Generating order number to use instead of ID - ruby-on-rails

I want to create a column in more Orders table for an order number.
I am wondering what the best course of creating this number is.
I have created the following code in my orders model:
before_validation :generate_order_number, on: :create
def generate_order_number
self.order_number = SecureRandom.random_number(10*10000)
end while self.class.find_by(order_number: order_number)
This is most likely good but i am wondering if there is a better / more efficient way?
The way the code is, it's always at least a 5 digit randomized number or 6 digit.
Being picky, I would like to have it set at n digits.
To clarify, there be be validations on the uniqueness of order_number
Working code is now:
self.order_number = { [*0..9].sample }.join.to_i
end while self.class.find_by(order_number: order_number)

The way the code is, it's always at least a 5 digit randomized number or 6 digit.
Plain wrong.
map { SecureRandom.random_number(10*10000).to_s.length }.
#⇒ [5, 4, 2, 3, 1]
SecureRandom.random_number does generate the number in the range 0..arg. You mostly see 5-digits because the probability is higher.
I would go with a way simpler approach.
def generate_order_number
order_number = { [*0..9].sample }.join.to_i
self.class.find_by(order_number: order_number) ?
generate_order_number : order_number
NB! I would suggest making it 9+ digits from the scratch: less probability to hit the existing one and better support for the future when the number of orders will hit a million :)
If order_number is an actual attribute of the model, we should prefix it with an explicit receiver (self):
def generate_order_number
self.order_number = { [*0..9].sample }.join.to_i
self.class.find_by(order_number: order_number) ?
generate_order_number : self.order_number


Ruby custom sorting returns -1 +1 instead of array

I'm trying to implement my first ruby sorting algorithm. This algorithm is based on some specific rules ("always prefer objects of type xxx over objects of types yyy"), and if none of these rules triggered, it uses the ruby <=>-operator. I'm doing this on a ruby-on-rails one-to-many association.
The problem is this algortihm does not return the array itself, it just returns -1 or 1, the result of the comparison..But I actually don't understand why, as my result is only returned in the sort-block.
Here is my current code:
def sort_products!
products.sort! do |p1, p2|
result = 0
# Scalable Products are always the last ones in order
if == "ScalableProduct"
result = -1
elsif == "ScalableProduct"
result = 1
if result == 0
# Put products producing electricity and heating down
if p1.can_deliver_electricity?
result = -1
elsif p2.can_deliver_electricity?
result = 1
# Else: Just compare names
result = <=> if result == 0
The best practice here, in my opinion, would be to implement the <=> inside the Product model. You'll need to include the Comparable model in order to achive this:
class Product
include Comparable
def <=>(another_product)
# Compare self with another_product
# Return -1, 0, or 1
Then your sorting method will be reduced to:
def sort_products!
Change the do..end for brackets as delimiters of the block. It is first sorting, and then using the block on the result (because of the precedence of the do..end syntax). Using brackets, it uses the block as a sorting block, which is what you wanted.
Also, in your comparison, if both your products are ScalableProduct then you will not order them in a sensible way. If they are both ScalableProduct at the same time, you might want to keep result as 0 so it falls back to comparing by name. Same deal with can_deliver_electricity?.

Represent repeating decimals in Rails model

What's a good way to represent repeating decimals in the database?
Example 2.818181, the 81 repeats
Idea 1
Separate 2.818181 into non-repeating and repeating parts, then non_repeat = 2.0 and repeat = .007
class Decimal < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :non_repeat, :repeat #floats
def to_f
def to_s
"#{non_repeat + repeat}#{repeat.to_s.gsub(/0\./, '') * 3}" #approximation
def self.random_new
a = rand(100)
b = rand(100) / 100.0 a, repeat: b)
Idea 2
Use a fraction, which means turn 2.818181 into 31/11, save two integers 31 and 11
class Decimal < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :numerator, :denominator #integers
def to_f
numerator / denominator
def to_s
def self.random_new
a = rand(100)
b = random_prime(...) # like 7, 9, 11 a, denominator: b)
For the purpose of randomly generating repeating decimals, which idea is better? Or is there another way?
Your second approach won't always generate a repeating decimal number, just think what happens if a is a multiple of b.
The idea of using fractions tho is the best one. You need to slightly change your approach:
Randomly generate the integer part of your repeating number
Generate another random integer, rapresenting the repetition
Transform those 2 numbers into a fraction using the usual formula
rand = rand(100)
3.times { print rand.to_s }

