How to know if user shared my app or not? - ios

My app is all about getting points and winning money, and what I need to do is let the user share my app then give him some points.
The problem is that I don't know how to detect if the user truly shared the app or not
I'm using the following code:
func shareTapped(){
let text = "example"
let url = URL(string: "")
let image = UIImage(named: "example_image")
let shareViewController = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [text, image!, url!] ,applicationActivities: nil)
self.present(shareViewController, animated: true, completion: {() in
The sharing method is working perfectly, but I was wondering if there is any delegate we can call in this situation.

So there is 2 scenarios where user can cancel share.
One is when UIActivityViewController present then there is a cancel button on UIActivityViewController from where user can cancel it and yes you can detect it with method
shareViewController.completionWithItemsHandler = { activity, completed, items, error in
In above method completed will be false if user canceled from UIActivityViewController cancel button. and it will return true if user share successfully but here comes second case with it.
So for second case suppose user want to share via watsapp and click on watsapp icon from UIActivityViewController and watsapp user list appear.
But there is a cancel button on that screen from where user can cancel sharing but still you will get completed flag true so there is no way you can detect if user click on cancel button from watsapp user list.


Why is Game Center matchmaking controller stuck on "connecting"?

Trying to solve a Game Center issue that seems to be happening within the GCMatchmakerViewController, but maybe I'm somehow causing it. There are two ways to match to players via the Invite Friends button: by typing their email (or selecting from contacts) or by tapping from presented list of people played with recently.
If I select via the list of people played with recently, a notification is sent to them, and if they accept, the app launches, goes to the proper screen, presents the GCMatchmakerViewController, connects, accepts, and away we go with the game.
If I select by typing/selecting their contact, an iMessage is sent, they go to Messages, tap the message bubble. If the game app is already running, it is brought to foreground, GCMatchmakerViewController is presented, connects, accepts, and away we go. But if the app is not running, it launches, goes to proper screen, presents GCMatchmakerViewController, tries connecting, and just sits there forever.
Why is the connection not happening in that latter scenario?
The screen that is displayed when it's stuck connecting is this:
The code that presents the vc that issues the invitation:
let localPlayer: GKLocalPlayer = GKLocalPlayer.local
if localPlayer.isAuthenticated {
let matchrequest = GKMatchRequest()
matchrequest.minPlayers = 2
matchrequest.maxPlayers = 4
matchrequest.defaultNumberOfPlayers = 2
matchrequest.inviteMessage = "Want to play: " + "some name"
if let mmVC = GKMatchmakerViewController(matchRequest: matchrequest) {
mmVC.matchmakerDelegate = self
self.present(mmVC, animated: true)
The code that accepts the invitation:
if let response = GKMatchmakerViewController.init(invite: invite) {
response.matchmakerDelegate = newGameVC
present(response, animated: true, completion: nil)
Best as I can tell, my app doesn't know which scenario is in play, and does not choose different behaviors based on that. Stumped, and not sure how to advise users. Thanks for any ideas.

UITest cases to handle with location services alert

I am writing UI test cases for my project.
My project flow is as below:
Login Screen. User enters credentials and press login.
Home Screen. There is location requirement so system as for user's permission. I allow it.
So when I do fresh install of application this flow is recorded in test case and works if I perform on new fresh build.
But problem is when I test on old build there is no alert for location permission and the test's gets fail. How can I handle this cases or ask user for permission every time when I run tests?
For resetting credentials of user I am passing launchArguments to XCUIApplication() and handle in AppDelegate.
I have implemented code let me know if its correct way:
addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Allow “APP” to access your location?") { (alert) -> Bool in
alert.buttons["Only While Using the App"].tap()
return true
The above code works for both if alert comes or not.
Using an interruption monitor is the correct way. However, it's safer to check if the alert being displayed is the alert you're expecting before you interact with the alert:
addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "Allow “APP” to access your location?") { (alert) -> Bool in
let button = alert.buttons["Only While Using the App"]
if button.exists {
return true // The alert was handled
return false // The alert was not handled
Try this
let app2 = XCUIApplication(bundleIdentifier: "")
let button = app2.alerts.firstMatch.buttons["Allow While Using App"]
button.waitForExistence(timeout: 10)
I use the following code to allow user's location:
// MARK: - Setup
override func setUp() {
continueAfterFailure = false
app = XCUIApplication()
addUIInterruptionMonitor(withDescription: "System Dialog") { (alert) -> Bool in
alert.buttons["Allow Once"].tap()
return true
In this setup, I "register" the interruption monitor for tapping the allow button, so in this case I can dismiss that modal. Now, there's my test:
// MARK: - Test change mall
func testChangeMall() {
let selectorChangeButton = app.buttons["change_mall_button"]
XCTAssert(selectorChangeButton.exists, "Selector change button does not exist")
let cell = app.staticTexts["Shopping Centre"]
XCTAssert(cell.exists, "There's no cell with this title")
let label = app.staticTexts["Shopping Centre"]
XCTAssert(label.exists, "Nothing changes")
In this test, simply I go to a view controller with a list sorted by location. First, I need to dismiss the location's system alert. So, first I dismiss that modal and then I tap a cell from my TableView. Then, I need to show it in my main view controller so I dismiss my view controller and I expect the same title.
Happy Coding!

