I'm trying to write this Datalog program in Z3:
p :- r.
q :- \r.
As per this tutorial, I wrote:
(declare-rel p ())
(declare-rel q ())
(declare-rel r ())
(rule (=> r p))
(rule (=> (not r) q))
(set-option :fixedpoint.engine datalog)
(rule r)
(query p :print-answer true)
Now, I'd like to replace (rule r) by (rule (not r)), to deduce q, but I get:
(error "query failed: Illegal head. The head predicate needs to be
uninterpreted and registered (as recursive) (not r)")
r is assumed to be false by default, so you don't need to say (rule (not r)).
(query q :print-answer true) will yield true.
Here is my program which return SAT when there exists a cycle in the graph and UNSAT when there is no cycle:
(set-option :fixedpoint.engine datalog)
(define-sort s () Int)
(declare-rel edge (s s))
(declare-rel path (s s))
(declare-var a s)
(declare-var b s)
(declare-var c s)
(rule (=> (edge a b) (path a b)))
(rule (=> (and (path a b) (path b c)) (path a c)))
(rule (edge 1 2))
(rule (edge 2 3))
(declare-rel cycle (s))
(rule (=> (path a a) (cycle a)))
(query cycle :print-answer true)
I want to get the model when there is no cycle ( UNSAT ). I realised that i should use the command (get-unsat-core) and set the option to (set-option :produce-unsat-cores true) :
(set-option :fixedpoint.engine datalog)
(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)
(define-sort s () Int)
(declare-rel edge (s s))
(declare-rel path (s s))
(declare-var a s)
(declare-var b s)
(declare-var c s)
(rule (=> (edge a b) (path a b)) P-1)
(rule (=> (and (path a b) (path b c)) (path a c)) P-2)
(rule (edge 1 2) E-1)
(rule (edge 2 3) E-2)
(rule (edge 3 1) E-3)
(declare-rel cycle (s))
(rule (=> (path a a) (cycle a)))
(query cycle :print-answer true)
I get this error:
(error "line 24 column 15: unsat core is not available")
Getting a model in the unsat case doesn't make sense. Unsatisfiable literally means there's no model that satisfies your constraints. Please post a more clear question of precisely what you're trying to achieve.
An unsat core is a subset of the assertions that are conflicting. This set is by definition not satisfiable, and does not constitute model as you are seeking. Furthermore, I very much doubt the fixed-point engine supports unsat-cores, so the error message you're getting simply means they are not computed.
If I may intrude, AFAIK one needs to name the constraints when one wants to retrieve the unsat core.
The smtlib website provides the following example:
; Getting unsatisfiable cores
(set-option :produce-unsat-cores true)
(set-logic QF_UF)
(declare-const p Bool) (declare-const q Bool) (declare-const r Bool)
(declare-const s Bool) (declare-const t Bool)
(assert (! (=> p q) :named PQ))
(assert (! (=> q r) :named QR))
(assert (! (=> r s) :named RS))
(assert (! (=> s t) :named ST))
(assert (! (not (=> q s)) :named NQS))
; unsat
As #LeventErkok points out, a model is only available when the formula is sat and the unsat core is only available when the formula is unsat.
I use Z3 with :fixedpoint.engine set to datalog.
I have an enumerated filter relation (f pos min max). Let us say that we have (f #x10 #x100000 #x200000), (f #x20 #x150000 #x200000) and (f #x20 #x300000 #x500000).
For a given x, I search the greatest pos such that (f pos min max) and min <= x <= max (Here I use intervals but filters can be arbitrarily complex). Priority (sort t) and values (sort s) are BitVectors but x, min and max are on a rather large space (eg. 24 bits).
