How to clear data in bloc? - dart

As is it right now, when a user tries to click login, the button changes to a progress bar. The trouble i'm having is that I'm not able to get the progress bar turned back into a button using streams.
I'm kinda copying a tutorial I found online and I'm trying to modify it to fit what I need so I'm not 100% understanding bloc yet.
This is the tutorial I'm kinda following
This is the login button
Widget loginButton() {
return StreamBuilder(
stream: _bloc.signInStatus,
builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<bool> snapshot) {
if (!snapshot.hasData || snapshot.hasError) {
return button();
} else {
return LinearProgressIndicator();
Widget button() {
return Padding(
padding: EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0),
child: MaterialButton(
minWidth: 200.0,
height: 42.0,
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),
color: ThemeSettings.RaisedButton,
onPressed: () {
if (_bloc.validateFields()) {
} else {
showAlertDialog(context, "Verification Failed",
"The Email / Number you entered couldn't be found or your password was incorrect. Please try again.");
void authenticateUser() {
_bloc.authenticateUser().then((value) {
//Username and password ARE correct
if (value) {
builder: (context) => EventsList(_bloc.emailAddress)));
} else {
print("this one");
showAlertDialog(context, "Verification Failed",
"The Email / Number you entered couldn't be found or your password was incorrect. Please try again.");
// I believe I need to clear what is inside of snapshot here?
and inside of my login_bloc.dart here is what I think is important to know?
class LoginBloc {
final _repository = Repository();
final _email = BehaviorSubject<String>();
final _password = BehaviorSubject<String>();
final _firstName = BehaviorSubject<String>();
final _phoneNumber = BehaviorSubject<int>();
final _profilePicture = BehaviorSubject<String>();
final _isSignedIn = BehaviorSubject<bool>();
Observable<String> get email =>;
Observable<String> get password =>;
Observable<bool> get signInStatus =>;
String get emailAddress => _email.value;
// Change data
Function(String) get changeEmail => _email.sink.add;
Function(String) get changePassword => _password.sink.add;
Function(bool) get showProgressBar => _isSignedIn.sink.add;
final _validateEmail =
StreamTransformer<String, String>.fromHandlers(handleData: (email, sink) {
if (email.contains('#')) {
} else {
final _validatePassword = StreamTransformer<String, String>.fromHandlers(
handleData: (password, sink) {
if (password.length >= 6) {
} else {
Future<bool> authenticateUser() {
return _repository.authenticateUser(_email.value, _password.value);
Future<AuthenticatedStatus> doesUserExist() {
return _repository.doesUserExist(_email.value);
Future<void> addUserToDatabase() {
return _repository.addUserToDatabase(_email.value, _password.value,
_firstName.value, _phoneNumber.value, _profilePicture.value);
bool validateFields() {
if (_email.value != null &&
_email.value.isNotEmpty &&
_password.value != null &&
_password.value.isNotEmpty &&
_email.value.contains('#') &&
_password.value.length >= 6) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void dispose() async {
await _email.drain();
await _password.drain();
await _firstName.drain();
await _phoneNumber.drain();
await _profilePicture.drain();
await _isSignedIn.drain();

I have yet to try the sample provided in the blog post, but going through the snippets, it looks like a simple _bloc.showProgressBar(false); should do the trick. Have you tried doing so?


Flutter Firebase Auth with Apple doesn't logout

I've integrated an Apple sign in for Flutter.
Everything is working fine until the point when I have to logout from the Stores() page.
The app landing page (Home) shows a series of buttons to login with different apps:
Email & Password
All of them are able to logout by using a logout button, but not Apple.
Here is my code
class Main extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return StreamProvider<User>.value(
value: AuthService().user,
child: MaterialApp(
home: Wrapper(),
routes: {
"/stores": (_) => Stores()
class Wrapper extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
if (user == null) {
return Home(); <-- Landing page before login
} else {
return Stores(); <-- Landing page after login, where the logout button is
class _HomeState extends State<Home> {
final AuthService _auth = AuthService();
bool loading = false;
final welcomeText = 'Welcome';
final subtitle = 'Make grocery chores easier';
final anonymousButtonText = 'Skip';
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Stack(children: [
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
appBar: AppBar(
title: Center(child: Text(welcomeText)),
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent,
body: SingleChildScrollView(
child: ConstrainedBox(
constraints: BoxConstraints(),
child: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
children: <Widget> [
// Sign In with Apple
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: FutureBuilder<Object>(
future: _auth.appleSignInAvailable,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if ( == true) {
return AppleSignInButton(
onPressed: () async {
FirebaseUser user =
await _auth.appleSignIn();
if (user != null) {
Navigator.pushReplacementNamed(context, "/stores");
} else {
return Container();
})) ....
