Apostrophe cms copied widgets get lots of you were unable to take control errors - apostrophe

Most of the time Apostrophe behaves itself until you start to copy widgets or include pieces that have widgets embedded in them. I can't replicate this behaviour on demand but it comes soon enough if I copy a widget using the clone button on the apos control, have a copied widget or I insert a piece that has a bunch of cloned widgets within.
If I refresh the page problem goes away for a while then all of a sudden I can't take control of the document/widget/piece again. (always.js 289) To be clear I am the only one working on the page/widget/piece so it shouldn't be a locking issue although it presents itself as one.
I designed on the basis that widgets can be stacked on other widgets and repeat as often as needed. Widgets can be replicated or added to a piece for use as "Reusable Content with pieces" this isn't working out like that at all!
I feel almost certain that this question will require further clarification of as it would seem I can't communicate well enough for the Apostrophe team for any of the questions I have posed so far!
Have I totally ignored something in the docs?
Why do I need to reload the page so often to make things act like they should?
I really like the general design, but I'm feeling slightly worried about the lack of basic question understanding and the general; oh we join to so many things its too complicated responses I see all over the web.


Composite C1 - Has anyone built an app on top of it?

I have an existing application which is quite large, uses a SQL Server database and LINQ to SQL built in MVC. It does what it needs to do very well, but the CMS is sadly lacking (it's difficult, complicated to use and prone to errors).
I like the look of Composite C1 to migrate this application to so that my users can get a good CMS experience.
I don't really want to center my development around C1, so I've been looking at creating an MVC application:
I've created a sample controller, view and then returned some static data to the view and finally posted some data to the controller. All works as a "normal" MVC application would do.
Has anyone used this concept for a real world application? The idea is that if a user want's to display one of my controls on a page they just add the control via the Composite editor. I'll also add basic pages on installation.
It's a bit of a vague question, but I'm really looking for feedback on the following:
1) How "involved" do you need to be with Composite C1 stuff? I want to just create my controllers and other classes to do my work
2) How is the performance with this approach?
3) Is there many gotcha's that you've experienced?
I have built a larger application within/on top of a Composite C1 environment, so I can say its definitely possible and the compatibility with .NET application development is actually one of the main reasons why we chose Composite in the first place.
1) How "involved" do you need to be with Composite C1 stuff? I want to just create my controllers and other classes to do my work
You won't be able to completely ignore everything Composite related when developing a full fledged application however, simply because your controls/views/controllers will run on and be rendered by Composite C1. So necessarily some of the work is done at least in part by the C1 foundation you build on, e.g. Routing, Exception Handling or Rendering.
However you can usually work with or around those features without too much trouble. It may however take some understanding of how Composite works.
2) How is the performance with this approach?
So far I cannot say that Composite would slow down the application in any significant way. It may in fact support you in tasks like Output Caching.
3) Is there many gotcha's that you've experienced?
This is a very broad question, but you generally will always have to make sure you know whether something belongs in one of your controls or would be better fit into a Composite component (page, reusable html block). If you put things into the wrong place, the easiest things will become complicated (like creating a page link) due to information being not present in the current context. But as I said, you can solve this through clever design.
Another thing to look out for is that correct source versioning is a bit harder to set up in the first place with a Composite application, because you have to figure out what is content and what is application.
So far I have made good experiences with C1 and will be using it in the future. It may take a little more time to get into it in the first place compared to a vanilla ASP.NET application, but the work that is done for you regarding CMS parts is well worth it.

