IncludeFilter multiple levels not working - entity-framework-6

Having problems with this IncludeFilter and including multiple levels. I'm using Entity Framework 6 Plus.
This is the example they provide under the Load multiple levels heading.
This works, but it returns more warranty records than I want.
db.Application.Where(x => x.ApplicationId == applicationId)
.Include(x => x.Lienholder)
.Include(x => x.Warranty.Select(y => y.Coverage.CoverageGroup))
.Include(x => x.Vehicle)
.Include(x => x.Vendor)
This works but .Coverage is null, but it's the closest one to the example.
db.Application.Where(x => x.ApplicationId == applicationId)
.Include(x => x.Lienholder)
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Warranty.Where(z => true).Where(z =>
z.WarrantyStatusId == 2 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 3 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 8 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 10
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Warranty.Where(z => true).Where(z =>
z.WarrantyStatusId == 2 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 3 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 8 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 10
).Select(y => y.Coverage.CoverageGroup))
.Include(x => x.Vehicle)
.Include(x => x.Vendor)
This doesn't work at all because apparently with IncludeFilter you have to include a where clause
db.Application.Where(x => x.ApplicationId == applicationId)
.Include(x => x.Lienholder)
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Warranty.Where(z => true).Where(z =>
z.WarrantyStatusId == 2 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 3 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 8 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 10
).Select(y => y.Coverage.CoverageGroup))
.Include(x => x.Vehicle)
.Include(x => x.Vendor)
This one works but it doesn't eager load Coverage
db.Application.Where(x => x.ApplicationId == applicationId)
.Include(x => x.Lienholder)
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Warranty.Where(z => true).Where(z =>
z.WarrantyStatusId == 2 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 3 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 8 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 10
.Include(x => x.Vehicle)
.Include(x => x.Vendor)

You cannot mix Include with IncludeFilter or IncludeOptimized.
You need to include every path once in his own IncludeFilter
In your closest example, you missed to include "Y.Coverage"
Those are currently limitation of the library.
Here is what you are looking for:
db.Application.Where(x => x.ApplicationId == applicationId)
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Lienholder)
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Warranty.Where(z =>
z.WarrantyStatusId == 2 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 3 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 8 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 10
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Warranty.Where(z => true).Where(z =>
z.WarrantyStatusId == 2 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 3 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 8 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 10
).Select(y => y.Coverage))
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Warranty.Where(z => true).Where(z =>
z.WarrantyStatusId == 2 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 3 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 8 ||
z.WarrantyStatusId == 10
).Select(y => y.Coverage.CoverageGroup)))
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Vehicle)
.IncludeFilter(x => x.Vendor)
This doesn't work at all because apparently with IncludeFilter you have to include a where clause
No, you don't have.


How to get last (5) year ID with Linq group by and take()

I want to get Budgetyear table of lasted 5 ID for 5 yearly plant result.My query is...
List<WorkCategories> query = new List<WorkCategories>();
query = _context.REHPData.OrderByDescending(r=>r.BudgetYearID).Take(5).GroupBy(r => r.BudgetYearID).Select(s => new WorkCategories
ID = s.Key,
Name = s.Select(r => r.BudgetYear.BudgetYearName).First(),
Electrical = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 1).Count(),
Mechanical = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 2).Count(),
Civil = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 3).Count(),
Admin = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 4).Count(),
Vehicel = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 5).Count(),
But my result is wrong.Please help me teachers.....
This is Not include OrderByDescending(r=>r.BudgetYearID).Take(5) result is This is include OrderByDescending(r=>r.BudgetYearID).Take(5) is wrong result is
I believe you are performing your operations in the wrong order. If you do OrderByDescending(...).Take(5) before GroupBy, then you will take the 5 latest BudgetYearIds and combine them, so you will only process 5 rows.
I think you want:
List<WorkCategories> query = new List<WorkCategories>();
query = _context.REHPData.GroupBy(r => r.BudgetYearID)
.Select(s => new WorkCategories
ID = s.Key,
Name = s.Select(r => r.BudgetYear.BudgetYearName).First(),
Electrical = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 1).Count(),
Mechanical = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 2).Count(),
Civil = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 3).Count(),
Admin = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 4).Count(),
Vehicel = s.Where(r => r.WorkCategoriesID == 5).Count(),
}).OrderByDescending(s => s.ID)

