.net core coverage results not displaying - tfs

I'm trying to figure out how to show Coverage in TFS. with .net CORE.
Below is my build definition. I have a "Test .NET Core" task.
From above url, I found this hint:
Run the tests in the project in the current directory and generate a
test results file in the trx format:
dotnet test --logger:trx
And I have test results working.
(Details of Test-Task and the Publish-Test-Results below)
Publish Test Results (task).
With the following arguments
Test Result Format:
Test Results Files
So I can see Test Results :) (below image)
But how do you get Code Coverage working? (above image, red circle...there is a place holder for Coverage)
What I've tried:
There is a "Coverage" task..but doesn't seem right to me. (image below)


Junit5 html report generation

Recently migrated from JUnit4 to JUnit5. As per the current gradle settings I no longer see HTML reports getting generated. Have googled but could find a way to generate these reports. Has anyone tried to generate HTML reports of test under JUnit5?
When I run the test under JUnit5, I see a binary folder with files
And hence resultant html report is not generated.
gradle.build code that helps club results from the test task in all subprojects
task testReport(type: TestReport) {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/reports/allTests")
reportOn subprojects*.test
doLast {
println "Test reports for all test complete $env"
If there is need for more code to share, please let me know.

Combine Multiple json results in one, updated Cucumber-JVM Report

I have two runners in my automation project as follows:
Main runner - Executes all the #ui-test tagged test cases and if a scenario is failed target/rerun.txt will be populated with the scenario location (e.g. features/Dummy.feature:22):
features = "classpath:features",
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report", "json:target/cucumber.json", "rerun:target/rerun.txt"},
tags = {"#ui-test", "~#ignore"}
public class RunCukesTest {
Secondary runner - Re-executes the scenarios from target/rerun.txt:
features = "#target/rerun.txt",
plugin = {"pretty", "html:target/cucumber-html-report-rerun", "json:target/cucumber_rerun.json"}
public class ReRunFailedCukesTest {
When the execution is performed two result json files are created:
Jenkins will collect the results via Cucumber-JVM Reports plugin and will create a combined report.
The problem is, even if all the target/rerun.txt tests are passed in the second run, the report status will remain failed because of the cucumber.json.
Is there a way (to set up Cucumber-JVM Reports plugin or modify the upper presented runners) to overwrite cucumber.json with the results from cucumber_rerun.json and to publish only the modified cucumber.json?
Another sub-keywords: maven, java, cucumber-java8, cucumber-junit, junit
I had problem similar to yours, though, I've used single runner, handled re-runs from testNG(re-runs was one of the reasons I've switched from JUnit to TestNG) directly and as a results I had increased amount of tests in my json report.
My solution was to clean json files afterwards, despite the fact that Jenkins knows about failed tests it won't mark build as failed or as unstable.
In your particular case you may try to somehow match tests from rerun.json and exclude them from regular json report.
For parsing jsons I may recommend using Jackson FasterXML
I use Jenkins cucumber reporting latest release with below config in Jenkins.
Image Of Config In Jenkins
1st Runner
public class RunPF {
2nd Runner
public class RunRA {
I had failed in both .json files and when it passed both were merged and updated correctly in one cucumber report.
Here is the error:
[CucumberReport] Preparing Cucumber Reports
[CucumberReport] JSON report directory is "C:\Users\ajacobs\workspace\com.mytest.framework\target\"
[CucumberReport] Copied 2 json files from workspace "C:\Users\admin\workspace\yourtest\target" to
reports directory "C:\Users\admin\.jenkins\jobs\Regression\builds\21\cucumber-html-reports\.cache"
[CucumberReport] Processing 2 json files:
[CucumberReport] C:\Users\admin\yourtest\builds\21\cucumber-html-reports\.cache\cucumber.json
[CucumberReport] C:\Users\admin\yourtest\builds\21\cucumber-html-reports\.cache\cucumberpf.json
Finished: SUCCESS

