Flutter - Drawer button shown instead of back button - dart

I am creating a shopping cart in flutter as my first project. The link to the Cart is inside Appbar.
When I navigate to the Cart the back button on the top left of the Appbar is not showing, instead the drawer button is shown.
For other pages that I navigate say, a product page, the back button is shown.
What could be the issue, please suggest.

I compare line by line and the cart.dart have this offending line
drawer: appDrawer
between the appBar and Boxy which seems to override the back button.
#Viren V Varasadiya and #Harsha pulikollu thank you for your looking into my question.


How to make all activities(except MainActivity) have ActionBar/Toolbar at once with a title and a back button? (Xamarin.Android)

Yesterday I asked the same question but I forgot to say that it was for Xamarin.Android, not for Android(JAVA) (sorry about that) and the solution I got was for Android(JAVA) but I can't implement it on Xamarin.Android. I didn't delete the question, I left it just in case someone in the future needs it for Android, but I want to know the solution for Xamarin.Android.
I have the following MainActivity:
When I click on "Congreso" button the following activity appears:
And when I click on "Programa" button the following activity appears:
All activities except MainActivity have an action bar with a back button, a title of the activity aligned at the same place each time and the same color of the action bar. In my case I want the color to be blue. My question is, is there a way to set that behaviour on a single place in the application and it to apply to all the activities except for the MainActivity so that if some day I want to change the color of the action bar or the alignement of its title I don't have to go to all activities one by one and change it.
P.S.: I don't know if what is on the screenshots is an action bar or it is a toolbar. If you give me a solution with a toolbar it is OK too.

Route to another widget while Drawer stays on the appbar

I have the following drawer. it works as it should as long as i only want to hop between the widgets of my main drawer items.
Navigation with drawer
but inside those widgets i want to route to a new one, with a button click for example, while the drawer stays in my corner. So basically is there any way to reproduce a sticky android drawer in flutter ?
Drawer is a Scaffold property.
So when you go to another page you will normally have another Scaffold widget with its own Drawerand the previous one will be disposed.
In the new page you need to create and display the Drawer for this Scaffold but you can't keep the previous one in the corner.
Since the two widgets are independent of each other, you cannot use the same exact Drawer in the second widget.
Either you can create the exact copy of that Drawer in second one and open it on initState method or if possible instead of switching to the second, you can make the second widget as a subview inside firstWidget.

Xamarin toolbar item changes color after its clicked if Navigation occurs in IOs

I have a toolbar item implemented in Xamarin Forms project in xaml like this.
<ToolbarItem Name="Create" Command="{Binding AddNewCabin}" Text="Add Cabin" ></ToolbarItem>
The command AddNewCabin is binded to a navigation method.
When I come back from the next page the text for the tool bar item is paled out like a visited link. I have no idea how to turn off that kind of behavoiur.
I thought that was an issue with a click event however I tried binding the click or the command to an empty method and the text is not paled out. It is only paled out if there is some Push navigation that occurs afterwards using this event.
I have also tried navigating using other events on the same page from listview for example and in that case the toolbar item is also NOT paled out.
So the only occasion when it is paled out (changes color) is when I navigate using the commnd or event binding of the toolbar item. In all other cases this doesn't occur and I have no idea why. Does anybody know? Thanks.
PS. I Aam testing in IOs.
Sadly, I cannot reproduce behavior of your toolbar item. On my machine navigating from toolbar item works perfectly. Check my gif. Colors of button "Add" are switching properly.
You should try removing and adding your button on the OnAppearing event.
But this is very strange behavior. Can you post more code of your implementation?

Animate only a part of an element

how can I animate only a part of an element?
I show/hide a div using jquery-ui's show method but I'd like to start/end the animation from/to a given height of the element.
My dev website can be seen here (link removed). When clicking on the 'Contact' button the contact page shows up or hides if it's already open. Since I couldn't find how to starts my animation from a given height I added a fixed button when it's closed, but when the contact button of the contact page overlaps the fixed button when it's closing...
Any help welcome!
looking for something like this??
You can also add any fade or whatever effects. This is using a single button to animate both open and close. You could also attach a attribute to the button tag to define it's current state.

Addon toolbar - create button to show back button history?

I have a toolbar and want to create a button that will display a drop down list of the back button history which the user can select and go back to that page.
Check the Firefox source to see how it's implemented. Open source and all that.
