Using the RIGHT function on a FORMULA within a cell? - google-sheets

I'm reformatting a sheet so I can utilise the data for some graphs. The existing formatting is a bit clunky to "transpose" to the required format, so I'm trying to figure out an easier way.
"Graphs" tab should transpose specific data from the "Statistics" tab - as can be seen. I'm trying to avoid creating manual cell references for the "Decks" column and instead extract the Col reference from the formula, increment it by 3, thus creating the next cell reference.
My attempt can be seen in A9.
I've tried googling how I can reference formula in a cell on a RIGHT function, but the keyword is giving a tonne of results that don't address my issue.
Here's the sheet!

=TRANSPOSE(FILTER(Statistics!H1:1, Statistics!H1:1<>""))


SUMIFS with multiple criterion including a single cell

I'm organizing a buddy's sports betting spreadsheet and am trying to get my SUMIFS formula to work.
On the Data Ref sheet, I'm trying to sum a cell based on three different criteria. Player, Bet Type, and Live/Pre Match.
Here is the formula I have come up with.
Player - Bautista-Agut,
Bet Type - Parlay,
Live/Pre - Pre Match
When I use this formula it works perfectly.
However, I don't want to have to go back through each of the 260 cells and change the name of each player with "**". I want to simply reference the cell in column c.
When I try to reference a cell with the player's name in it the formula doesn't work. I think this is because on the main spreadsheet some cells in the column I'm referencing has more than one player in it and the cell is only looking for the one player name.
Is there another way to perform these SUMIFS by referencing a cell? I've tried REGEXMATCH(), INDEX(), MATCH() nested within the SUMIFS but still couldn't get them to work.
You can view my spreadsheet here.
Thanks for taking the time to read my question. Also, if there are any tips on how I've structured my data I'd love to hear them. I'm brand new to these types of formulas.
I don't want to have to go back through each of the 260 cells and change the name of each player with "**". I want to simply reference the cell in column c.
You can replace the name with "*"&C2&"*":
Instead of:

ARRAYFORMULA does not increase cell as it expands

I'm trying to get an ARRAYFORMULA to subtract the current cell from the previous one,
but it appears that if I write
The formula does not increase of one cell as it expands.
here's an example of what I get
it's clear that it keeps referencing A2 (but I'm not using $A$2 in the formula)
if I wouldn't use ARRAYFORMULA I would simply use
Can anyone suggest me a solution?
Your sample spreadsheet is still "View only"; so neither I nor anyone else can directly leave our solutions. However, place the following formula in D1:
=ArrayFormula({"Difference"; IF(A2:A="",,IFERROR(A2:A-OFFSET(A2:A,-1,0)))})
This will create the header (which you can change within the formula itself as you like) and all results.
(Adjusting to the location in your actual spreadsheet, as indicated in your post, this would be =ArrayFormula({"Difference";IF(L7:L="",,IFERROR(L7:L-OFFSET(L7:L,-1,0)))}).)
Couple Comments
You should accept Erik Tyler's answer as he put in more work and helped you present your problem more clearly. However these formulas allow for some more flexibility if you want any values below the rows (which now that I think about it doesn't make a lot of sense based on having a dynamic array flowing down, but conceptually maybe someone will find it useful).
Simple Formula will require one cell below your range to be blank:
Complex Formula will allow values directly below (which I again admit seems nonsensical considering the whole point of this is a dynamic expansion down rows...)
I gave a demo on your page.

Find a way to increment formula in merged cells and blank cells

It's my first time posting here, I tried to look for something similar to what i am looking for but couldn't find anything, but if I just didn't look enough, I apologize.
My problem is as follows:
I have a data table with information I receive from somebody. I then need to use that information to feel kind of individual product data table on another sheets, and add more to it.
Instead of copy everything of sheets one in sheets 2, I would like it to feel by itself.
I tried with =Cellsadress or =OFFSET and other stuff but couldn't manage to get what I want.
When i put every formula in the green table on sheets 2 and try to increment it by dragging down, the formula values increase by 25 approximately. but i want it to increase by only one, or find another way to show the information in the column of sheets 1 to reflect in different cell of sheets 2.
In my real document i have 100 of lines, so i cant do it manually like i could do with 4 lines.
Is there a way to do that?
If somebody have a solutions i would be gratefull
try this formula for C32 =INDIRECT("'Sheets 1'!F"&(int(row()/25)+2))
when you copy-paste this formula into cell C57 or C82, it will take values from 'Sheets 1'!F4 and 'Sheets 1'!F5, respectively

Conditional Formatting cells in column up to and including the last one with text entered

I am using Google Sheets and trying to write a custom formatting rule that seems like it should be simple. I am trying to figure out how to conditionally format all the cells in a column INCLUDING AND ABOVE (but not below) the cell that meets my condition.
I've found a lot of things that will format the entire column, but that's not what I'm looking for.
The image below is a basic example that I manually colored in to do what I want.
It's for my budget spreadsheet, where each row is an entry from a particular date. I have an "Agreement" column that is empty except when I enter the date that I reconciled the budget. I want it to color that cell and all the empty cells above it green, signifying at a glance: "everything up to this point is ok/has been checked over". Then as time goes by, and I enter another date several rows below, I want it to extend the colored shading up to there.
I've been searching, but it is hard to articulate this; if I say "until this cell" I get results for "shade cell until text is entered"; any mention of "above" and "below" generally relates to the values in the cells; I've found some things about Indirect but just for a single cell above, not for all cells above the current cell.
Wondering if this is even possible...
Google Sheets example
If you create a conditional formatting rule for column A using a Custom Formula you can use this formula:
The larger the ranges you use, the slower it will be however.

How to use arrayformula to dynamically join strings in google spreadsheet?

I use Arrayformula() to make my reports dynamic and easier to edit. For example, if I have a Column A with a list o number o blue balls in a set and a Column B with a list red balls in a set, on the cell C1 I can write =ArrayFormula(add(A1:A,B1:B)) and in the Column C will have the total of balls in each set. It would be exactly the same as writing =A1+B1 in cell C1 and dragging the formula down to the last row. Arrayformula() has some benefits, because it will work if some adds or removes rows from the sheet and also it makes the reports way more organized and easier to edit.
Since I´ve discovered arrayformula(), my life has changed, because of the fact that googleSheets expands the formula to other cells. It does not work every time, but the idea of expanding to other cells seems to be possible some way or another, here is a good example of a problem that was not resolved by arrayformula(), but has the same idea.
Keeping that idea in mind, imagine that on Column A there is a list of First Names and on Column B there is a list of Last names. On Column C I want to join this two string using a simples space. The way to do that would be in the cell C1 write =join(" ",A1,B1) and then drag down this formula. This method method however is prone to error since people can add and remove rows, deleting my formula. I want to use a formula that I can write in one single cell and it expands to other cells. I´ve tried =arrayformula(join(" ",A1:A,B1:B)), but it does not work.
Is that a way to do that using =arrayformula() or other native function?
I know I could write a script or custom formula to do that, but this is not my goal here.
I think this formula should work:
=arrayformula(A1:A&" "&B1:B)
In case you want to use a delimiter, you can do the following to have a clean result even though, A or B is not present in some cases:
ARRAYFORMULA(ifna(ifs(isblank(A1:A),,ISBLANK(B1:B),A1:A),A1:A&" - "&B1:B))
