How to assign two different sections to a single part on abaqus - abaqus

I have modelled a cube and i have a cylinder inside the cube. I want to assign two different sections for the cube and the cylinder. I am unable to select the cylinder to assign a section. The whole cube gets selected always. Could someone please help me?

The part must be partitioned into multiple regions and each one assigned the appropriate section.
If the part is 2D (for which the section would define the thickness), you will partition the face by any method that results in multiple faces
If the part is 3D, you must create cell partitions, since a region of a 3D solid is a cell. This can be done by tools-->partition, type: cell. To define more complicated regions, shape-->shell--->extrude, create a shell from sketch to extrude through the part (keep internal boundaries), then remove any face that isn’t part of a cell.


How to get the edge index in ABAQUS

I create a cube and then create a face partition with sketch on the top face of the cube in the script. I want to get all the index of edges which I create in the sketch. Anyone know what should I do?
You can make use of getByBoundingBox(...) command. You can control the entity to select by optional arguments viz. xMin, yMin,zMin,xMax,yMax,zMax. These arguments creates an imaginary cube and selects the entity inside it.
edgs = mdb.models['Model-1'].parts['Part-1'].edges.getByBoundingBox(xMin=0.0,
Above commend selects the edges within the cube bounded by (0,0,0) and (1,1,1) points.
Further to get the index of an edge, you can make use of index attribute.
for edg in edgs:

How to create a grid in WebGL with Babylon.js?

I am a newbie with babylon.js and webGL. I want to create a grid example 3 x 3 grid and place objects in the cells. Also, I always want to know in which cell the object is present if there is one.
Update :
I want to end up with a cube which has 3 rows 3 columns on each face. I can create a tiled plane for each face but I won't know what are the contents in each cell. Is there any way ?
Can someone guide me doing it ?
Thanks !!
So now that it's clearer - Babylon.js is just used to render this 3x3 grid.
The simplest way would be to create a grid item and store 1x1x1 boxes in it. this way it will look like a big cube, but will still consist of smaller items.
I have created a very simple playground demo to get you started -
This, of course, should be optimized and adjusted to your usecase, but this would be a simple way to create a 3x3x3 grid with boxes in different colors.
I hope it helps!

How to Set Plot Position in Core Plot

I need to draw multiple plots. How can I set the position of each plot in codes instead of setting one by one in storyboard?
The image I want to achieve is here. In this image, each small curve is a plot. So there are in total 20 x 15 small plots. I need to position and feed different data for each of them. But I don't want to set their positions one by one coz it's tedious.
Do you need to allow user interaction or frequently update the plots? If not, your best bet is to use one graph with a single plot. Render it into small images, once for each plot, changing the data each time. Draw the images into a view laid out in your grid.
If you can't use the image approach, you'll probably run out of memory long before setting up 300 individual graphs. Instead, use one graph with a single plot space if possible. Offset and scale the data values for each plot so they appear in the appropriate section. Use as few plots as you can (one for each line style). Separate the line segments with empty (NAN or nil) data values.

Boardgame-Map with crossroads etc

I have a little logical problem over here.
As the title says, I try to build a boardgame as a computer-program (maybe with internet-support, but thats another story)
As for now, I have a map, which has some crossroads in it, hence I cannot simply define the fields as '1, 2, 3, 4, ...' because if there is a crossroad at field 10, I would have more than one field which has to be labeled 11 (Because then there is a field left and right of field 10, for example.)
So the problem is, if I cannot define the Board in numbers then I cannot simply get the possible positions a player can take when he rolls 2d6-dices with calculating 'Field-Nr. + RandomRange(1,6) + RandomRange(1,6)'
Does anybody have an idea, how to define a Map like this on another way, where I still can calculate the possible new-fields for Player X with a 2d6-dice-roll?
Thanks in advance.
If i understand well... (i don't thing so) this might help you. Just use dynamic arrays for your boardgame field and change your actions after the dimensions x,y .... Look at this "type Name = array of {array of ...} Base type; // Dynamic array"
It sounds like you have a graph of connected vertices. When a player is at a particular vertex of N edges, assuming N < 12, the new Field will be reached from traversing edge number N % ( rand(6) + rand(6) ).
You could also just do rand(12), but that would have an even distribution, unlike 2d6.
Instead of dynamic arrays, I would recommend using a linked-list of records to describe the surrounding cells, and traverse the player's location and possible moves using that linked-list.
First, define a record that describes each cell in your board's playable grid (the cells on the grid can be four-sided like a chessboard, or hexagonal like in Civilization V) ... each cell record should contain info such as coordinates, which players are also in that cell, any rewards/hazards/etc that would affect gameplay, etc. (you get the idea).
Finally, the linked-list joins all of these cells, effectively pointing to any connected cells. That way, all you'd need is the cell location of Player X and calculate possible moves over n amount of cells (determined by the dice roll), traversing the adjoining cells (that don't have hazards, for example).
If all you want is to track the possible roads, you can also use this approach to identify possible paths (instead of cells) Player X can travel on.

Getting Polygons to display multiple variables using a stripped color scheme in ArcMap

I am creating a map in which i want a polygon to display two separate variables within it. Therefore I want a stripped polygon relating to both the keys from the separate factors however I have no idea on how to do this. I messed around with multiple attributes on the properties section and could get the two variables up however could see no way of making the polygon display them both.
Thank you, any help would be appreciated
This is partially manual, but you are going to have to make a separate category within one of the fields that identifies the multivariate features. You could also create a new layer that is a selection of these features. Once you have that, go to the layer properties and display the features as 'Categories - Unique values, many fields' and hit the 'Add All Values' button. Once the categories are populated select the one you are interested in and pick a hatched symbol such as 'Radiation Overlay'. Then go to the Symbol Property Editor (double-click the symbol) and modify the two layers that make up the hatched symbol. You need to adjust the color, line thickness, offset, etc. until you get it to look the way you want. Probably not as auto as you wanted, but it will satisfy display purposes.