class AuthService {
final FirebaseAuth _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
final GoogleSignIn _googleSignIn = new GoogleSignIn();
// Create user object based on FirebaseUser
User _userFromFirebaseUser(FirebaseUser user) {
return user != null ? User(uid: user.uid) : null;
// Auth change user stream
Stream<User> get user {
// SignIn with Google
Future signInGoogle() async {
GoogleSignInAccount googleSignInAccount = await _googleSignIn.signIn();
GoogleSignInAuthentication googleSignInAuthentication =
await googleSignInAccount.authentication;
AuthCredential credential = GoogleAuthProvider.getCredential(
idToken: googleSignInAuthentication.idToken,
accessToken: googleSignInAuthentication.accessToken);
try {
AuthResult result = (await _auth.signInWithCredential(credential));
FirebaseUser user = result.user;
return _userFromFirebaseUser(user);
} catch (e) {
return null;
// SignIn with Apple
// Determine if Apple Signin is available on device
Future<bool> get appleSignInAvailable => AppleSignIn.isAvailable();
Future appleSignIn() async {
try {
final AuthorizationResult appleResult =
await AppleSignIn.performRequests([
AppleIdRequest(requestedScopes: [, Scope.fullName])
if (appleResult.error != null) {
// handle error from Apple
final AuthCredential credential = OAuthProvider(providerId: '')
accessToken: String.fromCharCodes(
AuthResult result = (await _auth.signInWithCredential(credential));
FirebaseUser user = result.user;
return user;
} catch (error) {
return null;
// SignOut
Future signOut() async {
try {
return await _auth.signOut(); <-- Should I do something different here for Apple?
} catch (e) {
return null;
All the other apps logout correctly, but Apple doesnt. Should I do something different in the signout since it's using /routes?
Any help is much appreciated!!
Many thanks
await _firebaseAuth.signOut();
Use the above code for signout
and check firebase IOS configuration
Should be fine, make sure that you have followed the steps described here:
Which means your application needs to fulfill the following requirements to make apple sign in work properly:
Be a member of the Apple Developer Program
Enable Sign In with Apple for your app on the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles page of Apple's developer site.
Enable Apple as a sign-in provider on firebase

Using combineLatest to enable/disable a button, but button gets enabled even if some stream contains an error

Want to enable/disable a button based on user input. If all text input matches a certain condition, only then enable the "insert" button.
Normally button gets only enabled, if all the input field is correct. But if one or more incorrect, and user moves to another input field, and change it to correct/incorrect, button gets enabled, even if some field has wrong input. Check image:
Code for login bloc:
import 'package:rxdart/rxdart.dart';
class LoginScreenBloc {
final _firstCtrl = BehaviorSubject<String>();
final _lastCtrl = BehaviorSubject<String>();
final _userNameCtrl = BehaviorSubject<String>();
final _passwordCtrl = BehaviorSubject<String>();
Function(String) get changeFirst => _firstCtrl.sink.add;
Function(String) get changeLast => _lastCtrl.sink.add;
Function(String) get changeUser => _userNameCtrl.sink.add;
Function(String) get changePass => _passwordCtrl.sink.add;
final fieldSize = StreamTransformer<String, String>.fromHandlers(
handleData: (value, sink) {
if (value.length > 3) {
} else {
sink.addError("Can't be Empty!");
Stream<String> get firstname =>;
Stream<String> get lastname =>;
Stream<String> get username =>;
Stream<String> get password =>;
void insertValue() {
Stream<bool> get insertButton {
return CombineLatestStream(
[firstname, lastname, username, password],
(values) {
return true;
dispose() {
Code for the button:
Widget insertValue(BuildContext context, LoginScreenBloc bloc) {
return StreamBuilder<Object>(
stream: bloc.insertButton,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return RaisedButton(
child: Text("Insert"),
onPressed: snapshot.hasData ? bloc.insertValue : null,
try to used opacity connect for button enable and put the condition for click and visiblity.. like this way..
child: Opacity(opacity: isValid ? 1.0 : 0.7,
child: RaisedButton(
onPressed: _loginPressed,
child: Text('Sign In',
style: TextStyle(fontSize: 15.0, color: Colors.white)),
Something Similar you can find here
Stream<bool> get insertButton {
return CombineLatestStream(
[firstname, lastname, username, password],
(values) {
for(String i in values) {
if(i.length < 3) return false;
return true;
combineLatest only checks for event. It doesn't takes care of the error which gets out from the stream.
I found a solution that worked for me.
I had the same issue while building a login form.
This is my code:
class LoginFormManager with FormValidatorMixin {
final _email = BehaviorSubject<String>();
Stream<String> get email$ =>;
Function(String) get setEmail => _email.sink.add;
final _password = BehaviorSubject<String>();
Stream<String> get password$ =>;
Function(String) get setPassword => _password.sink.add;
Stream<bool> get isFormValid$ =>
CombineLatestStream.combine2<String, String, bool>(email$, password$,
(email, password) {
if (email == _email.value && password == _password.value) {
return true;
} else
return false;
void submit() {
void dispose() {
The subjects _email and the _password store the last value received including errors.
The email$ and password$ streams only send data when the input received from the user passes the validators.
So in my case I just had to check if the email and password$ sent by email$ and password$ match the last value stored in the subjects of the _email and the _password.

Flutter: My list view is not updated when I modify an item

I am developing a 'todo' flutter app using BloC Architecture pattern.
My 'Home' ui displays todo list, and user can click the item's button to change the status from "todo" to "complete".
When an item is completed, it should display with another color distinct from other todos not completed.
But when I click the "complete" button, the list view is not updated.
