Apple says "Your iOS Distribution Certificate expiring" what i need to do - ios

I got this mail from Apple.
Your iOS Distribution Certificate will no longer be valid in 30 days. To generate a new certificate, sign in and visit Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles.
I get some information from StackOverFlow but I want to know what I need to do if I modify my existing app. Will I able to update in future the same app with new certificate and new profile. Is that I need to revoke and generate the new certificate. Thanks for your help and comments.

As per new updates, you don't need to renew the certificate as a separate action. The renewal is based on the expiration of the Apple developer account. By taking the action of renewing your membership, this will automatically renew your certificates.

It is just a reminder of the certificate that is going to be expired very soon in future.
I want to know what I need to do if I modify my existing app. Will I able to update in future the same app with new certificate and new profile.
Yes, You can always able to create new certificates (Some has limitation to create) and use these certificate to generate new mobile provisioning profile or regenerate mobile provisioning profile using the new certificates.
Using old certificate (Expired) you can not able to run build on device and not able to publish app on App Store.
The new certificate will not affect on your app. In simple words, certificates are being used to run app on device, publish app on App Store, push notification, etc.


IOS App go down if certificate is invalid / been revoked

I accidentally pressed the reset button on 'IOS Distribution' within IOS Developer account. This in turn made a hand-full of provisioning profiles invalid.
From what I have read here:
apps are still intact I will no longer be able to submit new apps or updates to the App Store.
Just want to verify if this is correct in my case and apps will not go down??
Yes , the current apps will have no effect of the certificate being revoked.
Happened with me many times .
similar question threads here
Will revoking Distribution certificate affect application which is In Review (on apple store) for Iphone?
If I revoke an existing distribution certificate, will it mess up anything with existing apps?
If you are revoked .cer then you can generate it again and that does not effect on your live application.
In the developer Member Center there is your generated application ID that you generate for each application. You must take care about that Application id is not removed else you need to generate it as a new because its a unique and in this case you need add new app app and you can not update the current application that live.
What kind of steps you need to do if .CER revoked or expire:
If .cer revoked then just click on add new and select your CSR(Certificate Signing Request)
Now you have new cer then you need to just update your provisional profile and download it and use it thats it

Expiring In-house Distribution provisioning profile and certificate

I have an in-house enterprise app that is managed (deployed) from MaaS360
And this app is built (and still maintained) in XCode 4.6.3 (i know, i know), so I don't have any of the fancy new features in XCode 7 that might help alleviate this problem. In fact, even the refresh button in Organizer no longer works... you tap it and a dialog says "service unavailable" and I've tried it on different days, so it's not just a temporary glitch or service interruption. I believe apple disabled whatever portion of their service was servicing that request from XCode 4's Organizer.
The provisioning profile on it is going to expire in March, and I'm trying to figure out how to renew it without inconveniencing the users by making them download a new rebuilt app. It would be particularly painful for them because it would require they sync a few gigabytes of data from their device through iTunes for each person, and it's a few hundred people.
My problem is, my certificate I used to sign the app is also expiring around the same time (in March).
I happened to have another certificate and an associated provisioning profile, I had generated on a different mac which expires in 2019, and I tried to use it to update the expiring provisioning profile on MaaS360 for this app in question, and I get this error
So what has me a little terrified is, I'm back on the mac where I originally created and deployed the app... if I need to renew my existing certificate (which I assume means revoking it and replacing it with a new one), in order to create a new provisioning profile, aren't I going to run into this dialog again, claiming that my certificates don't match, because I'll now have a new one, hence I can't update the profile.
If the only way to update my expiring provisioning profile is with my soon-to-be-expired-but-also-identical certificate which originally created the profile, that still means my profile is going to expire as scheduled because my original certificate will have expired too.
Is there a way out of this dilemma?
You can have two certificates active at the same time. So I would generate a new certificate using the same key you used to generate the original one. To do this on the Apple developer portal, you will need the cert signing request. Most developers don't save this when they generate their certificate the first time. The good news is, if you have the private key that was used for your distribution certificate, you can use that to generate the CSR. To find out if you have the private key, you can use this post for how to locate it in the Keychain app.
Once you have verified that you have the private key used for the certificate for the app store distribution, you can generate the a CSR using the following procedure:
Once you have the CSR, go to Apple's developer portal and generate a new distribution certificate for "In-House and Ad Hoc" distribution. As long as you only have one out there, you should be able to create a second without having to revoke the existing one. Once you've done that, you will likely need to provide that certificate to the MaaS360 service (I'm not familiar with how that works, but somehow the Maas360 server must have the private key and certificate that the apps were built with, as it is clearly checking that when you push the build of your app and the certs don't match). So download the new cert and provide that to MaaS360.
Then, generate a new distribution profile using the new certificate. Or you can update the existing one to use the new cert by clicking the edit button on the provisioning profile, then changing the radio button to the new cert which should expire several years out. Note that this won't prevent any existing apps built using the profile from running in the meantime (revoking the certificate, however, would immediately cause the apps to stop working, which you don't want). Save and download the new profile, and use it to rebuild the app.
The app will then be built with the new certificate, that won't expire any time soon. I do think you are missing the part of the process where you will have to provide the new cert to MaaS360. I can't really help you with that part, but hopefully there is some documentation from IBM that can help you out there. But, you will need to fix it, because once the cert expires, non of the apps built with it will work. Good luck and let me know if any of this is not clear enough.

