Customized Reactive Component interact with SelectedFilters - reactivesearch

It took me quite a long time trying to find a solution, still no solution.
Take the official example to illustrate:
I can add showFilter and filterLabel property to the parent ReactiveCompnent, however, after user picked the color, how to notify the SelectedFilters component about the value picked? how to get notified when user clear the color in the SelectedFilters?

You will need to use custom SelectedFilters with ReactiveComponent. We are constantly working on the improvement of docs. I will add the respective link which might help you understand the usage of ReactiveComponent.
For now, you can check this example. I have created tab-based filtering using ReactiveComponent with custom SelectedFilters.
Hope this helps!


how to display a list of report-bots that are available to me

I used to use "iter_dialogs" to get a list of available chats. But this method has stopped working. Can you suggest an alternative? And is it possible to get a list of report-bots to write to them later? I will be very glad of any help.
iter_dialogs() doesn't work anymore, as it has been replaced by get_dialogs(). See Pyrogram's Release Notes for v2:
Iter_ methods have been removed:* This means there is now only one way of iterating through items by using the respective get_* methods which are all turned into generators. Some of the methods have been renamed as well:
iter_history becomes get_chat_history().
iter_chat_members becomes get_chat_members().
iter_dialogs becomes get_dialogs().
iter_profile_photos becomes get_chat_photos().
As for your second question about report bots, I have no idea what you're talking about there. You might want to edit your question to add more detail.

Not able to click on POST button with xpath code

I am doing testing for linkedin post. I entered this code for POST button but that does not work. Can you please suggest about this?
It seems that #id attribute value is dynamic so, it will not be able to interact with the Element. You can try with dynamic X-path techniques. Generally, a set of data keeps on changing and rest data remains same.
e.g. <button "id":"emns1233">
here starting part of id will remain same every time but last part that is 1233 will change (may be each time). So, one can try to write X-path as
Hope it helps. Thanks

Google Slides API: replaceAllLinks?

In my implementation, I go through a loop to duplicate a slide and then update the text and images of each new slide using ReplaceAllText and ReplaceAllImages. I can do that in one batchUpdate. I wish I could do the same and "ReplaceAllLinks" but could not find anything to do that. Any ideas ?
You want to replace all links in a Google Slides using Slides API.
If my understanding is correct, how about this answer? Please think of this as just one of several possible answers.
Issue and workaround:
Unfortunately, in the current stage, there is no methods for directly achieving "ReplaceAllLinks". So it is required to use a workaround. In this answer, I would like to propose the following workaround.
Retrieve the object IDs you want to replace the link using the method of presentations.get.
Replace the links of the retrieved object IDs using updateTextStyle and updateShapeProperties of the method of presentations.batchUpdate.
In this case, 2 API calls are required.
If I misunderstood your question and this was not the direction you want, I apologize.

Reload data in Amchart

I'm using this library,
It works cool, but i didn't find how to reload existing chart. When i call multiple times:
self.mapView.chart =
map disappear or it's color set to black. In original AmChart for JavaScript, object has method validateData, but this method i didn't find in IOS library.
If someone used this library, please help, because in github author not answer.
I'm unfamiliar with this specific library/wrapper, but looking in the repo, it does appear that both chart.validateData() and chart.validateNow() are supported.
Example usage in ChartView.m

auto_complete_for: prevent the first item from being auto-selected

The auto_complete_for dealio from is great an all, but is there a way for me to selectively disable the fact that it always auto-selects the first item in the list?
The problem is that, if I want to type my own entry that is new, and novel, I don't want the first item in the list to be auto-selected. The reason is because when I TAB out of the field, it selects, and fills the text box with that first item.
I got around that, somewhat, by making the first item in the list the same as what I'm typing, but that's not perfect either, because the auto_complete list doesn't always update with every keystroke, depending on how fast I type. I've tried setting the list refresh rate to the lowest value (1 millisecond) but no go.
What I really want is an option in "auto_complete_for" that doesn't select that first item at all - the same way that Google Instant doesn't automatically select the first suggested search phrase - you have to arrow-down to select one.
Maybe I can do this via an HTML option that I'm missing?
Looking at the source, there doesn't appear to be an option for that, but I bet if you changed line 284 of controls.js to this.index = -1; it would do what you want.
Otherwise, it might be time to look for a different autocomplete widget.
If your requirements are too far away from the available plugin, then I guess there is no point in tinkering around. Its best to write your own JS code.
You might want to consider this:
or this :
I'll add another alternative that works great with Rails 3:
I recently implemented auto complete for more than a field for Rails 2.0.2.
The plugin I used is:- . Not sure if it supports Rails 3.
I have also encountered issues on implementing the above scenario and have posted questions( Implementing auto complete for more than one field in Rails ; Implementing a OnClick kind of functionality and formatting wrt Rails Partial-Views ) on stackoverflow for the same, I have been lucky on getting things working for me based on my requirement.
Kindly refer to these questions, they might have relevance to your requirement.
