to debug this considering I did all that Google told me to do. Their only help link on the Google Developers site was to Stack Overflow. Has anyone tried implementing these deep links on iOS and succeeded?
EDIT: This was done using iOS 8.x. #Caio pointed out the problem still persists on iOS 9 but not on iOS 7.x.
We need to set the value "applinks:{your_app_link}" to Associated Domains on Capabilities tab of Xcode.
