How to Open iPhone Settings Using Unity? - ios

i am trying to Enable Buletooth for the Application, but in iOS platform there is no possible way to enable bluetooth from the Unity App.
so i am trying to open iPhone Settings and then enable bluetooth manually,
is there a way to open iPhone Settings from the Unity App
I tried the following code with no Luck
Thanks in advance

You might have to create a function in your Xcode project for that and call it from Unity.
I don't think Apple lets you navigate the user to their specific pages anymore, but you can prompt the user to launch the Settings app and enable bluetooth from there.
Apple gives you a string constant to open the settings app. I would recommend sticking to that because it is liable to change. UIApplication.openSettingsURLString)!)
Referenced from:
Opening the Settings app from another app


Apps Not Showing in Settings on iPhone in iOS 15.4 Swift

I recently developed an iOS app using Xcode 13.1 . I ran it on my iPhone (which is currently operating on iOS 15.4), and it worked fine.
However, my app uses the location, and I have been attempting to have the user go to settings, and enable/disable the location permission.
But my app does not appear in the list of apps in settings. It does not show up in the developer section either. I did multiple things (reboot all settings - restart my iPhone...) but nothing helped.
Info.Plist Permission:-
Permission Popup:-
How can I resolve this bug? Thanks.
Already Tried Given below Answer but no luck:-
Opening the Settings app from another app
How to open your app in Settings iOS 11
How to open Settings programmatically like in Facebook app?
How to open your app's settings (inside the Settings app) with Swift (iOS 11)?
How do I open phone settings when a button is clicked?

How to open device settings app not the app settings programmatically in iOS 8.0+

I am working on an app in which I need to open the device settings app on button client rather than app settings. I am using UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString - but this opens the app settings page not the root level for device settings.
So, may I please get some suggestions on how to open the device settings app and may I also know is there any possibility to open the wi-fi settings page in the device settings programmatically.
You con only open the app-settings as you mentioned above.
If it would would it would also be listed in the documentation:
Even Apps like GoPro or Twitter just give instructions how to enter the settings rather then linking directly.

Is there any way to show Settings app in iOS7

I want to show defaul Settings app. Before I could use method
NSURL*url=[NSURL URLWithString:#"prefs:root=WIFI"];
But now it's disabled, is there any way now in iOS7 to show Settings app?
Unfortunately this is not possible anymore, as apps were offering jailbreak like solutions through the app store(Settings shortcuts). See the following link iOS Launching Settings -> Restrictions URL Scheme. Infact, its been disable since iOS 5.1.
See the following link for an article that shows when and why this was removed in detail:

Open Settings from App (like Twitter to turn on Wi-Fi) - With iOS 7.1

I know that there are a lot of Q&A saying that from iOS 5.1 it is not possible to open Settings from the app, some examples:
Opening the Settings app from another app
is it possible to open Settings App using openURL?
launch settings from alert
But what is really annoying is that Twitter App (version 6.2.1, iPhone 4s, iOS 7.1) is opening Settings from the application.
Check this image:
Clicking on Settings, Twitter is opening Settings and a view with title Wi-Fi. It is true that this view do not have all the Wi-Fi properties. However, it is something into Settings.
How is that possible? How is handling Twitter with that?
Someone have a clue?
That is not the Twitter app showing the alert. That is a standard iOS alert that can appear when an app tries to use location services with no WiFi.
No 3rd party app can directly show that alert. iOS shows it and iOS takes you to the Settings app.
I just verified this with my own app. If the app already has permission to use location services, then if you do something in the app that requires location, this alert will appear when appropriate. I know for a fact that I do nothing in my code to make the alert appear but it does appear.

Open iPhone/iPad settings panel

My app needs feature to open iPhone/iPad "Mail, contacts, Calendars" settings panel and automatically scroll to view default calendar settings row. Any sample or idea?
I will put it under the IBAction.
The URL scheme for programmatically launching to a particular settings panel was briefly exposed (though I'm not sure if it was documented) in iOS 5. However, the capability has been suppressed for third-party apps in iOS 5.1. As it stands, there is currently no way to do this from a third-party app on the latest version of the OS - at least, not in a way that won't get your app rejected from the App Store. There's likely a jailbreak way to do this, but I don't dabble in that, so I wouldn't know.
