How can I disable clicking in a FMX Form? - delphi

For an Application I need the user to be disabled to click on a specific window, while he is still able to use a window, which is in front of the other window.
In Delphi, this works perfectly fine with
ExampleForm.Enabled:= False;
but in Firemonkey it seems as if the enabled property does'n exist anymore. As well, it would be really helpful if it could disable the keyboard inputs etc. as well. I would really appreciate a solution for that problem, thanks for your time!
PS: I use the Delphi 10.3 Version

In Firemonkey, you're typically expected to implement all of your controls inside of a TLayout or one of its descendants such as TGridLayout. As long as all of your controls are in there, you can disable its Enabled property. The form is really just a container and not the same type of control in FMX as it is in VCL.


How to disable the popup menu of TMemo?

I'm using Firemonkey TMemo component in my desktop application, I hope that when the user right-clicks or Long-Taps on the Memo , the default menu will not been pop up.
This is actually easy.
Just drop a new TPopupMenu on your form and give it a good name (pmRecipe, say). Make sure not to add any menu items to it! Then simply assign it to your memo's PopupMenu property.
However, as a user of your application, I expect a context menu, so I might get annoyed by the lack of such a menu. (I'd also be annoyed by the fact that the app is FMX and not VCL and that the control isn't the native Windows EDIT control, but maybe that's just me.)

Show TEdit in FireMonkey has an error in it with red border

I'm working on a mobile application where the user needs to login.
The server is returning me if the e-mail is invalid, or subdomain or password and I want to focus the TEdit that has the error. Focus is easy but I would also like to mark the edit as invalid like many web applications do.
What is the best way to do this is a consistent way so it will look correct on both Android as iOS. Is something like this built-in? I'm using Delphi 10.1
Loki's suggestion is a possible solution.
A solution which takes advantage of FMX features would be to use a TGlowEffect for the red frame around the TEdit and then use a TPopup to create the hint.
the style it's just a nightmare in 99% of the case, so i strongly suggest to not touch it. i will instead put a Trectangle as the background of the Tedit, put the Tedit as Transparent (you already have this style ready in the stylelookup in the object inspector), and then simply set the stroke.color of the trectangle.
i m working also right now on a 100% native Tedit on ios/android/windows i guess i will finish this code in around 1 week.

TToolbar incompatible with TForm.DoubleBuffered?

I am using Delphi XE3.
When I create a new VCL project and drop a TToolbar on it, everything works fine - except when I activate Form1.DoubleBuffered.
From that moment on, drawing of the toolbar is broken - in designtime, it's either black, transparent, or parts of the IDE (statusbar, toolbar, etc.) are copied into it. It changes between these options when I click on it and when I change to source code (F12) and back.
In runtime, it's always black.
With DrawingStyle=dsGradient, everything works as expected. Switching back to dsNormal breaks it again.
Deactivating Form1.DoubleBuffered repairs it.
Any hints how to work around that issue?
In my opinion the solution is to set TForm.DoubleBuffered to False. Using a value of True causes all sorts of other problems. This property worked reasonably well before XP themes, but since their arrival, using TForm.DoubleBuffered has not been viable, in my view.
In addition to the problems you have encountered, I've come across lots of painting flaws when using the Windows Basic theme. I know that's not mainstream, but I happen to see that a lot with remote access. And there's more. When you double buffer a form you stop the theme animation from working. For example, a default button pulses to indicate that it is the default button.
If you get resize flickering without double buffering the form, use the ideas from my answer to another question. From the comments it seems that the flickering you wish to combat is in a paint box. I obviously don't know the details, but my experience and instincts say that you should be able to deal quite easily with that flickering at a local level. There surely should be no need for the global form wide double buffering.
As reported in this article, When not to use DoubleBuffered, some controls like TToolBar and TRichEdit don't work well with the DoubleBuffered property set to true.
The reason be be found in documentation, TWinControl.DoubleBuffered, where some WinControls can't draw themselves on a temporary bitmap (as happens when DoubleBuffered is true).
One workaround can be to put the TToolBar on a TPanel.

