Django REST Framework - List items with possible actions - hyperlink

I would like to extend the standard ListAPIView by adding allowed actions to each item so that the JSON returned on GET /books/ would approximately look as follows:
"ID": 1,
"name": "Animal Farm",
"author": "George Orwell",
"actions": [
"detail": {
"method": "GET"
"uri": "/books/1"
"remove": {
"method": "DELETE"
"uri": "/books/1"
By having such an "action list", I can easily tell the frontend which actions are currently allowed so it can e. g. include only buttons for those actions.
I went through the DRF docs and could not find a similar functionality. Shall I write it from scratch or is there a 3rd party plugin that could possibly help me? And when writing this from scratch, how would you design (=where to write the code of) such a feature?

DRF has support for that when you use the OPTIONS method, you can find more info here.
You could take a look into how this SimpleMetadata function creates the list of actions and either base yourself on it to write yours from scratch, or just find a way to call it to render the action list.

I'm not sure, if there is such plugin in DRF (maybe something for serializers?).
If writing from scratch, you should override your get() method ListAPIView (or list() method of mixins.ListModelMixin)


Unfurl links blocks template

I'm using the link_shared events to unfurl links in my workspace, trying to generate a template that is as close to Slack's unfurling template as possible, but I have several issues -
Blocks have very large spacing between them, causing my 3 blocks to take a lot of space
I'm unable to have an image inlined with the text for the title, unless I'm using context, but this is causing the text to be very small.
Taking Slack's example of how link unfurling should look like and trying to mimic it with blocks should explain the differences. This is the blocks message, and here you can see the result as an image
So my main question is - does Slack use some internal blocks formatting not available in the API, or is it possible to achieve the same result?
Thanks a lot!
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": ":pager: *Slack*"
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "mrkdwn",
"text": "*<|Features>*"
"type": "image",
"title": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Slack is where work flows. It's where the people you need, the information you share, and the tool you use come together to get things done.",
"emoji": true
"image_url": "",
"alt_text": "Slack"
That example is not using the Slack block unfurl - it's an example of how a generic link would be displayed using the page's meta tags to display some additional information, using the favicon image.
If you wanted to create something similar you could use use a markdown block and an image block (like this) - but the file size would be displayed on a new line rather than after the text.
It took a bit of playing around, but I realized Slack is actually using message attachments (the legacy version of message formatting) in order to generate their link unfurls.
For example, if you want to unfurl a GitHub repository link, this is the payload you should send, and it'll generate an almost identical unfurling to what Slack is generating (a small Added by {app-name} will be added to the footer) -
unfurls[""] = {
author_name: "GitHub",
author_icon: "",
title: "GitHub - slackapi/bolt-js: A framework to build Slack apps using JavaScript",
title_link: "",
text: "A framework to build Slack apps using JavaScript. Contribute to slackapi/bolt-js development by creating an account on GitHub.",
image_url: ""

Can jenkins extended choice parameter be made dependent on another parameter's value?

I am using extended choice parameter with JSON parameter type in my declarative Jenkins pipeline. I have found it very good for providing custom UI for parameters and it returns a json based on user inputs.
I have a use case where what options are shown to user depends upon another parameter's value. I can achieve such functionality with active choice parameter but then I am stuck with radio buttons, checkbox, html input etc.
I found a suitable option here where I can make a property inside json dependent on another property:
"title": "An object",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"fieldOne": {
"title": "I should be changed to 'foo'",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["foo","bar"],
"default": "bar"
"depender1": {
"title": "I depend on fieldOne to be 'foo'",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["lorem","ipsum"],
"options": {
"dependencies": {
"fieldOne": "foo"
"depender2": {
"title": "I depend on fieldOne to be 'bar'",
"type": "string",
"enum": ["dolor", "sit"],
"options": {
"dependencies": {
"fieldOne": "bar"
This works great when I try it here
But when I try the same on jenkins, it doesn't work. It shows all 3 textboxes. I saw the option of watching other params too but I couldn't find how to use it as an if else for my parameter.
This is a simple example, what I want to achieve requires UI of a dropdown-1 + Array(dropdown-2 + text field+text-field) where in array's text-field depend on value of dropdown-1, I cannot create the same UI in active choice.
Does any one know how options.dependencies could work in jenkins or same could be achieved using watch/other plugins?
if i got your question right, so you want to make it more smart way to select parameters.
So you can do it via groovy script.
Here is my example you can see on pic:
freestyle job config
Sorry, but i don't know how to better show freestyle job config.
So, logic is quite simple:
i'm collecting JSON on first parameter, and doing some parsing for it.
and then im using Environmets variable to show it's contents, depending on result from first part.
ps. i'm struggling right now with variable Hosts, as i don't know how to pass it in final steps without asking user for input.
But i believe you got the idea how you can do it.

