Tokenize abstract terminals in LL grammar - parsing

I am currently writing a basic parser for an XML flavor. As an exercise, I am implementing an LL table-driven parser.
This is my example of BNF grammar:
%token name data string
%% /* LL(1) */
doc : elem
elem : "<" open_tag
open_tag : name attr close_tag
close_tag : ">" elem_or_data "</" name ">"
| "/>"
elem_or_data : "<" open_tag elem_or_data
| data elem_or_data
| /* epsilon */
attr : name ":" string attr
| /* epsilon */
Is this grammar correct ?
Each terminal literal is between quotes. The abstract terminals are specified by %token.
I am coding an hand-written lexer to convert my input into a tokens list. How would I tokenize the abstract terminals ?

The classic approach would be to write a regular expression (or other recogniser) for each possible terminal.
What you call "abstract" terminals, which are perfectly concrete, are actually terminals whose associated patterns recognise more than one possible input string. The string actually recognised (or some computed function of that string) should be passed to the parser as the semantic value of the token.
Nominally, at each point in the input string, the tokeniser will run all recognisers and choose the one with the longest match. (This is the so-called "maximal munch" rule.) This can usually be optimised, particularly if all the patterns are regular expressions. (F)lex will do that optimisation for you, for example.
A complication in your case is that the tokenisation of your language is context-dependent. In particular, when the target is elem_or_data, the only possible tokens are <, </ and "data". However, inside a tag, "data" is not possible, and "name" and "string" tags are possible (among others).
It is also possible that the value of an attribute could have the same lexical form as the key (i.e. a name). In XML itself, the attribute value must be a quoted string and the use of an unquoted string will be flagged as an error, but there are certainly "XML-like" languages (such as HTML) in which attribute values without whitespace can be inserted unquoted.
Since the lexical analysis depends on context, the lexical analyser must be passed (or have access to) an additional piece of information defining the lexical context. This is usually represented as a single enumeration value, which could be computed based on the last few tokens returned, or based on the FIRST set of the current parser stack.


Validating expressions in the parser

I am working on a SQL grammar where pretty much anything can be an expression, even places where you might not realize it. Here are a few examples:
-- using an expression on the list indexing
SELECT ([1,2,3])[(select 1) : (select 1 union select 1 limit 1)];
Of course this is an extreme example, but my point being, many places in SQL you can use an arbitrarily nested expression (even when it would seem "Oh that is probably just going to allow a number or string constant).
Because of this, I currently have one long rule for expressions that may reference itself, the following being a pared down example:
grammar DBParser;
options { caseInsensitive=true; }
statement:select_statement EOF;
: 'SELECT' expr
'WHERE' expr // The WHERE clause should only allow a BoolExpr
: expr '=' expr # EqualsExpr
| expr 'OR' expr # BoolExpr
| ATOM # ConstExpr
ATOM: [0-9]+ | '\'' [a-z]+ '\'';
WHITESPACE: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
With sample input SELECT 1 WHERE 'abc' OR 1=2. However, one place I do want to limit what expressions are allowed is in the WHERE (and HAVING) clause, where the expression must be a boolean expression, in other words WHERE 1=1 is valid, but WHERE 'abc' is invalid. In practical terms what this means is the top node of the expression must be a BoolExpr. Is this something that I should modify in my parser rules, or should I be doing this validation downstream, for example in the semantic phase of validation? Doing it this way would probably be quite a bit simpler (even if the lexer rules are a bit lax), as there would be so much indirection and probably indirect left-recursion involved that it would become incredibly convoluted. What would be a good approach here?
Your intuition is correct that breaking this out would probably create indirect left recursion. Also, is it possible that an IDENTIFIER could represent a boolean value?
This is the point of #user207421's comment. You can't fully capture types (i.e. whether an expression is boolean or not) in the parser.
The parser's job (in the Lexer & Parser sense), put fairly simply, is to convert your input stream of characters into the a parse tree that you can work with. As long as it gives a parse tree that is the only possible way to interest the input (whether it is semantically valid or not), it has served its purpose. Once you have a parse tree then during semantic validation, you can consider the expression passed as a parameter to your where clause and determine whether or not it has a boolean value (this may even require consulting a symbol table to determine the type of an identifier). Just like your semantic validation of an OR expression will need to determine that both the lhs and rhs are, themselves, boolean expressions.
Also consider that even if you could torture the parser into catching some of your type exceptions, the error messages you produce from semantic validation are almost guaranteed to be more useful than the generated syntax errors. The parser only catches syntax errors, and it should probably feel a bit "odd" to consider a non-boolean expression to be a "syntax error".

