I would like to replace a string between 2 other strings in dart, for example :
var str="<!-- cells -->test<!-- cells -->";
the delimiters around will not change and will be always the same.
How to replace 'test' by 'test2' for example ?
var str = "<!-- cells -->test<!-- cells -->";
var replace = 'foo';
var counter = 0;
final result = str.replaceAllMapped(RegExp(r'(<!-- )(.*?)( -->)'), (m) {
return '${m[1]}$replace${counter++}${m[3]}';
finally I found a solution quickly: replaceAllMapped
I'm trying to get this code to work but keep getting a "TypeError: offset.copyTo is not a function". The script is supposed to take one value from sheet "Budget" and copy it into the next available row in column F on sheet "Projected".
I have tried playing around with syntax and other ways to copy but to now avail, any help would be greatly appreciated
function OffsetRecord() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("xx").getSheetByName("Budget");
var offset = sheet.getRange('I5').getValue();
var destSheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("xx").getSheetByName("Projected");
var colF = destSheet.getRange('F:F').getValues();
var fcolF = colF.filter(function (e) {return e[0];});
var firstEmptyRowIncolF = fcolF.indexOf('')+1;
offset.copyTo(firstEmptyRowIncolF, {contentsOnly: true});
copyTo expects ranges as parameters, not values or column numbers, see here
Modify your code as following:
function OffsetRecord() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("XX");
var sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Budget");
var offset = sheet.getRange('I5');//without ".getValue();"!
var destSheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName("Projected");
firstEmptyRowIncolF = ...;
var destinationColumn = 1;
var range = destSheet.getRange(firstEmptyRowIncolF, destinationColumn);
offset.copyTo(range, {contentsOnly: true});
I'm trying to convert strings to arrays then compare two arrays. If the same value needs to remove from both array. Then finally merge two arrays and find array length. Below is my code
String first_name = "siva";
String second_name = "lovee";
List<String> firstnameArray=new List();
List<String> secondnameArray=new List();
firstnameArray = first_name.split('');
secondnameArray = second_name.split('');
var totalcount=0;
for (int i = 0; i < first_name.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < second_name.length; j++) {
if (firstnameArray[i] == secondnameArray[j]) {
print(firstnameArray[i] + "" + " == " + secondnameArray[j]);
var finalList = new List.from(firstnameArray)..addAll(secondnameArray);
But always getting this error Unsupported operation: Cannot remove from a fixed-length list can you help me how to fix this issue. Thanks.
Seems like what you are trying to do is to find the length of unique characters in given two strings. Well, the Set type is perfect for this use-case. Here's an example of what you can do:
void main() {
String first = 'abigail';
String second = 'allie';
var unique = '$first$second'.split('').toSet();
This would give you an output of:
{a, b, i, g, l, e}
On which you may perform functions like .toList(), or .where() or .length.
You can ensure that firstnameArray, secondnameArray is not a fixed-length list by initializing it as below:
var firstnameArray = new List<String>.from(first_name.split(''));
var secondnameArray= new List<String>.from(second_name.split(''));
Thereby declaring firstnameArray, secondnameArray to be a mutable copy of input.
Is there a way to split a string by some symbol but only at first occurrence?
Example: date: '2019:04:01' should be split into date and '2019:04:01'
It could also look like this date:'2019:04:01' or this date : '2019:04:01' and should still be split into date and '2019:04:01'
I tried using the split() method. But it doesn't have a limit attribute or something like that.
You were never going to be able to do all of that, including trimming whitespace, with the split command. You will have to do it yourself. Here's one way:
String s = "date : '2019:04:01'";
int idx = s.indexOf(":");
List parts = [s.substring(0,idx).trim(), s.substring(idx+1).trim()];
You can split the string, skip the first item of the list created and re-join them to a string.
In your case it would be something like:
var str = "date: '2019:04:01'";
var parts = str.split(':');
var prefix = parts[0].trim(); // prefix: "date"
var date = parts.sublist(1).join(':').trim(); // date: "'2019:04:01'"
The trim methods remove any unneccessary whitespaces around the first colon.