Mongoid random document

Lets say I have a Collection of users. Is there a way of using mongoid to find n random users in the collection where it does not return the same user twice? For now lets say the user collection looks like this:
class User
include Mongoid::Document
field :name
Simple huh?
If you just want one document, and don't want to define a new criteria method, you could just do this:
random_model = Model.skip(rand(Model.count)).first
If you want to find a random model based on some criteria:
criteria = Model.scoped_whatever.where(conditions) # query example
random_model = criteria.skip(rand(criteria.count)).first
The best solution is going to depend on the expected size of the collection.
For tiny collections, just get all of them and .shuffle.slice!
For small sizes of n, you can get away with something like this:
result = (0..User.count-1).sort_by{rand}.slice(0, n).collect! do |i| User.skip(i).first end
For large sizes of n, I would recommend creating a "random" column to sort by. See here for details:
MongoDB 3.2 comes to the rescue with $sample (link to doc)
EDIT : The most recent of Mongoid has implemented $sample, so you can call YourCollection.all.sample(5)
Previous versions of mongoid
Mongoid doesn't support sample until Mongoid 6, so you have to run this aggregate query with the Mongo driver :
samples = User.collection.aggregate([ { '$sample': { size: 3 } } ])
# call samples.to_a if you want to get the objects in memory
What you can do with that
I believe the functionnality should make its way soon to Mongoid, but in the meantime
module Utility
def sample(model, count)
ids = model.collection.aggregate([
{ '$sample': { size: count } }, # Sample from the collection
{ '$project': { _id: 1} } # Keep only ID fields
]) # Some Ruby magic
Utility.sample(User, 50)
If you really want simplicity you could use this instead:
class Mongoid::Criteria
def random(n = 1)
indexes = (0..self.count-1).sort_by{rand}.slice(0,n).collect!
if n == 1
return self.skip(indexes.first).first
return{ |index| self.skip(index).first }
module Mongoid
module Finders
def random(n = 1)
You just have to call User.random(5) and you'll get 5 random users.
It'll also work with filtering, so if you want only registered users you can do User.where(:registered => true).random(5).
This will take a while for large collections so I recommend using an alternate method where you would take a random division of the count (e.g.: 25 000 to 30 000) and randomize that range.
You can do this by
generate random offset which will further satisfy to pick the next n
elements (without exceeding the limit)
Assume count is 10, and the n is 5
to do this check the given n is less than the total count
if no set the offset to 0, and go to step 8
if yes, subtract the n from the total count, and you will get a number 5
Use this to find a random number, the number definitely will be from 0 to 5 (Assume 2)
Use the random number 2 as offset
now you can take the random 5 users by simply passing this offset and the n (5) as a limit.
now you get users from 3 to 7
>> cnt = User.count
=> 10
>> n = 5
=> 5
>> offset = 0
=> 0
>> if n<cnt
>> offset = rand(cnt-n)
>> end
>> 2
>> User.skip(offset).limit(n)
and you can put this in a method
def get_random_users(n)
offset = 0
cnt = User.count
if n < cnt
offset = rand(cnt-n)
and call it like
rand_users = get_random_users(5)
hope this helps
Since I want to keep a criteria, I do:
scope :random, ->{
random_field_for_ordering = fields.keys.sample
random_direction_to_order = %w(asc desc).sample
order_by([[random_field_for_ordering, random_direction_to_order]])
Just encountered such a problem. Tried
and it works for me
The approach from #moox is really interesting but I doubt that monkeypatching the whole Mongoid is a good idea here. So my approach is just to write a concern Randomizable that can included in each model you use this feature. This goes to app/models/concerns/randomizeable.rb:
module Randomizable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
def random(n = 1)
indexes = (0..count - 1).sort_by { rand }.slice(0, n).collect!
return skip(indexes.first).first if n == 1 { |index| skip(index).first }
Then your User model would look like this:
class User
include Mongoid::Document
include Randomizable
field :name
And the tests....
require 'spec_helper'
class RandomizableCollection
include Mongoid::Document
include Randomizable
field :name
describe RandomizableCollection do
before do
RandomizableCollection.create name: 'Hans Bratwurst'
RandomizableCollection.create name: 'Werner Salami'
RandomizableCollection.create name: 'Susi Wienerli'
it 'returns a random document' do
expect(RandomizableCollection.random(1).name).to eq 'Werner Salami'
it 'returns an array of random documents' do
expect(RandomizableCollection.random(2).map &:name).to eq ['Susi Wienerli', 'Hans Bratwurst']
I think it is better to focus on randomizing the returned result set so I tried:
Hope this helps.