ANTLR grammar to recognize DIGIT keys and INTEGERS too

I'm trying to create an ANTLR grammar to parse sequences of keys that optionally have a repeat count. For example, (a b c r5) means "repeat keys a, b, and c five times."
I have the grammar working for KEYS : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z').
But when I try to add digit keys KEYS : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9') with an input expression like (a 5 r5), the parse fails on the middle 5 because it can't tell if the 5 is an INTEGER or a KEY. (Or so I think; the error messages are difficult to interpret "NoViableAltException").
I have tried these grammatical forms, which work ('r' means "repeatcount"):
repeat : '(' LETTERKEYS INTEGER ')' - works for a-zA-Z
repeat : '(' LETTERKEYS 'r' INTEGER ')'; - works for a-zA-Z
But I fail with
repeat : '(' LETTERSandDIGITKEYS INTEGER ')' - fails on '(a 5 r5)'
repeat : '(' LETTERSandDIGITKEYS 'r' INTEGER ')'; - fails on '(a 5 r5)'
Maybe the grammar can't do the recognition; maybe I need to recognize all the 5's keys in the same way (as KEYS or DIGITS or INTEGERS) and in the parse tree visitor interpret the middle DIGIT instances as keys, and the last set of DIGITS as an INTEGER count?
Is it possible to define a grammar that allows me to repeat digit keys as well as letter keys so that expressions like (a 5 123 r5) will be recognized correctly? (That is, "repeat keys a,5,1,2,3 five times.") I'm not tied to that specific syntax, although it would be nice to use something similar.
Thank you.
the parse fails on the middle 5 because it can't tell if the 5 is an INTEGER or a KEY.
If you have defined the following rules:
INTEGER : [0-9]+;
KEY : [a-zA-Z0-9];
then a single digit, like 5 in your example, will always become an INTEGER token. Even if
the parser is trying to match a KEY token, the 5 will become an INTEGER. There is nothing
you can do about that: this is the way ANTLR's lexer works. The lexer works in the following way:
try to consume as many characters as possible (the longest match wins)
if 2 or more rules match the same characters (like INTEGER and KEY in case of 5), let the rule defined first "win"
If you want a 5 to be an INTEGER, but sometimes a KEY, do something like this instead:
repeat : R integer;
INTEGER : [0-9]+;
R : 'r';
KEY : [a-zA-Z];
and in your parser rules, you use key and integer instead of KEY and INTEGER.
You can split your grammar into two parts. One to be the lexer grammar, one to be the parser grammar. The lexer grammar splits the input characters into tokens. The parser grammar uses the string of tokens to parse and build a syntax tree. I work on Tunnel Grammar Studio (TGS) that can generate parsers with this two ABNF (RFC 5234) like grammars:
key = 'a'-'z' / 'A'-'Z' / '0'-'9'
repeater = 'r' 1*('0'-'9')
That is the lexer grammar that has two rules. Each character that is not processed by the lexer grammar, is converted to a token, made from the character itself. Meaning that a is a key, r11 is a repeater and ( for example will be transferred to the parser as a token (.
document = *ws repeat
repeat = '(' *ws *({key} *ws) [{repeater} *ws] ')' *ws
ws = ' ' / %x9 / %xA / %xD
This is the parser grammar, that has 3 rules. The document rule accepts (recognizes) white space at first, then one repeat rule. The repeat rule starts with a scope, followed by any number of white space. After that is a list of keys maybe separated by white space and after all keys there is an optional repeater token followed by optional white space, closing scope and again optional white space. The white space is space tab carriage return and line feed in that order.
The runtime of this parsing is linear for both the lexer and the parser because both grammars are LL(1). Bellow is the generic parse tree from the TGS online laboratory, where you can run this grammars for input (a 5 r5) and you will get this tree:
If you want to have more complex key, then you may use this:
key = 1*('a'-'z' / 'A'-'Z' / '0'-'9')
In this case however, the key and repeater lexer rules will both recognize the sequence r7, but because the repeater rule is defined later it will take precedence (i.e. overwrites the previous rule). With other words r7 will be a repeater token, and the parsing will still be linear. You will get a warning from TGS if your lexer rules overwrite one another.