NHibernate QueryOver with WhereRestriction as OR

I have this query but I can't seem to find how I set my WhereRestrictionOn as an OR. Now they function as AND but I want one OR the other.
var privateInfo = Session.QueryOver<ConContact>()
.JoinAlias(c => c.PrivateInfos, () => pi)
.WhereRestrictionOn(c => c.FirstName).IsLike(_selectedFirstLetter + "%")
.WhereRestrictionOn(c => c.LastName).IsLike(_selectedFirstLetter + "%") // todo: change to firstname OR lastname
.Where(c => c.Status == ContactStatus.Approved)
Projections.Property("pi.Id").WithAlias(() => sri.Id),
Projections.Property("FirstName").WithAlias(() => sri.Name), //todo: get fullname here => Add concontact object in privateinfo
Projections.Property("pi.Address").WithAlias(() => sri.Address),
Projections.Constant("Contact").WithAlias(() => sri.Type)
Any help is much appreciated thx!
var privateInfo = Session.QueryOver<ConContact>()
.JoinAlias(c => c.PrivateInfos, () => pi)
.Add(Restrictions.Like("FirstName", _selectedFirstLetter + "%"))
.Add(Restrictions.Like("LastName", _selectedFirstLetter + "%"))
.Where(c => c.Status == ContactStatus.Approved)
Projections.Property("pi.Id").WithAlias(() => sri.Id),
Projections.Property("FirstName").WithAlias(() => sri.Name), //todo: get fullname here => Add concontact object in privateinfo
Projections.Property("pi.Address").WithAlias(() => sri.Address),
Projections.Constant(NewObjectType.Contact).WithAlias(() => sri.Type)
The top level .Where() family (including WhereRestrictionOn) is always joined with AND. So we have to explicitly use something like:
Restrictions.Or(restriction1, restriction1)
So, this could be our case:
.Add(Restrictions.On<ConContact>(c => c.FirstName)
.IsLike(_selectedFirstLetter, MatchMode.Start))
.Add(Restrictions.On<ConContact>(c => c.LastName)
.IsLike(_selectedFirstLetter, MatchMode.Start))
// more OR ...
//.Add(Restrictions.On<ConContact>(c => c.MiddleName)
// .IsLike(_selectedFirstLetter, MatchMode.Start))
As discussed here: 16.2. Simple Expressions, for simple stuff we can even use || (cited small example):
.Where(p => p.Name == "test name" && (p.Age > 21 || p.HasCar))

