I am new to Swift and I am creating a survey application in which the user data gets saved throughout.
In the code below the search button refers to the retrieve function. I created a retrieve function and wanted the saved information to appear on the label. I need help to give the label the value of an element in my array. So basically once the retrieve button has been clicked it returns the saved information to the label.
#IBAction func searchButton(_ sender: Any) {
#IBOutlet weak var statusLabel: UILabel!
// These are the labels that I have made.
func retrieveData() {
//As we know that container is set up in the AppDelegates so we need to refer that container.
guard let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate else { return }
//We need to create a context from this container
let managedContext = appDelegate.persistentContainer.viewContext
//Prepare the request of type NSFetchRequest for the entity
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "Data")
fetchRequest.fetchLimit = 1
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "id = %#", idText.text!)
fetchRequest.sortDescriptors = [NSSortDescriptor.init(key: "id", ascending: false)]
do {
let result = try managedContext.fetch(fetchRequest)
for data in result as! [NSManagedObject] {
//print(data.value(forKey: "id")!)
idText.text = data.value(forKey:"id") as? String
statusLabel.text = "Data found"
} catch {
You should be able to set the text of the label to the text that you want to show. Either way, you need to define and have access to the label in your UIViewcontroller. I think that may be where you are missing it. You only have statusLabel with an outlet.
So, you can make a function that updates the value of your label and pass the value that you want it to be.
Or, if you only update the Label text when you are also doing something else, pass that value to the label text.
MyLabel.text = value
If your value is in an array and you know the id, you will say:
MyLabel.text = array[id]
My goal is
I want to store an array of data into coreData.
Here is my array
let storageArr = ["Teja", "Teja two", "Teja Ri", "Bhanu", "Stack", "Stack over", "Stack over flow"] as NSObject
And if user is typing in the Textfield I need to show them(related to that character) in drop down (tableView).
Let's say user typed "Te". I need to show Teja, Teja two, Teja Ri in table view.
I have done everything. But am unable to fetch only Teja, Teja two, Teja Ri from array.
Here is the code which I tried
override func viewDidLoad() {
#IBAction func searchBtnClicked(_ sender: Any) {
setUpData(searchKeyword: searchTF.text)
func savingDataToLocalDB(){
let saveContext = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.persistentContainer.viewContext
let data: SearchList = NSEntityDescription.insertNewObject(forEntityName: "SearchList",
into: saveContext!) as! SearchList
data.names = storageArr
do {
try saveContext?.save()
print("data saved")
} catch {
func setUpData(searchKeyword: String){
let fetchContext = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.persistentContainer.viewContext
let fetchReq = NSFetchRequest<NSManagedObject>(entityName: "SearchList")
do {
let data = try fetchContext?.fetch(fetchReq)
var filteredData = data as! [SearchList]
print(filteredData[0].names) // Am getting data here
//following line is not working
let wasfilteredData = filteredData.filter { $0.names!.lowercased().contains(searchKeyword.lowercased()) } as NSArray
} catch {
Here in viewDidLoad() am calling savingDataToLocalDB() which means storing in coreData
And in #IBAction am fetching data from coreData.
But in setUpData(searchKeyword: String) method am unable to filer data consists of "Te"(user entered in textfiled)
Please find the following image. That's how I created entity
Where I am doing wrong?
It appears that you have a SINGLE entity in your database, with a transformable property of 'names'. That property is a transformable Array. Which means that it is stored in the database as Data and is encoded and decoded automatically. The database cannot search or sort this array because 1) it is a single property, not collection of entities and 2) it is stored as data. So all management must be done in memory, which means you have none of the benefits of core-data while having all of the cost.
Next, in your code you fetch ALL of the SearchList. Your database contains one so you get back and array of length 1. You then filter that Array of SearchList - NOT the array of names, and you get back the same searchList Array that you started with because that SearchList indeed passes the test.
Perhaps you want:
let wasfilteredData = filteredData.first?.names.filter { $0.lowercased().contains(searchKeyword.lowercased()) } as NSArray
Or perhaps you should consider having each entity contain only term, and then you search using predicates.
