I'm fairly new to Google Dataflow and I am finding that the service spends several hours estimating the input file size before actually processing data, and will often do several recounts for large input collections before failing. I'm using Apache Beam 2.9 and the io.ReadFromText method.
The logs start with a comment about beginning estimation of input file size and continue to log an update every 10k files counted.
Is there a way to skip this step or to significantly increase the pace in which it does the count?
The Python ReadFromText source is based on FileBasedSource. If you look at the code for it, you can find that its estimate_size method is inefficient for a very large set of files.
As we discussed in the comments, you may be able to improve this bottleneck by manually partitioning the range of files. For example, if your files are gs://my_bucket/file001, gs://my_bucket/file002, ... gs://my_bucket/file999, you should be able to add 10 sources, something like so:
p = Pipeline()
file_lines = (
[p | ReadFromText('gs://my_bucket/file%s*' % i) for i in range(10)]
| beam.Flatten())
This should help your pipeline scale for a case like this.
As for a permanent solution... I imagine that one could try to propose improvements to the source itself, so that a future version may have better performance.
There are also transforms based on Java's FileIO transforms that we are planning to implement. That may be helpful as well. But it's not so near in the horizon.
I have a list of abstracts and articles approx 500 in csv each paragraph contains approx 800 to 1000 words whenever I build vocab and print with words giving none and how I can improve results?
lst_doc = doc.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation))
target_data = word_tokenize(lst_doc)
train_data = list(read_data())
model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(vector_size=50, min_count=2, epochs=40)
train_vocab = model.build_vocab(train_data)
{train = model.train(train_data, total_examples=model.corpus_count,
epochs=model.epochs) }
A call to build_vocab() only builds the vocabulary inside the model, for further usage. That function call doesn't return anything, so your train_vocab variable will be Python None.
So, the behavior you're seeing is as expected, and you should say more about what your ultimate aims are, and what you'd want to see as steps towards those aims, if you're stuck.
If you want to see reporting of the progress of your calls to build_vocab() or train(), you can set the logging level to INFO. This is always a usually a good idea working to learn a new library: even if initially the copious info shown is hard to understand, by reviewing it you'll start to see the various internal steps, and internal counts/timings/etc, that hint whehter things are doing well or poorly.
You can also examine the state of the model and its various internal properties after the code has run.
For example, the model.wv property contains, after build_vocab(), a Gensim KeyedVectors structure holding all the untrained ready-for-training vectors. You can ask for its length (len(model.wv) or examine the discovered active list of words (model.wv.index_to_key).
Other comments:
It's not clear your 1st two lines – assigning into lst_doc and target_data – affect anything further, since it's unclear what read_data() might be doing to fill the train_corpus.
Often low min_count values worsen results, by including more words that have so few usage examples that they're little more than noise during training.
only 500 documents is rather small compared to most published work showing impressive results with this algorithm, which uses tens-of-thousands of documents (if not millions). So, keep in mind that results on such a small dataset may be unrepresentative of what's possible with a larger corpus - in terms of quality, optimal parameters, etc.
I have following question. I set up an camel -project to parse certain xml files. I have to selecting take out certain nodes from a file.
I have two files 246kb and 347kb in size. I am extracting a parent-child pair of 250 nodes in the above given example.
With the default factory here are the times. For the 246kb file respt 77secs and 106 secs. I wanted to improve the performance so switched to saxon and the times are as follows 47secs and 54secs. I was able to cut the time down by at least half.
Is it possible to cut the time further, any other factory or optimizations I can use will be appreciated.
I am using XpathBuilder to cut the xpaths out. here is an example. Is it possible to not to have to create XpathBuilder repeatedly, it seems like it has to be constructed for every xpath, I would have one instance and keep pumping the xpaths into it, maybe it will improve performance further.
return XPathBuilder.xpath(nodeXpath)
.namespace(Consts.XPATH_PREFIX, nameSpace)
.evaluate(exchange.getContext(), exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class), String.class);
Adding more details based on Michael's comments. So I am kind of joining them, will become clear with my example below. I am combining them into a json.
So here we go, Lets say we have following mappings for first and second path.
pData.tinf.rexd: bm:Document/bm:xxxxx/bm:PmtInf[{0}]/bm:ReqdExctnDt/text()
This would result in a json as below
tinf: {
rexd: <value_from_xml>
instId: <value_from_xml>
Hard to say without seeing your actual XPath expression, but given the file sizes and execution time my guess would be that you're doing a join which is being executed naively as a cartesian product, i.e. with O(n*m) performance. There is probably some way of reorganizing it to have logarithmic performance, but the devil is in the detail. Saxon-EE is quite good at optimizing join queries automatically; if not, there are often ways of doing it manually -- though XSLT gives you more options (e.g. using xsl:key or xsl:merge) than XPath does.
