Make pdf file accessible through a link in the app - ios

I've been searching for weeks on stackoverflow and google, but I wasn't able to find any good results.
I have a pdf file on my computer and I want to access that pdf file from an ios app, by clicking a link which will take me to that pdf file.
And when I modify that pdf file on my computer I want the link in the app to update with the latest version of that pdf file.
I thought of using a backend for storage such as Firebase storage but I had some issues with that.
How can I access that pdf file from an app? It doesn't have to be through a link, anything that will allow access with the latest version of the file is fine.
I appreciate any suggestions.
Thank You

The simplest way may be using a cloud storage such as Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive...etc and get the public share link to that file. Then you can load the PDF in your iOS app using this link.

You can do this using web services API, You need to create simple webservice in backend (in any language for example PHP) to get the list of file with path to access in mobile app, and configure backend webservice code to your server (your computer, wherever you want to update files), So you can get every time updated data (files path) using webservice.


Download File from Dropbox folder in Rails application

I am trying and failing to download a single file from a "open for public" dropbox folder which a 3rd party created for others to use. I am trying to use this within my Ruby On Rails Application (file is changing but folder stays the same all the time).
I want to:
List all files in that public folder
Make sure that there is only this one file
... and this file has the appropriate filename (ending in .xlsx in my case -> an Excel file)
Download the file (e.g. using RestClient gem)
Save as an attachment to a new database record (Record is existing already and is used inside the app)
Thanks for any hints on how to proceed here! I Than plan to update the file with a cron-job daily.
Its kind of an API to the public :-)
Thought there must be a simple gem to interact with dropbox folders but couldnt't find any.
I used Rest-Client to open the dropbox folder and Nokogiri to parse the content but cant work through the glibberish produced. I gave up after an hour of work and decided to ask here!
Dropbox does offer a public Dropbox API, but it doesn't offer an official SDK for Ruby in particular, but you can either use the Dropbox API HTTPS endpoints directly, or via a third party library if there is one that works for your use case.
Exactly how you would accomplish this would depend on the specifics of the scenario so you may want to read through some guides first to get started, e.g.: Getting Started and File Access.
For instance, depending on how you have access to the content (e.g., directly via a folder in a connected account, or via a shared link, etc.) some of the following endpoints may be useful:
The Dropbox API v2 Explorer can also be a useful tool for trying out Dropbox API calls.

Send Excel files to Office for editing and read changes

Right now I have an Excel file locally in my iOS application and the file is downloaded from our own servers.
I want to be able to edit the Excel file somehow and I can't seem to get my head around how to do it with the Excel app.
I'm aware that you can't edit local files in another app like that, so I tried with links to files on my OneDrive account. I just can't seem to get the url right.
It seems like I need a direct link to the file, but all I get is a guest access link, when I make the file shareable.
Have you tried the Google Sheets app? Might do the trick.

Display docx or ppt in browser with ruby

I'm currently working on a intranet webapp for a company.
I've created it so the administrators of the site are able to upload files
(.docx, .pdf, .xlsx, .ppt etc) up to the webapp, to provide easier access
to documents for the employees. It works very well, however my client wasn't
too fond of having to download the files, and wanted it to pop up in the browser,
or open up the file-spesific program instead of download.
I was playing with some ideas:
1. Somehow parse the files to JSON at upload, and then show the content in browser with html.
2. Generate a pdf from the uploaded file (which automatically launches in the browser).
3. Somehow use a previewer to show the filecontent in the browser
4. Clients computer launches the uploaded file automatically on download, however I think this is a bit more tricky...
What would be the best and most time-efficient way to go about this?
It feels like what you actually want/need is a javascript document viewer (only) such as

Storing assets in cloud and read them securely

I am developing an iOS app that uses a large amount of images that are needed for animations for short videos. I want to save my application assets as static files in cloud and once they are needed download them using secure API call (either JSON, XML or any other alternative for that matter).
What is the best option for that. I have checked Parse, Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, but I am puzzled since I see only instructions for dynamic data that lets users access content they have created and not static assets.
What would be best option for that?
If you just want an easy way to serve static files I would take a look at Amazon S3. You can just upload files through the online console and then get the public URL to those files to use in your app. You can also use the S3 API to upload files through your web service or iOS app.
Hope this helps!
I'd go for Parse (basically because it is fast to learn and develop), you can create a table with the images and change the writing permissions if you are afraid somebody could modify the table.
Another option that you can check it's the special Config table so you can upload custom files (zip files i.e.) and download them in demand.

Download FTP directory contents to ios

I have a website, let's say it's ""
I have a bunch of .txt files stored on this website, i.e. ""
What I'm wanting to do is find a way in iOS to download all of those text files without knowing what the document name is. I can already retrieve them manually as long as I have a file name, but I would rather just get all of them at once and put them in the documents directory if possible. I currently use FileZilla to upload all of the text files, so I can use FTP if needed.
The correct way to solve this problem is to not use FTP (riddled with performance and security issues), and to configure your web server to expose a table of contents directory listing that your client can parse.
But that's not an answer to your question.
If you really want your iOS app to speak FTP, take a look at the SimpleFTP sample project from Apple.
It's old, but I just got it to build on iOS 5. The ListController.m file has the code you're looking for.