I have 2 ViewControllers, one displays the UI and the 2nd one displays a segmented control used as a settings button. Im using the below code to save the segmented control state:
UserDefaults.standard.set(selectorLabel.selectedSegmentIndex, forKey: "stateSelected")
I then retrieve that usedefault on the viewdidload method:
if let value = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "stateSelected"){
let selectedIndex = value as! Int
selectorLabel.selectedSegmentIndex = selectedIndex
So far this works as intended and the state of the segmented controlled is loaded properly each app load.
The segmented control has two text titles - one is "LBs & INs" and the second is "KGs & CMs".
How would I save those two segmented control text titles as UserDefaults and then call them on the first ViewController to set two labels on the viewdidload?
Define a model to represent data you want to store and restore:
struct SegmentedControlState: Codable {
let selectedIndex: Int
let titles: [String]
Initialize a model, encode and store it somewhere (like user default):
func saveState(of segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl) {
let state = SegmentedControlState(
selectedIndex: segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex,
titles: (0..<segmentedControl.numberOfSegments).map { segmentedControl.titleForSegment(at: $0) ?? ""})
let plist = try! PropertyListEncoder().encode(state)
UserDefaults.standard.set(plist, forKey: "SegmentedControlState")
//UserDefaults.standard.synchronize() //if targeting older iOS
for restoring, you should reverse the order like this:
func loadState(on segmentedControl: UISegmentedControl) {
guard let plist = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "SegmentedControlState") as? Data else { return }
let state = try! PropertyListDecoder().decode(SegmentedControlState.self, from: plist)
for element in state.titles.enumerated() {
segmentedControl.setTitle(element.element, forSegmentAt: element.offset)
segmentedControl.selectedSegmentIndex = state.selectedIndex
// store `selectorLabel` data
saveState(of: selectorLabel)
// restore `selectorLabel` data
loadState(on: selectorLabel)
Note that it is not a good idea to store data like this to userdefaults at all. If you want to access some data from anywhere in code, you should follow singleton pattern and define your own singleton instance instead of standard userdefault.
Just store the value as a string, instead of an integer index.
UserDefaults.standard.set(selectorLabel.titleForSegment(at: selectorLabel.selectedSegmentIndex), forKey: "stateSelected")
And then to retrieve:
UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "stateSelected")
EDIT: #rmaddy is correct above - you should ideally be storing an index value like you're already doing, and then using an array to determine which title the index refers to (cleaner than just using a title as a reference). You could make this array global so you can access from anywhere, if you must.
segmentedControlTitles: [String] = ["LBs & INs", "KGs & CMs"]
And then call by
let index = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: "stateSelected")
let title = segmentedControlTitles[index]
I am working on a app which uses core data contains multiple lists (each one is a separate tab on a tabViewController). Now i have some issues listed below.
There is only one entity with multiple attributes for all the user inputted data.
Each list tab is segregated by a bool as true/false. If it's true it's on the list, if false it's not.
However, if I attempt to fetch them on another tab (another VC) by fetchedResultsController and NSPredicate they return as nil, or give an error of not key coding compliant.
How do I get the attribute data to return on another list in order to change the data on the first list.
example: list 1 has item name and qty
list 2 needs to fetch the CoreData and recognize there is an item of the same name on list one and subtract list 2's qty from list 1's item's qty.
Any ideas on why this isn't working/ know how to fix it? thanks in advance
FetchRequest (on list 2):
func itemFetchRequest1() -> NSFetchRequest{
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "List")
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format:"pitem =%#", item.pitem!)
return fetchRequest
Doing the math:
func subtractPqty(){
if (item.ringredients == item.pitem){
//get value of string
let stringNumber0 = item.rqty0
let stringNumber1 = item.pqty
//convert string to Int
let numberFromString0 = Int(stringNumber0!)
let numberFromString1 = Int(stringNumber1!)
//get sum of Int
let sum = (numberFromString1)! - (numberFromString0)!
let myInt:Int = sum
//convert back Int back to string
let myString:String = String(myInt)
//delclare string as qty.
item.pqty = myString
If it makes more sense to see the func that creates an item, I have included it as well.
func createNewitem() {
guard self.item == nil else {
print("trying to create a new item while there is already one.")
