OSMnx - Euclidean Buffers Around Point - buffer

A relative novice here so help will be much appreciated. I'm going through the process of classifying station areas internationally using the connectivity metrics in OSMnx. I need to get the street networks within 400m euclidean buffers from each station point. i.e. a simple buffer from a station.
It appears to me that the only way to get street networks within a distance from a point is by using ox.graph_from_point() and specifying either a network distance or a bounding box.
Is it impossible to get a euclidean distance from a point? Or do I need a work around i.e. creating buffer polygons in ArcMap and using them with OSMnx. In either case, any advice on what code or command I need will be appreciated!

You can do this all directly with OSMnx:
import osmnx as ox
from shapely.geometry import Point
station_point = (-71.083364, 42.341586)
projected_point, projection_crs = ox.project_geometry(Point(station_point))
projected_buffer = projected_point.buffer(400)
buffer, latlong_crs = ox.project_geometry(projected_buffer, crs=projection_crs, to_latlong=True)
G = ox.graph_from_polygon(buffer)
Define a station point, project it to meters (UTM), buffer it with a 400 m radius, project buffer back to lat-long, then get the street network within it.


How to evaluate the remoteness of a location given its coordinates?

I need to be able to evaluate how remote a location is given its geographical coordinates. I rate remoteness based off of a few key metrics, so far, I am only able to calculate a subset of all the required metrics:
The cellular reception at the given coordinate. More specifically, the density of cell towers around the coordinate. This can be found using opencellid.org.
Elevation. This can be found using Google's Elevation API
How can one find these remaining metrics for remoteness?
The type of natural feature the coordinate is in. (eg. Lake, River, Glacier, Ocean, Island, Mountain)
Distance to the nearest road. (Google's Snap Road API and Nearest Road API only work if the coordinate is within 50m of a road, that will not work as some coordinates are hundreds of km from the nearest road).
About land type
For your first question it has already been answered here, except it is only for land/water.
My approach would be the following:
Using maps static, you get the image at your coordinate, you get the pixel at the center of your image (your coordinates) and you use a hashmap/dictionary that contains all the different possible colors and their land type, would be very quick to implement. But you can find out different ideas by reading the first link provided.
For strength of cellular signal
As for your second question, you can use Google API to detect the closest cell towers object, using the locationAreaCode that you can obtain through the coordinates:
An example cell tower object is below.
"cellTowers": [
"cellId": 170402199,
"locationAreaCode": 35632,
"mobileCountryCode": 310,
"mobileNetworkCode": 410,
"age": 0,
"signalStrength": -60,
"timingAdvance": 15
What is the purpose I wonder? You could take a sampling of coordinates around the fix and if they are mostly on a hill or in water it is definitive, it seems people know how to figure out this kind of stuff with google apis.
Would this be good enough?
Get Lat/Lon and range from a sources like this: https://my.opencellid.org/dashboard/login?ref=opencellid for free. Use a formula to determine the distance between the gps locations like this: https://nathanrooy.github.io/posts/2016-09-07/haversine-with-python/. Then make your own determination on strength based on "range" and terrain. perhaps create a DB table of say 500 zip codes with label for terrain type rating. If 10 or something it's the worst terrain and you drop the strength by something that makes sense.

Shortest path in games (StarCraft example)

In games like StarCraft you can have up to 200 units (for player) in a map.
There are small but also big maps.
When you for example grab 50 units and tell them to go to the other side of the map some algorithm kicks in and they find path through the obsticles (river, hills, rocks and other).
My question is do you know how the game doesnt slow down because you have 50 paths to calculate. In the meantime other things happens like drones collecting minerals buildinds are made and so on. And if the map is big it should be harder and slower.
So even if the algorithm is good it will take some time for 100 units.
Do you know how this works maybe the algorithm is similar to other games.
As i said when you tell units to move you did not see any delay for calculating the path - they start to run to the destination immediately.
The question is how they make the units go through the shortest path but fast.
There is no delay in most of the games (StarCraft, WarCraft and so on)
Thank you.
I guess it just needs to subdivide the problem and memoize the results. Example: 2 units. Unit1 goes from A to C but the shortest path goes through B. Unit2 goes from B to C.
B to C only needs to be calculated once and can be reused by both.
See https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_programming
In this wikipedia page it specifically mentions dijkstra's algorithm for path finding that works by subdividing the problem and store results to be reused.
There is also a pretty good looking alternative here http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/TylerGlaiel/20121007/178966/Some_experiments_in_pathfinding__AI.php where it takes into account dynamic stuff like obstacles and still performs very well (video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4W1zSOLr_g).
Another interesting technique, does a completely different approach:
Calculate the shortest path from the goal position to every point on the map: see the full explanation here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bspb9g9nTto - although this one is inefficient for large maps
First of all 100 units is not such a large number, pathfinding is fast enough on modern computers that it is not a big resource sink. Even on older games, optimizations are made to make it even faster, and you can see that unit will sometimes get lost or stuck, which shouldn't really happen with a general algorithm like A*.
If the map does not change map, you can preprocess it to build a set of nodes representing regions of the map. For example, if the map is two islands connected by a narrow bridge, there would be three "regions" - island 1, island 2, bridge. In reality you would probably do this with some graph algorithm, not manually. For instance:
Score every tile with distance to nearest impassable tile.
Put all adjacent tiles with score above the threshold in the same region.
When done, gradually expand outwards from all regions to encompass low-score tiles as well.
Make a new graph where each region-region intersection is a node, and calculate shortest paths between them.
Then your pathfinding algorithm becomes two stage:
Find which region the unit is in.
Find which region the target is in.
If different regions, calculate shortest path to target region first using the region graph from above.
Once in the same region, calculate path normally on the tile grid.
When moving between distant locations, this should be much faster because you are now searching through a handful of nodes (on the region graph) plus a relatively small number of tiles, instead of the hundreds of tiles that comprise those regions. For example, if we have 3 islands A, B, C with bridges 1 and 2 connecting A-B and B-C respectively, then units moving from A to C don't really need to search all of B every time, they only care about shortest way from bridge 1 to bridge 2. If you have a lot of islands this can really speed things up.
Of course the problem is that regions may change due to, for instance, buildings blocking a path or units temporarily obstructing a passageway. The solution to this is up to your imagination. You could try to carefully update the region graph every time the map is altered, if the map is rarely altered in your game. Or you could just let units naively trust the region graph until they bump into an obstacle. With some games you can see particularly bad cases of the latter because a unit will continue running towards a valley even after it's been walled off, and only after hitting the wall it will turn back and go around. I think the original Starcraft had this issue when units block a narrow path. They would try to take a really long detour instead of waiting for the crowd to free up a bridge.
There's also algorithms that accomplish analogous optimizations without explicitly building the region graph, for instance JPS works roughly this way.