Below is my UI code:
class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
final TodoRepository _todoRepository;
final HomeBloc bloc;
HomePage(this._todoRepository) : this.bloc = HomeBloc(_todoRepository);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: Center(
child: StreamBuilder<List<Task>>(
stream: bloc.todos,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
return ListView(
Widget _buildItem(Todo todo) {
if (todo.complete) {
return completed(todo);
} else {
return inCompleted(todo);
Widget inCompleted(Todo todo) {
return MaterialButton(
textColor: Colors.white,
child: Text("Complete"),
onPressed: () {
Widget completed(Todo todo) {
return MaterialButton(
textColor: Colors.white,
child: Text("Cancel"),
onPressed: () {
And here is my BloC class:
class HomeBloc {
final _getTodosSubject = PublishSubject<List<Todo>>();
final _doneTodoSubject = PublishSubject<Todo>();
final _cancelTodoSubject = PublishSubject<Todo>();
final TodoRepository _todoRepository;
var _todos = <Todo>[];
Stream<List<Todo>> get todos =>;
Sink<Todo> get done => _doneTodoSubject.sink;
Sink<Todo> get cancel => _doneTodoSubject.sink;
HomeBloc(this._todoRepository) {
_getTodos().then((_) {
Future<Null> _getTodos() async {
await _todoRepository.getAll().then((list) {
_todos = list;
void _doneTodo(Todo todo) {
todo.complete = true;
void _cancelTodo(Todo todo) async {
todo.complete = false;
void _update(Todo todo) async {
It's because you don't "refresh" your list after calling getTodos() here's the modification:
HomeBloc(this._todoRepository) {
_getTodos() //Remove the adding part it's done in the function
Future<Null> _getTodos() async {
await _todoRepository.getAll().then((list) {
_todos = list;
_getTodosSubject.add(list); //You can actually remove the buffer _todos object
As I mention in the comment you can remove the _todos buffer but I don't want to refract to much you code.
With these few adjustents it's should work.
Hope it's help !!

Flutter get logged user data to other screen view

I have API.dart like this to authenticating a user, log in and log out
class Api {
static FirebaseAuth _auth = FirebaseAuth.instance;
static GoogleSignIn _googleSignIn = GoogleSignIn();
FirebaseUser firebaseUser;
Api(FirebaseUser user) {
this.firebaseUser = user;
static Future<FBApi> signInWithGoogle() async {
final GoogleSignInAccount googleUser = await _googleSignIn.signIn();
final GoogleSignInAuthentication googleAuth = await googleUser.authentication;
final FirebaseUser user = await _auth.signInWithGoogle(
accessToken: googleAuth.accessToken,
idToken: googleAuth.idToken,
assert( != null);
assert(user.displayName != null);
assert(await user.getIdToken() != null);
final FirebaseUser currentUser = await _auth.currentUser();
assert(user.uid == currentUser.uid);
// print('photoURL api ' + user.photoUrl);
return Api(user);
static Future<void> signOut() async {
await _auth.signOut().then((_) {
print("***** log out...what the hell?");
I've have a cloud function to create new user to database cloud firestore.
And in view account settings, I want to update user information like displayName, photoUrl into firestore. How I get current user in my account setting view.
class Settings extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppBar(
title: new Text(
style: TextStyle(color: primaryColor, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
centerTitle: true,
body: new SettingsScreen(),
class SettingsScreen extends StatefulWidget {
State createState() => new SettingsScreenState();
class SettingsScreenState extends State<SettingsScreen> {
TextEditingController controllerNickname;
SharedPreferences prefs;
String id;
String nickName;
String photoUrl;
bool isLoading = false;
File avatarImageFile;
final FocusNode focusNodeNickname = new FocusNode();
void initState() {
void readLocal() async {
prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
id = prefs.getString('id') ?? '';
nickName = prefs.getString('nickName') ?? '';
photoUrl = prefs.getString('photoUrl') ?? '';
controllerNickname = new TextEditingController(text: nickName);
// Force refresh input
setState(() {});
Future getImage() async {
File image = await ImagePicker.pickImage(source:;
if (image != null) {
setState(() {
avatarImageFile = image;
isLoading = true;
Future uploadFile() async {
String fileName = id;
StorageReference reference = FirebaseStorage.instance.ref().child(fileName);
StorageUploadTask uploadTask = reference.putFile(avatarImageFile);
StorageTaskSnapshot storageTaskSnapshot;
uploadTask.onComplete.then((value) {
if (value.error == null) {
storageTaskSnapshot = value;
storageTaskSnapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then((downloadUrl) {
photoUrl = downloadUrl;
.updateData({'displayName': nickName, 'photoUrl': photoUrl}).then((data) async {
await prefs.setString('photoUrl', photoUrl);
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: "Upload success");
}).catchError((err) {
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: err.toString());
}, onError: (err) {
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: 'This file is not an image');
} else {
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: 'This file is not an image');
}, onError: (err) {
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: err.toString());
void handleUpdateData() {
setState(() {
isLoading = true;
.updateData({'displayName': nickName, 'photoUrl': photoUrl}).then((data) async {
await prefs.setString('nickname', nickName);
await prefs.setString('photoUrl', photoUrl);
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: "Update success");
}).catchError((err) {
setState(() {
isLoading = false;
Fluttertoast.showToast(msg: err.toString());
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
You can do something like this FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser()
This returns the current user if any. Otherwise it returns null

How to render a local HTML file with flutter dart webview

I want to render a local HTML file stored in my phone memory in webview using flutter and dart.
I am using the webview_flutter plugin from the Flutter Team.
Add the dependency to pubspec.yaml:
webview_flutter: ^0.3.20+2
Put an html file in the assets folder (see this). I'll call it help.html.
