Search a string which contains backslash using Grep command - grep

In the tail output i have following string...Using grep command how can i search for the string "contentState\":\"STOPPED\". I have to search for the whole string "contentState\":\"STOPPED\" rather
than searching for STOPPED or contentState only.
I tried following command: But it is not working.
grep -e ""contentState\":\"STOPPED\" /opt/logs/out.log | tail -1

To search for "contentState\":\"STOPPED\", you need to (a) put the whole string in single-quotes to protect it, and (b) escape (double) the backslashes. Thus:
grep -e '"contentState\\":\\"STOPPED\\"' /opt/logs/out.log
Without the protection provided the outer single-quotes, the unescaped double-quotes would be subject to the shell's quote removal and grep would never see them.
Consider this test file:
$ cat log
good "contentState\":\"STOPPED\"
bad contentState\":\"STOPPED\"
bad "contentState\":\"STOPPED"
Let's run our command:
$ grep -e '"contentState\\":\\"STOPPED\\"' log
good "contentState\":\"STOPPED\"
As we can see, the good line is returned and only the good line.


How can i make grep show a line ignoring the words i want?

I am trying to use grep with the pwd command.
So, if i enter pwd, it shows me something like:
But, for purposes of a script i am making, i need to use it with grep, so it only prints what is after hrq/, so i need to hide my home folder always (the /home/hrq/) excerpt, and show only what is onwards (like, in this case, only my-project).
Is it possible?
I tried something like
pwd | grep -ov 'home', since i saw that the "-v" flag would be equivalent to the NOT operator, and combine it with the "-o" only matching flag. But it didn't work.
$ pwd
$ echo "$PWD"
Depending on what it is you really want to do, either of these is probably what you really should be using rather than trying to use grep:
$ basename "$PWD"
$ echo "${PWD#/home/foo/}"
Use grep -Po 'hrq/\K.*', for example:
grep -Po 'hrq/\K.*' <<< '/home/hrq/my-project/'
Here, grep uses the following options:
-P : Use Perl regexes.
-o : Print the matches only (1 match per line), not the entire lines.
\K : Cause the regex engine to "keep" everything it had matched prior to the \K and not include it in the match. Specifically, ignore the preceding part of the regex when printing the match.
grep manual
perlre - Perl regular expressions

grep exact match in colon delimited string

I am trying to extract the version from a colon delimited list. The value I want is for foo, however there is another value in the list called foo-bar causing both values to return. This is what I am doing:
VERSION=$(echo "${LIST}" | grep "\bfoo\b" | cut -s -d':' -f2)
echo -e "VERSION: ${VERSION}"
VERSION: 1.0.0
NOTE: Sometimes LIST will look like the following, which should result in version being empty (this is expected).
You may use a PCRE regex enabled with -P option and use a (?!-) negative lookahead that will fail the match in case there is a - after a whole word foo:
grep -P "\bfoo\b(?!-)"
See online demo
This regex should extract any number and optional dots at the end of each line. If the line ends with a colon, then it won't match.
grep -oE '(([[:digit:]]+[.]*)+)$

Grep Tab, Carriage Return, & New Line

I'm trying to use Grep to find a string with Tabs, Carriage Returns, & New Lines. Any other method would be helpful also.
grep -R "\x0A\x0D\x09<p><b>Site Info</b></p>\x0A\x0D\x09<blockquote>\x0A\x0D\x09\x09<p>\x0A\x0D\x09</blockquote>\x0A\x0D</blockquote>\x0A\x0D<blockquote>\x0A\x0D\x09<p><b>More Site Info</b></p>" *
From this answer
If using GNU grep, you can use the Perl-style regexp:
$ grep -P '\t' *
Also from here
Use Ctrl+V, Ctrl+M to enter a literal Carriage Return character into your grep string. So:
grep -IUr --color "^M"
will work - if the ^M there is a literal CR that you input as I suggested.
If you want the list of files, you want to add the -l option as well.
Quoting this answer:
Grep is not sufficient for this operation.
pcregrep, which is
found in most of the modern Linux systems can be used ...
Bash Example
$ pcregrep -M "try:\n fro.*\n.*except"
from tifffile import imwrite
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError):