Actually I was able to bring the time down to 10 secs. I am using apache-camel. So I added threads there so that multiple files can be read in separate threads. Once the file was being read, it had serial operation to based on the length of the nodes that had to be traversed. I realized that it was not necessary to be serial here so introduced parrallelStream and that now gave it enough power. One thing to guard agains is not to have a proliferation of threads since that can degrade the performance. So I try to restrict the number of threads to twice or thrice the number of cores on the operating machine.
I'm confused about how to get the best from dask.
The problem
I have a dataframe which contains several timeseries (every one has its own key) and I need to run a function my_fun on every each of them. One way to solve it with pandas involves
df = list(df.groupby("key")) and then apply my_fun
with multiprocessing. The performances, despite the huge usage of RAM, are pretty good on my machine and terrible on google cloud compute.
On Dask my current workflow is:
import dask.dataframe as dd
from dask.multiprocessing import get
Read data from S3. 14 files -> 14 partitions
As I didn't set the indices df.known_divisions is False
The resulting graph is
and I don't understand if what I see it is a bottleneck or not.
Is it better to have df.npartitions as a multiple of ncpu or it doesn't matter?
From this it seems that is better to set the index as key. My guess is that I can do something like
df["key2"] = df["key"]
df = df.set_index("key2")
but, again, I don't know if this is the best way to do it.
For questions like "what is taking time" in Dask, you are generally recommended to use the "distributed" scheduler rather than multiprocessing - you can run with any number of processes/threads you like, but you have much more information available via the diagnostics dashboard.
For your specific questions, if you are grouping over a column that is not nicely split between partitions and applying anything other than the simple aggregations, you will inevitably need a shuffle. Setting the index does this shuffle for you as a explicit step, or you get the implicit shuffle apparent in your task graph. This is a many-to-many operation, each aggregation tasks needs input from every original partition, hence the bottle-neck. There is no getting around that.
As for number of partitions, yes you can have sub-optimal conditions like 9 partitions on 8 cores (you will calculate 8 tasks, and then perhaps block for the final task on one core while the others are idle); but in general you can depend on dask to make reasonable scheduling decisions so long as you are not using a very small number of partitions. In many cases, it will not matter much.
I am using a python program to write a 4000x4000 array into an hdf5 file.
Then, I read the data by a c-program where I need it as an input to do some simulations. I need approximately 1000 of these 4000x4000 arrays (meaning, I am doing 1000 simulation runs).
My question now is the following: Which way is "better", 1000 separate hdf5 files or one big hdf5-file with 1000 different dataset (named 'dataset_%04d')?
Any advice or best practices behaviour for this kind of problem is greatly appreciated (as I am not too familiar with hdf5).
In case, this is of interest, here is the python code I am using to write the hdf5 file:
import h5py
h5f = h5py.File( 'data_0001.h5', 'w' )
h5f.create_dataset( 'dataset_1', data=myData )
This is really interesting as I'm currently dealing with similar problem.
To investigate the problem a little closer, I have created following file
import h5py
import numpy as np
def one_file(shape=(4000, 4000), n=1000):
h5f = h5py.File('data.h5', 'w')
for i in xrange(n):
dataset = np.random.random(shape)
dataset_name = 'dataset_{:08d}'.format(i)
h5f.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=dataset)
print i
def more_files(shape=(4000, 4000), n=1000):
for i in xrange(n):
file_name = 'data_{:08d}'.format(i)
h5f = h5py.File(file_name, 'w')
dataset = np.random.random(shape)
h5f.create_dataset('dataset', data=dataset)
print i
Then, in IPython,
>>> from testing import one_file, more_files
>>> %timeit one_file(n=25) # with n=25, the resulting file is 3.0GB
1 loops, best of 3: 42.5 s per loop
>>> %timeit more_files(n=25)
1 loops, best of 3: 41.7 s per loop
>>> %timeit one_file(n=250)
1 loops, best of 3: 7min 29s per loop
>>> %timeit more_files(n=250)
1 loops, best of 3: 8min 10s per loop
The difference is quite surprising to me, for n=25 having more files is faster, however this is no longer truth for more datasets.
As others noted in comments, there is probably no correct answer as this is very problem specific. I deal with hdf5 files for my research in plasma physics. I don't know if it helps you but I can share my hdf5 experience.
