SIM cards with static IP address - ios

I am building an iOS App for my employer and we are in the testing phase.
We have to use a third party service and access their Staging environment.
In order to access their service, for security reason, they need to whitelist the IP addresses of the devices that we'll use for testing.
How can I proceed? Are there providers in the US that offers an APN with static IP addresses? Would that work?
One more thing:
We can't use a VPN. The third party service has an SDK installed on our devices and blocks the App if a VPN or other spoofing solutions are detected.
The third party service is a geolocation service.


App Engine as iOS Backend

I'm quite new to backend dev, and Google cloud seemed like a good option for hosting a Golang API for an iOS app.
Recently app started requiring that the app should be accessible in a IPv6 only environment, and I was wondering if Google Cloud App Engine can provide me with that.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, a blog post in 2010 the GAE team stated
The Google over IPv6 program allows ISPs with good connectivity to request IPv6 access for most Google services. In about a week, we'll be adding Google App Engine and the domain to this program. This means that all App Engine apps will become accessible over IPv6 to anyone participating in the program!
For most people, this won't require any changes to your code at all. If your App Engine code reads os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"] in Python, or HttpServletRequest.getRemoteAddr() in Java, be aware that this value may be an IPv4 address, like "", or an IPv6 address, like "2001:db8::1". Now is the time to verify that your code doesn't make any IPv4-specific assumptions, so that your IPv6-ready users will have a seamless transition.

how to run iOS enterprise app on a specific IP address

Is it possible to run iOS app on specific IP address.I have an Apple Enterprise Account and I want to distribute an app with an organization and also I want to run it on a specific IP address.
For example, in my app I have a user authentication process. I want to authenticate only those users who come from specific IP address other than that user will not have to authenticate.

App rejected for lack of IPv6, is this a server or app issue?

Apple rejected an app because it didnt work on their IPv6 network. I've managed to test this on my end using an ipv6 only address and can see that the third party API i'm using is unreachable when using an IPv6-only address.
Any time i try to use the API I get the response
A server with the specified hostname could not be found
The same thing happens if I manually go the URL in safari, whereas other IPv6-ready sites like gmail etc work.
So my question is do I need to get the developers of the API I'm querying to update their servers to support IPv6 in order to get this working, or is there something I should be doing on the app side in order to make this work?
There's no need to change any external servers. It's all about the client. If by this "third party API" you mean they have a library which you include into your app, then perhaps they are doing something in their code that is not working correctly; if this is the case, then you need to ask them to fix their client library.

Mobile development with Rails using Wi-Fi network - Configuring url's

It's common when developing a web application to want to test it on mobile devices to ensure touch fallbacks and responsiveness.
As it happens, it's easy to do this over a Wi-Fi network. You just join the network on both your computer running the localhost and the mobile device you want to access it on and then enter the url on your mobile device:
replacing <YOUR_COMPUTERS_IP> with your computer's ip address and 3000 with the port you are using.
This worked for basic routing.
The site i'm now working on however uses dynamic subdomains (users get their own subdomain) so is there any way to configure this to work with any subdomain?, so that you would be able to access
on both your mobile and computer.
You can't put a subdomain onto an IP address directly, but there is a service called that was built to do just this.

Getting user credentials from Junos Pulse inside a iOS App

I am establishing a VPN connection in my iPad through Junos Pulse to get into my organization's intranet.
Can anyone let me know if there is any iOS api or SDK available to get the user credentials entered in Junos pulse inside the iOS application ?
Junos Pulse (or Pulse Secure now) has an AppConnect SDK, this is straight from their guide:
The AppConnect SDK is a set of APIs and libraries, provided by Juniper, that allows mobile application developers
to directly open socket-based SSL VPN connections to a Connect Secure Gateway. From the point of view of the Connect Secure Gateway, these tunnels mirror all other forms of AppConnect tunnels. The integration is done at the code level. Any application that integrates with the AppConnect SDK needs to be recompiled and manually deployed to the end users. The AppConnect SDK is best leveraged by container solutions or in-house applications that are deployed without the use of an MDM solution. The APIs include authentication and connection management functions. Connections can be shared across multiple applications on a single device. Contact your Juniper sales representative for more details regarding AppConnect SDK.
Unfortunately as you can read in the last paragraph it is only available through your organisation Juniper sales representative.