// just creating an empty item and let give the job to filling it to editItem method.
let entityDescription = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("List", inManagedObjectContext: moc)
// assign the empty item to self.item.
let item = List(entity: entityDescription!, insertIntoManagedObjectContext: moc)
item.mplist = true
item.mpcross = false
// assign the new item to self.item
self.item = item
item.mpitem = Recipe.text
item.mpcategory = mealOfDay.text
item.ringredients = recipeItem.text
item.mpdate = dayOfWeek.text
item.rqty0 = rqty.text
func subtractPqty()
The first list is created the same just with plist, pcross, pitem etc.
Your help is greatly appreciated!
I'm trying to repopulate my UITableView with data from another JSON call.
However my current setup doesn't seem to work, and while there are many identical questions on SO the answers I could find I've already tried.
I'm saving my API data in CoreData entity objects. And I'm filling my UITableView with my CoreData entities.
In my current setup I have 3 different API Calls that has a different amount of data, and of course different values. I need to be able to switch between these 3 datasets, and that's what I'm trying to accomplish now. (so far without progress).
I have a function called "loadSuggestions", which is where I assume my fault lies.
First I check for an internet connection.
I set the managedObjectContext
I check what API I need to call (This is determined before the function is called, and I checked that it works as intended)
I delete all the current data from the entity that it's trying to call. (I also tried to delete the data from the last data the UITableView had loaded. That didn't change anything). I also checked that this works. After deleting the data, I checked that it prints out an empty array, I also tried logging the objects it deletes to make sure.
I then fetch the new data, save it into temporary variables. Then save it to my core data.
Then I make my second API call (dependant on a variable from the first one), fetch that data and save it the same way.
I append the object to the array the UITableView fills it's cells from. (I checked that it prints out correctly as well)
And lastly I reload the tableView. (doesn't change a thing)
Here's the function:
func loadSuggestions() {
println("----- Loading Data -----")
// Check for an internet connection.
if Reachability.isConnectedToNetwork() == false {
println("ERROR: -> No Internet Connection <-")
} else {
// Set the managedContext again.
managedContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext!
// Check what API to get the data from
if Formula == 0 {
formulaEntity = "TrialFormulaStock"
println("Setting Entity: \(formulaEntity)")
formulaAPI = NSURL(string: "http://api.com/json/entry_weekly.json")
} else if Formula == 1 {
formulaEntity = "ProFormulaStock"
println("Setting Entity: \(formulaEntity)")
formulaAPI = NSURL(string: "http://api.com/json/entry_weekly.json")
} else if Formula == 2 {
formulaEntity = "PremiumFormulaStock"
formulaAPI = NSURL(string: "http://api.com/json/proff_weekly.json")
println("Setting Entity: \(formulaEntity)")
} else if Formula == 3 {
formulaEntity = "PlatinumFormulaStock"
println("Setting Entity: \(formulaEntity)")
formulaAPI = NSURL(string: "http://api.com/json/fund_weekly.json")
// Delete all the current objects in the dataset
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: formulaEntity)
let a = managedContext.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest, error: nil) as! [NSManagedObject]
for mo in a {
// Removing them from the array
stocks.removeAll(keepCapacity: false)
// Saving the now empty context.
// Set up a fetch request for the API data
let entity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName(formulaEntity, inManagedObjectContext:managedContext)
var request = NSURLRequest(URL: formulaAPI!)
var data = NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(request, returningResponse: nil, error: nil)
var formula = JSON(data: data!)
// Loop through the api data.
for (index: String, actionable: JSON) in formula["actionable"] {
// Save the data into temporary variables
stockName = actionable["name"].stringValue
ticker = actionable["ticker"].stringValue
action = actionable["action"].stringValue
suggestedPrice = actionable["suggested_price"].floatValue
weight = actionable["percentage_weight"].floatValue
// Set up CoreData for inserting a new object.
let stock = NSManagedObject(entity: entity!,insertIntoManagedObjectContext:managedContext)
// Save the temporary variables into coreData
stock.setValue(stockName, forKey: "name")
stock.setValue(ticker, forKey: "ticker")
stock.setValue(action, forKey: "action")
stock.setValue(suggestedPrice, forKey: "suggestedPrice")
stock.setValue(weight, forKey: "weight")
// Get ready for second API call.
