I downloaded Osate source files from github. Project has some xtend files in it. can I convert them to java files.
Xtend is transpiled to .java files by the Xtend Compiler in Maven, Eclipse, Gradle. => your projects build process should do that.
I have compiled opencv3.4.0 with cuda9.1 support using CMake on Windows 10:
and then I built the INSTALL file in visual studio 2015 in OpenCV.sln.
But this is my Release folder:
The file opencv_cudaoptflow340.lib is not anywhere in C drive, however it should be in C:\opencv_3.4.0\opencv\build\lib\Release. How can I build opencv so that these library and dll files are generated?
You build opencv_worldxxx.lib all is inside as well in opencv_worldxxx.dll. You can unmark the option in Cmake related to opencv_world library. Than the libs and dll will be in separate files. Marked world all is in that single file. Unmarked option generates opencv_core opencv_videoio opencv_ml .lib .dll. You can decide one or another. There is difference in link one library or several libraries and consider this in packaging of your app. build in Cmake
When I install a package in the IDE and use it in a project, it gets recompiled (DCUs are replaced) everytime I compile my project.
I can't imagine that this is intended - the RTL and VCL are not compiled each time either, are they?
I have played a bit with the paths in Tools > Options > Environment Options > Delphi Options > Library, but without success.
I have found a construction allowing compilation of my project without recompiling the package having DCUs and PASs in diffenent paths, but in this construction Delphi is not able to locate the sources at all from the Code Editor (SHIFT-clicking for example), so this is not an option.
To avoid recompilation you have to have separate folders for .dcu files and .pas files.
Usually this is done by settings the output dir in a package contained in the library. You build the package and it will produce the .dcu files in a output folder that is different from the source folder.
To use the package you then:
have to point the library path to the output folder (with the compiled .dcu files).
can optionally point the search path to the source folder (with the .pas files).
This gets a little more complicated when you have .dfm files in the package as well.
Every .pas file that the compiler sees in the library path is recompiled. (Actually only the last instance, because you can have the same unit in different directories that are listed in the library path).
To enable IDE features like CTRL-click you have to set the {$Y+} compiler switch in your package which can be done in the IDE Compiling options:
I am new to Flash Builder development environment. I need to use the library below in my project but don't know how to compile it to produce a .swc file. I tried importing the source folder as a Flash Builder project to no avail. Can someone help please?
This is the library I want to use:
You can build the library with both Maven and Ant, build files are already there, just take a look.
Precompiled SWCs (dev builds) are available here for now http://repository-fljot.forge.cloudbees.com/snapshot/org/gestouch/gestouch/
Is there a way for me to add dependencies from other folders/projects(non-grails, but definitely java projects) into my grails project? I've tried searching but didn't really get much of an answer. :(
You can use every possible library which is in a maven repository. So transform your java project to a maven or gradle project. Install your builded jar to maven repo and then you can add dependency in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy.
dependencies {
compile "your.group:your.artifact:1.0"
You have to get the code into your project somehow.
These are the options:
Package your module as a jar file and copy this to your project's lib/ directory.
source code
Copy the source code for your module into src/java/
Maven Artifact
Package your module as a maven artifact, and specify it in the dependencies closure of grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy.
Read more in the grails documentation at http://grails.org/doc/latest/guide/conf.html#configurationsAndDependencies
How does one convert a stand-alone .tlb file created in a pre-2009 version of Delphi to a .ridl file using Delphi 2010? .tlb files that are part of projects get automatically converted, but this particular file is not part of any project.
try using the tlibimp.exe utility located in C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\7.0\bin
tlibimp –I thetlbfile.tlb