Django Channels: Compression? - django-channels

Does django-channels support websockets compression via the extensions at all? I don't see it mentioned in the docs.


comparison between mqtt and coap using omnetpp

I want to compare MQTT and CoAP application layer protocols on reliability and power consumption in simulator: omnetpp.
Does Omnetpp support these two protocols?
Is there any existing open source project that I can check?
I watched a youtube video and found that the author just have a simple parameter in the omnetpp.ini file: IOT.*.protocol = "MQTT" or "COAP". This is not standard option right? I wonder what extra work has to be done.
Thanks in advance,
CoAP and MQTT models are not available for OMNeT++. In the video, the guy is definitely showing his own project.
You can create the MQTT simulation model by modifying the TCP applications given in INET and use your own message class with MQTT payload.

What are the ways to stream live video to a webpage on iOS, except WebRTC?

WebRTC requires too much processing power on server so doing it massively will be cost-prohibitive.
For nearly all other platforms - both for Windows and Mac - Chrome, Safari desktop, even IE and Edge, and Android - there is a Media Source Extensions API ( which allows sending stream over websockets and play it, it works. Problem is just with iOS.
Is there anything better (lower latency) than HLS which would work for me?
If not, is there a WebRTC server which is free and better scalable/more stable than Kurento Media Server (
There is a jsmpeg player but it is MPEG-1 only so will require unacceptable amount of bandwidth. There is broadway.js but it does not support audio...
Is there anything better (lower latency) than HLS which would work for me?
HTTP Progressive is a fine technology for this. It can be ran at much lower latencies than a segmented technology like DASH or HLS, and requires very little in terms of server-side resources. Look into Icecast for your server, and FFmpeg as your source.
There's no point in sending video over Web Sockets, unless you're implementing a bi-directional protocol. This isn't uncommon for ABR support, but it's definitely not the most efficient or simple way to do it.
Since you don't want to implement webRTC by yourself and need lower latency than HLS, I would prefer a media server. There are many media servers available in the market. But if you are looking for free and open source media server, your options are limited to few.
I would suggest red5 media server which is free and open source. Please check this link to find more about red5. If you use free red 5 media server you need little knowledge of java. Red5 also has a paid version called red5 pro which has better webRTC support and higher capabilities. Red5 is mostly for rtmp with flash player pulgin and its fairly new for red 5 webRTC streaming.
Also you can use wowza streaming engine trail version with limited number of connections. So these are the easiest options for you.

Stream live from my own website

I want to stream live video from my website. This website will be basically for a TV Channel which hosts shows 24 hours. So, this video will stream live for 24 hours like some sports channel. So, If anyone have some idea of Streaming video wholeday from my own website, please tell me.
I have searched and found out solution for encoder as Teradek Vidiu and Software solution as DaCast and UStream.
But, I did not find DaCast or UStream useful for providing stream from my website for whole day. They are useful when I want to go for any event streaming. I Can also go for Developing my own RTMP Server, but i found that it will have security issues then.
You could use MonaServer. I'm the co-author of this project, it is a media server that is well suited for real-time streaming as it implements RTMFP (no more security issues than other solutions). It is already used by TV channels. You can develop your flash client or ask us to build it.
You can try publishing with this sample :
And reading with this one :
And you can use Netgroup for P2P streaming if you have limited bandwidth.
There is a free nginx-rtmp module for NGINX fast web server, which supports recording, on-the-fly encoding, RTMP broadcasting, authorization and statistic page.
We used it in an online education project for video recording and it worked good.
According to our tests - works much better and faster then other opensource Red5 or crtmpd servers. Good opensource RTMP server alternative.

ffmpeg server vs darwin stream server

I am looking for video stream server for mobile,and find dss and mfpeg server.
is anyone know the difference between dss and ffmpeg server? which one is recommended?
thank you
if you need a server with a lot of community coverage, use vlc. It is uses live555libs (live555 has its seperate streaming server too)
As for the other too, i found that DSS was better. You can lookup how to install and configure but troubleshooting can get real annoying.
Of course DSS is preferred.
1. Easy to use
2. Better performance
3. More readable & stable code...
ffmpeg server is usually used by hackers to experiment some new protocols, codecs, etc.

Image processing server

I'm looking for a free, preferably open source, http image processing server. I.e. I would send it a request like this:
and it would return that image rotated. Features wanted:
Server-side caching
Several operations/effects (like scaling, watermarking, etc). The more the merrier.
POST support to supply the image (instead of the server GETting it).
Different output formats (PNG, JPEG, etc).
Batch operations
It would be something like this, but free and less SOAPy. Is there anything like this or am I asking too much?
The ImageResizing.Net library is both a .NET library and an IIS module. It's an image server or an image library, whichever you prefer.
It's open-source, under an MIT-style license, and is supported by plugins.
It has excellent performance, and supports 3 pipelines: GDI+, Windows Imaging Components, and FreeImage. WIC is the fastest, and can do some operations in under 15ms. It supports disk caching (for up to 1 million files), and is CDN compatible (Amazon CloudFront is ideal).
It has a very human-friendly URL syntax. Ex. image.jpg?width=100&height=100&mode=crop.
It supports resizing, cropping, padding, rotation, PNG/GIF/JPG output, borders, watermarking, remote URLs, Amazon S3, MS SQL, Amazon CloudFront, batch operations, image filters, disk caching, and lots of other cool stuff, like seam carving.
It doesn't support POST delivery of images, but that's easy to do with a plugin. And don't you typically want to store images that are delivered via POST instead of just replying to the POST command with the result?
[Disclosure: I'm the author of ImageResizer]
Apache::ImageMagick, you install that - and also Apache along with mod_perl. This is the standard setup, check docs, there are alternatives. This is probably as turn-key as it gets.
Sample conf:
<Location /img>
PerlFixupHandler Apache::ImageMagick
PerlSetVar AIMCacheDir /tmp/your/cache/directory
Your requests could look like:
More docs are here!
While not an out of the box solution, check out ImageMagick. There is a perl interface for it, so combine that with some fairly simple cgi scripts, or mod_perl and it should do the trick.
You can use LibGD or ImageMagick to build a service like that fairly easily. They both have many language bindings.
You could make this with Google App Engine -- they provide image processing routines and will host for free within some bounds.
Here are some examples of people doing things like this already
I found this product, it seems to match my requirements
Try Nginx image processing server with OpenResty and Lua. It uses ImageMagick C API. Openresty comes with LuaJIT. It has amazing performance in terms of speed. Checkout some benchmarks for LuaJIT and Openresty.
