EntityFramework SaveChanges() throws concurrent transaction error - asp.net-mvc

In my MVC application, I have a page that loads a record from my POLICIES table and then uses it in my View. My View then has the data from this record displayed on the page, however in order to edit the record data the user needs to click the "Edit Policy" button, which launches a jQuery UI dialog with the same record in EDIT mode. I realize I could just allow them to edit it from the main View, however that is not what my client wants.
The trouble I'm having is, when I'm in my jQuery UI Dialog, I get the error below when I try to save the record.
FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbException: lock conflict on no wait
The Controller method for my dialog executes the following code. The PolicyModel is simply a class which serves as the ViewModel for the dialog, and the Policy property is an object representing the Policy table.
public ActionResult Policy(int policyNo) {
PolicyModel policyModel = new PolicyModel();
policyModel.Policy = dbContext.POLICIES.FirstOrDefault(db => db.POLICY_NO == policyNo);
return View(policyModel);
In the "Policy" View, I do a standard form using:
#using (Html.BeingForm("SavePolicy", "MyController", FormMethod.Post)) {
//hidden element for policyNo created with #Html.HiddenFor
//form elements here created using the #Html.TextBoxFor..etc.
The dialog button to save simply creates new FormData with var formData = new FormData($('#myformid').get(0)); I then pass that to my save controller method.
The Save method is set up like the following
public ActionResult SavePolicy(PolicyModel policyModel) {
var policy = dbContext.POLICIES.FirstOrDefault(db => db.POLICY_NO == policyModel.POLICY_NO);
if (TryUpdateModel(policy,"Policy", updateFields.ToArray())) {
dbContext.Entry(policy).State = EntityState.Modified;
return Json( new { result = 1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet } );
If I change the POLICY_NO manually though to ANY other policy number than the one currently active in the dialog like this...
var policy = dbContext.POLICIES.FirstOrDefault(db => db.POLICY_NO == 12345);
The save will update correctly.
It's like the dialog View is holding onto the resource or something. any ideas?
For reference, the dbContext is scoped to the Controller class in which my SavePolicy method lives as seen below...
public class MainController : Controller {
private DBModel dbContext = new DBModel();
// other methods
public ActionResult SavePolicy(PolicyModel policyModel) {
// method code as see above

ASP.NET MVC Controllers usually have this:
protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
So, if you are declaring your context outside of your action, you should verify if this method is implemented.
Turns out that, at the first execution (a select), your context keeps track of the record at Firebird and it is never disposed. The second execution will try to select the same entry again, which is still tracked by another context that was not disposed properly.
Using the scoped context inside each action is another way to solve, but it is a bit more cumbersome in my standpoint.


How to instantiate a user profile object once per request, in ASP.NET MVC, and then reuse in all code for that request?

I am using MVC3, ASP.NET4.5, SQL Server 2008.
I have a "User" class which contains details about the current user ie Organisation details.
At present I instantiate a new user object on each view or action where needed which makes calls to the db, and of course this is wasteful, as I could instantiate this object when the request is first made. I could then reuse the object throughout the request processing, to include action and view processing.
What would be the correct approach to do this. I had thought of loading the object into a session, but I am trying to avoid the use of these. Also I had an idea of using a static class that checks for the present of the instantiated object, and creates it is absent, then gets the relevant properties. Here is some possible code to illustrate my thinking:
public static class stCurrentUser
public static CurrentUser GetUserDetails()
CurrentUser myUser = (CurrentUser)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["User"];
if (myUser == null)
myUser = new CurrentUser();
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session["User"] = myUser;
return myUser;
return myUser;

OnActionExecuting fires multiple times

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to go about the problem I need to solve... however in an OnActionExecuting action filter that I have created, I set a cookie with various values. One of these values is used to determine whether the user is visiting the website for the very first time. If they are a new visitor then I set the ViewBag with some data so that I can display this within my view.
The problem I have is that in some of my controller actions I perform a RedirectToAction. The result is OnActionExecuting is fired twice, once for the original action and then a second time when it fires the new action.
Function Index(ByVal PageID As String) As ActionResult
Dim wo As WebPage = Nothing
wp = WebPages.GetWebPage(PageID)
Catch sqlex As SqlException
Catch ex As Exception
Return RedirectToAction("Index", New With {.PageID = "Home"})
End If
End Try
Return View("WebPage", wp)
End Function
This is a typical example. I have a data driven website that gets a webpage from the database based on the PageID specified. If the page cannot be found in the database I redirect the user to the home page.
Is it possible to prevent the double firing in anyway or is there a better way to set a cookie? The action filter is used on multiple controllers.
Had the same issue. Resolved by overriding property AllowMultiple:
public override bool AllowMultiple { get { return false; } }
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
//your logic here
You can save some flag value into TempData collection of controller on first executing and if this value presented, skip filter logic:
if (filterContext.Controller.TempData["MyActionFilterAttribute_OnActionExecuting"] == null)
filterContext.Controller.TempData["MyActionFilterAttribute_OnActionExecuting"] = true;
You could return the actual action instead of redirecting to the new action. That way, you dont cause an http-request, thereby not triggering the onactionexecuting (i believe)
Old question, but I just dealt with this so I thought I'd throw in my answer. After some investigating I disovered this was only happening on endpoints that returned a view (i.e. return View()). The only endpoints that had multiple OnActionExecuting fired were HTML views that were composed of partial views (i.e. return PartialView(...)), so a single request was "executing" multiple times.
I was applying my ActionFilterAttribute globally to all endpoints, which was working correctly on all other endpoints except for the view endpoints I just described. The solution was to create an additional attribute applied conditionally to the partial view endpoints.
// Used specifically to ignore the GlobalFilterAttribute filter on an endpoint
public class IgnoreGlobalFilterAttribute : Attribute { }
public class GlobalFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// Does not apply to endpoints decorated with Ignore attribute
if (!filterContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(IgnoreGlobalFilterAttribute), false).Any())
// ... attribute logic here
And then on my partial view endpoints
[IgnoreGlobalFilter] //HERE this keeps the attribute from firing again
public ActionResult GetPartialView()
// partial view logic
return PartialView();

Why does creating a new ViewModel return the same data as the old ViewModel?

