How to solve Google Maps sdk orientation issues using TabViewController - ios

I started an iOS project for iPhone where I thought might want a tab bar. I later decided that I don't want it (I want the extra screen space) and I so I tried to delete the tab bar and set my main ViewController as the initial viewController in storyboard.
This caused a weird error where the device's orientation no longer adjusts properly. For instance, switching from portrait orientation, shown in the picture:
becomes this in landscape:
If you start the app in landscape, it will look fine, but there will be a similar result when you switch to portrait. The bug manifests in the transition between screen orientations.
I've tried the following:
I restored the tab bar and the problem went away. This problem is caused by how I am removing the tab bar and not some other issue.
I searched for other articles dealing with this issue. So far, I've only seen documentation on how to install a tab bar, not how to safely remove it.
I attempted to connect the tab bar to the viewController with an IBOutlet and then set tabBar.isHidden = true. It's a bad hack, but it didn't work anyway. UITabBar has no such member.
I've tried comparing the settings between the tabBar viewController with my desired initial viewController in the Inspector, to see what may be different. Aside from the initial viewController check-box, I don't see a setting that might be causing this.
QUESTION: Is this a settings issue in storyboard (or elsewhere), or is this just a bug? My next attempt at a solution will be to delete the entire storyboard, and then recreate it and connect it back to the viewController. That's a fair amount of work I'd like to avoid if it's unnecessary.
Any help is appreciated. If I find a solution, I'll make sure to post it. Thanks!
UPDATE: I've found a workaround by going to the UI Tab Bar Controller in the Storyboard, selecting tab bar in Tab Bar Controller Scene -> Tab Bar Controller, and then checking the 'hidden' box in the inspector. This has the desired effect of getting rid of the tab bar when the app is running. It's like it's not there.
While this allows me to proceed with the app, the tab bar stuff is unnecessary code lying around in my app that I would like to get rid of.

Since I originally made this post, I've found out through experimentation that the every time I added Google's GMSMapView to a viewController, programmatically or in storyboard, I was having the above orientation issues. My original problem wasn't what I thought it was
I have since tried completely rebuilding the storyboard, viewController and all, but the problem didn't go away. I also tried overloading the orientation methods for the view to no effect.
However, if you are having this orientation problem with Google Maps sdk, imbedding the view controller that contains your GMSMapView in a tab view controller, and then hiding the tab bar (unless you want a tab bar) fixes the orientation issue in my project. It's not pretty, but it works.


Show (Push) Segue Leaving Imprint of Previous View

I have two views. Upon clicking a button, the other view should be segued onto the screen with a show (previously called push) segue. This works flawlessly, however, for some strange reason when transitioning a short imprint of the previous view is left behind. This seems to be happening only for these 2 views, I can not reproduce it with others, and the bug occurs both on the simulator and an actual device. Here is a GIF of what is happening:
(Stackoverflow doesn't support direct Gif's in post as far as I'm aware, so sorry for the external link)
Sorry for the low quality.
I simply control-dragged from the "Signup" button to the other screen to create the segue. This seems to be the only transition that is doing this throughout my entire app. This is what it looks like in storyboard. I'm doing nothing programmatically before/after the segue sends.
I've tried programmatically creating the segue as well, however the same effect is occurring. I could not find any similar stackoverflow posts.
Any clues on why this is happening and any possible fixes would be great. If you need more information please let me know.
I am not doing anything to resource extensive on the view initialization (I'm simply making the nav bar translucent and modifying a few outlets). I feel it is important to note that the background (The blue) and the sonus logo are both Image Views. I've attempted programmatically setting the background image, however this made no effect on the outcome of the problem.
Go through the below Solution:
Click on "Second View Controller"
Select the top UIView
Now change it's background color to Default
This will solve your problem!

UITabBarController storyboard launch screen - initial tab?

