Injecting host network into container in CircleCI - docker

I have this CircleCI configuration.
version: 2
- image: docker:18.09.2-git
- image:
name: elasticsearch
working_directory: ~/project
- checkout
- setup_remote_docker:
docker_layer_caching: true
- run:
name: test
command: |
docker run --rm \
--network host \
byrnedo/alpine-curl \
I'm looking for a way to allow my new container to access to the elasticsearch port 9200. With this configuration, the elasticsearch is not even a known host name.
Creating an extra network is not possible, so I have this error message container sharing network namespace with another container or host cannot be connected to any other network
Host network seems to be working only in the primary image
How could I do this?

That will not work. Containers started during a build via the docker run command are running via a remote Docker engine. The cannot talk to the containers running as part of the executor via TCP since they are isolated. Just docker exec.
The solution will ultimately depend on your end goal, but one option might be to remove the Elasticsearch image/container from the executor, and use Docker Compose to get both images to talk to each other within the build.


Docker containers refuse to communicate when running docker-compose in dind - Gitlab CI/CD

I am trying to set up some integration tests in Gitlab CI/CD - in order to run these tests, I want to reconstruct my system (several linked containers) using the Gitlab runner and docker-compose up. My system is composed of several containers that communicate with each other through mqtt, and an InfluxDB container which is queried by other containers.
I've managed to get to a point where the runner actually executes the docker-compose up and creates all the relevant containers. This is my .gitlab-ci.yml file:
image: docker:19.03
- name: docker:19.03-dind
alias: localhost
- docker info
stage: test
- apk add --no-cache docker-compose
- docker-compose -f "docker-compose.replay.yml" up -d --build
- docker exec moderator-monitor_datareplay_1 bash -c 'cd src ; python'
As you can see, I am installing docker-compose, running compose up on my config yml file and then executing my integration tests from within one of the containers. When I run that final line on my local system, the integration tests run as expected; in the CI/CD environment, however, all the tests throw some variation of ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused errors. Running docker-compose ps seems to show all the relevant containers Up and healthy.
I have found that the issues stem from every time one container tries to communicate with another, through lines like self.localClient = InfluxDBClient("influxdb", 8086, database = "replay") or client.connect("mosquitto", 1883, 60). This works fine on my local docker environment as the address names resolve to the other containers that are running, but seems to be creating problems in this Docker-in-Docker setup. Does anyone have any suggestions? Do containers in this dind environment have different names?
It is also worth mentioning that this could be a problem with my docker-compose.yml file not being configured correctly to start healthy containers. docker-compose ps suggests they are up, but is there a better way to check whether they are running correctly? Here's an excerpt of my docker-compose file:
- web
- influxnet
- brokernet
image: data-replay
context: data-replay
- ./data-replay:/data-replay
image: eclipse-mosquitto:latest
hostname: mosquitto
- web
- brokernet
internal: true
driver: bridge
internal: true
There are a few possibilities to why this error is occurring:
A bug on Docker 19.03-dind is known to be problematic and unable to create networks when using services without a proper TLS setup, have you correctly set up your Gitlab Runner with TLS certificates? I've noticed you are using "/certs"on your gitlab-ci.yml, did you mount your runner to share the volume where the certificates are stored?
If your Gitlab Runner is not running with privileged permissions or correctly configured to use the remote machine's network socket, you won't be able to create networks. A simple solution to unify your networks to run in a CI/CD environment is to configure your machine using this docker-compose followed by this script. (Source) It'll setup a local network where you can communicate between containers using hostnames in a network where the network driver is bridged.
There's an issue with gitlab-ci.yml as well, when you execute this part of the script:
- name: docker:19.03-dind
alias: localhost
stage: test
- apk add --no-cache docker-compose
- docker-compose -f "docker-compose.replay.yml" up -d --build
- docker exec moderator-monitor_datareplay_1 bash -c 'cd src ; python'
You're renaming your docker hostname to localhost, but you never use it, instead you type directly to use the docker and docker-compose from your image, binding them to a different network set of networks than the ones created by Gitlab automatically.
Let's try this solution (Albeit I couldn't test it right now so I apologize if it doesn't work right away):
image: docker/compose:debian-1.28.5 # You should be running as a privileged Gitlab Runner
- docker:dind
stage: test
#- apk add --no-cache docker-compose
- docker-compose -f "docker-compose.replay.yml" up -d --build
- docker exec moderator-monitor_datareplay_1 bash -c 'cd src ; python'
- web
- influxnet
- brokernet
image: data-replay
context: data-replay
# volumes: You're mounting your volume to an ephemeral folder, which is in the CI pipeline and will be wiped afterwards (if you're using Docker-DIND)
# - ./data-replay:/data-replay
image: eclipse-mosquitto:latest
hostname: mosquitto
- web
- brokernet
web: # hostnames are created automatically, you don't need to specify a local setup through localhost
driver: bridge #If you're using a bridge driver, an overlay2 doesn't make sense
Both of this commands will install a Gitlab Runner as Docker containers without the hassle of having to configure them manually to allow for socket binding on your project.
docker run --detach --name gitlab-runner --restart always -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gitlab/gitlab-runner:latest
And then (2):
docker run --rm -v /srv/gitlab-runner/config:/etc/gitlab-runner gitlab/gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --description "monitoring cluster instance" --url "" --registration-token "replacethis" --executor "docker" --docker-image "docker:latest" --locked=true --docker-privileged=true --docker-volumes /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
Remember to change your token on the (2) command.

