Displaying a message at the top of the ViewController [closed] - ios

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I want to display a message to the user in the same way as the following message "Invalid password" but I do not know what this kind of messages are called, and how they can be implemented.

These are not standard messages, they are just UIViews (with a slight transparancy) that are located on top of the view stack and being hidden and displayed due to some events.
Just search for something like "overlay views" in a search engine of your choice.
I quickly found the following (without knowing them):

Please use below library for the same.which is very appropriate and accurate and very easy to implement.
I think SwiftMessages is easily fulfill your requirements.


Can I customize the message shown at the bottom while multi tasking in iOS? [duplicate]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to customise App Suggestions in iOS programatically.
It usually says Good Morning and my app name.
Is it possible that I configure it to say something other than "good morning"?
Can I control when and where it appears?
I couldn't find much information in this regard.
You can't modify App Suggestions from an application, as that content is outside of the scope of an app's sandbox.
"Good Morning" appears there because the App Suggestion feature detected that you usually use a particular app in the morning and greets you with an according message. Those strings come directly from this feature and are not app-dependent; therefore, they can't be changed as of now.

How may I customize app suggestions in iOS [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to customise App Suggestions in iOS programatically.
It usually says Good Morning and my app name.
Is it possible that I configure it to say something other than "good morning"?
Can I control when and where it appears?
I couldn't find much information in this regard.
You can't modify App Suggestions from an application, as that content is outside of the scope of an app's sandbox.
"Good Morning" appears there because the App Suggestion feature detected that you usually use a particular app in the morning and greets you with an according message. Those strings come directly from this feature and are not app-dependent; therefore, they can't be changed as of now.

How to send an E-mail over an iOS app using Swift? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I would like to allow users to send me emails directly through my app, and am wondering if this is possible to do?
Your best and most simple way is to bring up the send email view (or even mailto:) with your app specific email to receive comments and requests on.
Another option is to design a web page that has a couple of fields for information and then hooking it up with PHP.
Just about anything works, it all depends on how you balance user experience and easy of implementation.

How can you automatically translate a page on load? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Google Translate. Bing Translate. You can add a widget. You can select "Spanish" and the page will translate to Spanish.
I do not want to user to have to select "Spanish". I want the page to load in Spanish automatically. Never mind why I want these things. They are necessary parameters.
You could start by looking at navigator.UserLanguage in javascript. It's not entirely foolproof, but it's a good starting point, and provided the users aren't messing with what the navigator object actually pulls (fairly easy to fake) it should give you a reasonably good start.....you don't really have what language(s) you're using on your page tagged, so it's sorta hard to provide specific help.
Reading the documentation might help http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn341982.aspx#feedback

Creating custom fields for a Jira plugin [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I recently started learning to develop plugins for jira. Now I need to create custom fields. I don't know how to name this object.
I want to do something like this:
or this:
How do I do this?
I read the FAQ on the Atlassian website, but did not find this implementation. I don't know if it is possible to do so.
Sounds like a custom field to me. The buttons and text area come from the Velocity template file for the view and edit actions on a field. You'll also need to decide what you want to store in the backend database. My O'Reilly book "Practical JIRA Plugins" has more detail on this, or work through the example at https://developer.atlassian.com/display/JIRADEV/How+to+create+a+new+Custom+Field+Type