how to implement redo in lua

I have just been introduced to the LUA language, and I am embarking on my first project. However, the biggest challenge I am facing now is how to implement or make an Undo and Redo.
However, to make issues clear, the project is a Custom Text Editor, and as a result, the Undo/Redo here is required for editing any input text. I have manage to handle issues like Cut,Copy, Clear, Find Word, as well as Changing Font, Text Colour, inserting tables and images among others, and all these were handled in the lua language. Obviously, there are several of the custom text editors, i believe the effort to cater for many will pave the way for future advancements or improvements. But the Undo/Redo actions are tearing me apart, which from my research is even the lack by most of the existing custom text editors.
I have searched several forums where they all seem to give the tip of using an associative kind of table to load the information, and retrieve them from there. Unbelievably, i think some of these sites are just sharing their knowledge acquired from other sites without any technical view point or whatsoever. This is because, most of the suggestions i come across seem to look alike and the same in all aspect. For about tens of sites visited, there is non where a user has tried to post an example, but all i see is the same complain about the majority of lua users. Undoubtedly, this will seem a bit easy to some respected gurus in this forum.
I don't seem to get the true picture of the suggestions.
Can someone provide me with an example?
Undo/redo is a perfect fit for command pattern.
First you need to write some of the text manipulation functionality per se. Just the do part, without worrying about un- or re-. That will be lots of work in itself.
You will then have a bunch of functions to manipulate your document. Things like insertText(), setFont(), insertJpgImage() and such. The trick is that now you need to wrap each of this functions in a so called command object. Each command class must have a method to do() itself, and to undo() itself.
Now that all your text manipulation operations are represented by command objects, you execute each operation (e.g. bold some text) by something like:
boldCommand = setTextPropertyCommand:new(document, selectedArea, textProperties.bold)
boldCommand:do() --actually modify text
table.insert(commandUndoStack, boldCommand) --keep the command for possible undoing later.
When you want to undo the bolding of some text you can then call:
command = table.remove(commandUndoStack)
NB, if your are using some GUI framework binding in Lua, then it might be the case that this framework has its own readymade undo/redo functionality. For example Qt (with qtlua bindings) offers QUndoStack class.

Partial controls in Asp.net mvc page

At my new job, I was given some MVC work. There is only one controller with nine action methods(6 are for ajax rendering) . The page was bit large, so I divided it into small your controls and used render partial to render them. Some user controls were being render through ajax also. Most of the controls are not more like foreach loops and rendering some data from tables, not more 10-15 lines. The main index page passes model to all the controls. My main page looked very clean and easy to maintain.
But my team members are saying, I should put everything in the main page rather than building small controls. Their point is number of files will be a lot, if we start creating controls like this. Also they say if we are not reusing these controls somewhere else there is no point creating them separately.
I would like to know what is better approach for this kind of scenario. Any good links which can help us to understand things better, or any book we can read to clarify our questions.
Help will be appreciated.
As a preface to my answer, let me mention the important value of maintainability. Software evolves over time... and must change to fit the need of the application.
Maintainability in code does not magically appear... Sacrifices (with a touch of paranoia sometimes) must be made in your coding style now, to have the flexibility you'd like in the future.
There may a large page in your project. Some may say that if it works, no need to fix it. But that's looking at it from a short term perspective. You may need some of those UI interfaces in other places in the future. What some persons may do (rather than make partials) is copy that code in the places where they need it - thus causing the same bloat over time that they were trying to avoid.
If you're on the project in the long haul, you'll more fully appreciate the need for flexibility over time. You can see that there are patterns that you'll want to re-use.
My suggestion then: Partials and controls are good things... they are good investments for your ease in the future. If you forecast reusability, that's a good sign for using them.
But use them sparingly. Don't micromanage everything on a page. Some things may be itching to be 'component-ized' but sometimes it's best to SSFL (Save some for later). Like everything in life, balance is important.
Having clean concise code is the way to go. Your code will be alot more readable if you utilize :
partial views
Just remember its always easier to navigate folder structure than to read 100's - 1000's of lines of code.
I recommend watching "Putting your controllers on a diet" by Jimmy Bogard.
Also read "Fat Controllers" by Ian Cooper.
these two links will give you a good idea on how to structure your MVC apps.

Things you look for when trying to understand new software

I wonder what sort of things you look for when you start working on an existing, but new to you, system? Let's say that the system is quite big (whatever it means to you).
Some of the things that were identified are:
Where is a particular subroutine or procedure invoked?
What are the arguments, results and predicates of a particular function?
How does the flow of control reach a particular location?
Where is a particular variable set, used or queried?
Where is a particular variable declared?
Where is a particular data object accessed, i.e. created, read, updated or deleted?
What are the inputs and outputs of a particular module?
But if you look for something more specific or any of the above questions is particularly important to you please share it with us :)
I'm particularly interested in something that could be extracted in dynamic analysis/execution.
I like to use a "use case" approach:
First, I ask myself "what's this software's purpose?": I try to identify how users are going to interact with the application;
Once I have some "use case", I try to understand what are the objects that are more involved and how they interact with other objects.
Once I did this, I draw a UML-type diagram that describe what I've just learned for further reference. What happens after depends on the task I've been assigned, i.e. modify the code, document the code etc.
There is the question of what motivation do I have for learning the new system:
Bug fix/minor enhancement - In this case, I may focus solely on that portion of the system that performs a specific function that needs to be altered. This is a way to break down a huge system but also is a way to identify if the issue is something I can fix or if it is something that I have to hand to the off-the-shelf company whose software we are using,e.g. a CRM, CMS, or ERP system can be a customized off-the-shelf system so there are many pieces to it.
Project work - This would be the other case and is where I'd probably try to build myself a view from 30,000 feet or so to know what are the high-level components and which areas of the system does the project impact. An example of this is where I'd join a company and work off of an existing code base but I don't have the luxury of having the small focus like in the previous case. Part of that view is to look for any patterns in the code in terms of naming conventions, project structure, etc. as this may be useful once I start changing some code in the system. I'd probably do some tracing through the system and try to see where are the uglier parts of the code. By uglier I mean those parts that are kludge-like and may have some spaghetti code as this was rushed when first written and is now being reworked heavily.
To my mind another way to view this is the question of whether I'm going to be spending days or weeks wrapping my head around a system like in the second case or should this be a case where it hopefully takes only a few hours, optimistically that is, to get my footing to make the necessary changes.