Get the html string in code and add it to the webview.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:webview_flutter/webview_flutter.dart';
class HelpScreen extends StatefulWidget {
HelpScreenState createState() {
return HelpScreenState();
class HelpScreenState extends State<HelpScreen> {
WebViewController _controller;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Help')),
body: WebView(
initialUrl: 'about:blank',
onWebViewCreated: (WebViewController webViewController) {
_controller = webViewController;
_loadHtmlFromAssets() async {
String fileText = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/help.html');
_controller.loadUrl( Uri.dataFromString(
mimeType: 'text/html',
encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf-8')
I needed to set the encoding to UTF-8 because I was getting a crash for non-ASCII characters.
In iOS you need to add the key io.flutter.embedded_views_preview as true in the Info.plist file. Check the docs for any update on this requirement.
See also
The Power of WebViews in Flutter
You can pass a data URI
Uri.dataFromString('<html><body>hello world</body></html>', mimeType: 'text/html').toString()
or you can launch a web server inside Flutter and pass an URL that points to the IP/port the server serves the file from.
See also the discussion in
See about how to load a string from assets.
See for how to read other files.
#Suragch, your code doesn't work as you posted it, it says localUrl was called on null.
_loadHtmlFromAssets needs to be called after assigning the controller :
onWebViewCreated: (WebViewController webViewController) {
_controller = webViewController;
Then it works fine :)
You may use Flutter InAppWebView Plugin. It will create a local server inside the app and it’ll run the HTML app there in the WebView. Start your server:
InAppLocalhostServer localhostServer = new InAppLocalhostServer();
Future main() async {
await localhostServer.start();
runApp(new MyApp());
//... ...
class _MyHomePageState extends State < MyHomePage > {
//... ...
void dispose() {
And then point your localhost html index file in the WebView.
initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(
url: Uri.parse('http://localhost:8080/assets/index.html')),
In many cases it doesn't work for many people because they forget to add all the folders as the assets in the pubspec.yaml file. For example, you need to specify all the folders and index file like below:
- assets/index.html
- assets/css/
- assets/images/
- assets/js/
- assets/others/
You can see this tutorial for further details.
I have the same problem; this is how I solved it.
Add webview_flutter to your project dependencies:
webview_flutter: 0.3.14+1
Create a WebViewController inside your screen/stateful widget
WebViewController _controller;
Implement the WebView and assign a value to the _controller using the onWebViewCreated property. Load the HTML file.
initialUrl: '',
onWebViewCreated: (WebViewController webViewController) async {
_controller = webViewController;
await loadHtmlFromAssets('legal/privacy_policy.html', _controller);
Implement the function to load the file from the asset folder
Future<void> loadHtmlFromAssets(String filename, controller) async {
String fileText = await rootBundle.loadString(filename);
controller.loadUrl(Uri.dataFromString(fileText, mimeType: 'text/html', encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf-8')).toString());
You can use my plugin flutter_inappwebview, which has a lot of events, methods, and options compared to other plugins!
To load an html file from your assets folder, you need to declare it in the pubspec.yaml file before use it (see more here).
Example of a pubspec.yaml file:
# The following section is specific to Flutter.
# The following line ensures that the Material Icons font is
# included with your application, so that you can use the icons in
# the material Icons class.
uses-material-design: true
- assets/index.html
After that, you can simply use the initialFile parameter of the InAppWebView widget to load index.html into the WebView:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_inappwebview/flutter_inappwebview.dart';
Future main() async {
runApp(new MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatefulWidget {
_MyAppState createState() => new _MyAppState();
class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
void initState() {
void dispose() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: InAppWebViewPage()
class InAppWebViewPage extends StatefulWidget {
_InAppWebViewPageState createState() => new _InAppWebViewPageState();
class _InAppWebViewPageState extends State<InAppWebViewPage> {
InAppWebViewController webView;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text("InAppWebView")
body: Container(
child: Column(children: <Widget>[
child: Container(
child: InAppWebView(
initialFile: "assets/index.html",
initialHeaders: {},
initialOptions: InAppWebViewWidgetOptions(
inAppWebViewOptions: InAppWebViewOptions(
debuggingEnabled: true,
onWebViewCreated: (InAppWebViewController controller) {
webView = controller;
onLoadStart: (InAppWebViewController controller, String url) {
onLoadStop: (InAppWebViewController controller, String url) {
unzip the apk package,I found the reason: path is wrong;
For Android:
"assets/test.html" == "file:///android_asset/flutter_assets/assets/test.html"
so,just like this:
initialUrl: "file:///android_asset/flutter_assets/assets/test.html",
javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted,
you can load "assets/test.html".
The asset_webview plugin is specifically designed for this. Fewer features than other plugins, but simple to use.
Use flutter_widget_from_html_core---->
link ->
flutter_widget_from_html_core: ^0.5.1+4
Code like this
<html lang="en">
<body>hello world</body>
Finally found a proper way
String webview_content = '''
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Load file or HTML string example</title>
<h1>Local demo page</h1>
This is an example page used to demonstrate how to load a local file
string using the <a
webview</a> plugin.
final Completer<WebViewController> _controller =
Future<void> _loadHtmlString(
Completer<WebViewController> controller, BuildContext context) async {
WebViewController _controller = await controller.future;
await _controller.loadHtmlString(webview_content);
return WebView(
initialUrl: '',
(WebViewController webViewController) async {
_loadHtmlString(_controller, context);
I follow #Suragch answer and find that local image path in the html file cannot be loaded. So I tried a few ways and found that replacing the method loadUrl() with loadFlutterAsset() actually do the job (the code is also more simple).