Rails CSV Import Duplicates Created

I'm loading a lot of data into my application. I have over 40 models with data that I'm loading into it. All but one of these tables are importing fine. In the one table I'm having problems with every row is duplicated, so rather than having 234,225 rows I end up with 468,450 rows. Definitely not what I'm looking for. Each row is perfectly duplicated.
As part of this import I'm also flattening out the data structure. So I'm populating lookup fields into the main sku table.
Here is my code I'm using to import this skus table.
namespace :upload_data do
desc "Load Skus"
task :load_skus => :environment do
require 'csv'
require 'net/ftp'
start_time =
ftp ='<ftp location>')
ftp.login(user = "<username>", passwd = "<password>")
ftp.passive = true
ftp.get("sku.csv", File.basename( "/data/sku.csv"))
upload = File.join('sku.csv')
CSV.foreach(upload, :headers => false) do |row|
# roa = Roa.find_by_roa_code(row[21])
# if roa
# roa_name = roa.roa_name
# else
# roa_name = nil
# end
roa = Roa.find_by_roa_code(row[21])
roa_name = roa && roa.roa_name
ther = Ther.find_by_thera_class_code_int(row[50] && row[50].to_i)
thera_class_desc = ther && ther.thera_class_desc
dea = Dea.find_by_dea_class_code(row[45])
dea_class_desc = dea && dea.dea_class_desc
lbly2k = Lbly2k.find_by_mfg_code(row[56])
labeler_code = lbly2k && lbly2k.labeler_code
rebate_status = lbly2k && lbly2k.rebate_status
rebate_effective_date = lbly2k && lbly2k.rebate_effective_date
rebate_termination_date = lbly2k && lbly2k.rebate_termination_date
form = Form.find_by_master_form_code(row[22])
form_desc = form && form.form_desc
prodcat = Prodcat.find_by_product_category(row[26] && row[26].to_i.to_s)
product_cat_desc = prodcat && prodcat.product_cat_desc
expgenrc = Expgenrc.find_by_gcr_code(row[52])
gcr_exp_name = expgenrc && expgenrc.gcr_exp_name
gcr = Gcr.find_by_gcr_code(row[52])
gcr_name = gcr && gcr.gcr_name
mform = Mform.find_by_master_form_code(row[22])
master_form_desc = mform && mform.master_form_desc
#Orange Book Data
orange = Orange.find_by_orange_book_code(row[31])
orange_book_desc = orange && orange.orange_book_desc
exdrug = Exdrug.find_by_exceptional_drug(row[44])
exceptional_drug_desc = exdrug && exdrug.exceptional_drug_desc
measure = Measure.find_by_measure_code(row[39])
measure_desc = measure && measure.measure_desc
jcode = Jcode.find_by_ndc(row[13] && row[13].gsub('-', ''))
puts "found jcode: #{jcode.inspect}"
j_code = jcode && jcode.j_code
j_code_desc = jcode && jcode.j_code_desc
gfc = Gfc.find_by_gcr_code(row[52])
gfc_master_code = gfc && gfc.gfc_master_code
gfc_deact = gfc && gfc.gfc_deact
packstren = Packstren.find_by_ndc(row[13] && row[13].gsub('-', ''))
puts "Found Packstren #{packstren.inspect}"
package_ID = packstren && packstren.package_ID
puts "Package_ID is #{package_ID}"
strength_code = packstren && packstren.strength_code
strength = Strength.find_by_strength_code(strength_code)
puts "Found strength: #{strength.inspect}"
strength_name_long = strength && strength.strength_name_long
puts "Strength name long is #{strength_name_long}"
expstren = Expstren.find_by_strength_code(strength_code)
strength_exp_name = expstren && expstren.strength_exp_name
puts "Strength_exp_name is #{strength_exp_name}"
awp = Awp.find_by_ndc(row[13] && row[13].gsub('-', ''))
puts "Found awp: #{awp.inspect}"
effective_date = awp && awp.effective_date
puts "found effective_date: #{effective_date}"
manufacturer_cmsid = awp && awp.manufacturer_cmsid
puts "found manufacturer_cmsid: #{manufacturer_cmsid}"
package_cmsid = awp && awp.package_cmsid
puts "found package_cmsid: #{package_cmsid}"
Sku.create(:record_change => row[0],
:record_change_date => row[1],
:price_change_date => row[2],
:add_flag => row[3],
:add_date => row[4],
:deactivate_flag => row[5],
:deactivate_date => row[6],
:reactivate_flag => row[7],
:reactivate_date => row[8],
:filler1 => row[9],
:prev_ndc_awp_eff_date => row[10],
:prev_ndc_awp_pack_price => row[11],
:prev_ndc_disc_date => row[12],
:ndc => row[13].gsub('-',''),
:j_code => j_code,
:j_code_desc => j_code_desc,
:package_ID => package_ID,
:strength_code => strength_code,
:filler2 => row[14],
:ndc_orig_config => row[15].gsub('-',''),
:ndc10 => row[16].gsub('-',''),
:ndc_change_flag => row[17],
:prev_ndc => row[18],
:prev_ndc_config => row[19],
:prev_ndc10 => row[20],
:roa_code => row[21],
:roa_name => roa_name,
# :roa_name => Roa.find_by_roa_code(row[21]) && Roa.find_by_roa_code(row[21]).roa_name,
:master_form_code => row[22],
:master_form_desc => master_form_desc,
:form_desc => form_desc,
:product_name => row[23],
:additional_desc => row[24],
:mfg_name_long => row[25],
:product_category => row[26],
:product_cat_desc => product_cat_desc,
:solid_liquid => row[27],
:form_code => row[28],
:metric_size => row[29],
:strength_name => row[30],
:orange_book_code => row[31],
:orange_book_desc => orange_book_desc,
:filler3 => row[32],
:orange_book_std_flag => row[33],
:unit_dose_flag => row[34],
:dispensing_unit_flag => row[35],
:package_size => row[36],
:package_qty_code => row[37],
:product_size => row[38],
:measure_code => row[39],
:measure_desc => measure_desc,
:filler4 => row[40],
:top_volume_rank => row[41],
:single_source_flag => row[42],
:maintenance_drug_flag => row[43],
:exceptional_drug => row[44],
:exceptional_drug_desc => exceptional_drug_desc,
:dea_class_code => row[45],
:dea_class_desc => dea_class_desc,
:filler5 => row[46],
:filler6 => row[47],
:desi_drug_flag => row[48],
:desi_effective_date => row[49],
:thera_class_code => row[50],
:thera_class_desc => thera_class_desc,
:generic_class_code => row[51],
:gcr_code => row[52],
:gcr_exp_name => gcr_exp_name,
:gcr_name => gcr_name,
:gfc_master_code => gfc_master_code,
:gfc_deact => gfc_deact,
:gfc_code => row[53],
:stc_package_size => row[54],
:unit_of_measure => row[55],
:mfg_code => row[56],
:labeler_code => labeler_code,
:rebate_status => rebate_status,
:rebate_effective_date => rebate_effective_date,
:rebate_termination_date => rebate_termination_date,
:wac_start_flag => row[57],
:wac_p_price => row[58],
:wac_u_price => row[59],
:wac_eff_date => row[60],
:wac1pre_p_price => row[61],
:wac1pre_u_price => row[62],
:wac1pre_eff_date => row[63],
:wac2pre_p_price => row[64],
:wac2pre_u_price => row[65],
:wac2pre_eff_date => row[66],
:filler7 => row[67],
:filler8 => row[68],
:filler9 => row[69],
:awp_start_flag => row[70],
:awp_p_price => row[71],
:awp_u_price => row[72],
:awp_eff_date => row[73],
:awp1pre_p_price => row[74],
:awp1pre_u_price => row[75],
:awp1pre_eff_date => row[76],
:awp2pre_p_price => row[77],
:awp2pre_u_price => row[78],
:awp2pre_eff_date => row[79],
:dp_start_flag => row[80],
:dp_p_price => row[81],
:dp_u_price => row[82],
:dp_eff_date => row[83],
:dp1pre_p_price => row[84],
:dp1pre_u_price => row[85],
:dp1pre_eff_date => row[86],
:dp2pre_p_price => row[87],
:dp2pre_u_price => row[88],
:dp2pre_eff_date => row[89],
:ful_start_flag => row[90],
:ful_p_price => row[91],
:ful_u_price => row[92],
:ful_eff_date => row[93],
:ful_pre_p_price => row[94],
:ful_pre_u_price => row[95],
:ful_pre_eff_date => row[96],
:ful2_pre_p_price => row[97],
:ful2_pre_u_price => row[98],
:ful2_pre_eff_date => row[99],
:srp_start_flag => row[100],
:srp_p_price => row[102],
:srp_u_price => row[102],
:srp_eff_date => row[103],
:srp1pre_p_price => row[104],
:srp1pre_u_price => row[105],
:srp1pre_eff_date => row[106],
:srp2pre_p_price => row[107],
:srp2pre_u_price => row[108],
:srp2pre_eff_date => row[109])
logcount += 1
total_time = - start_time
puts "Successfully added #{logcount} Skus. Elapsed time #{total_time} seconds."
Any ideas what I'm doing which is causing each row to be imported?

