Share a volume between containers with DinD - docker

I have a GitLab CI job that is currently using DinD. The CI runs inside a docker container.
What I am trying to accomplish is:
The CI job docker container, using dind, runs a docker container with a volume.
docker run --name cvmfs --pid=host --user 0 --privileged --restart always -v /cvmfsmounts:/cvmfsmounts:rshared <our_registry>/vcs/cvmfs-automounter:master
The CI job docker container runs another docker container using the same volume.
docker run --rm -v /cvmfsmounts/cvmfs:/cvmfs:rslave busybox ls -lrt /cvmfs/
This is trying to automount a volume on the second docker container. It works when not using dind.
The main issue is this:
Error response from daemon: linux mounts: path /cvmfsmounts is mounted on / but it is not a shared mount
Any idea what is wrong with it?


Running docker within docker missing file - docker run -v /var/jenkins_home/job:/build ./

I have Jenkins running in docker container. In Jenkins container we also run docker commands from pipelines. The problem with it is that when we run this from pipeline:
docker run -v /var/jenkins_home/job:/build ./
It does not mount the content of /var/jenkins_home/job
So I tested it with:
docker run -v /tmp:/build ./
And it mounted /tmp of the host machine not of Jenkins docker.
What causes this behaviour and how can I mount the path of Jenkins docker not host machine? OR is there anyway to make docker interpret /var/jenkins_home/job to host folder automatically?

jenkins in docker - Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

I'm running in docker. Trying to build a docker image in jenkins.
but i get the following error:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
clearly the jenkins version in docker does not have access to the docker binary.
I confirmed this by,
docker exec -it db4292380977 bash
docker images
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
"db4292380977" is the running container. It shows the same error.
how do I allow access to docker in the jenkins container?
The docker client is installed on the jenkinsci/blueocean image, but not the daemon. Docker client will use the daemon (by default via the socket unix:///var/run/docker.sock). Docker client needs a Docker daemon in order to work, you can read Docker Architecture for more info.
What you can do:
Use docker-in-docker (DinD) image
Library Docker image provides a way to run a Docker daemon in Docker, you can then use it from another container. For example, using plain docker CLI:
docker run --name docker-dind --privileged -d docker:stable-dind
docker run --name jenkins --link=docker-dind -d jenkinsci/blueocean
docker exec jenkins docker -H docker-dind images
Docker daemon runs in docker-dind container and can be reached using the same hostname. You just need to provide the docker client with the daemon host (-H docker-dind in the example, you can also use DOCKER_HOST env variable as described in the doc).
Mount host machine /var/run/docker.sock in your container
As described by #Herman Garcia answer:
docker run -p 8080:8080 --user root \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jenkinsci/blueocean
You need to mount your local /var/run/docker.sock and run the container as root user
NOTE: this might be a security flaw so be careful who has access to the jenkins container
docker run -p 8080:8080 --user root \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jenkinsci/blueocean
you will be able to execute docker inside the container
➜ ~ docker exec -it gracious_agnesi bash
bash-4.4# docker ps
c4dc85b0d88c jenkinsci/blueocean "/sbin/tini -- /usr/…" 18 seconds ago Up 16 seconds>8080/tcp, 50000
/tcp gracious_agnesi
Just only try to do the same command but with sudo in the beginning
For example
sudo docker images
sudo docker exec -it db4292380977 bash
To avoid use sudo in the future you should run this command in Unix O.S
sudo usermod -aG docker <your-user>
Change for the user that you are using at this moment. Remember to log out and back in for this to take effect! More information about Docker installation click here

Official Docker image says docker not running?

I perform the following docker commands in the following order:
docker pull docker
docker run -ti <imgId>
Now I am inside the "docker" image for Docker
Now suppose I create a temp folder and download a Dockerfile
mkdir temp
cd temp
curl <dockerfile>
docker build .
It will tell me Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?
This means that the docker service needs to be started, but as the official docker image comes on alpine linux, commands like service/systemctl are not available, so we must perform apk add openrc --no-cache to access these.
After I install it, I still cannot start the docker service.
Performing system docker start says that it cannot find docker as a service?
service: service docker does not exist
Eventually I want to build this via Jenkins.
In the build step, I perform Execute Shell
if [ -f "Dockerfile" ]; then
echo "Dockerfile exists ... removing it"
rm Dockerfile
wget <dockerFile url>
docker build .
I purposely don't do the openrc on Jenkins since I want to test locally first
The image you're pulling here (with the latest tag) does not contain the docker daemon. It's meant to be used as the docker client. What you want is to first get the docker daemon running with the image tagged dind (docker in docker).
docker network create dind
docker run --privileged --name docker --network dind -v docker-client-certs:/certs/client -d docker:dind
To verify it started up and works, you can check the logs.
docker logs docker
Now you can use a client container to connect to the daemon. This is how you connect interactively to the shell, like you wanted to:
docker run -ti --network dind -e DOCKER_TLS_CERTDIR=/certs -v docker-client-certs:/certs/client:ro docker
Docker commands should work inside this container. If you do docker version, you should see the versions of both the client and the server.
Note the two containers share the same network (some examples online feature links, but those are deprecated). They also share some of the TLS certs, which are generated when starting up the dind image.

How to run docker container inside docker (DIND)?

I am trying to run a container inside another container using Docker inside docker
When I run the following:
docker run --privileged docker:stable-dind docker run hello-world
I get the following error message:
docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?.
See 'docker run --help'.
I must be missing something, how can I run docker inside docker?
I don't think you can do this in a one-liner (others might correct me). However, as explained at, you can start the a docker-in-docker container as a background daemon (-d) and then start other containers inside.
To start the parent container, run
docker run -d --name some-docker --privileged docker:stable-dind
The name some-docker is arbitrary. It will be used to identify this container later on. To start a container inside, run
docker run --link some-docker:docker docker run hello-world
The --link option exposes the network ports of the parent container and sets environment variables, such that the inner container uses docker from the dind image.

docker cp remotely (from container to host)

I'm attempting to create a Jenkins job that remotely runs "docker cp" to copy a folder from the running container to the host machine.
Currently I have
docker run --rm docker:1.7.1 docker -H cp cc_head:/opt/blah/build/cc_head/games /home/devadmin/games
But that doesn't work..
So, the machine host is, and I can ssh to it with ssh
and at the host machine docker cp cc_head:/opt/blah/build/cc_head/games /home/devadmin/games works
All we can have here is docker 1.7.1, but if you manage to do this with a newer version I'd also be happy
the running container is called cc_head
Any suggestions?
You have two options
Mount the folder in cc_head container
Where you run the container cc_head and add -v /home/devadmin/games:/somefolder while running the same
docker run --rm docker:1.7.1 docker -H cp cc_head:/opt/blah/build/cc_head/games cc_head:/somefolder
Mount the folder in separate container
Run another container on the host and map the /home/devadmin/games and use that for the copy operation
docker run --rm docker:1.7.1 docker -H cp cc_head:/opt/blah/build/cc_head/games container:/somefolder