class UserGuidePage extends StatefulWidget {
final UserGuideArguments arguments;
const UserGuidePage({required this.arguments, Key? key}) : super(key: key);
State<UserGuidePage> createState() => _UserGuidePageState();
class _UserGuidePageState extends State<UserGuidePage> {
late WebViewController _controller;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return WebView(
initialUrl: 'about:blank',
onWebViewCreated: (WebViewController webViewController) {
_controller = webViewController;
void _loadHtmlFromAssets() {
You can get the page html and use it to load the page with code below that is an example
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:aws_bot/Utils/Const.dart';
import 'package:aws_bot/Utils/User.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_inappwebview/flutter_inappwebview.dart';
import 'package:flutter_webview_plugin/flutter_webview_plugin.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart';
class signIn extends StatefulWidget {
const signIn({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_signInState createState() => _signInState();
class _signInState extends State<signIn> {
String userEmail = "";
String userPassword = "";
final flutterWebviewPlugin = new FlutterWebviewPlugin();
bool evalJsOnce = false;
String _currentUrl = "";
User _user = User();
bool _loading = true;
double progress = 0.0;
void initState() {
// Future.delayed(Duration(microseconds: 3), () async {
// Map info = await _user.getEmailPassword();
// _user.userEmail = info['email'];
// _user.userPassword = info['password'];
// setState(() {});
// });
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
flutterWebviewPlugin.onProgressChanged.listen((double progress) {
print("progress changed = $progress");
if (progress == 1.0) {
flutterWebviewPlugin.onUrlChanged.listen((String url) {
_currentUrl = url;
print("url changed = $url");
if (url.contains('')) {
'document.querySelector("#CredentialCollection").addEventListener("submit", function(e) {window.Mchannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"email": document.querySelector("#awsui-input-0").value, "password": document.querySelector("#awsui-input-1").value, "confirmPass": document.querySelector("#awsui-input-2").value, "accountName": document.querySelector("#awsui-input-3").value}));});');
} else {
'let pageHtml = document.documentElement.innerHTML;'
'if (pageHtml.includes("Root user email address")) {'
'document.querySelector("#next_button").addEventListener("click", function(e) {window.Emailchannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"email": document.querySelector("#resolving_input").value}));});}'
// } else if (url.contains(
// '')) {
// flutterWebviewPlugin.evalJavascript(''
// 'document.querySelector("#next_button").addEventListener("click", function(e) {e.preventDefault(); window.Emailchannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"email": document.querySelector("#resolving_input").value}));});;');
// } else if (url.contains(
// "")) {
// print("enter pass");
// // flutterWebviewPlugin.evalJavascript(''
// // 'document.querySelector("#signin_button").addEventListener("click", function(e) {e.preventDefault(); window.Passwordchannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"password": document.querySelector("#password").value}));});;');
// } else if (url.contains("")) {
// // flutterWebviewPlugin.launch(_consts.successDirectUrl +
// // "email=${_user.userEmail}&password=${_user.userPassword}");
// }
flutterWebviewPlugin.onStateChanged.listen((WebViewStateChanged state) {
print("state changed = $state");
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(
'AWS Sign In',
style: TextStyle(color:,
backgroundColor: Colors.yellow[600],
floatingActionButton: _backButton(context),
body: Column(
children: [
(progress != 1.0)
? LinearProgressIndicator(
// minHeight: 10.0,
value: progress,
backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(
: Container(),
color: Colors.yellow[600],
width: double.infinity,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
"Email Address of you AWS : ${consts.user.userEmail}",
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
height: 4.0,
"IAM user name : ${consts.user.accountName}",
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
height: 4.0,
"Password : ${consts.user.userPassword != "null" && consts.user.userPassword != "" ? consts.user.userPassword.replaceAll(consts.user.userPassword, "******") : ""}",
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
Expanded(child: _buildSignInPage()),
_buildSignInPage() {
String _url = "";
return InAppWebView(
initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(url: Uri.parse(_url)),
// javascriptChannels: Set.from([
// JavascriptChannel(
// name: 'Emailchannel',
// onMessageReceived: (JavascriptMessage message) {
// //This is where you receive message from
// //javascript code and handle in Flutter/Dart
// //like here, the message is just being printed
// //in Run/LogCat window of android studio
// print("console message = ${message.message}");
// setState(() {
// _user.userEmail =
// jsonDecode(message.message)['email'].toString();
// });
// }),
// JavascriptChannel(
// name: 'Passwordchannel',
// onMessageReceived: (JavascriptMessage message) {
// //This is where you receive message from
// //javascript code and handle in Flutter/Dart
// //like here, the message is just being printed
// //in Run/LogCat window of android studio
// print("console message = ${jsonDecode(message.message)}");
// setState(() {
// _user.userEmail =
// jsonDecode(message.message)['password'].toString();
// });
// })
// ]),
// withJavascript: true,
onConsoleMessage: (controller, consoleMessage) async {
print("console message = ${consoleMessage.message}");
// LOG ERROR => message levels
if (consoleMessage.messageLevel.toString() != "ERROR" &&
