Twilio TwiML How do I pass URL parameters to TwiML script? - twilio

I want to pass a parameter via URL for TwiML to read from when it addresses the person on the other end of the phone. I can't seem to get it to work right. I've tried all sorts of things.
Here is my ASP.NET VB Code...
Dim XClient As New TwilioRestClient(accountSid:=accountSID, authToken:=authToken)
XClient.InitiateOutboundCall(from:=From, [to]:=SendTo, url:="")
Here is my XML...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say voice="alice">$test</Say>
<Pause length="1"/>
<Say voice="alice">Do you enjoy hotdogs? I do.</Say>
<Pause length="1"/>
<Say voice="alice">Please work so that I can enjoy my lunch in peace!</Say>
How do I get this TwiML script to report "Todd" from the URL? Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!

TwimL Bins has has the concepts of templating you can leverage (and also not have to host the TwiML on your own servers).
How to use templates with TwiML Bins
Pass in the URL parameter and then reference it in the TwiMLBin as a Template.
You can also use Twilio Functions (Node),, with JavaScript ES6 template literals to do similar:
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
let testParam = event.test;
twiml.say(`Hello ${testParam}`);
callback(null, twiml);

What you'll need to do is generate a dynamic XML (TwiML) response that can incorporate any query parameters into the XML response. I don't know ASP.NET or Visual Basic very well, but most web programming languages have a way to generate dynamic responses in response to HTTP requests.
Here's an example in the Twilio docs of how to generate a TwiML response from an ASP.NET MVC application - it might not be precisely the same technology you are working with, but it might help you get pointed in the right direction:


How do I modify a in-progress call by sending a digit with Twilio-Python?

I have an app that makes a outbound call to user A.
User A answers and either says "foo" or "bar"
If User A says "foo" -> c.calls(callSid).update(status="complete")
If User A says "bar" -> twilio.update('press the number 2')
How can I implement this?
I'm using the Python helper library and have tried this.
call = c.calls(callSid).update(twiml="<Play digits='2'/>")
But the app errors out.
In your outbound call use TwiML to ask the user to say "foo" or "bar" and then supply a webhook which can be called to process the response, i.e.:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Gather input="speech" timeout="5" action="<your webhook>">
<Say>Please say foo or bar.</Say>
Twilio will do a POST to the specified webhook in action and the user answer will be stored in SpeechResult along with a confidence score in Confidence. You can then continue with your business logic as you outlined.
For more information on Gather have a look at the TwiML documentation.

Twiml discarding voice, loop in SAY verb inside GATHER

I have an API which first creates a call to a number using the C# wrapper, lets say the receiver is +1000000001
var call = CallResource.Create(new PhoneNumber("+1000000001"),
new PhoneNumber("MYVERIFIEDNUMBER"),
url: new Uri(""),
method: HttpMethod.Get,
client: _client,
sendDigits: ""
When answered the TWIML returned from is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Gather action="" method="GET">
<Say voice="alice" loop="0" language="en">Press any key to connect to John Doe, , </Say>
This should result in an infinite loop in the voice of "alice" for the SAY verb being repeated to the receiver at +1000000001 but it is a male robotic voice and it only repeats once then drops the call. This is first part of the issue.
The second part is the GATHER verb does nothing. I should be able to press a touch tone phone and have the url return
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
which it does on the GET request but I can never get to it because of the GATHER issue
The third part is does this look correct to dial a client app?
Thanks for any advice
Looks like Alice defaults to en-US so you can leave the language attribute off. Also, can you make sure you are returning TwiML with the right MIME type,
Client is used inorrectly, refer to the TwiML syntax here,
Let me know if that addresses the issue.