Delphi buttons show white border on Aero glass

I have been trying to find a good-looking design using Aero in Delphi 2010. One of the obvious uses one sees, is where the glass frame is extended to include the OK/Cancel buttons at the bottom of the screen. I notice though that this doesn't look quite right in Delphi 2010 - there is a white border all around each button.
This image shows the problem: the top 3 buttons are from my app, the bottom two were taken from Paint.NET's Layer Properties dialog.
I tried various combinations of DoubleBuffered and a few combinations of placing the controls on other controls first, but the problem remains. Any ideas?
If no one has a clean solution, as a workaround use TBitBtn with DoubleBuffered = false.
It appears that the only workaround is owner-draw, or a third-party button control Check out the Glass Button by Roy Klever or, as stated in the QC entry linked below, TBitBtn with DoubleBuffered=false, which was the accepted answer above to this question.
This is a bug in Windows Aero DWM or else a bug in the windows common controls, or a bug in the way the VCL class hierachy handles common control window messages and painting when painting on glass. In short, windows common controls do not paint themselves properly on glass, or rather DWM composition (Aero) is broken. Surprise surprise.
The standard VCL button component uses the Window Class BUTTON from Windows Common Controls.
Note that TSpeedButton does not use the windows common control, and does not have this problem. however, it also does not accept focus.
It appears Embarcadero knows about this issue, it is QC # 75246, which is closed because it is really a bug in the common controls library, as Won't Fix, with the suggestion to use TBitBtn. Buttons are not alone, this is part of a group of QC reports including panels, and other common controls.
However I have a commercial TcxButton (part of developer express components) which accepts keyboard focus, and does not draw this glitch. Any code that uses the Win32 common control button control appears to have this problem. It may be possible that a low level Win32 API hacker might find a workaround for this. I am looking into it. This answer will be updated if I figure it out.
One interesting detail: TcxButton has three drawing styles, cxButton.LookAndFeel.Kind = {lfOffice11,lfFlat,lfStandard}. Selecting lfOffice11 adds this glitch back in. It looks like a strange interaction between the glass feature in aero in Vista/Win7 and the common control/xptheme button drawing code.
It may be that the only workaround is to use a completely app-drawn button control and to not use Windows common controls buttons, or any button control that relies upon the XP theme engine to draw buttons, on an aero glass pane.
Edit: July 28, someone at Embarcadero has closed the above QC Entry, which was a mistake. I am urging them to reopen it, if only to clarify if this is indeed a Windows bug in the common controls dll.
If you wish to play around, make a copy of the VCL source code for the TButton and TCustomButton classes from StdCtrls, as I have done here, modify CNCtlColorBtn, so that you force one of three things to happen - PerformEraseBackground, DrawParentBackground or inherited, and see the results. Interesting stuff.
procedure TCustomGlassButton.CNCtlColorBtn(var Message: TWMCtlColorBtn);
PerformEraseBackground(Self, Message.ChildDC);
Message.Result := GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
with ThemeServices do
if ThemesEnabled then
if (Parent <> nil) and Parent.DoubleBuffered then
PerformEraseBackground(Self, Message.ChildDC)
DrawParentBackground(Handle, Message.ChildDC, nil, False);
{ Return an empty brush to prevent Windows from overpainting we just have created. }
Message.Result := GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH);
Some interesting reading on Vista era glass/DWM/aero APIs (C++ developers blog)
Here I'm providing some code that makes TButton look right on Glass. Unfortunately it makes the form "click-throw", so I don't think it's a good idea. But maybe you can find a way to fix the form's "click-throw".
if you are able to use win32 api, try exploiting NM_CUSTOMDRAW notification (not ownerdraw), as i do (yes, buttons DO send it, including radio and checkboxes. For these it is best to use WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC though.). This is how it is done in C++, but the idea is the same. While my idea is good, it so happens that my buttons do DISAPPEAR once per program execution from the window, when they are customdrawn and i need to hover mouse over them so they are visible again. That's why i'm still looking for comments for this. Note that it is really difficult to reproduce disappearing buttons in one-form applications. I hovewer am experiencing this behaviour in every project.
NMHDR *nmh=(NMHDR*)lParam;
//these 6000 through 6004 are button identifiers assigned by me
if(nmh->idFrom >= 6000 && nmh->idFrom <= 6004){
//BackgroundBrush is a HBRUSH used also as window background
FillRect(((LPNMCUSTOMDRAW)nmh)->hdc, &((LPNMCUSTOMDRAW)nmh)->rc, BackgroundBrush);