Gitlab CI - exposing port/service of spawned docker container

I have setup a testplant of Gitlab CI
Gitlab-CE on ubuntu 18.04 VM
Docker gitlab runner
Microk8s cluster
I am able to install the gitlab managed Ingress controller
As I am running dind, how should I expose port 4000 to my host machine (VM) and what is the best way to do it ?
I tried to play around with gitlab installed ingress controller, but not sure where the config files/yaml for gitlab managed apps ?
Tried simple nodeport expose and it did not help
kubectl -n gitlab-managed-apps expose deployment <Gitlab Runner> --type=NodePort --port=4000
Below is my gitlab-ci.yaml file..
image: docker:19.03.13
- name: docker:18.09.7-dind
- testing
DOCKER_HOST: tcp://localhost:2375
- echo "$REG_PASSWORD" | docker -D login "$CI_REGISTRY" -u "$REG_USER" --password-stdin
stage: testing
tags: [docker]
- docker pull "gitlab.local:32000/$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest"
- docker images
- hostname
- docker run --rm -d -p 4000:4000 "gitlab.local:32000/$CI_REGISTRY_IMAGE:latest"
- netstat -na | grep -w 4000
- sleep 3600
- master
I managed to figure out what was the issue on exposing using k8s services. It was the selector that was not clearly defined. Some key points to note
I could see that the port was listening on IPv6 interface (::4000) within the pod. However this was not the problem
I added podLabels in config.toml of the gitlab runner config (e.g. app: myapp). This way, each pod spawned by the runner had a predefined label
Used the label in my selector section of the LB service
Hope its useful to anyone

Accessing GitLab CI Service from A Container running Inside DinD

I'm trying to run a continuous integration in GitLab CI consisting of:
build the docker image
run tests
push the docker image to a registry
Those are running inside one job. I can do it without any problem until come up some test that needs to communicate with database. My container can't communicate with Postgres services defined.
I've reproduce it in a public repository with simple ping script
image: docker:stable
- docker:dind
- postgres:latest
- ping postgres -c 5
- docker run --rm --network="host" alpine:latest sh -c "ping postgres -c 5"
The first script could run without any problem, but the second one failed with error
ping: bad address 'postgres'
How can I access the service?
Or should I run the test in a different job?
The solution is to use --add-host=postgres:$POSTGRES_IP to pass over the ip address present in job container.
To find out postgres ip linked to the outer container you can use for example getent hosts postgres | awk '{ print $1 }'
So the yml would look like
image: docker:stable
- docker:dind
- postgres:latest
- ping postgres -c 5
- docker run --rm --add-host=postgres:$(getent hosts postgres | awk '{ print $1 }') alpine:latest sh -c "ping postgres -c 5"
To understand why the other more common ways to connect containers wont work in this case, we have to remember we are trying to link a nested container with a service linked to its "parent". Something like this:
gitlab ci runner --> docker -> my-container (alpine)
-> docker:dind
-> postgres
So we are trying to connect a container with its "uncle". Or connecting nested containers
As noted by #tbo, using --network host will not work. This is probably because gitlab ci use --link (as explained here) to connect containers instead of the newer --network. The way --link works makes that the services containers are connected to the job container, but not connected with one another. So using host network wont make the nested container inherit postgres hostname.
One could also think that using --link postgres:postgres would work, but it also won't as in this environment postgres is only a hostname with the ip of the container outside. There is not container here to be linked with the nested container
So all we can do is manually add a host with the correct ip to the nested container using --add-host as explained above.

