Laravel Nova: How to hide fields only when updating the resource - laravel-nova

I know I can hide some fields with canSee method:
->canSee(function ($request) {
return $request->user()->can('some ability');
And from the documentation, there is a canSeeWhen method where you can hide the field based on the abilities the user has:
canSeeWhen('viewProfile', $this);
But these methods work for every situation, for example if I define the canSee method on a field, the field is not seeable on index, detail, creating, and updating pages.
I want to hide some fields specifically when the user is editing the resource.
How can I do that?

I got it. You can use hideWhenUpdating method.
Other methods are:


Create a field in ruby not associated with a model

I am wondering how can i create a field not associated to the models, the only reason i need the field is to determine which actions to do on it.
Lets say i have a model article, and when creating a new article, i would like a hidden field that would have 0,1,2 and in the controller new, i would see if the params is equal to 0, then do this set of logic or 1 then this set of logic.
Thank you, I also know that defining a set of action for each action won't work.
In a form you can declare both hidden and visible fields that are not directly associated with your models. When you submit the form, in the form's action you can manipulate the attributes in the params that are not related to the model.
When you declare form fields you can use those that end with _tag like email_field_tag, radio_button_tag, and regarding your question, hidden_field_tag. Example:
<% hidden_field_tag 'this_is_hidden' %>
Try it out and inspect what comes into the action: raise params.inspect. In doing so you'll notice the params now includes keys for the attributes you declared that are not related to your model (like the attribute :this_is_hidden)
Try doing it with a hidden_field_tag. (recommendation: put it just before the submit button inside the form tag.)
hidden_field_tag 'decide', '0'
Then in the new action of the controller you can catch it inside the params hash, and compare it with params[:decide].to_i
most easiest way is to have a hidden field as #Zippie, mentioned. However it has some risks as end user could modify the value in the hidden field and your program could behave differently.
What i personally believe is to have a some kind of a methodology to identify from the passing parameters
Ex: if it is a new object then it should go to method A etc...
By that way end use will not have a chance to modify the workflow.

What is the best practices to track action id in controller for saved form?

Wasnt sure how to word the question, but this is the scenario:
the view is a data entry form eg
so edit the user I have an ID:
This ID gets the data to populate the form values in a ViewModel, which populates the form
I am using jquery/ajax to save the form, which returns a Json result, indicating ok/error etc
In the View, I get the ID and use this in a hidden field which is set via jquery when the page loads and when the form is saved via ajax.
This seems a bit clunky, how do others do this?
in my opinion best solution is to create a partial view with all the fields and use it on add and edit view which are separate actions in controller. after you create user you can redirect to action edit. if you must / like use ajax you can reload div with form (change from user/add to user/edit/1). i might be wrong but i never see a code or example with one action in controller for add and edit.

.NET custom authorize attribute (mvc)

In certain Controller I have CRUD methods. In order to access these methods user needs to be logged in. This is why I used [Authorize] attribute for this controller. Now I need additional attribute which would check if item that user wants to view/delete/update belongs to him.
Is it possible and recommended to do this with attribute or you would suggest using check methods inside each method? If you suggest using attribute, could you please provide me some links/instructions?
Ofcourse, if attribute returns false than I don't want to redirect user to login page but show him an error message...
It can be done with a custom Authorize attribute, but it's much cleaner to put the logic inside your controller methods.
The attribute is related to the action being called (the controller class method). On that basis any attribute relating to the user's ownership of the object being manipulated (from your Model) should really be on the entity/class that the user is attempting to manipulate. You'll probably find it easier to validate the user within the Model method rather than using an attribute to achieve this.
In my opinion it is possible, just google for 'Custom Authorize Attribute'.
But maybe it is better to query your database with something like this:

ASP.NET MVC Ajax: How to update an Ajax.ActionLink itself on-click

I have a page that displays a list with a of elements with a large number of elements, each of which has a boolean property, representing an Enabled and a Disabled state.
I need to provide the user with a link for each list item, and the link text must show the opposite status (so if the item is enabled, the link text must display 'Disable').
When the user clicks the link for a Disabled, the corresponding link text for the item must change to 'Enable' (and vice versa).
I would like to NOT reload the entire list for each click, just the text of the ActionLink itself, so my question is:
Is it possible to update just an ActionLink itself when the user clicks the link, or do I have do handle this using custom javascript?
As far as I remember, you can add HTML attributes to the "a" tag by newing up an anonymous class as the last param on most overloads.
Off the top of my head this can be written like the following:
Html.ActionLink("Name", "Action", "Controller", new { #class = 'updateId' });
(You may be able to do this with an ID which would be preferable over a class - if not just use a unique class name to avoid updating multiple items.)
Then you can use javascript to access the class "updateId" and change the inner html.
In the case of jQuery:
This can be done with a custom user control contained within the element to update. A writeup of the solution can be found here. No custom client-side scripting is necessary.