Delphi: How to use windowless controls?

i know that windowless controls are not magic. A windowless control can have input focus (e.g. Internet Explorer). Input focus is nothing more than drawing either:
a blinking cursor
a dotted line around the perimeter
a slight blue tinge on a button
and when the user begins mashing keys, reacting appropriately. You know the keystrokes are meant for that focused control, because that's the control has focus.
In the case of my (Windows®) window, i would have to know that my windowless child control (let's pretend it's a descendant of TGraphicControl) gets the keyboard events. So during my form's OnKeyDown, OnChar, OnKeyUp, i would need to pretend they are going to my windowless child control.
Which i can do, but it is a pain.
But then the user will probably want to use Tab navigation, and i'll have to somehow intercept Delphi's normal tab control order handling, and hook in myself to say that this thing is the next (and previous) in the tab order.
Which i can do, but it is a pain.
And then there's ActiveControl, which doesn't understand anything except TWinControl's. So if Delphi ever tries to figure out who has focus, it will go insane. So i'd have to have an alternate implementation of ActiveControl.
Which i can do, but it is a pain.
In other words: is this just too much work? i'm fighting eveything that Delphi is, all so i can have a few dozen windowless controls accessible through keyboard input? The Delphi designers never contemplated using interactive windowless controls, and if i try now to work it in, i'll just stuck in the hurtlocker?
Delphi gave me the chance of aiding me willingly, but i have elected the way of pain.
Some further explanation of windowless controls is needed.
Not every control you interact with has to be a windows control. It is quite possible to have focus on, and send keyboard input to, a control that is not a Windows window.
For example, nearly every control you see in an Internet Explorer browser window is a windowless control. In the following screenshot you can see an edit control, which you can type in, and a button which (in this screenshot) has focus:
You can see the dotted focus rectangle, and the button is bluish (which on Windows indicates that it has focus).
If i were to press Spacebar while the Google Search button has focus, it would press the button. The reason this works is because Microsoft wrote an entire widget library of controls. These controls look and feel (almost) exactly like the regular common controls - they are very nearly exact clones of the Windows common controls, right down to the themes being applied.
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome also use a widget library of controls. They don't use Microsoft's built-in windowed controls, but instead use a library of graphical, interactive, windowless widgets.
And if you have a suitable development environment, then the windowless widgets work just like "normal" windowed controls. GTK+ is a widget library, and Glade is an IDE that lets you layout controls in that widget library.
i don't know in what development environment Firefox, Chrome, or Blender were created in, but their widgets support windowless controls.
So now onto my question.
Unless i'm mistaken, it appears to me that although Delphi supports a base TControl, (which has width, height, and can paint itself), it cannot receive keyboard focus. It seems to me that Borland never designed Delphi's VCL as a generic widget library. The only evidence i have to support this is that a Form's ActiveControl is a TWinControl:
property ActiveControl: TWinControl;
That doesn't mean that Delphi could be, or must be, limited to windowed controls. The VCL widget library could be extended to support giving focus to windowless controls.
But perhaps Delphi already supports windowless controls, and i just don't realize it? Is there already an established mechanism in Delphi to support giving focus to TControl's? But i'm a reasonably smart guy, and i'm pretty sure Delphi's VCL cannot do what other widget libraries can do.
Which then leads to another question: how much work would be be to subclass forms and such to support it? Is there someone else out there, perhaps someone on TeamB, who's much smarter than i, who has already tried it, and come to the conclusion that it's impossible?
i'm asking now, up front, if trying to add windowless control support is damn near impossible (i.e. futile) - so that i don't spend weeks on it for nothing. i'm trying to draw on the knowledge of a community of Delphi developers.
i'm asking a question.
It's futile to build windowless controls and fit them into Delphi's VCL framework.
You bring up Internet Explorer as an example. But in that case, it's entirely in charge of everything that resides on it. It has its own internal notion of what the active control is, but think about what it looks like from the outside: It's just one giant control. When you ask the OS what has focus, the single browser control has it, no matter which of the browser's subcontrols appears to have focus.
When you press Tab, it looks to the OS as though the browser has simply consumed a tab character, just like edit controls do. Edit controls move the cursor over a few spaces and add tab characters to their internal buffers; browser controls move the cursor to another region of the display.