Advice/tools for working on a large existing rails application? [closed]

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I recently joined a new company with a large existing codebase. Most of my experience has been in developing small-medium sized apps which I was involved with since the beginning.
Does anyone have any useful tools or advice on how to begin working on a large app?
Do I start at the models and move to controllers? Are there scripts to visually map out model relationships? Should I jump in, start working on it and learn the apps structure as I go?
Railroad should help you understand the big picture. It generates diagrams for your models and controllers.
I found unit tests to be the most efficient, effective and powerful tool. So, before making any change, make sure your application has a minimum LOC so that you won't break any existing feature working on.
You should care about unit tests (of course I'm talking about unit/functional/integrational tests) because:
they ensure you won't break any existing feature
they describe the code so that you won't need tons of comments everywhere to understand why that code fragment acts in that way
having test you'll spent less time debugging and more time coding
When you have tests, you can start refactoring your app.
Here's a list of some tools I usually work with:
New Relic
You might want to view some of the wonderful Gregg's videos about Scaling Rails to get more powerful tools.
Also, don't forget to immediately start tracking how your application is performing and whether it is raising exceptions. You can use one of the following tools
If you need to fix some bug, don't forget to reproduce the issue with a test first, then fix the bug.
Not specific on Rails, but I would start reading the requirements and architecture documentation. After that get familiar with the domain by sketching the models and their relationship on a big sheet of paper.
Then move on to the controllers (maybe look at the routes first).
The views should not contain that much information, I guess you can pretty much skip them.
If you still need to know more, the log of the versioning system (given they use one) is also a good place to get to know how the project evolved.
When I've been in this situation, I try one of three things:
Read all the code top to bottom. This lets you see what code is working, and you can report progress easily (I read through all the view code this week). This means you spend time on things that may not be helpful (unused code) but you get a taste of everything that is there. This is very boring.
Start at the beginning and go to the end. From the login page or splash screen, start looking at that code, then the next page, then the next page. Look at the view, controller, and database code. This takes some time, but it gives you the context for why you need that code or database table. And it allows you do see most often the ones that get used in the most places. This is more interesting.
Start fixing bugs. This has the benefit of showing progress on your new project (happy boss) taking work from other people (happy co-workers) and learning at the same time (happy developer). It provides the context of number 2, and you can skip rarely used code from number 1. This is the most interesting way for me.
Also, keep track of what you've learned. Get a cheap spiral-bound notebook and write down an outline of what you've learned. Imagine yourself giving a talk on the code you're learning about or bug you're fixing. Take enough notes to give that talk, and spice it up with a factoid or two to make it interesting. I give my notebooks dignity and purpose by calling them "Engineering Notebooks", put a title on the front (my name, company, date), and bringing them to every meeting. It looks very professional compared to the guys who don't show up with paper to take notes. For this, don't use a wiki. It can't be relied upon, and I spend a week playing with the wiki instead of learning.
As mentioned above, being the new guy is a good chance to do the things nobody ever got around to like unit tests, documenting processes, or automating running tests. Document the process to set up a new box and get all the software installed to be productive. Take an old box under someone's desk and put a continuous integration install on it, and have it email you when the tests fail. You can forward that email whenever someone else checks in code that breaks the tests. Start writing tests to figure out how things work together, esp. if there aren't any/very many tests.
Try to ask lots of questions in one-on-one situations. This shows you're engaged and learning, and it helps you find the experts in the different parts of the app. On a big project you may need to go to one person for one topic and a different person for other topics. It also helps identify who thinks they know more than they really do or who talks more than you really need.