I'm running lots of simulations and output for a given simulation used to go to one hdf5 file. When a simulation finished, it dumped it's state to this hdf5 file, so later I was able to take this state and extend simulation from that point (I could change some parameters as well and I don't need to start from scratch). The output from this simulation went again to the same file. This was great - I had only one file for one simulation. However, there are certain drawbacks with this approach:
When a simulation crashes, you end up with a file that is not 'complete' - you can't start new simulation from that file.
There is no simple way, how you can safely take a look into hdf5 file when another process is writing to that file. If it happen that you try to read from and another process is writing to, you end up corrupted file and all you data is lost!
I don't know of any simple way how you can delete groups from a file (I anyone know a way, let me know). So, if I need to restructure a file, I need to create new one from it (h5copy, h5repack, ...).
So I end up with this approach which works much better:
I'm periodically flushing state from a simulation and after that I'm writing to a new file. If simulation crashes, I need only delete last file and I don't lost that much of cpu time.
I'm currently only plotting data from all files but the last one. Note that there is another way: see here, but my approach is definitely simpler and I'm ok with that.
It is much better to process more small files than one huge file - you see the progress and so on.
Hope this helps.
A little late to the party, I know, but I thought I'd share my experiences. My data sizes are smaller, but from a simplicity-of-analysis standpoint I actually prefer one large (1000, 4000, 4000) dataset. In your case, it looks like you'd need to use the maxshape property to make it extendable as you create new results. Saving multiple separate datasets makes it hard to look at trends across datasets since you have to slice them all separately. With one dataset you could do eg. data[:, 5, 20] to look across the 3rd axis. Also, to address the corruption problem, I highly recommend using h5py.File as a context manager:
with h5py.File('myfilename') as f:
f.create_dataset('mydata', data=data, maxshape=(1000, 4000, 4000))
This automatically closes the file even if there is an exception. I used to curse incessantly due to corrupted data and then I started doing this and haven't had a problem since.
I am trying to index about 3 million text documents in solr. About 1/3 of these files are emails that have about 1-5 paragraphs of text in them. The remaining 2/3 files only have a few words to sentences each.
It takes Lucid/Solr nearly 1 hour to fully index the entire dataset I'm working with. I'm trying to find ways to optimize this. I have setup Lucid/Solr to only commit every 100,000 files, and it indexes the files in batches of 50,000 files at once. Memory isn't an issue anymore, as it consistently stays around 1GB of memory because of the batching.
The entire dataset has to be indexed initially. It's like a legacy system that has to be loaded to a new system, so the data has to be indexed and it needs to be as fast as possible, but I'm not sure what areas to look into to optimize this time.
I'm thinking that maybe there's a lot of little words like "the, a, because, should, if, ..." that are causing a lot of overhead and are just "noise" words. I am curious if I cut them out if it would drastically speed up the indexing time. I have been looking at the Lucid docs for a while, but I can't seem to find a way to specify what words not to index. I came across the term "stop list" but didn't see much more than a reference to it in passing.
Are there other ways to make this indexing go faster or am I just stuck with a 1 hour indexing time?
We met similar problem recently. We can't use solrj as the request and response have to go through some applications, so we take the following steps:
Creating Custom Solr Type to Stream Large Text Field!
Use GZipOutput/InputStream and Bse64Output/InputStream to compress the large text. This can reduce size of text about 85%, this can reduce the time to transfer the request/response.
To reduce memory usage at client side:
2.1 We use stream api(GSon stream or XML Stax) to read doc one by one.
2.2 Define a custom Solr Field Type: FileTextField which accepts FileHolder as value. FileTextField will eventually pass a reader to Lucene. Lucene will use the reader to read content and add to index.
2.3 When the text field is too big, first uncompress it to a temp file, create a FileHolder instance, then set the FileHolder instance as field value.
It seems from your query that Indexing time is really important for your application. Solr is a great search engine however if you need super fast indexing time and if that is a very important criteria for you, than you should go with Sphinx Search Engine. It wont take much of time for you to quickly setup and benchmark your results using Sphinx.
There can be ways (like the one you have mentioned, stopwords etc.) to optimize however whatever you do with respect to indexing time Solr won't be able to beat Sphinx. I have done benchmarking myself.
I too love Solr a lot because of its ease of use, its out of box great features like N-Gram Indexing, Faceting, Multi-core, Spelling Correctors and its integration with other apache products etc.. but when it comes to Optimized Algorithms (be it Index size, Index time etc.) Sphinx rocks!!
Sphinx too is open source. Try that out.