We access the container through cluster IP and even we deploy web application containers can be accessed.The issue with how can we access container from outside the host.
Tried with giving external IP to containers.
You can create a service and bind it to a node port, from outside your cluster if you try to access that service using node_ip:port.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: api-server
- port: 80
name: http
targetPort: api-http
nodePort: 30004
- port: 443
name: https
targetPort: api-http
type: LoadBalancer
run: api-server
if you do kubectl get service you can get the external ip.
The best approach would be to expose your pods with ClusterIP type services, and then use an Ingress resource along with Ingress Controller to expose HTTP and/or HTTPS routes so you can access your app outside of the cluster.
For testing purposes it's ok to use NodePort or LoadBalancer type services. Whether you are running on your own infrastructure or using a managed solution, you can use NodePort, while using LoadBalancer requires cloud provider's load balancer.
Source: Official docs
*Cross-posted from k3d GitHub Discussion: https://github.com/rancher/k3d/discussions/690
I am attempting to expose two services over two ports. As an alternative, I'd also love to know how to expose them over the same port and use different routes. I've attempted a few articles and a lot of configurations. Let me know where I'm going wrong with the networking of k3d + k3s / kubernetes + traefik (+ klipper?)...
I posted an example:
The goal:
Reach "app-1" on host over port 8080
Reach "app-2" on host over port 8091
*See: files in repo
Configure k3d cluster and expose app ports to load balancer
# map localhost to loadbalancer
- port: 8080:80
- loadbalancer
# map localhost to loadbalancer
- port: 8091:80
- loadbalancer
Deploy apps with "deployment.yaml" in Kubernetes and expose container ports
- containerPort: 80
Expose services within kubernetes. Here, I've tried two methods.
Using CLI
$ kubectl create service clusterip app-1 --tcp=8080:80
$ kubectl create service clusterip app-2 --tcp=8091:80
Using "service.yaml"
- protocol: TCP
# expose internally
port: 8080
# map to app
targetPort: 80
run: app-1
Expose the services outside of kubernetes using "ingress.yaml"
name: app-1
# expose from kubernetes
number: 8080
You either have to use an ingress, or have to open ports on each individual node (k3d runs on docker, so you have to expose the docker ports)
Without opening a port during the creation of the k3d cluster, a nodeport service will not expose your app
k3d cluster create mycluster -p 8080:30080#agent[0]
For example, this would open an "outside" port (on your localhost) 8080 and map it to 30080 on the node - then you can use a NodePort service to actually connect the traffic from that port to your app:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: some-service
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: some-port
nodePort: 30080
app: pgadmin
type: NodePort
You can also open ports on the server node like:
k3d cluster create mycluster -p 8080:30080#server[0]
Your apps can get scheduled to run on whatever node, and if you force a pod to appear on a specific node (lets say you open a certain port on agent[0] and set up your .yaml files to work with that certain port), for some reason the local-path rancher storage-class just breaks and will not create a persistent volume for your claim. You kinda have to get lucky & have your pod get scheduled where you need it to. (if you find a way to schedule pods on specific nodes without the storage provisioner breaking, let me know)
You also can map a whole range of ports, like:
k3d cluster create mycluster --servers 1 --agents 1 -p "30000-30100:30000-30100#server[0]"
but be careful with the amount of ports you open, if you open too much, k3d will crash.
Using a load balancer - it's similar, you just have to open one port & map to to the load balancer.
k3d cluster create my-cluster --port 8080:80#loadbalancer
You then have to use an ingress, (or the traffic won't reach)
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: hello
ingress.kubernetes.io/ssl-redirect: "false"
- http:
- path: /
pathType: Prefix
name: hello
number: 80
I also think that ingress will only route http & https traffic, https should be done on the port 443, supposedly you can map both port 80 and port 443, but I haven't been able to get that to work (I think that certificates need to be set up as well).
In this application, nodejs pods are running inside kubernetes, and mongodb itself sitting outside at host as localhost.
This indeed not good design, but its only for dev environment. In production a separte mongodb server will be there, as such option to have a non loopback ip in endpoint, so will not be a problem in Production.
Have considered following options for dev environment
Use localhost connect string to connect to mongodb, but it will refer to pod's own localhost not host's localhost
Use headless service and provide localhost ip and port in endpoint. However endpoint doesn't allow loopback
Suggest if there is a way to access mongodb database at host's localhost from inside cluster (pod / nodejs application).
I'm running on docker for windows, and for me just using host.docker.internal instead of localhost seems to work fine.
For example, my mongodb connection string looks like this:
As an aside, my hosts file includes the following lines (which I didn't add, I guess the docker desktop installation did that):
# Added by Docker Desktop host.docker.internal gateway.docker.internal is a localhost(lo0) interface IP address. Hosts, nodes and pods have their own localhost interfaces and they are not connected to each other.
Your mongodb is running on the Host machine and cannot be accessible using the localhost (or it's IP range) from inside a cluster pod or from inside vm.
In your case, create a headless service and Endpoint for it inside the cluster:
Your mongodb-service.yaml file should look like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mongodb-service
clusterIP: None
- protocol: TCP
port: <multipass-port-you-are-using>
targetPort: <multipass-port-you-are-using>
name: example
type: ClusterIP
apiVersion: v1
kind: Endpoints
name: mongodb-service
- addresses:
- ip:
- port: <multipass-port-you-are-using>
I have add IP you've mentioned in comment section.