Twilio autopilot handoff action is not working with Twiml Bin

I have a Twilio autopilot task from an incoming call, which performs a greeting then asks a question before redirecting to a new task called 'callnumber'. This all works fine.
The 'callnumber' task looks like this
"actions": [
"handoff": {
"channel": "voice",
"uri": ""
TWIMLBINID actually has the correct ID from the Twiml Bin.
This is the Twiml content in the bin:
<Say>I will put you in contact with our customer care specialist.</Say>
Unfortunately I'm not hearing this Response spoken out and instead just get the standard 'an error has occurred' voice message.
I've tried a few different versions of this, even calling an xml file hosted on my own public web server and seeing the same problem. Also tried the dial verb and still seeing this issue.
I feel like I may have missed some configuration, after seeing similar posts like: Twilio autopilot doesnt say what it is supposed to say
Any help is much appreciated!
I was able to get the TwiML Bin working with similar JSON, when I have it associated with a Task that has samples.
So, for example, a call comes in to your Autopilot assistant and initially triggers the Assistant Initiation Task of hello_world where you modified the predefined JSON with a listen action.
"actions": [
"say": "How can I help you today?"
"listen": true
You then respond so the task associated with your handoff JSON/TwiML Bin is executed (based on the samples you provided). If you try to call the handoff task directly, it fails.
I have the same JSON for "actions" of the task-seems perfect.
But 2 Small differences for the TwiMLbin :
1)don't forget to put the xml tag in the TwiLbin :
It should be :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say>For this question, I will put you in contact ...</Say>
2)I don't understand how your twiMLbin has such an hyperlink. Normally the syntax is******SID******
and the SID can not be chosen and mine has 34 characters. (do not use the "friendly name" of the twiMLbin). You have a button in the twiMLbin to copy-paste it directly.
for me it works. Otherwise please provide some more elements
-do you have queries associated to the autopilot task ? if you have task(s) that do not have any queries, the model will refuse to build (you can check this in the screen "natural language router" / tab "build models").
-are you sure you don't have conflicting query that triggers another task than the one you think (typically with short queries, they "vampirize" other intents). For that please provide the logs of the queries (query Vs Task) of your autopilot assistant.
nb : I confirm what philnash said : you should really try with a phone call. I experienced also some "glitches" with the Twilio simulator.

Twimlet that will forward request parameters to next verb

I have this conceptual Twiml that I want the echo twimlet to provide:
<Record timeout="10" method="GET" action="http://someURL" />
My intent is to use this for outbound dialing, so that the calls that are being made are recorded. The issue is that the request parameters are sent to the echo Twimlet containing the To, From, CallerID, etc. but I really need them passed to the url in the Redirect verb. Is that possible using the echo Twimlet?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You don't actually need to do this in order to record a two legged call. The <Record> verb is used to record messages, for example a voicemail service.
If you are generating these calls using the REST API, then you can set the call to record in the API call, like this (example in Node.js, I see you've answered some SO questions with Node):
var accountSid = 'AC...';
var authToken = "{{ auth_token }}";
var number1 = '+1555123456';
var number2 = '+1555456789';
var twilioNumber = '+1555654321';
var client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken);
url: "" + encodeURIComponent(number2),
to: outboundNumber,
from: twilioNumber,
record: true
}, function(err, call) {
You can also give that call a statusCallBack URL that the recording will be POSTed to after the call.
If you are not generating the call from the REST API but you still want to record both sides of the call. You need to use the <Dial> verb and set to record that way. You need to create some TwiML at a URL your Twilio number points to that looks like this:
<Dial record="record-from-answer">
{{ onward number }}
If you supply an action attribute to the <Dial> verb then once the call is done Twilio will POST the URL of the recording to the action.
I'm not exactly sure how you'd accomplish this with Twimlets. Ideally you want to be able to set the URL that the recording URL is sent to and save it somehow, but you'd need your own server for that. It would be possible to create any of the resulting TwiML you'd need using the echo Twimlet, but it may be better to consider your own server at this point.
Let me know if this helps at all.

Pass Inbound call between twilio clients

i have several twilio client users
Sky - Kevin - Paul
A twilio registered number connects to callsky.xml by default / that code looking like.
a call comes in and goes to sky, she then wants to pass that call over to Kevin or Paul.
how is this possible ?
$caid = $_REQUEST["CallSID"];
$client = new Services_Twilio($sid, $token);
$call = $client->account->calls->get($caid);
$url = '';
'Url' => $url,
'Method' => "GET",
This is executed through Ajax, when sky presses a button with the destination users name on it.
<button onclick="divert('kevin')">Kevin</button>
Also: Oddly, the update command shows as a syntax error in my IDE.
Twilio evangelist here.
The update method takes an array, so that might be causing the syntax error:
I'd also recommened checking out the AppMonitor ( to see if Twilio is logging and errors when trying to retreive the TwiML from your URL.
The URL you point the call at can return static XML, or you ca ndynamically generate it using the PHP helper library. Here is an example of using the <Dial> verb to dial a Client instance:
$response = new Services_Twilio_Twiml;
$dial = $response->dial(NULL, array(
'callerId' => '+14152223333'
print $response;
This will output TwiML that looks like:
<Dial callerId="+14152223333">
Hope that helps.