; configuration
(set-option :fixedpoint.engine datalog)
; sorts
(define-sort s () (_ BitVec 24))
(define-sort t () (_ BitVec 8))
; Relations
(declare-rel f (t s s))
(declare-rel match (t s))
(declare-rel better (t s))
(declare-rel best (t s))
(declare-rel a (t))
(declare-rel b ())
(declare-rel c ())
(declare-var x s)
(declare-var xmin s)
(declare-var xmax s)
(declare-var p t)
(declare-var q t)
; Facts (EDB)
(rule (f #x10 #x100000 #x200000))
(rule (f #x20 #x150000 #x200000))
(rule (f #x20 #x300000 #x500000))
; Rules
(rule (=> (and (f p xmin xmax) (bvule xmin x) (bvule x xmax))
(match p x)))
(rule (=> (and (match q x) (bvugt q p))
(better p x)))
(rule (=> (and (match p x) (not (better p x)))
(best p x)))
; Queries
(rule (=> (match p #x170000) (a p)))
(rule (=> (better #x10 #x170000) b))
(rule (=> (best #x10 #x170000) c))
; output: sat
; (or (= (:var 0) #x20) (= (:var 0) #x10))
(query (a p) :print-answer true)
; output: sat
(query b)
; Output 'WARNING: creating large table of size 16777216 for relation better' and fails
(query c)
(match p x) codes the fact that a filter at priority p filters x.
(better p x) if a rule with a better priority than p filters x.
(best p x) codes that the best filter matching x has priority p.
If I query (match p #x170000), I quickly get #x10 and #x20. If I ask (better #x10 #x170000) I quickly get
an answer same for priority #20. But the query on (best p #x170000) fails to execute in reasonable time and reasonable space.
It seems that (not (better p x)) is computed independently of (match p x) and so is represented by a very large table (the possible values of x are not forwarded). In some cases I can restrict x by some tricks in better (sometimes I know that I am only interested by x that explicitly appear in other relations) so that the space is reduced but this is not a real generic solutions and sometimes I am stuck.
How should I rephrase the problem or which options should I use to avoid this problem ?
Z3's default Datalog tables are over concrete values, so if you use large bit-vectors, Z3 may end-up creating huge tables.
You can try a simpler table data-structure, that supports fewer operations but it's sparse (uses "don't care" bits).
You can try it out with: z3 fixedpoint.engine=datalog fixedpoint.datalog.default_relation=doc file.smt2
it's my first time using Z3 and im trying to find all the sat truth assignments for the given form, it keeps throwing:
Z3(5, 10): ERROR: invalid function application, arguments missing
(echo "((p => q) v (q => p)) ^ ~((p => q) ^ (q => p)))")
(declare-const p Bool)
(declare-const q Bool)
(assert (and(or(=> p q)(=> q p)) (not(and(=> p q) (=> q p)))
(assert (or (=> p q)(=> qp)))
(assert (not(and(=> p q) (=> q p)))
You need more of those right parentheses.
(echo "((p => q) v (q => p)) ^ ~((p => q) ^ (q => p)))")
(declare-const p Bool)
(declare-const q Bool)
(assert (and(or(=> p q)(=> q p)) (not(and(=> p q) (=> q p)))))
(assert (or (=> p q)(=> q p)))
(assert (not(and(=> p q) (=> q p))))
I'm am trying to load in an smt2 file using the C++/C API for z3 (v4.5.1), and then add assertions using the API, with datatypes and functions that were declared in the smt2 file.
