Create Docker Service within Docker Service - docker

Is it possible to spawn Docker Services within a container running on Docker swarm? This would allow containers to dynamically maintain the components running in the swarm.
Currently I am able to run containers within other containers on the host machine by mounting the /var/run/docker.sock into the container while using the docker-py SDK.
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock master
Inside the container I have a python script that runs the following:
container = docker.from_env()'worker', detach=True, tty=True, volumes=volumes, network='backend-network', mem_limit=worker.memory_limit)
Is something similar to this possible in Docker Swarm, not just vanilla Docker?

You can mount the Docker socket and use the docker module as you're doing now, but create a service, assuming you're on a manager node.
some_service = docker.from_env().services.create(…)


Docker container doesn't have networking without `--network host`

I'm using Docker 19.03.12 on CentOS 7 and I've noticed that a container doesn't have network access to the outside world unless I use the --network host option when I start the container. Is there a way to configure Docker to automatically use that as a default when I start a container?

Control docker swarm from within a running container

I have a few micro-services deployed as a stack on docker swarm, with each micro-service running in a separate container.
How do I give commands to the swarm from within one of the services running inside a container on the swarm manager host? e.g running "docker service update" command from within a container to update one of the services in the swarm.
I read somewhere that it can be done by bind mounting the docker socket using:
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
But this does not work for me. I get docker not found error upon trying to run docker command from within the container.

Create docker container from within a container

I have docker on my host machine with a container running. I was wondering if it's possible, and what the best approach would be, to "trigger" a container creation from the running container.
Let's say my machine is host and I have a container called app (with id 123456789) running on host.
root#host $ docker contain ls
123456789 app_mage .... app
I would like to create a container on host from within app
root#123456789 $ docker run --name app2 ...
root#host docker container ls
123456789 app_mage .... app
12345678A app_mage .... app2
What I need is for my app to be running on docker and to run arbitrary applications in an isolated environment (but I'd rather avoid docker-in-docker)
A majority of the Docker community will veer away from these types of designs, however it is very doable.
Similar to Starting and stopping docker container from other container you can simply mount the docker.sock file from the host machine into the container, giving it privilege to access the docker daemon.
To make things more automated, you could use the docker-py sdk to start containers from inside a container, which would in turn access the Docker deamon on the host machine hosting the container that you are spawning more containers from.
For example:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock image1 --name test1
import docker
def create_container():
docker.from_env()"image2", name="test2")
This example starts container test1, and runs that method inside the newly created container, which in turn creates a new container test2 running on the same host as test1.

Docker: Difference between `docker run` and `docker service`

I am very new to docker , just started venturing into this. I read online about this. I came to know of the following commands of docker which is: docker run and docker service. As I understood , with docker run we are spinning a new container. However I am not clear what docker service do? Does it spin container in a Swarm?
Can anyone help understand in simple to understand?
The docker run command creates and starts a container on the local docker host.
A docker "service" is one or more containers with the same configuration running under docker's swarm mode. It's similar to docker run in that you spin up a container. The difference is that you now have orchestration. That orchestration restarts your container if it stops, finds the appropriate node to run the container on based on your constraints, scale your service up or down, allows you to use the mesh networking and a VIP to discover your service, and perform rolling updates to minimize the risk of an outage during a change to your running application.
Docker Run vs Docker service
docker run:
we can create number of containers with different images.
docker service:
we can create number of containers with same image in a single command line.
docker service create --name service-name --network network-name --replicas number-of-containers image-name
docker service create --name service1 --network swarm-net --replicas 5 redis

Is there a way to start a sibling docker container mounting volumes from the host?

the scenario: I have a host that has a running docker daemon and a working docker client and socket. I have 1 docker container that was started from the host and has a docker socket mounted within it. It also has a mounted docker client from the host. So I'm able to issue docker commands at will from whithin this docker container using the aforementioned mechanism.
the need: I want to start another docker container from within this docker container; in other words, I want to start a sibling docker container from another sibling docker container.
the problem: A problem arises when I want to mount files that live inside the host filesystem to the sibling container that I want to spin up from the other docker sibling container. It is a problem because when issuing docker run, the docker daemon mounted inside the docker container is really watching the host filesystem. So I need access to the host file system from within the docker container which is trying to start another sibling.
In other words, I need something along the lines of:
# running from within another docker container:
docker run --name another_sibling \
-v {DockerGetHostPath: path_to_host_file}:path_inside_the_sibling \
bash -c 'some_exciting_command'
Is there a way to achieve that? Thanks in advance.
Paths are always on the host, it doesn't matter that you are running the client remotely (or in a container).
Remember: the docker client is just a REST client, the "-v" is always about the daemon's file system.
There are multiple ways to achieve this.
You can always make sure that each container mounts the correct host directory
You can use --volumes-from ie :
docker run -it --volumes-from=keen_sanderson --entrypoint=/bin/bash debian
--volumes-from Mount volumes from the specified container(s)
You can use volumes