Ruby on Rails field average?

Is there an easy way to obtain the average of an attribute in a collection?
For instance, each user has a score.
Given a collection of user(s) (#users), how can you get the average score for the group?
Is there anything like #users.average(:score)? I think I came across something like this for database fields, but I need it to work for a collection...
For your question, one could actually do:
#users.collect(&:score).sum.to_f/#users.length if #users.length > 0
Earlier I thought, #users.collect(&:score).average would have worked. For database fields, User.average(:score) will work. You can also add :conditions like other activerecord queries.
I use to extend our friend Array with this method:
class Array
# Calculates average of anything that responds to :"+" and :to_f
def avg
blank? and 0.0 or sum.to_f/size
Here's a little snippet to not only get the average but also the standard deviation.
class User
attr_accessor :score
def initialize(score)
#score = score
mean=#users.inject(0){|acc, user| acc + user.score} / #users.length.to_f
stddev = Math.sqrt(#users.inject(0) { |sum, u| sum + (u.score - mean) ** 2 } / #users.length.to_f )
u can use this here

Rails / ActiveRecord: field normalization

I'm trying to remove the commas from a field in a model. I want the user to type a number, i.e. 10,000 and that number should be stored in the database as 10000. I was hoping that I could do some model-side normalization to remove the comma. I don't want to depend on the view or controller to properly format my data.
I tried:
before_validation :normalize
def normalize
self['thenumber'] = self['thenumber'].to_s.gsub(',','')
no worky. looks like a promising solution to this common problem. Here are a few examples from the home page:
# By default it will strip leading and trailing whitespace
# and set to nil if blank.
normalize_attributes :author, :publisher
# Using one of our predefined normalizers.
normalize_attribute :price, :with => :currency
# You can also define your normalization block inline.
normalize_attribute :title do |value|
value.is_a?(String) ? value.titleize.strip : value
So in your case you might do something like this:
normalize_attribute :title do |value|
value.to_s.gsub(',', '')
I think you're doing it right. This test passes:
test "should remove commas from thenumber" do
f = => "10,000")
f = Foo.find(
assert f.thenumber == "10000"
And I used your code.
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
before_validation :normalize
def normalize
self['thenumber'] = self['thenumber'].to_s.gsub(',','')
Now, my schema is set up for thenumber to be a string though, not an integer.
Finished in 0.049666 seconds.
1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors
If you wanted to store this in the db as an integer, then you definitely need to override the setter:
def thenumber=(value)
self['thenumber'] = value.to_s.gsub(',','').to_i
If you do it your way, with an integer column, it gets truncated by AR....
>> f.thenumber = "10,000"
=> "10,000"
>> f.thenumber
=> 10
That's a little-known thing with Ruby and integers... it auto-casts by truncating anything that's no longer an integer.
irb(main):004:0> i = "155-brian-hogan".to_i
=> 155
Can be cool for things like
#user = User.find_by_id(params[:id])
But not so cool for what you're doing.
So either change the col to a string and use the filter, or change the setter :)
Good luck!
The problem with doing it that way is that for a while, the non-normalized stuff will exist in the object; if you have code that works on the attributes before stuff gets normalised, then that will be a problem.
You could define a setter:
def thenumber=(value)
# normalise stuff here, call write_attribute
Unfortunately I think a lot of the Rails form stuff writes the attributes directly, which is one of the reasons I don't tend to use it.
Or you could normalise the params in the controller before you pass them through.
Does ruby let you interchange between a . and [''] ?
I don't know, I'll try later, but I think you are supposed to use .
self.thenumber = self.thenumber.to_s.gsub(',','')
You should return true from your before_validation method, otherwise if the expression being assigned to self['thenumber'] ends up being nil or false, the data will not be saved, per the Rails documention:
If a before_* callback returns false,
all the later callbacks and the
associated action are cancelled.
Ostensibly, you are trying to normalize here then check the result of the normalization with your Rails validations, which will decide if nil/false/blank are okay or not.
before_validation :normalize
def normalize
self['thenumber'] = self['thenumber'].to_s.gsub(',','')
return true