ROR conditional if statement not executing

I have this section in model:
Updated 07-25
if sign_on.acctypw1.strip == "DS" or sign_on.acctypw1.strip == "DSD"
rec = SignOn.find_by_userw1!(login)
webid = rec.prfdstw1
weboel23 = Weboel23.first(:conditions => {:act223 => webid}, :select => "emal23")
this code does appear to be working however when:
sign_on.acctypw1.strip == "DSD"
this code doesn't seem to run:
webid = rec.prfdstw1 weboel23 = Weboel23.first(:conditions => {:act223 => webid}, :select => "emal23") approval0=Weboel23.get_email_by_account0(webid)
approval1=Weboel23.get_email_by_account1(webid) approval2=Weboel23.get_email_by_account2(webid)
approval3=Weboel23.get_email_by_account3(webid) approval4=Weboel23.get_email_by_account4(webid)
when it is:
sign_on.acctypw1.strip == "DS"
it will run and return proper result. I need both cases to execute. Any ideas??

NULL value in :conditions =>

Contract.all(:conditions => ['voided == ?', 0]).size
=> 364
Contract.all(:conditions => ['voided != ?', 0]).size
=> 8
=> 441
the 3 numbers does not added up (364 + 8 != 441). What's the proper way write the :conditions to count the rows which the voided column value is NULL or equal to zero?
Contract.all(:conditions => {:voided => nil})
Contract.all(:conditions => ['voided IS NULL'])
Contract.all(:conditions => ["voided is ?", nil]).size
Contract.all(:conditions => ["voided is not ?", nil]).size
