Gerrit Code Review - Retrieve file content from Change Edit - gerrit

Has anyone successfully constructed the correct url to retrieve the file content from this endpoint?
All my attempts have resulted in a status 404.
The documentation is confusing in this link
Below is the example it provides
GET /changes/{change-id}/edit/path%2fto%2ffile
this is data from gerrit.
"branch": "BR16516",
"change_id": "Ieb84eb99147fc39d3e117fe61eef8389d2f64611",
"change_number": "52490",
"change_revision": "2",
"file_name": "sql/BR16516-update-order-15102.sql",
"lines_inserted": 77,
"size_delta": 2041,
"status": "A"
I can't seem to provide a value for {change-id} and {'path%2fto%2ffile'} that gerrit recognises
The value I provided (see shown above) is the same value retrieved from /changes endpoint documented here
This is the code example provided:
Retrieves content of a file from a change edit.
GET /changes/myProject~master~I8473b95934b5732ac55d26311a706c9c2bde9940/edit/foo HTTP/1.0
In this example, the filename is 'foo' however the {change-id} introduces myProject~master~ and I tried substituting this for the relevant values for my project but with no luck.
If there are other endpoints that will give me plain text from the file in the branch, that will be good too.

I managed to get the file content from this end point
GET /changes/{change-id}/revisions/{revision-id}/files/{file-id}/content
change_id is the id from the change record
revision-id is the revision id from the change record
the change record is from the query changes end point


ResolveFully option does not resolve all schemas in some paths

Swagger-parser version: 2.1.1
Example swagger spec:
The test case is quite large, so I put it in a github gist. Don't be surprised by the names of the paths and schemes - I masked the critical data.
When using the ResolveFully option, I get requests with unresolved links. For example, take the request POST /v1/BusinePEH0JF. In swagger-ui it renders correctly - in the request body in the manager field, the Emplo4XN6X schema is resolved:
enter image description here
But swagger-parser gives this result:
enter image description here
Here the link is not resolved. This is most likely due to the fact that the parent schema BusinesYD77B4X in this request is stored as such in resolvedModels due to the fact that it is also used in other requests, such as POST /v1/ApprovalSetU0C9RY71SHD/manager-to-employees. Here, the manager field is empty, because this scheme has already been used above in the approver field.
enter image description here
Reproduction of the error:
val parseOptions = new ParseOptions()
val openAPI = new OpenAPIV3Parser().read(swaggerSpec, null, parseOptions)
Expected result:
Like on the first screen in swagger-ui

How do I insert data to Astra DB using GraphQL API?

I am trying to follow this youtube tutorial.
I am getting stuck at inserting the first piece of data. Ania demonstrates it at 20.46 as follows:
mutation insertGenres {
action: insertreference_list(value: {label: "genre", value: "action"}) {
When I try this, I get an error that says:
"errors": [
"message": "Validation error of type FieldUndefined: Field 'insertreference_list' in type 'Mutation' is undefined # 'insertreference_list'",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"extensions": {
"classification": "ValidationError"
When I google the error, a lot of responses tell people to use mutations instead of queries - but I've started from a mutation. I would like to know how to resolve the error, but I'd also like to find the skills to improve my search strategy for finding answers.
When I look at the documentation for using GraphQL with DataStax, I see a different format to the write structure, which is as follows:
insertbook(value: bookInput!, ifNotExists: Boolean, options:
UpdateOptions): bookMutationResult
It has a colon and a fragment of text after it. It also explicitly states the ifNotExists: Boolean and options. I don't know if there may have been a change to how to use DataStax since the time Ania recorded the tutorial that means it is no longer a current demonstration of how to use the tool, or if there is an answer for this and I just haven't found it yet.
You didn't provide details of how you've configured your Astra DB for Ania's Netflix Clone tutorial so I'm going to assume that you've named your keyspace as netflix.
It seems as though you haven't followed the instructions correctly and have missed steps. I can replicate the error you reported if I skip at least one of the steps in the tutorial.
In step 5 of the tutorial, you needed to do the following:
✅ In graphQL playground, change tab to now use graphql. Edit the end of the URl to change from system to the name of your keyspace: netflix
✅ Populate HTTP HEADER variable x-cassandra-token on the bottom of the page with your token as shown below (again !! yes this is not the same tab)
Switch tabs
In order to insert data, you need to switch to the graphql tab.
If you try to insert the data in the graphql-schema tab, you will get the error you reported.
Set keyspace
You need to update the URI of your GraphQL playground in the graphql tab to use the keyspace name netflix instead of system. For example:
change to:
If you try to insert data into the system keyspace, you will get the error you reported because the reference_list table does not exist in that keyspace. Cheers!

