Increasing UINavigationController navigation bar height in Landscape mode - ios

I have seen too many posts on this but unable to find satisfactory answer to this question. Specifically, I want to increase the height of navigation bar of UINavigationController by around 20 pts when iPhone is in landscape mode (not otherwise), and also set a custom image for it's Background. What I have found so far:
Manipulating frame of UINavigationBar managed by navigation controller,
Hacks such as sizeThatFits along with subclassing UINavigationController -- doesn't work for me in iOS 12 and also it is a kind of hack,
Hide the default navigation bar in UINavigationController and instead replace it with a custom navigation bar. But I don't see any sample code. Any sample code will be appreciated.
Edit: Here is how I want my custom navigation bar to look like that works across UINavigation hierarchy.


Cons of using a UIView as a Navigation Bar

In a specific view controller I have content that I need placed in the navigation bar that exceeds the maximum height of the navigation bar. From what I understand since iOS 11 the navigation bar's height cannot be extended.
What are the cons of hiding the navigation bar in this view controller and replacing it with a UIView that looks and behaves like a navigation bar? This way I would be able to fit my custom content.
UINavigationController gives use a lot of default functionality which helps you in the navigation. But if you want to use the UIView in place of navigationBar then you have to write the whole code for each functionality.
No such consequences, when you use UIView in place of UINavigationController/Bar.
You can see what functionality apple offers you

UINavigationController toolbar 100% transparent

In a storyboard I create a ![UINavigationController] with its root view controller a UIViewcontroller. In the toolbar I have a segmented control. I made it transparent, but only has the normal tint, I expect to see the normal background or the table view blurred under it, but its 100% transparent for some reason.
This is a known bug in iOS7, when presenting a popover from a bar button item.
First open a bug report so Apple gives this issue more priority.
As a workaround, make sure to set the edges for extended layout to none for view controllers inside popovers. For reference, you can see in Apple's calendar app they also do this. There is no translucency under popover navigation bars and toolbars.

UISplitView with UITabbar

I have a strange one that I can not seem to fix. I am currently working on updating my app to iOS7. This all worked in iOS6. It is an universal app and thus uses same xib files. However the iPad uses UISplitViews on some. Like I said, this all worked in iOS6 oh this all works on the iPhone too.
The problem is a grey bar at the bottom. I changed the tab bar to be opaque to move views up properly as i had some UI clipped to bottom of views and that went underneath the tab bar, sidetracked there. But if i set it back to translucent bar, it goes underneath but stretched properly. if i dont, it adds a bar. Other tabs work fine when NOT using splitview.
The UISplitviewController is added programmatically.
See attached image for better description.
This I have tried:
Added autoresize on splitview
Checked xib for subviews in the splitviews to have auto resize
Tried to force splitview to be screen bounds
Removed clips to bounds on all views
Removed autoresize subviews
Any ideas would be welcomed.
Thank you all.
setting the background colour the uisplitview, it does colour the bar black. So the uisplitview is definitely stretching to it.
I subclassed UISplitViewController and added the line below to viewDidLoad and that fixed the grey line.
self.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = YES;
I believe I have found an alternative solution for you. I have had the exact same problem, mostly because we are both doing something against Apple's Guidelines which is having a SplitViewController nested within a Tabbar controller (SplitView should be the root view). This was okay in iOS 5/6, but now in iOS 7 there are far too many side effects to achieve this.
The reason you see your view stretch completely when you set the bar to be translucent is because the bar is NOT taken into account when drawing the view. When you set translucent to false, it is then taken into account of the view and you will see that grey bar there because that's your view pretending there's a tabbar at the bottom of the screen.
And as always, a SplitViewcontroller's height cannot be changed, as it is determined by the visible window height.
I tried everything you did and then some. The real solution came from using a third-party Split View Controller.
I recommend switching over to . This split view controller is actually one large View with container views living inside of it. Because of this, you avoid all the side effects of putting an actual split view controller within a tab bar.
If that doesn't float your boat, you could create your own solution which follows the same idea of having one UIViewController with two container views contained in it, though the people behind MGSplitViewController did a good job of that already.
This was the only way I was able to solve this issue, let me know if you find an alternative.
Instead of creating a subclass for UISplitViewController, I just added this code on my master's viewDidLoad:
self.splitViewController?.extendedLayoutIncludesOpaqueBars = true
For the controller that is the detail view of UISplitViewController you just do this:
return nil;

Popover with UINavigationController/UITableViewController cropping nav bar

I've implemented a Popover that is composed of a UINavigationController that has a UITableViewController embedded. When the popover comes up, the navigation bar is cropped on the top and sides. I've attempted to use solutions I've read here with forcing the size - setting it to CGRectMake(0,0) then to the right size on ViewWillAppear and ViewDidAppear but it has no effect. The UINavigationController and UITableViewController have Size as Freeform in the Simulated Metrics (although I've tried Inferred, to no avail as well). I've tried setting the popover size to an explicit size, still no go. It ignores all of my attempts to make it look right.
What is the key to making a popover look good with a dynamic TableView?
I've resolved this problem. I removed embedding of the UITableViewController in a UINavigationController and instead added a UINavigationBar to the header of the UITableView. The view appears correctly now with correct sizing of the navigation bar and buttons.

iOS not rotating

I have a view controller with a navigation item. The view inside the navigation item rotates, but the navigation bar at top does not. I don't understand why only part of the application is rotating.
There's seems to be pretty much about this in google.
This one looks promising
UINavigationBar autoresizing