After creating service and endpoint you can use mongodb-service name and port <multipass-port-you-are-using> inside any pod of this cluster as a destination point.
Take a look: mysql-localhost, mongodb-localhost.
If you are using minikube to deploy a local kubernetes, you can reach your local environment using the variable host.minikube.internal.
I can add one more solution with Ingress and external-service, which may help some of you.
I deploy my complete system locally with a special Kustomize overlay.
When I want to replace one of the deployments with a service running locally in my IDE, I do the following:
I add an ExternalName service which forwards to host.docker.internal:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: backend-ide
type: ExternalName
externalName: host.docker.internal
and reconfigured my ingress to forward certain request from my web-app to this external-service:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
name: backend-ingress
ingressClassName: nginx
- host: url.used.by.webapp.com
- path: /customerportal/api(/|$)(.*)
pathType: Prefix
name: backend-ide
number: 8080
The same way, I can access all other ports on my host.
I have a Redis pod, and I expect connection requests to this pod from different clusters and applications not running in the cloud.
Since Redis does not work with the http protocol, accessing as the route I have done below does not work with this connection string "route-redis.local:6379".
apiVersion: v1
kind: Route
name: redis
host: route-redis.local
kind: Service
name: redis
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: redis
- port: 6379
targetPort: 6379
name: redis
You may have encountered this situation. In short, is there any way to access to the redis pod via route? If not, how do you solve this problem?
You already discovered that Redis does not work via the HTTP protocol, which is correct as far as I know. Routes work by inspecting the HTTP Host header for each request, which will not work for Redis. This means that you will not be able to use Routes for non-HTTP workload.
Typically, such non-HTTP services are exposed via a Service and NodePorts. This means that each Worker Node that is part of your cluster will open this port and will forward the traffic to your application.
You can find more information in the Kubernetes documentation:
NodePort: Exposes the Service on each Node's IP at a static port (the NodePort). A ClusterIP Service, to which the NodePort Service routes, is automatically created. You'll be able to contact the NodePort Service, from outside the cluster, by requesting :.
You can define a NodePort like so (this example is for MySQL, which is also non-HTTP workload):
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: mysql
name: mysql
type: NodePort
- port: 3306
nodePort: 30036
name: http
name: mysql
Of course, your administrator may limit the access to these ports, so it may or may not be possible to use these types of services on your OpenShift cluster.
You can expose the tcp via ingress atleast nginx one
I'm trying to expose a Kubernetes pod on a single node bare metal cluster without a domain.
In my understanding I've the these options:
Expose using NodePort
Expose using an Ingress controller
Expose using ClusterIP and manually set an external IP
As I mentioned already, I only have a single node cluster. This means that the master is master and node at the same time directlly running on a fedora host system.
The simplest solution is to use a NodePort. But the limitation here is (if I'm right), that the service port will be automatically selected from a given port range.
The next better solution is to use an ingress controller. But for this I need a public domain which I haven't. So the ingress controller also doesn't fit to me.
What for other options do I have? I just want to expose my service directly on port 9090.
Why not Option 3 ? you can setup externalIPs to your node ip.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
- your node ip
Also with NodePort, the service port can be specified.
You can set a custom port range for NodePort by adding this option to your apiserver settings (/etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml):
--service-node-port-range portRange
Default: 30000-32767
A port range to reserve for services with NodePort visibility. Example:
Inclusive at both ends of the range.
This is the part from Kubernetes documentation related to Services:
If you want a specific port number, you can specify a value in the
nodePort field, and the system will allocate you that port or else the
API transaction will fail (i.e. you need to take care about possible
port collisions yourself). The value you specify must be in the
configured range for node ports.
Example for this answer was taken from the article Hosting Your Own Kubernetes NodePort Load Balancer:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: nginx
name: nginx
type: NodePort
- port: 80
nodePort: 30080
name: http
- port: 443
nodePort: 30443
name: https
name: nginx
I currently have a service that looks like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: httpd
- port: 80
targetPort: 80
name: http
protocol: TCP
- port: 443
targetPort: 443
name: https
protocol: TCP
app: httpd
- # VM's internal IP
I can receive traffic fine from the external IP bound to the VM, but all of the requests are received by the HTTP with the source IP, which is most definitely an internal IP – even when I connect to the VM's external IP from outside the cluster.
How can I get the real source IP for the request without having to set up a load balancer or ingress?
This is not simple to achieve -- because of the way kube-proxy works, your traffic can get forwarded between nodes before it reaches the pod that's backing your Service.
There are some beta annotations that you can use to get around this, specifically service.beta.kubernetes.io/external-traffic: OnlyLocal.
More info in the docs, here: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/services/source-ip/#source-ip-for-services-with-typeloadbalancer
But this does not meet your additional requirement of not requiring a LoadBalancer. Can you expand upon why you don't want to involve a LoadBalancer?
If you only have exactly one pod, you can use hostNetwork: true to achieve this:
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: caddy
replicas: 1
app: caddy
hostNetwork: true # <---------
- name: caddy
image: your_image
- name: STATIC_BACKEND # example env in my custom image
Note that by doing this your pod will inherit the host's DNS resolver and not Kubernetes'. That means you can no longer resolve cluster services by DNS name. For example, in the example above you cannot access the static service at http://static. You still can access services by their cluster IP, which are injected by environment variables.