Set a rule based on the value of a global variable

In my lexer & parser by ocamllex and ocamlyacc, I have a .mly as follows:
open Params
open Syntax
| expr EOF { $1 }
| INTEGER { EE_integer $1 }
| LBRACKET expr_separators RBRACKET { EE_brackets (List.rev $2) }
/* empty */ { [] }
| expr { [$1] }
| expr_separators ...... expr_separators { $3 :: $1 }
In, a variable separator is defined. Its value is either ; or , and set by the upstream system.
In the .mly, I want the rule of expr_separators to be defined based on the value of Params.separator. For example, when params.separtoris ;, only [1;2;3] is considered as expr, whereas [1,2,3] is not. When params.separtoris ,, only [1,2,3] is considered as expr, whereas [1;2;3] is not.
Does anyone know how to amend the lexer and parser to realize this?
The value of Params.separator is set before the parsing, it will not change during the parsing.
At the moment, in the lexer, , returns a token COMMA and ; returns SEMICOLON. In the parser, there are other rules where COMMA or SEMICOLON are involved.
I just want to set a rule expr_separators such that it considers ; and ignores , (which may be parsed by other rules), when Params.separator is ;; and it considers , and ignore ; (which may be parsed by other rules), when Params.separator is ,.
In some ways, this request is essentially the same as asking a macro preprocessor to alter its substitution at runtime, or a compiler to alter the type of a variable. As with the program itself, once the grammar has been compiled (whether into executable code or a parsing table), it's not possible to go back and modify it. At least, that's the case for most LR(k) parser generators, which produce deterministic parsers.
Moreover, it seems unlikely that the only difference the configuration parameter makes is the selection of a single separator token. If the non-selected separator token "may be parsed by other rules", then it may be parsed by those other rules when it is the selected separator token, unless the configuration setting also causes those other rules to be suppressed. So at a minimum, it seems like you'd be looking at something like:
expr : general_expr
expr_list : expr
%if separator is comma
expr : expr_using_semicolon
expr_list : expr_list ',' expr
expr : expr_using_comma
expr_list : expr_list ';' expr
Without a more specific idea of what you're trying to achieve, the best suggestion I can provide is that you write two grammars and select which one to use at runtime, based on the configuration setting. Presumably the two grammars will be mostly similar, so you can probably use your own custom-written preprocessor to generate both of them from the same input text, which might look a bit like the above example. (You can use m4, which is a general-purpose macro processor, but you might feel the learning curve is too steep for such a simple application.)
Parser generators which produce general parsers have an easier time with run-time dynamic modifications; many such parser generators have mechanisms which can do that (although they are not necessarily efficient mechanisms). For example, the Bison tool can produce GLR parsers, in which case you can select or deselect specific rules using a predicate action. The OCAML GLR generator Dypgen allows sets of rules to be dynamically added to the grammar during the parse. (I've never used dypgen, but I keep on meaning to try it; it looks interesting.) And there are many others.
Having played around with dynamic parsing features in some GLR parsers, I can only say that my personal experience has been a bit mixed. Modifying grammars at run-time is a brittle technique; grammars tend not to be very easy to split into independent pieces, so modifying a grammar rule can have unexpected consequences in places you don't expect to be affected. You don't always know exactly what language your parsing accepts, because the dynamic modifications can be hard to predict. And so on. My suggest, if you try this technique, is to start with the simplest modification possible and put a lot more effort into grammar tests (which is always a good idea, anyway).

How to resolve ambiguity in the definition of an LR(1) grammar?