consoleMessage.messageLevel.toString() != "WARNING") {
Map message = jsonDecode(consoleMessage.message);
if (message.containsKey("email")) {
consts.user.userEmail = message['email'].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(email: consts.user.userEmail);
} else if (message.containsKey("password")) {
consts.user.userPassword = message['password'].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(password: consts.user.userPassword);
} else if (message.containsKey("delete")) {
Future.delayed(, () async {
await consts.user.clearStorage();
consts.user.userEmail = "";
consts.user.userPassword = "";
} else if (message.containsKey("sEmail")) {
consts.user.userEmail = message['sEmail'].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(email: consts.user.userEmail);
} else if (message.containsKey("sPassword")) {
consts.user.userPassword = message["sPassword"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(password: consts.user.userPassword);
} else if (message.containsKey("sAccountName")) {
consts.user.accountName = message["sAccountName"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(accountName: consts.user.accountName);
} else if (message.containsKey("sFullName")) {
consts.user.fullName = message["sFullName"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(fullName: consts.user.fullName);
} else if (message.containsKey("sPhone")) {
consts.user.phoneNumber = message["sPhone"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(phoneNumber: consts.user.phoneNumber);
} else if (message.containsKey("sRegion")) {
consts.user.region = message["sRegion"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(region: consts.user.region);
} else if (message.containsKey("sAddress")) {
consts.user.address = message["sAddress"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(address: consts.user.address);
} else if (message.containsKey("sCity")) { = message["sCity"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(city:;
} else if (message.containsKey("sState")) {
consts.user.state = message["sState"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(state: consts.user.state);
} else if (message.containsKey("sPostal")) {
consts.user.postalCode = message["sPostal"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(postalCode: consts.user.postalCode);
} else if (message.containsKey("sOrganize")) {
consts.user.oraganization = message["sOrganize"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(organization: consts.user.oraganization);
setState(() {
if (consts.user.userPassword != "" &&
!message.containsKey("delete")) {
/*Future.delayed(, () async {
await consts.user.storeEmailAndPassword(
consts.user.userEmail, consts.user.userPassword);
// controller.loadUrl(
// urlRequest: URLRequest(
// url: Uri.parse(_consts.successDirectUrl +
// "email=${_user.userEmail}&password=${_user.userPassword}")));
onWindowFocus: (controller) async {
var currentUrl = await controller.getUrl();
final html = await controller.getHtml();
var document = parse(html);
if (currentUrl != _currentUrl) {
Future.delayed(, () async {
var htmlCode = await controller.getHtml();
var document = parse(htmlCode);
var currentUrl = await controller.getUrl();
print("currentUrl = ${currentUrl}");
if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("")) {
print("get email");
await consts.user.clearStorage();
// get entered email address
getUserEmail(controller, document.body!.innerHtml);
} else if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("Root user sign in")) {
print("get pass");
// get entered password
getUserPassword(controller, document.body!.innerHtml);
} else if (currentUrl
.contains("")) {
if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("AWS account name")) {
print("sign up");
// get signUp email
// get signUp password
// get signUp account name
} else if (document.body!.innerHtml
.contains("Contact Information")) {
// get full name
// get phone number
// get region
// get address
// get city
// get state
// get postal code
// get organization
_currentUrl = currentUrl.toString();
(InAppWebViewController controller, int progress) async {
setState(() {
this.progress = progress / 100;
print("progress = ${this.progress}");
if (progress == 100) {
var currentUrl = await controller.getUrl();
Future.delayed(Duration(microseconds: 3), () async {
var htmlCode = await controller.getHtml();
var document = parse(htmlCode);
print("currentUrl progress = ${currentUrl.toString()}");
//print("html = ${document.body!.innerHtml}");
if (document.body!.innerHtml
.contains("Email address of your AWS account")) {
print("get email");
await consts.user.clearStorage();
consts.user.userEmail = "";
consts.user.userPassword = "";
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#new_account_container").style.display = "none";
setState(() {});
// get entered email address
getUserEmail(controller, document.body!.innerHtml);
} else if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("Root user sign in")) {
print("get pass");
// get entered password
getUserPassword(controller, document.body!.innerHtml);
} else if (currentUrl
.contains("")) {
if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("AWS account name")) {
print("sign up progress");
// get signUp email
// get signUp password
// get signUp account name
} else if (document.body!.innerHtml
.contains("Contact Information")) {
// get full name
// get phone number
// get region
// get address
// get city
// get state
// get postal code
// get organization
if (currentUrl.toString() ==
"" ||
currentUrl.toString() ==
"") {
print("delete credentials");
// delete user data if loged out
// get user amil
getUserEmail(InAppWebViewController controller, String html) {
handlerName: 'EmailGetter',
callback: (args) {
// print arguments coming from the JavaScript side!
print("email args = $args");
// return data to the JavaScript side!