MS Build TestCategory Filter not working

TFS2013.Update 2 12.0.30324.0
Visual Studio 2013
Visual Studio Test Runner
Gated Check-In
As shown here I decorated my TestMethod like
[TestCategory("Gated"), TestMethod()]
As shown here I filtered, like
When I build without any filter, the TestRun run successfully with all unit tests. But when I tried to filter over TestCaterory, no TestRun started at all.
I tried without success ...
... to put the filter in quotation:
... to separate the attributes:
... a similar question has been posted here, but I can't revert back to using the old default.xaml.
... I found just one warning in the build log under "Run Visual Studio Test Runner for Test Sources": "Dependent Assembly Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed of C:\Builds2\56\614\bin\External\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.TestManagement.Common.dll not found. Can be ignored if not a NUnit project."
-> I added the reference to Newtonsoft.Json in every single NUnit-Project in all the solutions, that were build during the gated check-in - also without success.
The problem was not the TestCategory, but another pretty simple one:
The unittest-project in which the “broken” testmethod resides was not part of ”projects to Build” of the Build Definition.

Sonar not using lcov file

I have a Jenkins job that is using the "Invoke standalone Sonar analysis" for a javascript project.
I thought it was working fine with the following parameters:
But then I noticed that the numbers that are being reported in Sonar do not match the number in the lcov file.
When I log into to Sonar I see the code coverage number as 30%.
But when I examine the lcov file, I get completely different numbers:
$lcov --summary target/test-coverage/jscover.lcov
lines......: 48.1%
functions..: 41.7%
branches...: no data found
And in fact, when I view the jscover.html report file, I see the total coverage at 48%.
Sonar reports it at 30%.
And drilling down into the individual files, Sonar's results do not match the results in the lcov file either.
For instance:
Just by looking at a particular file, /src/js/models/Call.js, lcov says it’s at 97% code coverage.
But Sonar displays this:
49.0% by unit tests Line coverage:97.0% (97/100)Branch coverage:0.0% (0/98)
It’s as if Sonar is using the Branch Coverage AND the Line Coverage Stats to get the final code coverage results at 49.0%.
Do you know what I am doing wrong? Do you know why Sonar is not using the coverage results from the lcov file? Is it because the Branch Coverage has no data?
Thanks for any insight on this.
Code coverage is recomputed by SonarQube. SonarQube just retrieves from the report whether a line is covered or not by unit tests. Example:
DA:10,0 => it means that line 10 is not covered
DA:20,1 => it means that line 20 is covered
DA:30,5 => it means that line 30 is covered
Then SonarQube recomputes the code coverage:
Number of covered lines / (Number of covered lines + Number of uncovered lines)

Getting Statistics to show up in TC

I've setup teamcity with my sln file and got the unit tests to show up with the CppUnit plugin that teamcity has. And I get test results in the TeamCity UI.
Now I'm trying to get trending reports to show up for my unit tests and code coverage.
As of code coverage, we're using vsinstr.exe and vsperfmon.exe which produces an XML file.
I'm not quite sure as of what steps I should be taking to make the trending reports and code coverage(not as important) to show up.
I've already seen this post, but the answer seems to require editing the build script, which I don't think would work for my case since I'm building through MSBuild and the .sln file, and the tests are being ran through that build.
So basically I'm trying to get the Statistics tab to show up, and I'm not sure where to begin.
Just add simple Powershell step into your build configuration. Something like this:
function TeamCity-SetBuildStatistic([string]$key, [string]$value) {
Write-Output "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key='$key' value='$value']"
$outputFile = 'MetricsResults.xml'
$xml = [xml] (Get-Content $outputFile)
$metrics = $xml.CodeMetricsReport.Targets.Target[0].Modules.Module.Metrics
| foreach { TeamCity-SetBuildStatistic "$($_.Name)" $_.Value.Replace(',', '') }
It uses XML output from FxCop Metrics. You have to update the script for your actual schema.