I am writing a Golang compiler in OCaml, and argument lists are causing me a bit of a headache. In Go, you can group consecutive parameter names of the same type in the following way:
func f(a, b, c int) === func f(a int, b int, c int)
You can also have a list of types, without parameter names:
func g(int, string, int)
The two styles cannot be mix-and-matched; either all parameters are named or none are.
My issue is that when the parser sees a comma, it doesn't know what to do. In the first example, is a the name of a type or the name of a variable with more variables coming up? The comma has a dual role and I am not sure how to fix this.
I am using the Menhir parser generator tool for OCaml.
Edit: at the moment, my Menhir grammar follows exactly the rules as specified at
As written, the go grammar is not LALR(1). In fact, it is not LR(k) for any k. It is, however, unambiguous, so you could successfully parse it with a GLR parser, if you can find one (I'm pretty sure that there are several GLR parser generators for OCAML, but I don't know enough about any of them to recommend one).
If you don't want to (or can't) use a GLR parser, you can do it the same way Russ Cox did in the gccgo compiler, which uses bison. (bison can generate GLR parsers, but Cox doesn't use that feature.) His technique does not rely on the scanner distinguishing between type-names and non-type-names.
Rather, it just accepts parameter lists whose elements are either name_or_type or name name_or_type (actually, there are more possibilities than that, because of the ... syntax, but it doesn't change the general principle.) That's simple, unambiguous and LALR(1), but it is overly-accepting -- it will accept func foo(a, b int, c), for example -- and it does not produce the correct abstract syntax tree because it doesn't attach the type to the list of parameters being declared.
What that means is that once the argument list is fully parsed and is about to be inserted into the AST attached to some function declaration (for example), a semantic scan is performed to fix it up and, if necessary, produce an error message. That scan is done right-to-left over the list of declaration elements, so that the specified type can be propagated to the left.
It's worth noting that the grammar in the reference manual is also overly-accepting, because it does not express the constraint that "either all parameters are named or none are". That constraint could be expressed in an LR(1) grammar -- I'll leave that as an exercise for readers -- but the resulting grammar would be a lot more difficult to understand.
You don't have ambiguity. The fact that the standard Go parser is LALR(1) proves that.
is a the name of a type or the name of a variable with more variables coming up?
So basically your grammar and the parser as a whole should be completely disconnected from the symbol table; don't be C – your grammar is not ambiguous therefore you can check the type name later in the AST.
These are the relevant rules (from; they are already correct.
Parameters = "(" [ ParameterList [ "," ] ] ")" .
ParameterList = ParameterDecl { "," ParameterDecl } .
ParameterDecl = [ IdentifierList ] [ "..." ] Type .
IdentifierList = identifier { "," identifier } .
I'll explain them to you:
IdentifierList = identifier { "," identifier } .
The curly braces represent the kleene-closure (In POSIX regular expression notation it's the asterisk). This rule says "an identifier name, optionally followed by a literal comma and an identifier, optionally followed by a literal comma and an identifier, etc… ad infinitum"
ParameterDecl = [ IdentifierList ] [ "..." ] Type .
The square brackets are nullability; this means that that part may or may not be present. (In POSIX regular expression notation it's the question mark). So you have "Maybe an IdentifierList, followed by maybe an ellipsis, followed by a type.
ParameterList = ParameterDecl { "," ParameterDecl } .
You can have several ParameterDecl in a list like e.g. func x(a, b int, c, d string).
Parameters = "(" [ ParameterList [ "," ] ] ")" .
This rules defines that a ParameterList is optional and to be surrounded by parenthesis and may include an optional final comma literal, useful when you write something like:
func x(
a, b int,
c, d string, // <- note the final comma
The Go grammar is portable and can be parsed by any bottom-up parser with one token of lookahead.
Edit regarding "don't be C": I said this because C is context-sensitive and the way they solve this problem in many (all?) compilers is by wiring the symbol table to the lexer and lexing tokens differently depending on if they are defined as type names or variables. This is a hack and should not be done for unambiguous grammars!

Overloading multiplication using menhir and OCaml

I have written a lexer and parser to analyze linear algebra statements. Each statement consists of one or more expressions followed by one or more declarations. I am using menhir and OCaml to write the lexer and parser.
For example:
Ax = b, where A is invertible.
This should be read as A * x = b, (A, invertible)
In an expression all ids must be either an uppercase or lowercase symbol. I would like to overload the multiplication operator so that the user does not have to type in the '*' symbol.
However, since the lexer also needs to be able to read strings (such as "invertible" in this case), the "Ax" portion of the expression is sent over to the parser as a string. This causes a parser error since no strings should be encountered in the expression portion of the statement.
Here is the basic idea of the grammar
stmt :=
| expr "."
| decl "."
| expr "," decl "."
expr :=
| term
| unop expr
| expr binop expr
term :=
| <int> num
| <char> id
| "(" expr ")"
decl :=
| id "is" kinds
kinds :=
| <string> kind
| kind "and" kinds
Is there some way to separate the individual characters and tell the parser that they should be treated as multiplication? Is there a way to change the lexer so that it is smart enough to know that all character clusters before a comma are ids and all clusters after should be treated as strings?
It seems to me you have two problems:
You want your lexer to treat sequences of characters differently in different places.
You want multiplication to be indicated by adjacent expressions (no operator in between).
The first problem I would tackle in the lexer.
One question is why you say you need to use strings. This implies that there is a completely open-ended set of things you can say. It might be true, but if you can limit yourself to a smallish number, you can use keywords rather than strings. E.g., invertible would be a keyword.
If you really want to allow any string at all in such places, it's definitely still possible to hack a lexer so that it maintains a state describing what it has seen, and looks ahead to see what's coming. If you're not required to adhere to a pre-defined grammar, you could adjust your grammar to make this easier. (E.g., you could use commas for only one purpose.)
For the second problem, I'd say you need to add adjacency to your grammar. I.e., your grammar needs a rule that says something like term := term term. I suspect it's tricky to get this to work correctly, but it does work in OCaml (where adjacent expressions represent function application) and in awk (where adjacent expressions represent string concatenation).