return args;
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#next_button").addEventListener("click", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"email": document.querySelector("#resolving_input").value}));});
// getting password
getUserPassword(InAppWebViewController controller, String html) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#signin_button").addEventListener("click", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"password": document.querySelector("#password").value}));});
// getting SignUp Email address
getSignUpEmail(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#CredentialCollection").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sEmail": document.querySelector("input[name='email']").value}));});
// getting SignUp password
getSignUpPassword(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#CredentialCollection").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sPassword": document.querySelector("input[name='password']").value}));});
// getting SignUp account name
getSignUpAccountName(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#CredentialCollection").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sAccountName": document.querySelector("input[name='accountName']").value}));});
// getting SignUp fullName
getSignUpFullname(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sFullName": document.querySelector("input[name='address.fullName']").value}));});
// getting SignUp phone number
getSignUpPhoneNumber(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sPhone": document.querySelector("input[name='address.phoneNumber']").value}));});
// getting SignUp region
getSignUpRegion(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sRegion": document.querySelectorAll(".awsui-select-trigger-label")[1].innerText}));});
// getting SignUp address
getSignUpAddress(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sAddress": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='address.addressLine1']").value}));});
// getting SignUp city
getSignUpCity(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sCity": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='']").value}));});
// getting SignUp state
getSignUpState(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sState": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='address.state']").value}));});
// getting SignUp postal code
getSignUpPostalCode(controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sPostal": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='address.postalCode']").value}));});
// getting SignUp organization
getSignUpOrganization(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sOrganize": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='']").value}));});
// deleting user credentials
deleteCredentials(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#aws-console-logout").addEventListener("click", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"delete": "delete"}));});
_backButton(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
child: Icon(Icons.arrow_back),
Here is much more cleaner code of above code
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:aws_bot/Utils/Const.dart';
import 'package:aws_bot/Utils/User.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter_inappwebview/flutter_inappwebview.dart';
import 'package:flutter_webview_plugin/flutter_webview_plugin.dart';
import 'package:html/parser.dart';
class signIn extends StatefulWidget {
const signIn({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_signInState createState() => _signInState();
class _signInState extends State<signIn> {
String userEmail = "";
String userPassword = "";
final flutterWebviewPlugin = new FlutterWebviewPlugin();
bool evalJsOnce = false;
String _currentUrl = "";
User _user = User();
bool _loading = true;
double progress = 0.0;
void initState() {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
flutterWebviewPlugin.onProgressChanged.listen((double progress) {
print("progress changed = $progress");
if (progress == 1.0) {
flutterWebviewPlugin.onUrlChanged.listen((String url) {
_currentUrl = url;
print("url changed = $url");
if (url.contains('')) {
'document.querySelector("#CredentialCollection").addEventListener("submit", function(e) {window.Mchannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"email": document.querySelector("#awsui-input-0").value, "password": document.querySelector("#awsui-input-1").value, "confirmPass": document.querySelector("#awsui-input-2").value, "accountName": document.querySelector("#awsui-input-3").value}));});');
} else {
'let pageHtml = document.documentElement.innerHTML;'
'if (pageHtml.includes("Root user email address")) {'
'document.querySelector("#next_button").addEventListener("click", function(e) {window.Emailchannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"email": document.querySelector("#resolving_input").value}));});}'
}')) { 'document.querySelector("#next_button").addEventListener("click", function(e) {e.preventDefault(); window.Emailchannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"email": document.querySelector("#resolving_input").value}));});;');")) { 'document.querySelector("#signin_button").addEventListener("click", function(e) {e.preventDefault(); window.Passwordchannel.postMessage(JSON.stringify({"password": document.querySelector("#password").value}));});;');
flutterWebviewPlugin.onStateChanged.listen((WebViewStateChanged state) {
print("state changed = $state");
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(
'AWS Sign In',
style: TextStyle(color:,
backgroundColor: Colors.yellow[600],
floatingActionButton: _backButton(context),
body: Column(
children: [
(progress != 1.0)
? LinearProgressIndicator(
// minHeight: 10.0,
value: progress,
backgroundColor: Colors.redAccent,
valueColor: AlwaysStoppedAnimation<Color>(
: Container(),
color: Colors.yellow[600],
width: double.infinity,
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start,
crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start,
children: [
"Email Address of you AWS : ${consts.user.userEmail}",
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
height: 4.0,
"IAM user name : ${consts.user.accountName}",
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
height: 4.0,
"Password : ${consts.user.userPassword != "null" && consts.user.userPassword != "" ? consts.user.userPassword.replaceAll(consts.user.userPassword, "******") : ""}",
style: TextStyle(
fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
Expanded(child: _buildSignInPage()),
_buildSignInPage() {
String _url = "";
return InAppWebView(
initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(url: Uri.parse(_url)),
onConsoleMessage: (controller, consoleMessage) async {
print("console message = ${consoleMessage.message}");
// LOG ERROR => message levels
if (consoleMessage.messageLevel.toString() != "ERROR" &&
consoleMessage.messageLevel.toString() != "WARNING") {
Map message = jsonDecode(consoleMessage.message);
if (message.containsKey("email")) {
consts.user.userEmail = message['email'].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(email: consts.user.userEmail);
} else if (message.containsKey("password")) {
consts.user.userPassword = message['password'].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(password: consts.user.userPassword);
} else if (message.containsKey("delete")) {
Future.delayed(, () async {
await consts.user.clearStorage();
consts.user.userEmail = "";
consts.user.userPassword = "";
} else if (message.containsKey("sEmail")) {
consts.user.userEmail = message['sEmail'].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(email: consts.user.userEmail);
} else if (message.containsKey("sPassword")) {
consts.user.userPassword = message["sPassword"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(password: consts.user.userPassword);
} else if (message.containsKey("sAccountName")) {