I'm using a storyboard as my launch screen in my app, it contains a UITabBarController with 5 UINavigationControllers. The storyboard doesn't do anything but provide launch screens.
What I want to do is change the default selected tab. I'm currently stuck with this:
And once the actual view controllers load I get this:
As you can imagine it's a bit jarring to have the selection jump like it does. I don't know how to change the tab programmatically since I cannot attach a custom class to anything in a launch screen. Of course, I don't really care if I do it for real, if there's a way to fake it with icons of different colors, that's fine as well, but the system adds that tint to selected icon.
Is there a way to do this with a storyboard launch screen? Thanks.
Don't use a tab bar controller in your LaunchScreen.storyboard. Instead use a normal view controller and add a tab bar, then add tab bar items as required. That seems to be the only way to make a tab bar without any index selected.
Though this question was asked years ago, I've wrangled with it quite a bit and figured out a workaround that I'm satisfied with for my app TimeFinder.
The other answers here have made some good suggestions, but trying to build a replica of TabBarController sounds challenging and unsustainable, and I didn't have much luck with the User Defined Attributes hack mentioned by Akshay Agrawal 1.
Since the problem is ultimately that the wrong item is shown as selected in the launch screen, I decided to hide the selection entirely by changing the selected image tint color to light gray to match the color of the other unselected tab bar item icons 2.
This allowed me to copy and paste my project's top-level view controllers (view controllers embedded in navbarcontrollers embedded in a tabbarcontroller) into the Launch Screen storyboard, delete all the inessential connections and view controllers, and end up with a quality launch screen that makes the app appear to load faster than it does.
Here's my Launch Screen storyboard for reference 3, and here is my app which will have this launch screen update shortly 4.
TimeFinder on the App Store
Use this piece of code in your view will appear method.
yourTabBarController.selectedViewController=[yourTabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex:2]

navigation & tab bars black for a split second right after launch

When launching or bringing my app from the background the navigation bar & tab bar are black for a split second before assuming storyboard defaults.
I feel there is somewhere a property enforcing this but I can't seem to find it.
Found something in the project properties info tab under "Custom iOS Target Properties"
where NavigationBar.Style = Default and NavigationBar.Translucent = NO which seem fine and don't affect the result.
It started happening around the iOS8 upgrade but can't time it very precisely.
Anyone has a clue on what might be causing this? Or where we set
Your view controllers of tab bar should be subclassed with UIViewController not UITabBarViewController. Please check your header file

View Controller in the "More" tab doesn't rotate, but it will if it's on the home row.

I have an app built in storyboard that needs to support landscape mode in just one view controller. I decided to support iOS 6 after some issues with supporting iOS 5 and running iOS 6 on my phone. I used this Stack Overflow answer: but I'm still seeing a weird quirk. (For those interested, my controller scheme is Tab Controller -> Navigation Controller -> TableViewController -> UIWebView. The UIWebView is the only VC I need to rotate.)
I blocked all but one VC from turning, but that VC is in the "More" tab. I initially had a quirk where this "More" VC would change orientation to landscape when rotated and then any subsequent VC would be in landscape, but I found this ( and creating a category for UINavigationController helped to solve that issue.
However, when I navigate to that tab in the "More" list, and turn the VC, it doesn't rotate. But when I click "Edit" and move that tab to the home row of the initial 4 tabs, it rotates just fine. If I move it back, it doesn't rotate. Anyone have an idea why this is happening?
I believe the problem stems from the fact that the More navigation controller is generated dynamically by iOS and is read-only.
It would be great if the technique of using a custom category would work here but based on your experience I guess it doesn't.
I also need better control of orientations for More tab views. Please post anything you come up with. Thanks.

UIPageViewController and off screen orientation changes

My app is a tab bar application running on iPad.
One of the tabs contains a UIPageViewController, which I implemented pretty much as per the tutorial here: Implementing UIPageViewController programmatically – without storyboarding.
Everything works great, including rotation. However there is a problem - if I go to the tab containing the page view controller, then navigate to a different tab and change the orientation. Then navigation back to the tab containing the page view controller, it is now displayed incorrectly.
Rotating the device again, with the page view controller visible, fixes things.
I guess this is because
is not called while that tab is not visible. Any ideas on how to remedy this?
I had the same problem and ended up doing the same workaround. When I was done I didn't really hate it though, because it allowed me to free-up the UIPageViewController and all of it's child UIPageViewControllers and all of their resources when the user wasn't actively using the tab.
I worked around this by re-initialising the UIPageViewController inside viewWillAppear:animated. Not ideal, but it works...