Getting statuses on Twitter via REST API doesn't always return media URLs

I can't seem to get the embedded URL in a status, for example, in id=780804331608109057 -
When I retrieve this via GET /statuses/:id, with include_entities set to true, the response looks like this:
"text":"Here\u2019s WSJ \"An Underwhelming Trump-Clinton Debate\u201d trying to spin this as something other than a Clinton triumph\u2026 https:\/\/\/dpkmphGI8k",
"source":"\u003ca href=\"https:\/\/\/products\/tweetdeck\"rel=\"nofollow\"\u003eTweetDeck\u003c\/a\u003e",....
When viewed on my web client, the status instead displays the link to WSJ (referred through What I would like is one or both of these URLs to show up in my API response:
what would be the short URL that looks like "" followed by "/HJs4kbmTKz" (I have to break this up so SO doesn't complain.)
What am I doing wrong here?
The incredibly fast response from a staffer on the TwitterCommunity website was most gratifying:
You need to use tweet_mode=extended for the new longer Tweet format.
A search on this new parameter yields the appropriate documentation on - more documentation links on this mode probably exist out there. The most significant change appears to be that the key text is no longer used in non-compatibility mode - that's where the status text is, and unless you turn on compatibility mode, you have to now use the key full_text

404 response when creating a course with the API

I am attempting to create a course with the API, and no matter how I tweak what I am sending I keep getting back the same 404 error. I am posting the following to /d2l/api/lp/1.4/courses/ in our test instance.
"Name":"STLR Course-112",
I can confirm with a test instance here that this API works with data almost identical to the block you provide here. POSTing a body like this (white space added for clarity):
{"CourseTemplateId": 8082,
"LocaleId": null,
"Code": "STLR.112.201420",
"Name": "STLR Course-112",
"Path": "",
"ShowAddressBook": false,
"EndDate": "2014-05-07T13:00:00.000Z",
"StartDate": "2014-05-07T12:00:00.000Z",
"ForceLocale": false,
"SemesterId": 6984}
Gets me a 200 with a response like this (white space added for clarity):
"Name":"STLR Course-112",
"Name":"Fall 2011",
It appears to me that the only differences between my input block and yours are the IDs provided for course template and semester, so that I could hook the new course into my local test instance instead of the IDs for those orgunits in yours. Otherwise, it appears the input properties are identical.
Some things you could look at:
Ensure you're using the right Org Unit Id values for your course template and your semester
Ensure that your LMS is configured to enforce content paths for new org units: this should then provoke the LMS to auto-create the path for you when you create a course offering; if you don't have content path enforcement on, then you might have to instead specify a valid content path for your course offering on create, and passing in an empty string probably won't be a valid path, and thus you might get a 404 back because the API service handler "can't find the content path" you've specified.
Is there a particular message that comes back with the 404?

How to Add Tag via Asana API

I am trying to do a simple Salesforce-Asana integration. I have many functions working, but I am having trouble with adding a tag to a workspace. Since I can't find documentation on the addTag method, I'm sort of guessing at what is required.
If I post the following JSON to
{"data":{"name":"MyTagName","notes":"Test Notes"}}
The tag gets created in Asana, but with blank notes and name fields. If I try to get a bit more fancy and post:
{"data":{"name":"MyTagName","notes":"Test Notes","followers":[{"id":"MY_USER_ID"}]}}
I receive:
{"errors":[{"message":"Invalid field: {\"data\":{\"name\":\"MyTagName\",\"notes\":\"Test Notes\",\"followers\":[{\"id\":\"MY_USER_ID\"}]}}"}]}
I'm thinking the backslashes may mean that my request is being modified by the post, though debug output shows a properly formatted json string before the post.
Sample Code:
JSONGenerator jsongen = JSON.createGenerator(false);
jsongen.writeStringField('name', 'MyTagName');
jsongen.writeStringField('notes', 'Test Notes');
jsongen.writeStringField('id', 'MY_USER_ID');
String requestbody = jsongen.getAsString();
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
//===Auth header created here - working fine===
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);
return res.getBody();
Any help appreciated. I am inexperienced using JSON as well as the Asana API.
The problem was that I was posting to the wrong endpoint. Instead of workspaces/workspaceid/tags, I should have been using /tags and including workspaceid in the body of the request.
Aha, so you can add tags and even set followers despite the API not mentioning that you can or claiming that followers are read-only.
So to sum up for anyone else interested: POSTing to the endpoint you can create a tag like this:
{ "data" : { "workspace": 1234567, "name" : "newtagname", "followers": [45678, 6789] } }
where 1234567 is your workspace ID and 45678 and 6789 are your new followers.
Since you posted this question, Asana's API and developer has introduced Tags. You documentation lays out the answer to your question pretty clearly:
I'm a bit confused by your question. Your ask "how to add a tag" but the first half of your question talks about adding a task. The problem with what you describe there is that you are trying to set a task's followers but the followers field is currently read-only according to Asana's API documentation. That is why you are getting an error. You can not set followers with the API right now.
The second part of your question - with the sample code - does look like you are trying to add a tag. However, right now the Asana API does not support this (at least according to the API documentation). You can update an existing tag but you can't add one.
So, to sum up: at this time the API does not allow you to add followers to a task or to create new tags.