consts.user.accountName = message["sAccountName"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(accountName: consts.user.accountName);
} else if (message.containsKey("sFullName")) {
consts.user.fullName = message["sFullName"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(fullName: consts.user.fullName);
} else if (message.containsKey("sPhone")) {
consts.user.phoneNumber = message["sPhone"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(phoneNumber: consts.user.phoneNumber);
} else if (message.containsKey("sRegion")) {
consts.user.region = message["sRegion"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(region: consts.user.region);
} else if (message.containsKey("sAddress")) {
consts.user.address = message["sAddress"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(address: consts.user.address);
} else if (message.containsKey("sCity")) { = message["sCity"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(city:;
} else if (message.containsKey("sState")) {
consts.user.state = message["sState"].toString();
await consts.user.storeSignUpInfo(state: consts.user.state);
} else if (message.containsKey("sPostal")) {
consts.user.postalCode = message["sPostal"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(postalCode: consts.user.postalCode);
} else if (message.containsKey("sOrganize")) {
consts.user.oraganization = message["sOrganize"].toString();
await consts.user
.storeSignUpInfo(organization: consts.user.oraganization);
setState(() {
if (consts.user.userPassword != "" &&
!message.containsKey("delete")) {
onWindowFocus: (controller) async {
var currentUrl = await controller.getUrl();
final html = await controller.getHtml();
var document = parse(html);
if (currentUrl != _currentUrl) {
Future.delayed(, () async {
var htmlCode = await controller.getHtml();
var document = parse(htmlCode);
var currentUrl = await controller.getUrl();
print("currentUrl = ${currentUrl}");
if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("")) {
print("get email");
await consts.user.clearStorage();
// get entered email address
getUserEmail(controller, document.body!.innerHtml);
} else if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("Root user sign in")) {
print("get pass");
// get entered password
getUserPassword(controller, document.body!.innerHtml);
} else if (currentUrl
.contains("")) {
if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("AWS account name")) {
print("sign up");
// get signUp email
// get signUp password
// get signUp account name
} else if (document.body!.innerHtml
.contains("Contact Information")) {
// get full name
// get phone number
// get region
// get address
// get city
// get state
// get postal code
// get organization
_currentUrl = currentUrl.toString();
(InAppWebViewController controller, int progress) async {
setState(() {
this.progress = progress / 100;
print("progress = ${this.progress}");
if (progress == 100) {
var currentUrl = await controller.getUrl();
Future.delayed(Duration(microseconds: 3), () async {
var htmlCode = await controller.getHtml();
var document = parse(htmlCode);
print("currentUrl progress = ${currentUrl.toString()}");
//print("html = ${document.body!.innerHtml}");
if (document.body!.innerHtml
.contains("Email address of your AWS account")) {
print("get email");
await consts.user.clearStorage();
consts.user.userEmail = "";
consts.user.userPassword = "";
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#new_account_container").style.display = "none";
setState(() {});
// get entered email address
getUserEmail(controller, document.body!.innerHtml);
} else if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("Root user sign in")) {
print("get pass");
// get entered password
getUserPassword(controller, document.body!.innerHtml);
} else if (currentUrl
.contains("")) {
if (document.body!.innerHtml.contains("AWS account name")) {
print("sign up progress");
// get signUp email
// get signUp password
// get signUp account name
} else if (document.body!.innerHtml
.contains("Contact Information")) {
// get full name
// get phone number
// get region
// get address
// get city
// get state
// get postal code
// get organization
if (currentUrl.toString() ==
"" ||
currentUrl.toString() ==
"") {
print("delete credentials");
// delete user data if loged out
// get user amil
getUserEmail(InAppWebViewController controller, String html) {
handlerName: 'EmailGetter',
callback: (args) {
// print arguments coming from the JavaScript side!
print("email args = $args");
// return data to the JavaScript side!
return args;
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#next_button").addEventListener("click", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"email": document.querySelector("#resolving_input").value}));});
// getting password
getUserPassword(InAppWebViewController controller, String html) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#signin_button").addEventListener("click", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"password": document.querySelector("#password").value}));});
// getting SignUp Email address
getSignUpEmail(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#CredentialCollection").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sEmail": document.querySelector("input[name='email']").value}));});
// getting SignUp password
getSignUpPassword(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#CredentialCollection").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sPassword": document.querySelector("input[name='password']").value}));});
// getting SignUp account name
getSignUpAccountName(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#CredentialCollection").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sAccountName": document.querySelector("input[name='accountName']").value}));});
// getting SignUp fullName
getSignUpFullname(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sFullName": document.querySelector("input[name='address.fullName']").value}));});
// getting SignUp phone number
getSignUpPhoneNumber(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sPhone": document.querySelector("input[name='address.phoneNumber']").value}));});
// getting SignUp region
getSignUpRegion(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sRegion": document.querySelectorAll(".awsui-select-trigger-label")[1].innerText}));});
// getting SignUp address
getSignUpAddress(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sAddress": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='address.addressLine1']").value}));});
// getting SignUp city
getSignUpCity(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sCity": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='']").value}));});
// getting SignUp state
getSignUpState(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sState": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='address.state']").value}));});
// getting SignUp postal code
getSignUpPostalCode(controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sPostal": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='address.postalCode']").value}));});
// getting SignUp organization
getSignUpOrganization(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#ContactInformation").addEventListener("submit", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"sOrganize": document.querySelectorAll("input[name='']").value}));});
// deleting user credentials
deleteCredentials(InAppWebViewController controller) {
controller.evaluateJavascript(source: """
document.querySelector("#aws-console-logout").addEventListener("click", function(ee) {
window.console.log(JSON.stringify({"delete": "delete"}));});
_backButton(BuildContext context) {
return ElevatedButton(
onPressed: () {
child: Icon(Icons.arrow_back),
In this code you can see also how to use javascript dom manipulation and selection and interaction with web page.