Persisting data from multiple forms in ASP.NET MVC

I have two forms on one page: a results form and a search form. The search form uses a partial view because it is displayed on several different pages. I want to be able to persist the data in the search form regardles of which button on which form the user clicks. The problem is that when the user clicks on a link or button from the results form, only the form values from the results form are posted, the values from the search form are not included. How can I maintain the values in the search form even when it is not the form that is submitted? I do not want to use any type of session state to maintain the form and I dont want to write the search values in hidden fields in the results form. I just want to be able to post them with the form values of the results form so that the users search criteria can be maintained accross any page that displays the search partial view. What am I missing?
The first thought that occured to me is to remove the form wrapping the search control and just let it be rendered into the form with the results data. I worry here about naming conflicts. What happens when the search from has a control with the same name as the results form, wouldn't this cause a naming conflict? I suppose that this could just be managed manually to ensure that there are unique names whenever rendering partial views into other views, perhaps even going so far as to prefix values with the partial view name, but that reminds me of the ugliness that is INamingContainer in web forms - plus makes for cumbersome field names in your model.
Is there some sort of elegant solution that will allow a form to persist state that I am missing? Thanks!
Normally, I persist the search criteria on the server side when the search is performed. If the user changes the search criteria after performing the search, then posts the form any changes are, of course, lost but that's arguably correct behavior since the search wasn't invoked. This is true whether the search is performed from a full post or via ajax. Handling it this way keeps the actions cleaner, I think as you don't need to handle the search data in the other actions.
If you absolutely need to have the search parameters included, you could consider having the second form post via javascript, pick up the search field values dynamically and add them to the second form (as hidden fields) prior to posting the second form. You wouldn't have to maintain the values in two places in synchronization, but you would have to copy them to the second form before posting.
At the moment i got it like this:
Forms which has search box, posts query (and additional data if needed) to search controller which then renders search view. Search view is made from search box and search results partial views. During this - search box form is reconstructed by posted data.
If i need search results form to perform another search request (for example, with specified page index), it goes through ajax, which posts search box form + page index from search results form. Take a look here for ideas (update that JS method with targetId parameter for updating specified div/form and post additional data if needed here like this:
In short: if you need to maintain state of form + update another in one page - consider using partial updates, otherwise you will end up inventing ViewState 2.0.
One caveat with this way - it's tricky to make search box contain something what is related with search results (i.e. - total count of found items). Before i managed to handle this, our designer did that - i just need to add div with appropriate class name ("sbsubst" or something) and it looks that it's inside search box. :)
When you have few forms at your page each form sends only its own data. In WebForms you had only one form (at least server-side) and each control was included into this form. In ASP.NET MVC you can use the same scenario and I'm afraid you will have to if you want to have the described behavior. Don't forget - partial forms don't have to be real forms. Moreover, RenderPartial is mostly used for "control-like" layout creation.
As for the second part of your question I would suggest naming your text boxes in search form with some normal prefix like "search" or something like that. For instance, if you have text box "text" and "language" in the form, you will have "searchText" and "searchLanguage". These names are quite unique and you will have normal names in your parameters.
I am not suggesting you populating the hidden values in your results form on POST event since you said it's not an option for you but still it may be the only way if you want to have two forms.
I think the best approach will be storing the text from search input when it changes in the query part of your second form action url. For example (not tested):
var searchText = $(this).val();
// or? var searchText = encodeURIComponent($(this).val());
var secondForm = $('form#secondFormId');
var action = secondForm.attr('action');
var queryStart = action.lastIndexOf('?search=');
if(queryStart > -1) {
action = action.substring(1, queryStart);
action = action + "?search=" + searchText;
secondForm.attr('action', action);
In Controller (or custom filter):
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var search = Request.QueryString["search"];
if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(search)) {
ViewData["SearchFromPOST"] = search;
In your Search Control:
<%= TextBox("yourSearchInputId", ViewData["SearchFromPOST"]) %>