Using R to map seedling locations using set reference points

I'm looking for some guidance on the approach I should take to mapping some points with R.
Earlier this year I went off to a forest to map the spatial distribution of some seedlings. I created a grid—every two meters I set down a flag with a tagname, and what I did is I would measure the distance from a flag to a seedling, as well as the angle using a military compass. I chose this method in hopes of getting better accuracy (GPS Garmins prove useless for this sort of task under canopy cover).
I am really new to spatial distribution work altogether, so I was hoping someone could provide guidance on what R packages I should use.
First step is to create a grid with my reference points (the flags). Second step is to tell R to use a reference point and my directions to mark the location of a seedling. From there come other things, such as cluster analysis.
The largest R package for analysing point pattern data like yours is spatstat which has a very detailed documentation and an accompanying book.
For more specific help you would need to upload (part of) your data so we can see how it is organised and how you should read it in and convert to standard x,y coordinates.
Full disclosure: I'm a co-author of both the package and the book.

How to determine which Geocoordinates are inside a defined Area?

my Application is given a list of Geocorrdinates and now I have to determine which of those Coordinates are inside a defined Area. For example the Search would definiton would be: Show me all Areas where 100 Coordinates are in an Area of 1km^2. So I have to find out which of these coordinates are together in Areas of 1km^2 and more than 100.
But that seems to be a hard Job for my understanding of geocoordinates and I hope someone can help me with that.
The Latitude coordinates are consistent and Distance between two degrees is 111km. For example the Distance between N50,985° and N50,995° is 1,11km. The Distance between 2 Longtitude Coordinates is not so easy and depends on the Latitude coordinate.
But to be honest, I really don't know how to start.
Does someone have an Idea and can help me?
Thank you
what you need is a geospatial database, I'd recommend PostgreSQL with PostGIS. It provides the function you need to calculate this kind of stuff. Also search for good tutorials about it. An example is a radius search like "give me all McDonalds in a radius of 10km where I live"
If the problem with having a database is simply that you don't want to host it (or pay for someone to host it) then I recommend Fusion Tables.
I don't know if it supports exactly the functionality you are looking for, however I suppose you could select a random point and do a count of everything within range of that point.
I think that what you are talking could be quite a cpu intensive task (depending on how accurate you want it to be). Not something I would personally try and unload onto a portable device.

Mapping points from Euclician 2-space onto a Poincare disc

For some reason it seems that everyone writing webpages about Poincare discs is only concerned with how to represent lines and measure distances.
I'd like to morph a collection of 2D points (as defined by x,y coordinates in the Euclidian plane) onto a Poincare disc, but I have no idea what the algorithm is supposed to be like. At this point I don't even know if it's possible to create a mapping between Euclidian 2-space and a Poincare disc...
Any pointers?
You describe your data as a collection of points. But from your comments, you want to make lines in the plane still map to lines in the disk. You seem to want to preserve the "structure" of the space somehow, which is probably why you use the term "morph". I think that you want a conformal map.
There is no conformal bijection between the disk and the plane. There is such a mapping between the half-plane and the disk, and it preserves "lines", but not the kind that you want, unfortunately.
You said "I don't even know if it's possible to create a mapping" ... there are a number of mappings for you to choose from (see the Unit Disk page for an example) but there are none with all the features you seem to want.
If I understand everything correctly, the answer you get on the other forum is for the Beltrami–Klein model. Once you have that, you can get to the coordinates in the Poicare' disk with
p = b / (1 + sqrt(1 - b * b))
Where p is the vector of coordinates in the Poincare' disk (i.e. what you need) and b is the one in the Beltrami–Klein model (i.e. what you get from the other answer).