var quoteAPI = NSURL(string: "http://dev.markitondemand.com/Api/v2/Quote/json?symbol=\(ticker)")
// Second API fetch.
var quoteRequest = NSURLRequest(URL: quoteAPI!)
var quoteData = NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(quoteRequest, returningResponse: nil, error: nil)
if quoteData != nil {
// Save the data from second API call to temporary variables
var quote = JSON(data: quoteData!)
betterStockName = quote["Name"].stringValue
lastPrice = quote["LastPrice"].floatValue
// The second API call doesn't always find something, so checking if it exists is important.
if betterStockName != "" {
stock.setValue(betterStockName, forKey: "name")
// This can simply be set, because it will be 0 if not found.
stock.setValue(lastPrice, forKey: "lastPrice")
} else {
println("ERROR ----------------- NO DATA for \(ticker) --------------")
// Error handling
var error: NSError?
if !managedContext.save(&error) {
println("Could not save \(error), \(error?.userInfo)")
// Append the object to the array. Which fills the UITableView
// Reload the tableview with the new data.
Currently, when I push to this viewController, this function is called in viewDidAppear like so:
override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
tableView.allowsSelection = true
if isFirstTime {
isFirstTime = false
It populates the tableView correctly and everything seems to work as planned.
However if I open my slide-out menu and call a function to load different data, nothing happens, here's an example function:
func platinumFormulaTapGesture() {
// Menu related actions
selectedMenuItem = 2
// Setting the data to load
Formula = 3
// Sets the viewController. (this will mostly be the same ViewController)
menuTabBarController.selectedIndex = 0
// Set the new title
navigationController?.navigationBar.topItem!.title = "PLATINUM FORMULA"
// And here I call the loadSuggestions function again. (this does run)
Here's the 2 relevant tableView functions:
number of Rows:
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return stocks.count
And cellForRowAtIndexPath, (this is where I set up my cells with the CoreData)
func tableView(tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier("com.mySuggestionsCell", forIndexPath: indexPath) as! mySuggestionsCell
let formulaStock = stocks[indexPath.row]
cell.stockNameLabel.text = formulaStock.valueForKey("name") as! String!
cell.tickerLabel.text = formulaStock.valueForKey("ticker") as! String!
action = formulaStock.valueForKey("action") as! String!
suggestedPrice = formulaStock.valueForKey("suggestedPrice") as! Float
let suggestedPriceString = "Suggested Price\n$\(suggestedPrice.roundTo(2))" as NSString
var suggestedAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: suggestedPriceString as String)
suggestedAttributedString.addAttributes(GrayLatoRegularAttribute, range: suggestedPriceString.rangeOfString("Suggested Price\n"))
suggestedAttributedString.addAttributes(BlueHalisRBoldAttribute, range: suggestedPriceString.rangeOfString("$\(suggestedPrice.roundTo(2))"))
cell.suggestedPriceLabel.attributedText = suggestedAttributedString
if action == "SELL" {
cell.suggestionContainer.backgroundColor = UIColor.formulaGreenColor()
if let lastPrice = formulaStock.valueForKey("lastPrice") as? Float {
var lastPriceString = "Last Price\n$\(lastPrice.roundTo(2))" as NSString
var lastAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: lastPriceString as String)
lastAttributedString.addAttributes(GrayLatoRegularAttribute, range: lastPriceString.rangeOfString("Last Price\n"))
percentDifference = ((lastPrice/suggestedPrice)*100.00)-100
if percentDifference > 0 && action == "BUY" {
lastAttributedString.addAttributes(RedHalisRBoldAttribute, range: lastPriceString.rangeOfString("$\(lastPrice.roundTo(2))"))
} else if percentDifference <= 0 && percentDifference > -100 && action == "BUY" {
lastAttributedString.addAttributes(GreenHalisRBoldAttribute, range: lastPriceString.rangeOfString("$\(lastPrice.roundTo(2))"))
} else if percentDifference <= 0 && percentDifference > -100 && action == "SELL" {
lastAttributedString.addAttributes(RedHalisRBoldAttribute, range: lastPriceString.rangeOfString("$\(lastPrice.roundTo(2))"))
} else if percentDifference == -100 {
lastPriceString = "Last Price\nN/A" as NSString
lastAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: lastPriceString as String)
lastAttributedString.addAttributes(GrayLatoRegularAttribute, range: lastPriceString.rangeOfString("Last Price\n"))
lastAttributedString.addAttributes(BlackHalisRBoldAttribute, range: lastPriceString.rangeOfString("N/A"))