Docker on Windows10 home - inside docker container connect to the docker engine

When creating a Jenkins Docker container, it is very useful to able to connect to the Docker daemon. In that way, I can start docker commands inside the Jenkins container.
For example, after starting the Jenkins Docker container, I would like to 'docker exec -it container-id bash' and start 'docker ps'.
On Linux you can use bind-mounts on /var/run/docker.sock. On Windows this seems not possible. The solution is by using 'named pipes'. So, in my docker-compose.yml file I tried to create a named pipe.
version: '2'
image: jenkins-docker
context: ./
dockerfile: Dockerfile_docker
- "8080:8080"
- "50000:50000"
- jenkins
- jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home
- \\.\pipe\docker_engine:\\.\pipe\docker_engine
# - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
# - /path/to/postgresql/data:/var/run/postgresql/data
# - etc.
Starting docker-compose with this file, I get the following error:
Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is
the docker daemon running?
How can I setup the docker-compose file so that I can use the docker.sock (or Docker) inside the started container?
On Linux you can use something like volumes: /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock. This does not work in a Windows environment. When you add this folder (/var) to Oracle VM Virtualbox, it won't get any IP forever. And on many posts
You can expose the daemon on tcp://localhost:2375 without TLS in the settings. This way you can configure Jenkins to use the Docker API instead of the socket. I encourage you to read this article by Nick Janetakis about "Understanding how the Docker Daemon and the Docker CLI work together".
And then there are several Docker plugins for Jenkins that allows this connection:
Also, you can find additional information in the Docker plugin documentation on
def dockerCloudParameters = [
connectTimeout: 3,
containerCapStr: '4',
credentialsId: '',
dockerHostname: '',
name: 'docker.local',
readTimeout: 60,
serverUrl: 'unix:///var/run/docker.sock', // <-- Replace here by the tcp address
version: ''
I don't know if it is useful, but the Docker Daemon on Windows is located to C:\ProgramData\docker according to the Docker Daemon configuration doc.
You need to say explicitly the container to use the host network because you want to expose both Jenkins and Docker API.
Following this documentation, you only have to add --network=host (or network_mode: 'host' in docker-compose) to your container/service. For further information, you can read this article to understand what is the purpose of this network mode.
First try was to start a Docker environment using "Docker Quickstart terminal". This is a good solution when running Docker commands within that environment.
When installing a complete CI/CD Jenkins environment via Docker means that WITHIN the Jenkins Docker container you need to access the Docker daemon. After trying many solutions, reading many posts, this did not work. #Paul Rey, thank you very much for trying all kinds of routes.
A good solution is to get an Ubuntu Virtual Machine and install it via the Oracle VM Virtualbox. It is then VERY IMPORTANT to install Docker via this official description.
Before installing Docker, of course you need to install Curl, Git, etc.

Weave + Ansible Docker Module

I'm using weave to launch some containers which form a database cluster. I have gotten this working manually on two hosts in EC2 by doing the following:
$HOST1> weave launch
$HOST2> weave launch $HOST1
$HOST1> eval $(weave env)
$HOST2> eval $(weave env)
$HOST1> docker run --name neo-1 -d -P ... my/neo4j-cluster
$HOST2> docker run --name neo-2 -d -P ... my/neo4j-cluster
$HOST3> docker run --name neo-1 -d -P -e ARBITER=true ... my/neo4j-cluster
I can check the logs and everthing starts up ok.
When using ansible I can get the above to work using the command: ... module and an environment variable:
- name: Start Neo Arbiter
command: 'docker run --name neo-2 -d -P ... my/neo4j-cluster'
DOCKER_HOST: 'unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock'
As that's basically all eval $(weave env) does.
But when I use the docker module for ansible, even with the docker_url parameter set to the same thing you see above with DOCKER_HOST, DNS does not resolve between hosts. Here's what that looks like:
- name: Start Neo Arbiter
image: "my/neo4j-cluster:{{neo4j_version}}"
docker_url: unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock
name: neo-3
pull: missing
state: reloaded
detach: True
publish_all_ports: True
- name: Start Neo Arbiter
image: "my/neo4j-cluster:{{neo4j_version}}"
docker_url: unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock
name: neo-3
pull: missing
state: reloaded
detach: True
publish_all_ports: True
DOCKER_HOST: 'unix:///var/run/weave/weave.sock'
Neither of those work. The DNS does not resolve so the servers never start. I do have other server options (like SERVER_ID for neo4j, etc set just not shown here for simplicity).
Anyone run into this? I know the docker module for ansible uses docker-py and stuff. I wonder if there's some type of incompatibility with weave?
I should mention that when the containers launch they actually show up in WeaveDNS and appear to have been added to the system. I can ping the local hostname of each container as long as its on the host. When I go to the other host though, it cannot ping the ones on the other host. This despite them registering in WeaveDNS (weave status dns) and weave status showing correct # of peers and established connections.
This could be caused by the client sending a HostConfig struct in the Docker start request, which is not really how you're supposed to do it but is supported by Docker "for backwards compatibility".
Weave has been fixed to cope, but the fix is not in a released version yet. You could try the latest snapshot version if you're brave.
You can probably kludge it by explicitly setting the DNS resolver to the docker bridge IP in your containers' config - weave has an undocumented helper weave docker-bridge-ip to find this address, and it generally won't change.