Just use the split method on the string. It accepts a delimiter/separator/pattern to split the text by. It returns a list of values separated by the provided delimiter/separator/pattern.
const str = 'date: 2019:04:01';
final values = string.split(': '); // Notice the whitespace after colon
Inspired by python, I've wrote this utility function to support string split with an optionally maximum number of splits. Usage:
split("a=b=c", "="); // ["a", "b", "c"]
split("a=b=c", "=", max: 1); // ["a", "b=c"]
split("",""); // [""] (edge case where separator is empty)
split("a=", "="); // ["a", ""]
split("=", "="); // ["", ""]
split("date: '2019:04:01'", ":", max: 1) // ["date", " '2019:04:01'"] (as asked in question)
Define this function in your code:
List<String> split(String string, String separator, {int max = 0}) {
var result = List<String>();
if (separator.isEmpty) {
return result;
while (true) {
var index = string.indexOf(separator, 0);
if (index == -1 || (max > 0 && result.length >= max)) {
result.add(string.substring(0, index));
string = string.substring(index + separator.length);
return result;
Online demo: https://dartpad.dev/e9a5a8a5ff803092c76a26d6721bfaf4
I found that very simple by removing the first item and "join" the rest of the List
String date = "date:'2019:04:01'";
List<String> dateParts = date.split(":");
List<String> wantedParts = [dateParts.removeAt(0),dateParts.join(":")];
Use RegExp
Note the use of a raw string (a string prefixed with r)
\s* matches zero or more whitespace character
(?=') matches ' without including itself
You can use extensions and use this one for separating text for the RichText/TextSpan use cases:
extension StringExtension on String {
List<String> controlledSplit(
String separator, {
int max = 1,
bool includeSeparator = false,
}) {
String string = this;
List<String> result = [];
if (separator.isEmpty) {
return result;
while (true) {
var index = string.indexOf(separator, 0);
if (index == -1 || (max > 0 && result.length >= max)) {
result.add(string.substring(0, index));
if (includeSeparator) {
string = string.substring(index + separator.length);
return result;
Then you can just reference this as a method for any string through that extension:
void main() {
String mainString = 'Here was john and john was here';
print(mainString.controlledSplit('john', max:1, includeSeparator:true));
Just convert list to string and search
Trying to to write a script to search through column A starting at the top, and return all values of the row on which it matches a string. I want to have it output the values in plain html, while the string would be defined from a parameter on the url line.
function doGet(e) {
var param = e.parameter.param;
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.openById("SHEETID").getSheetByName("Sheet1");
var column = sheet.getRange("A");
var values = column.getValues();
var row = 0;
while ( values[row] && values[row][0] !== param ) {
if (values[row][0] === param)
var output = row.getValues()
return ContentService.createTextOutput(output);
Other errors as well while changing code...
Range not found (line 5, file "Code", project "Column Search")
Unfortunately You cannot retrieve a range as getRange("A")
You cannot modify your code to
var column = sheet.getRange("A:A");
However keep in mind that this will make your code very slow. Consider
retrieving only the range that actually has contents:
var lastRow=sheet.getLastRow();
var column = sheet.getRange(1,1,lastRow,1);
getRange(row, column, numRows, numColumns)
I'm reading an NFC tag in my Adobe AIR mobile app. The data is read as a ByteArray, but I'm having difficulty pulling the full text. The sample text on the tag is "http://www.google.com"
Using this method, I get a portion of the String "http://www.goog", but not all of it. I'm assuming because each character is not a single byte:
private static function convertToString(byte_array : ByteArray) : String {
var arr : Array = [];
for (var i : Number = 1 ; i <= byte_array.bytesAvailable; i++) {
var finalString : String = "";
for (var t : Number = 0; t < arr.length;t++) {
finalString = finalString + arr[t].toString();
return finalString;
I've also tried the method below, but it returns null:
I'm wondering if I need to convert the byteArray to a base64 string and then decode that. It seems like an extra step, but that's how I've done it before when sending data to/from a server using AMFPHP.
Thanks in advance for any input.
You could even simplify this code by simply calling
private static function convertToString(bytes:ByteArray):String {
bytes.position = 0;
var str:String = bytes.readUTFBytes(bytes.length);
return str;
This way you will read all contents of the bytearray in one single method call into your destination string.
Figured it out in the code below.
There were 2 errors, plus some cleanup:
private static function convertToString(bytes : ByteArray) : String {
bytes.position = 0;
var str : String = '';
while (bytes.bytesAvailable > 0) {
str += bytes.readUTFBytes(1);
return str;
the "bytesAvailable" property decreases as you read from the ByteArray. Here, I'm checking if the bytes > 0 instead of the length
the "readUTFBytes" method takes a length parameter (not position). Position is automatically updated as you read from the ByteArray. I'm passing in "1" instead of "i"