Here is an example of what I do to load a file into a solver:
solver loadBackgroundTheoryFile(context& c, string filename) {
Z3_ast ast = Z3_parse_smtlib2_file(c, filename.c_str(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Z3_solver c_solver;
expr e(c, ast);
solver s(c);
return s;
int main() {
context g;
solver s = loadBackgroundTheoryFile(g, "family.smt2");
std::cout << s << std::endl;
// Here it shows that the solver has all the contents of the family.smt2 file
return 0;
So how do I use what was defined in the smt2 file, using the C or C++ API? (If possible). I would like to make more assertions, get a model, and then evaluate, using the functions and data types defined in the smt2 file. Here are the contents of the smt2 file if anyone is interested:
;(declare-sort Person)
(declare-datatypes () ((Person (person (name String)))))
(declare-fun related (Person Person) Bool)
(declare-fun father (Person Person) Bool)
(declare-fun sibling (Person Person) Bool)
; related symetric
(forall ((p Person) (q Person))
(=> (related p q)
(related q p))))
; related transitive
(forall ((p Person) (q Person) (j Person))
(=> (and (related p q) (related q j))
(related p j))))
; the father of a person is related to that person
(forall ((p Person) (q Person))
(=> (father p q)
(related p q))))
; for all people, there exists another person that is their father
(forall ((p Person))
(exists ((q Person)) (father q p))))
; sibling symetric
(forall ((p Person) (q Person))
(=> (sibling p q) (sibling q p))))
; siblings have the same father
(forall ((p Person) (q Person) (j Person))
(=> (and (sibling p q) (father j p))
(father j q))))
(declare-fun get-father (Person) Person)
; here we use a double implication to define the behavior of get-father
(forall ((p Person) (q Person))
(= (father q p) (= (get-father p) q))))
This is a very "z3 implementation specific" question. You might get a better response if you filed a ticket with the developers here: https://github.com/Z3Prover/z3/issues
I am trying to prove with Z3 the theorem in general topology given at
I am translating the code given there using the following Z3-SMT-LIB code
;; File : TOP001-2 : TPTP v6.0.0. Released v1.0.0.
;; Domain : Topology
;; Problem : Topology generated by a basis forms a topological space, part 1
(declare-sort S)
(declare-sort Q)
(declare-sort P)
(declare-fun elemcoll (S Q) Bool)
(declare-fun elemset (P S) Bool)
(declare-fun unionmemb (Q) S)
(declare-fun f1 (Q P) S)
(declare-fun f11 (Q S) P)
(declare-fun basis (S Q) Bool)
(declare-fun Subset (S S) Bool)
(declare-fun topbasis (Q) Q)
;; union of members axiom 1.
(assert (forall ((U P) (Vf Q)) (or (not (elemset U (unionmemb Vf)))
(elemset U (f1 Vf U) ) ) ))
;; union of members axiom 2.
(assert (forall ((U P) (Vf Q)) (or (not (elemset U (unionmemb Vf)))
(elemcoll (f1 Vf U) Vf ) ) ))
;; basis for topology, axiom 28
(assert (forall ((X S) (Vf Q)) (or (not (basis X Vf)) (= (unionmemb Vf) X ) ) ))
;; Topology generated by a basis, axiom 40.
(assert (forall ((Vf Q) (U S)) (or (elemcoll U (topbasis Vf))
(elemset (f11 Vf U) U)) ))
;; Set theory, axiom 7.
(assert (forall ((X S) (Y Q)) (or (not (elemcoll X Y)) (Subset X (unionmemb Y) ) ) ))
;; Set theory, axiom 8.
(assert (forall ((X S) (Y S) (U P)) (or (not (Subset X Y)) (not (elemset U X))
(elemset U Y) )))
;; Set theory, axiom 9.
(assert (forall ((X S)) (Subset X X ) ))
;; Set theory, axiom 10.
(assert (forall ((X S) (Y S) (Z S)) (or (not (= X Y)) (not (Subset Z X)) (Subset Z Y) ) ))
;; Set theory, axiom 11.
(assert (forall ((X S) (Y S) (Z S)) (or (not (= X Y)) (not (Subset X Z)) (Subset Y Z) ) ))
(declare-fun cx () S)
(declare-fun f () Q)
(assert (basis cx f))
(assert (not (elemcoll cx (topbasis f))))
(assert (basis cx f))
(assert (elemcoll cx (topbasis f)))
The corresponding output is
Please run this example online here
The first sat is correct; but the second sat is wrong, it must be unsat. In other words, Z3 is saying that the theorem and its negation are true simultaneously.
Please let me know what happens in this case. Many thanks. All the best.
It is possible that both a formula and the negation of the formula is consistent with respect to a background theory T. In particular, when T is not complete, then there are sentences that are neither consequences of T nor inconsistent with T. In your case the theory T is the set of topology axioms.
You can use the command (get-model) to obtain a model that satisfies the axioms and the sentence.