Docker Swarm, how to communicate to other services through their "hostname" only? - docker

I have some experience with Docker Compose and container linking. In a non-swarm environment, you could easily connect from, e.g, the web container to the db_mysql container using its name (for example, in PHP I can configure the MySQL connection to be:
$dsn = 'mysql:host=db_mysql;
I am having a hard time understanding how that works with Docker in Swarm mode, especially considering the "replicas" and "load balancing" mechanisms.
Let's say I have 5 different Docker Machines, each having a different public IP, participating in a Swarm. I also have a web service and a db service that's replicated across these 5 different machines (1 instance per each machine).
My question is: how do I make any of the 5 web containers, communicate to any of the 5 db_mysql containers without forcing these web containers to have knowledge of any Docker Machine public IPs or the fact that these containers live within a Swarm?

You use the service name. This will resolve in DNS to either a VIP or the 5 ip addresses (one for each replica) of the service. Under the covers, the VIP uses IPVS to round robin to one of the healthy replicas without suffering from stale DNS issues. You can also get all the replica IP addresses using service_name.tasks even if you use the default VIP.
In Docker's DNS implementation, you can resolve the container name, and any network alias. The network alias includes the service name with DNSRR (used by docker-compose without swarm). Or the service name resolves to a VIP in swarm mode. The hostname of the container does not resolve, likely because it can change outside of the control (and therefore knowledge) of the docker engine.

Using Docker version 19.03.5 the correct DNS name to query in order to obtain all the IP addresses of the replica of a service is the following:


Deploying couchbase in a docker swarm environment

I'm trying to deploy couchbase community edition in a docker swarm environment. I followed the steps suggested by Arun Gupta, though I'm not sure if a master-worker model is desired as Couchbase doesn't have the notion of master/slave model.
Following are the problems I encountered. I'm wondering if anyone is able to run Couchbase successfully in a swarm mode.
Docker swarm assigns different IP address each time the service is restarted. Sometimes, docker moves the service to a new node which, again assigns a different IP address. It appears that Couchbase doesn't start if it finds a new IP address. (log says "address on which the service is configured is not up. Waiting for the interface to be brought up"). I'm using a host mounted volume as the data folder (/opt/couchase/var) to persist data across restarts.
I tried to read overlay network address used internally and update ip and ip_start files in a run script within the container. This doesn't help either. Server comes up as a new instance without loading old data. This is a real problem as production data can be lost if docker swarm moves services around.
docker swarm's internal router assigns an address from overlay network in addition to other interfaces. I tried using localhost, master.overlaynet, IP address of the overlaynet, private address assigned by docker to container etc. as server address in the Couchbase cluster configuration. While the cluster servers are able to communicate to each other, this created another problem with client connections. Client normally connects to an address/port exposed by the swarm cluster. This is different from cluster node address. In case of a python client, it reads Couchbase cluster server addresses and tried to connect to that if overlay address is given as server address at the time of joining the cluster. The client times out as the address is not reachable.
I might be able to add a network address constraint to the yaml file to ensure that master node will come up with the same address. For eg.
ipv4_address: 172.20.x.xx
Above approach may not work for worker nodes as that will impact ability to scale worker nodes based on load/growth.
In this model (master/worker), how does a worker get elected as leader if master node goes down? Is master/worker the right approach for a Couchbase cluster in swarm environment?
It will be helpful if I can get some references to Couchbase swarm mode setup or some suggestions on how to handle IP address change.
We ran into the same problem (couchbase server 5.1.1) and our temporary solution is to use fixed IPs on a new docker bridge network.
ipv4_address: 172.19.0.x
Although this works, this is not a good solution as we loose auto-scaling as mentioned above. We had some learnings during setup. Just to let you know:
You can run a single-node couchbase setup with dynamic IP. You can stop/restart this container and update couchbase-server version with no limitations.
When you add a second node this initially works with dynamic IP as well during setup. You can add the server and rebalance the cluster. But when you stop/restart/scale 0/1 a couchbase container, it won't start up anymore due to a new IP provides by docker (10.0.0.x with default network).
Changing the "ip" or "ip_start" files (/opt/couchbase/var/lib/couchbase/config) to update the IP does NOT work. Server starts up as "new" server, when changing the ip in "ip" and "ip_start" but it still has all the data. So you can backup your data, if you need now. So even after you "switched" to fixed IP you can't re-start the server directly, but need to cbbackup and cbrestore. documentation for using hostnames is a little misleading as this only documents how to "find" a new server while configuring a cluster. If you specify hostnames couchbase anyway configures all nodes with the static IPs.
You might start your docker swarm with host network might be a solution, but we run multiple instances of other containers on a single host, so we would like to avoid that solution.
So always have a backup of the node/cluster. We always make a file-backup and a cluster-backup with cbbackup. As restoring from a file backup is much faster.
There is a discussion at on this issue, but this involves using AWS for static IPs, which we don't.
I am aware of couchbase autonomous operator for kubernetes, but for now we would like to stay with docker swarm. If anybody has a nicer solution for this, how to configure couchbase to use hostnames, please share.

How to expose the entire docker swarm cluster to the external world via a public IP?