You're thinking of doing all this on a Delphi TForm. Delphi forms already have a framework for managing the active control and handling keystrokes, and you're going to have to fight it all. If you want windowless controls, go the Internet Explorer route and build your own container control to hold them so that you can remain in charge of everything that happens inside it.
Your container can be a VCL control, but the things you put on it probably can't — they'll still be expecting to use the VCL focus- and keyboard-handling rules. Notice how you can't put ordinary Windows controls in Internet Explorer, either. Anything you put there needs to go through specific ActiveX interfaces. Maybe you'll need interfaces, too, or maybe you can just make your own set of control classes that descend from some special ancestor class you design to work with your container. Don't start with TGraphicControl; it's too entrenched in the VCL to be usable as the basis for your offshoot control library.
It will be a lot of work, but then again, so was Internet Explorer.
Yes, it is futile.
And it's not Delphi's fault, you're just fighting Windows itself.
If you need a control that behaves like a windowed control, use a windowed one.
And you're right, trying to recreate the whole API stack of windowed controls from scratch is a pain.
Yup, you pretty much have it figured out. Using windowless controls means that you lose everything Windows can do to help you. Having more than a couple on a single actual window is pain.
Most of these programs were most likely not originally developed using RAD type tools so had no choice but to re-invent the wheel. One of the largest advantages of Delphi is the deep VCL and 3rd party component support to provide the look you desire.
One technique that I have used with great success to reduce the amount of window handles used in a complex (tax preparation) form based application was to draw the text on a canvas, and moved a single TCustomEdit decendant to the position the user was editing. It was trivial to capture the TAB/Up/Down keys and move the edit to the appropriate position. The challenge we discovered was in drawing a hot rectangle around the mouse hovered field. We ended up with a grid array of TObject, where the array element would be nil (no field), a TLIst (grid contains multiple fields) or a a class that contained our field descriptor. This reduced the amount of range checks we had to perform since it was more likely that the box only contained a single field, or at most 4 fields.
fpGUI Toolkit is an example of what you want. The latest fpGUI code in the source code repository is based on a multi-windowed design. That simple means every widget/component has a window handle, but Windows or Linux does nothing with that window, other that basic notification messages (mouseenter, mouseexit, etc). fpGUI still has full control over where each component goes, if they are focusable, how they look etc. Some widgets/components in fpGUI are non-windowed components too. eg: TfpgScrollbar, TfpgMainMenu, the button in a ComboBox etc.
If you want a true non-windowed version, mean there is only one top-level window that has a window handle, all other widgets/components inside that window doesn't actually exist to the OS (they have no window handles), then fpGUI can help too. The initial design of fpGUI Toolkit was based on such a design. Again, look in the source code repository for the v0.4 branch of code. I that design, fpGUI had to handle absolutely everything, creating mouseenter/mouseleave events, translate co-ordinate systems for container components, handle (fake) component focus states etc... Yes the initial design is a LOT of work, but then you have a very portable framework which can easily be applied to other OSes too.
And yes, fpGUI is fully implemented in the Object Pascal language using the Free Pascal compiler to give me cross-platform support. Currently fpGUI runs on Windows, Linux (32 & 64-bit), Windows Mobile and Embedded Linux (ARM) devices.
I have no idea of what your problem really is, here, but I think this little history may be relevant...
We have an application which fills out a dozen forms. The user may fill out additional forms, and also change values filled out by the application it self.
Now, in our first implementation, we used windowed components for every single input field, so that the fields could receive focus and input. That turned out to be a big problem, because all this windows took a lot of resources.
We now have windowless controls for every input field. That means that all we end up with, is a combined drawing of the form and its input fields. When the user clicks inside the drawing, or uses some keystrokes to move/set focus, we create a new windowed control for the clicked field. When the user moves to the next input field, we destroy the first window, and create a new one. This way we only have one windowed control which again gave us a nice speed improvement.
Again - I have no idea of what you really want to manage. TWinControl is a TWinControl for a reason, but there may be a solution to what you want, what ever that would be...
I think fgGUI may help you out.
Do check its Wiki first.
I think you can use this framework for your application in Delphi as it is written totally in Pascal. Actually it is based on FreePascal ;)