How to match a non string in gnu grep

I'll use an example to illustrate my problem. Suppose we have the file name 'file.txt' that contains the following string:
I'd like to use grep to find all substrings that begin with 'A' and end with 'YZ' but do not contain 'YZ' in between the 'A' and 'YZ'. The desired output would be:
My best guess is to do the following:
$grep -E -o 'A[^(YZ)]*YZ' file.txt
But the output is only:
I'd like the parentheses to hold their meaning for the YZ but I read in the GNU grep manual ( that:
"Most meta-characters lose their special meaning inside bracket expressions." I've also tried:
$grep -E -o 'A.*YZ file.txt
But this outputs the entire line:
Is there a way to override this or another way of solving my problem?
Maybe you can use non-greedy match which can be used in Perl regexp
echo 'AooYoZooYZoAoooooYZ' | grep -P -o 'A.*?YZ'
However, note that the manual for GNU grep says that -P option is highly experimental.

How to truncate long matching lines returned by grep or ack

I want to run ack or grep on HTML files that often have very long lines. I don't want to see very long lines that wrap repeatedly. But I do want to see just that portion of a long line that surrounds a string that matches the regular expression. How can I get this using any combination of Unix tools?
You could use the grep options -oE, possibly in combination with changing your pattern to ".{0,10}<original pattern>.{0,10}" in order to see some context around it:
-o, --only-matching
Show only the part of a matching line that matches PATTERN.
-E, --extended-regexp
Interpret pattern as an extended regular expression (i.e., force grep to behave as egrep).
For example (from #Renaud's comment):
grep -oE ".{0,10}mysearchstring.{0,10}" myfile.txt
Alternatively, you could try -c:
-c, --count
Suppress normal output; instead print a count of matching lines
for each input file. With the -v, --invert-match option (see
below), count non-matching lines.
Pipe your results thru cut. I'm also considering adding a --cut switch so you could say --cut=80 and only get 80 columns.
You could use less as a pager for ack and chop long lines: ack --pager="less -S" This retains the long line but leaves it on one line instead of wrapping. To see more of the line, scroll left/right in less with the arrow keys.
I have the following alias setup for ack to do this:
alias ick='ack -i --pager="less -R -S"'
grep -oE ".\{0,10\}error.\{0,10\}" mylogfile.txt
In the unusual situation where you cannot use -E, use lowercase -e instead.
cut -c 1-100
gets characters from 1 to 100.
The Silver Searcher (ag) supports its natively via the --width NUM option. It will replace the rest of longer lines by [...].
Example (truncate after 120 characters):
$ ag --width 120 '#patternfly'
1:{"version":3,"file":"react-icons.js","sources":["../../node_modules/#patternfly/ [...]
In ack3, a similar feature is planned but currently not implemented.
Taken from:
The suggested approach ".{0,10}<original pattern>.{0,10}" is perfectly good except for that the highlighting color is often messed up. I've created a script with a similar output but the color is also preserved:
# Usage:
# grepl PATTERN [FILE]
# how many characters around the searching keyword should be shown?
# What is the length of the control character for the color before and after the
# matching string?
# This is mostly determined by the environmental variable GREP_COLORS.
control_length_before=$(($(echo a | grep --color=always a | cut -d a -f '1' | wc -c)-1))
control_length_after=$(($(echo a | grep --color=always a | cut -d a -f '2' | wc -c)-1))
grep -E --color=always "$1" $2 |
grep --color=none -oE \
".{0,$(($control_length_before + $context_length))}$1.{0,$(($control_length_after + $context_length))}"
Assuming the script is saved as grepl, then grepl pattern file_with_long_lines should display the matching lines but with only 10 characters around the matching string.
I put the following into my .bashrc:
grepl() {
$(which grep) --color=always $# | less -RS
You can then use grepl on the command line with any arguments that are available for grep. Use the arrow keys to see the tail of longer lines. Use q to quit.
grepl() {: Define a new function that will be available in every (new) bash console.
$(which grep): Get the full path of grep. (Ubuntu defines an alias for grep that is equivalent to grep --color=auto. We don't want that alias but the original grep.)
--color=always: Colorize the output. (--color=auto from the alias won't work since grep detects that the output is put into a pipe and won't color it then.)
$#: Put all arguments given to the grepl function here.
less: Display the lines using less
-R: Show colors
S: Don't break long lines
Here's what I do:
function grep () {
tput rmam;
command grep "$#";
tput smam;
In my .bash_profile, I override grep so that it automatically runs tput rmam before and tput smam after, which disabled wrapping and then re-enables it.
ag can also take the regex trick, if you prefer it:
ag --column -o ".{0,20}error.{0,20}"