Am trying to implement a cluster of containerised applications in the production using docker in the swarm mode.
Let me describe a very minimalist scenario.
All i have is just 5 aws-ec2 instances.
None of these nodes have a public IP assigned and all have private IPs assigned part of a subnet.
For example,
Manager Nodes
Worker Nodes
With the above infrastructure, have created a docker swarm with the first node's IP ( as the --advertise-addr so that the other 4 nodes join the swarm as manager or worker with their respective tokens.
I didn't want to overload the Manager Nodes by making them doing the role of worker nodes too. (Is this a good idea or resource under-utilization?).
Being the nodes are 4 core each, am hosting 9 replicas of my web application which are distributed in the 3 worker nodes each running 3 containers hosting my web app.
Now with this setup in hand, how should i go about exposing the entire docker swarm cluster with a VIP (virtual IP) to the external world for consumption?
please validate my below thoughts:
1. Should I have a classic load-balancer setup like keeping a httpd or nginx or haproxy based reverse proxy which has a public IP assigned
and make it balance the load to the above 5 nodes where our
docker-swarm is deployed?
One downside I see here is that the above reverse-proxy would be Single Point of Failure? Any ideas how this could be made fault-tolerant/hightly available? should I try a AnyCast solution?
2. Going for a AWS ALB/ELB which would route the traffic to the above 5 nodes where our swarm is.
3. If keeping a separate Load Balancer is the way to go, then what does really docker-swarm load-balancing and service discovery is all
what is docker swarm's answer to expose 1 virtual IP or host name to the external clients to access services in the swarm cluster?
Docker-swarm touts a lot about overlay networks but not sure how it
relates to my issue of exposing the cluster via VIP to clients in the
internet. Should we always keep the load balancer aware of the IP
addresses of the nodes that join the docker swarm later?
please shed some light!
On further reading, I understand that the Overlay Network we are creating in the swarm manager node only serves inter container communication.
The only difference from the other networking modes like bridge, host, macvlan is that the others enables communication among containers with in a single host and while the Overlay network facilitates communication among containers deployed in different subnets too. i.e., multi-host container communication.
with this knowledge as the headsup, to expose the swarm to the world via a single public IP assigned to a loadbalancer which would distribute requests to all the swarm nodes. This is just my understanding at a high level.
This is where i need your inputs and thoughts please...explaining the industry standard on how this is handled?

Keycloak docker containers are unable to discover each others

I have two instances of keycloak running on container each on is running on a single node.
The nodes are bare-metal nodes inside my company network.
keycloak uses TCPPING as discovery protocol.
Since the two containers are running on different nodes, and each instance is pining inside docker default network they are not able to find each other.
I said docker default network because I didn’t specify special network for the two containers.
Any idea how can I make the two instances in this architectural design discover each others!
and I was thinking about docker swarm as a solution.
Assuming the two nodes are on the same network and are able to connect to each other, you can get the two container to discover each other using docker host networking
It would be as easy as docker run --net=host
Docker host networking makes the container to use the networking of the host node and thus will be allocated an IP address by the DHCP server used by the host node and for all practical purposes , would look like another host in that network.
This allows the two containers to discover each other using TCPPING
Docker swarm would also enable this .Docker swarm basically abstracts multiple host nodes such that you can containers on them as if you are running docker on single host. But that will require docker-machine and whole new setup.

Remote Docker container by hostname

How do you access remote Docker container by its hostname?
I need to access remote Docker containers by its hostnames (or some constant IP's) for development and testing purposes. I have tried:
looking for any DNS approach (have not found any clues),
importing /ets/hosts (probably impossible),
creating tunnes (only this works but it is very time consuming).
It's the same as running any other process on a host, Docker or not Docker: you access it via the host name or IP address of the host and the port the service is listening on (the first port of the docker run -p argument). Docker containers don't have externally visible individual IP addresses any more than non-Docker HTTP or ssh daemons do.
If you do have DNS infrastructure available to you, you could set up CNAME records to resolve particular service names to the specific hosts that are running them.
One solution that may help you is some sort of service registry; in the past I've used Consul with some success. You can configure Consul with some health checks or other probes ("look for an HTTP service on port 12345 that answers GET / calls"), and it will provide its own DNS service ("okay, http://whatevername.service.consul:12345/ will reach your service on whichever hosts it happens to be running on").
Nothing in the Docker infrastructure specifically helps this. Using /etc/hosts is distinctly not a best practice: the name-to-IP mapping needs to be kept in sync across all machines and you'll start wishing you had a network service to publish it for you, which is exactly what DNS is for.

How should I expose my API URL on a Docker Swarm cluster?

So, I'm starting to play with docker, so far so good, but I got this question on my head.
Having this two statements in mind (please also correct me if I am misunderstanding something):
1) Docker Swarm provides out of the box service discovering, meaning micro services can talk to each other on the same network by service name without actually knowing on which hosts the other services are allocated.
2) Services instances are ephemeral, so a service can be hosted by different machines in a swarm lifespan.
How should I know which ip adress should expose as a central API gateway service, for instance?
You can expose the IP address of any node in the cluster as Docker has a swarm load balancer running on any of the nodes.