cell.lastPriceLabel.attributedText = lastAttributedString
} else {
println("lastPrice nil")
weight = formulaStock.valueForKey("weight") as! Float
cell.circleChart.percentFill = weight
let circleChartString = "\(weight.roundTo(2))%\nWEIGHT" as NSString
var circleChartAttributedString = NSMutableAttributedString(string: circleChartString as String)
circleChartAttributedString.addAttributes(BlueMediumHalisRBoldAttribute, range: circleChartString.rangeOfString("\(weight.roundTo(2))%\n"))
circleChartAttributedString.addAttributes(BlackSmallHalisRBoldAttribute, range: circleChartString.rangeOfString("WEIGHT"))
cell.circleChartLabel.attributedText = circleChartAttributedString
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.None
return cell
I define my appDelegate as the very first thing in my class:
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as! AppDelegate
var managedContext = NSManagedObjectContext()
I think that's all the code that could possibly be the cause of the bug. Again I think the most likely cause would be in the loadSuggestions function.
To force update the tableView I also tried calling setNeedsDisplay and setNeedsLayout both on self.view and tableView, neither of which seemed to do anything at all.
Any advice in figuring out why this tableView refuses to update would be an enormous help!
And I apologize for the walls of code, but I havn't been able to find the exact origin of the issue.
This line in the platinumFormulaTapGesture function is incorrect,
This creates a new instance of SuggestionsViewController, which is not the one you have on screen. You need to get a pointer to the one you have. How you do that depends on your controller hierarchy, which you haven't explained fully enough.
I'd like to update a CoreData Object.
Backgrund: I made an app which includes a UITableView. In the textLabel of the UITableViewCell is a name. In the detailTextLabel of this cell is a date which can be changed/updated. Now I'd like to change this date.
I wrote the following code:
var people = [NSManagedObject]()
func saveDate(date: NSDate) {
let appDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as AppDelegate
let managedContext = appDelegate.managedObjectContext!
let entity = NSEntityDescription.entityForName("Person", inManagedObjectContext:managedContext)
let person = people[dateIndexPath.row]
person.setValue(date, forKey: "datum")
var error: NSError?
if !managedContext.save(&error) {
println("Could not save \(error), \(error?.userInfo)")
Now, if I run this code:
The date is successfully updated but the cell in which the date has been updated is displayed 2 times. For example if I added 3 cells and changed the date in the 3rd cell, I now get 4 cells displayed and 2 of them have the same content/are duplicated.
Does someone knows how to solve this problem?
You're adding an additional object to your array each time. Your updated Person is already in the array and will display the new information when you reload your table data. To fix this, just take out this line:
You're going to want to associate some kind of unique identifier attribute to your Person class. This allows to retrieve that same object later using it identifier. I would suggest using a UUID string value, called personID, identifier, or something similar.
You can override the awakeFromInsert method on your Person class like so:
// This is called when a new Person is inserted into a context
override func awakeFromInsert()
// Automatically assign a randomly-generated UUID
self.identifier = NSUUID().UUIDString
When you want to edit an existing Person, you want to retrieve it by the UUID. I suggest a class function like so (in the Person class):
class func personWithIdentifier(identifier: String, inContext context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> Person?
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Person")
fetchRequest.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "identifier ==[c] %#", identifier)
fetchRequest.fetchLimit = 1 // Only want the first result
var error : NSError?
let results = context.executeFetchRequest(fetchRequest, error: &error) as [Person]
// Handle error here
return results.first?
This way you can use the following function:
let identifier = ...
let context = ...
var person = Person.personWithIdentifier(identifier, inContext: context)
if let person = person
// Edit the person
person.value = // change the values as you need
// Person does not exist!
person = // possibly create a person?