Query regarding iOS certificate renewal

I have an app in appstore, whose certificate is about to expire in 20 days. So i created new distribution certificate & new provisioning profile(used same previous appid) > then recreated build & submitted to Appstore. My queries in here is;
Is above process is the proper way of doing it.
1) I haven't revoked old certificate, it's still in account. Do I need to do anything to it or just leave it alone?
2) what if users didn't update my latest build (with new certificate) from appstore & instead try to stay with old build that got certificate about to expire shortly? In such cases, what'll happen to app, once cert is expired?
Thanks in advance.
There was no reason at all to submit a new build to the App Store - at least due to the certificate. An expired certificate only affects your ability to use provisioning profiles. Existing apps are not affected at all.
Users that don't update will not be affected.
Feel free to delete any old certificates. Use the new one to create new provisioning profiles.

iOS Appstore App Update - Code Signing

I have a doubt on Code Signing during Appstore submission. I already submitted an app to appstore with the profiles and certs created and its currrently in appstore. Unfortunately, i lost my machine where i had backup of those profiles and certs. I know that Prov Profile can be downloaded from my developer account.
My Doubt here is, 1) As i dont have backup of .p12, should i need to raise a request for new certificate from my keychain and proceed with that?
2) If so, will users can be able to upgrade the existing app from the appstore?
Thanks in Advance.
Here are your answers
1) As I don't have backup of certificate and .p12, should I need to raise a request for new certificate from my keychain and proceed with that?
Don't worry, when you like to give new update for your application, create new .p12 file and use it. Certificates are used to basically authenticate your machine with developer account.
2) If so, will users can be able to upgrade the existing app from the appstore?
No problem for users, as app store distribution provisioning profile works very different from developer provisioning profile, so no user needs to update.
Just for your info: the signing files for Android are very important, not for iPhone application. For Android, if signing keys are lost, you cannot update apps, whereas for iPhone you can create new certificates and update your apps.
Yes, you can just request a new production certificate from your new machine.
Then use it for your old provisioning profile for the app.
Yes without private key in your keychain, You cant use the existing provision files created with that private key. So you need to create a new Developer/Distribution certificates in developer portal with new Certificates. This will not affect the existing application in appstore.

iOS Certificates and Provisioning Profile

My client has a few apps in the app store that were submitted using a certain App Store profile which I have access to the account. We also have those apps installed Ad Hoc signed with the same Distribution Profile. Now I am taking care of one of this apps and I need to code sign to make a few changes and then submit it Ad Hoc for some testers. No one knows where the .developerprofile backup is. Can I revoke the existing certificate and recreate a new one without affecting the apps on the App Store. If I revoke, any other developer using this key pair will stop working, right? Any other problem I am not remembering. Can I revoke the certificate?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can safely revoke the developer and AdHoc distribution certificates without affecting any App Store apps. Be careful not to revoke any Push Notification certificates if your app uses push.
Generate a new certificate signing request on your machine and use that to generate the new certificates. Remember to edit the provisioning profiles after you create the new certificates, especially if you've added any additional devices to the provisioning list. Then download the new provisioning profiles and you should be good to go.
Any other developers (if they still have access) will be able to download the new profiles if they need them. If they also need to sign builds, they should generate their own keys/certificates as well for their developer certificates.