With Rails 4 and structured logging, how can I add the request id field to logs?

I am adding structured logging to a Rails 4 app. Using lograge and logstash-logger as describe in this article, I've got things mostly working.
I'm having trouble adding request id to the logs. The closest I've found is to add this to config/${ENV}.rb:
config.log_tags = [:uuid]
But this adds the request id to the tags list, instead of adding it as a named field.
"tags": [
"host": "services",
"severity": "DEBUG",
"#version": "1",
"#timestamp": "2016-09-13T17:24:34.883+00:00",
"message": "..."
This is problematic. It makes it more awkward and less obvious on how to search for a particular request id. Plus, parsing the message in logstash it overwrites any other tags that are already associated with the log message.
Is there any way that I can add the request id to the log as a named field?
"request_id", "da76b4be-01ae-4cc4-8d3c-87062ea02cfe",
"host": "services",
"severity": "DEBUG",
"#version": "1",
"#timestamp": "2016-09-13T17:24:34.883+00:00",
"message": "..."
Old question but maybe it will help someone like me who struggled to find a simple way to do this.
Using the custom_payload (instead of custom_options), you can directly access the request received by the controller and get its id to add it to the logs:
config.lograge.custom_payload do |controller|
request_id: controller.request.request_id
No need to configure the log_tags for this to work.
There are several ways to do this. From Lograge, you can use the custom_options:
# all your lograge stuff...
config.lograge.enabled = true
config.lograge.custom_options = lambda do |event|
# use the `event.payload`
{uuid: event.payload[:uuid]}
You can overload any option in here - they'll take over the lib's ones.
The code responsible for this is here. The test that shows it work is here.

Nested query parameters in Swagger 2.0

I'm documenting a Rails app with Swagger 2.0 and using Swagger-UI as the human-readable documentation/sandbox solution.
I have a resource where clients can store arbitrary metadata to query later. According to the Rails convention, the query would be submitted like so:
which Rails translates to params of:
{ "metadata" => { "thing1" => "abc", "thing2" => "def" } }
which can easily be used to generate the appropriate WHERE clause for the database.
Is there any support for something like this in Swagger? I want to ultimately have Swagger-UI give some way to modify the generated request to add on arbitrary params under the metadata namespace.
This doesn't appear supported yet (over 2 years after you asked the question), but there's an ongoing discussion & open ticket about adding support for this on the OpenAPI github repo. They refer to this type of nesting as deepObjects.
There's another open issue where an implementation was attempted here. Using the most recent stable swagger-ui release, however, I have observed it working as I expect:
"parameters": [
"name": "page[number]",
"in": "query",
"type": "integer",
"default": 1,
"required": false
"name": "page[size]",
"in": "query",
"type": "integer",
"default": 25,
"required": false
This presents the expected dialog box & works with Try it out against a working server.
I don't believe there is a good way to specify arbitrary or a selection of values (e.g. an enum), so you may have to add parameters for every nesting option.

Set based updates in RavenDB

I am working with RavenDB documents. I need to change a field in all the documents at once. I read there is something called set based updates in Raven DB documentation. I need a little help to put me in right direction here.
A patron Document looks something like this:
"Privilege": [
"Level": "Gold",
"Code": "12312",
"EndDate": "12/12/2012"
"Phones": [
"Cell": "123123",
"Home": "9783041284",
"Office": "1234123412"
In Patrons document collection, there is a Privilege.Level field in each doc. I need to write a query to update it to "Gold" for all documents in that Patrons collection. This is what I know so far. I need to create an Index (ChangePrivilegeIndex) first:
from Patrons in docs.patrons
select new {Patrons.Privilege.Level}
and then write a curl statement to patch documents all at once something like this:
PATCH http://localhost:8080/bulk_docs/ChangePrivilegeIndex
{ "Type": "Set", "Name": "Privilege.Level", "Value": "Gold"}
I need help to get this to work .. thank you. I know there are lots of loose ends in the actual scripts.. that's why its not working. Can some one look at the scenario and the script above to put me in right direction.