IOS swift how to know when activityViewController has been successfully used

I have a tableView that utilizes the UIActivityViewController so users can share content on other 3rd party networks Facebook, twitter, text message etc. I have a function called IncreaseShareByOne() and it's purpose is to count the number of times that something has been shared . My problem is that right now that function fires of every time the UIActivityViewController is clicked . Is there someway that I can find out if a user really shared something so that I can use that function correctly ? becomes sometimes you open the UIActivityViewController and decide not to share anything so I want to catch and not use that function. I am new to swift and am using version 3 .
func sharedShareAction(controller: UIViewController, sender: UIButton) {
controller.present(activityViewController,animated: true,completion: nil)
You can add a completion handler to your UIActivityViewController. In the completion handler, check whether the user submitted using the completed value. You'll probably want to do something like this:
func sharedShareAction(controller: UIViewController, sender: UIButton) {
controller.present(activityViewController,animated: true, completion: nil)
activityViewController.completionWithItemsHandler = { activity, completed, items, error in
if !completed {
// handle task not completed
Check the API docs for more info.

Set rating right in the App (Swift 3, iOS 10.3)

I have a menu-button in my app. If user clicks this button he sees UIAlertView which include app-link to the App Store.
Here is the code:
#IBAction func navButton(_ sender: AnyObject) {
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Menu", message: "Thanks for using our app!", preferredStyle: .alert)
alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Rate Us on the App Store", style: .default, handler: { (action: UIAlertAction) in
print("Send user to the App Store App Page")
let url = URL(string: "itms-apps://")
if UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url!) == true {
I know that in iOS 10.3 there was an opportunity to set a rating right in the application. What should I change, so that when a user clicks on a link in UIAlertView, he could set a rating right in the application?
I found some information on Apple Developer website ( but I don't know how to do this in my app.
It's one class function based on looking at the docs.
It also states you shouldn't call this function dependent on a user pressing a button or any other type of action because it is not guaranteed to be called. It would be a bad user experience if you indicate they are about to be shown a review modal and then nothing appears.
If you use this new option in your app it seems the best option is to just place it somewhere that won't interrupt any important actions being conducted by the user and let the framework do the work.
You can use criteria the user isn't aware of to choose when to call the function, i.e. launched the app x amount of times, used x number of days in a row, etc.
Edit: alternative
If you want to keep more control over the ability to request reviews you can continue the old way and append the following to your store URL to bring them directly to the review page.
guard let url = URL(string: "appstoreURLString&action=write-review") else { return }, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

How to close SFSafariViewController automatically when reaching a certain page

I want to close SFSafariViewController automatically upon reaching the "thank you" page of the Dropbox site after the user uploads something; it needs to automatically dismiss. How can I do that?
Here is what I have so far:
#IBAction func Singles5(_ sender: Any) {
let safariVC = SFSafariViewController(url: NSURL(string: "https://www.dropbox/Upload")! as URL)
self.present(safariVC, animated: true, completion: nil)
safariVC.delegate = self
One way I can think of is using the Custom URL scheme. You can specify your app's custom URL in the callback parameter of Dropbox (if Dropbox has callback). So when the user has finished uploading his/her file, dropbox executes the callback. In this case your app will receive the callback, with any parameters have you specified. This will call the function application(app, open, options)->Bool in your AppDelegate. Now, you can use a reference to the ViewController which presents the SFSafariViewController and call SafariViewController.dissmissViewController().