I'm just learning MVC3 now and this is really confusing me.
I have a ViewModel that contains some child ViewModels. Each of the ChildViewModels get rendered with a different Partial View, and when submitting execute a different action on the Controller. All the ChildViewModels should perform some custom validation on their data, and if successful it should move on to the next page. If the validation fails, it should simply return to the ParentView and display the errors.
public class MyController: Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var viewModel = new ParentViewModel();
return View("ParentView", viewModel);
public ActionResult ChildViewModelB_Action(ChildViewModelB viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return View("ChildViewModelB_Page2", viewModel);
// I'm having trouble returning to the ParentView and
// simply displaying the ChildViewModel's errors, however
// discovered that creating a new copy of the VM and displaying
// the ParentView again shows the existing data and any errors
// But why??
var vm = new ParentViewModel();
return View("ParentView", vm);
For example,
The page loads with 3 options.
User selects option B and fills out a form.
Upon submit, the child ViewModel B gets validated and fails.
Page returns to ParentView, with ChildB all filled out, however ChildB errors are now also showing.
Why does creating a new copy of the ParentViewModel display the ParentView with the same data as the original ParentViewModel?
And is there a different way I should be returning to the ParentView after doing server-side validation?
You need to clear the modelstate if you intend to modify values in your POST action
var vm = new ParentViewModel();
return View("ParentView", vm);
The reason for that is because Html helper such as TextBoxFor will first look in the modelstate when binding their values and after that in the model. And since the modelstate already contains the POSTed values, that's what's used => the model is ignored. This is by design.
This being said the correct thing to do in your case is to simply redirect to the GET action which already blanks the model and respect the Redirect-After-Post pattern:
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Why does creating a new copy of the ParentViewModel display the
ParentView with the same data as the original ParentViewModel?
Because the values of the fields are retrieved from the POSTed form and not from the model. That makes sense right? We don't want the user to show a form filled with different values from what they submitted.

MVC 3 - Widget fine in Create action, but has null values in View action

I'm using ASP.NET MVC3, with Entity Framework.
I have a Widget controller, with standard Widget CRUD actions.
In my Create action, I successfully create a new Widget object, which has two FooBar objects. This is added to my database just fine, and the action the redirects to the View action.
public ActionResult Create(Widget model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
//At this point, the widget has two FooBar properties. I can see the values for these FooBars just fine.
if (repo.AddWidget(model))
ViewBag.Message = "Your widget has been created.");
return RedirectToAction("View", new { id = model.Id });
ViewBag.Error = "Woops, something went wrong. Please try again.");
return View(model);
In the View action, I fetch the newly created Widget from my repository - except now the two FooBar properties are null.
public ActionResult View(int id)
var widget = repo.GetWidget(id);
if (widget == null)
ViewBag.Error = "No widget found for the specified ID";
return RedirectToAction("Find");
//At this point, the widget has two null values for the FooBar1 and FooBar 2 properties
return View(widget);
In the database itself I can see the correct FooBar ID values on my Widget.
My model is set up pretty much exactly the same as shown in this tutorial:
public class WidgetContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Widget> Widgets { get; set; }
public DbSet<FooBar> FooBars { get; set; }
Can anyone suggest how I might start tracking this issue down?
I should clarify the values are null whenever I call the View action, not only after a Create.
Looks like FooBar is separate entity and FooBar1 and FooBar2 are navigation properties. In such case you must either explicitly say you want to loade them (we call this eager loading):
var widget = context.Widgets
.Include(w => w.FooBar1)
.Include(w => w.FooBar2)
.SingleOfDefault(w => w.Id == id);
Note: Strongly typed Include requires EF 4.1 for EFv1 or EFv4 use:
var widget = context.Widgets
.SingleOfDefault(w => w.Id == id);
or create custom strongly typed extension method like this.
or you must turn lazy loading on. Lazy loading makes separate queries to database once properties are first accessed in your view. It requires making both FooBar1 and FooBar2 virtual and context must be alive when view is rendered. Usually this is handled by singe context per HTTP request where context is for example created and disposed in custom controller factory or in custom Http module.
Also next time make your question complete please. You have shown a lot of code but the important parts (Windget class and GetById method) are missing. Unfortuanatelly users here aren't oracles so we need to now necessary details. Both action methods are almost irrelevant to your problem.

Can't pass viewmodel to new action by RedirectToAction

I have a form, when user submit the form, I want to direct the user the new view to display the submitted result(transfer viewmode data to display view).
public class HomeController : Controller
private MyViewModel _vm;
// POST: /Home/Create
public ActionResult Create(MyViewModel vm){
//set up vm to temp data _vm
_vm = vm;
return RedirectToAction("DisplayData");
// GET: /Home/DisplayData
public ActionResult DisplayData()
//get temp data for display
return View(_vm);
When I posted the form, I can create vm and put it to temp data place _vm. But this _vm can be sent to another action DisplayData, it's null in action DisplayData(). It seems that when redirect action even in same controller, _vm is lost although it is Controller var, not action method var.
How to resolve this problem?
It creates a new instance of the controller as it is a new request therefore as you have found it will be null.
You could use TempData to store the vm, TempData persists the data for 1 request only
Good explanation here
One good way is to call
return DisplayData(_vm)
instead of
DisplayData should accept a model anyway.
