The following code is meant to describe C/C++-like enumerations which can take 4 bytes although all they are supposed to contain is just a few different alternatives.
open import Prelude.Bool
open import Prelude.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
open import Numeric.Nat.Pow renaming (_^′_ to _^_)
data Enum : Set where
makeEnum : (size : Nat) → (variants : Nat) →
.{{ _ : (variants < size) ≡ true }} → Enum
five : Enum
five = makeEnum (2 ^ 32) 5
data Expr : (t : Enum) → Set where
constant : (x : Nat) → Expr five
So far so good. Everything type checks nicely. However adding the following lines
func : ∀ {t} → Expr t → Bool
func (constant x) = false
that don't appear to be doing much of anything, leads to a nontermination of the type checker and depletion of all system resources.
I don't see anything besides the instance argument that could lead to this, but that does not seem to agree with the fact that Agda is able to both solve and type check the following
5<2³² : (5 < 2 ^ 32) ≡ true
5<2³² = refl
in no time. So what is going on?
The question was answered by Jesper Cockx. As it turns out it was a compiler bug that will be fixed in the next version of Agda.
Update: the bug has already been fixed in the master branch.
I have a simple coinductive record with a single field of a sum type. Unit gives us a simple type to play with.
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Sum
data Unit : Set where
unit : Unit
record Stream : Set where
step : Unit ⊎ Stream
open Stream
valid passes the termination checker:
valid : Maybe Unit → Stream
step (valid x) = inj₂ (valid x)
But say I want to eliminate the Maybe Unit member and only recurse when I have a just.
invalid₀ : Maybe Unit → Stream
step (invalid₀ x) = maybe (λ _ → inj₂ (invalid₀ x)) (inj₁ unit) x
Now the termination checker is unhappy!
Termination checking failed for the following functions:
Problematic calls:
invalid₀ x
Why does this not satisfy the termination checker? Is there a way around this or is my conceptual understanding incorrect?
agda --version yields Agda version 2.6.0-7ae3882. I am compiling only with the default options.
The output of -v term:100 is here:
Attempted Solutions
Use Agda version Does not fix.
Use --termination-depth=10. Does not fix.
You could make use of sized types here.
open import Data.Maybe
open import Data.Sum
open import Size
data Unit : Set where
unit : Unit
record Stream {i : Size} : Set where
step : {j : Size< i} → Unit ⊎ Stream {j}
open Stream
valid : Maybe Unit → Stream
step (valid x) = inj₂ (valid x)
invalid₀ : {i : Size} → Maybe Unit → Stream {i}
step (invalid₀ x) = maybe (λ _ → inj₂ (invalid₀ x)) (inj₁ unit) x
_ : step (invalid₀ (nothing)) ≡ inj₁ unit
_ = refl
_ : step (invalid₀ (just unit)) ≡ inj₂ (invalid₀ (just unit))
_ = refl
Being more explicit about the Size arguments in the definition of invalid₀:
step (invalid₀ {i} x) {j} = maybe (λ _ → inj₂ (invalid₀ {j} x)) (inj₁ unit) x
where j has type Size< i, so the recursive call to invalid₀ is on a “smaller” Size.
Notice that valid, which didn't need any “help” to pass termination checking, doesn't need to reason about Size's at all.
The problem is that Agda cant see that invalid₀ is productive. This is because it is both recursive and not guarded by a constructor. Agda does not look inside the definition of maybe when deciding whether this is terminating or not.
Here is an implementation that satisfies the termination checker because both branches are guarded by constructors and/or non-recursive:
okay₀ : Maybe Unit → Stream
step (okay₀ x#(just _)) = inj₂ (invalid₀ x)
step (okay₀ nothing) = inj₁ unit
The important part is the recursive just case has the constructor inj₂ as the top level of the expression.
I'm proving stuff in Agda, and some of my files are starting to get a bit long and cluttered (even after I refactored into smaller modules). Is it possible to have two files, one of which contains type signatures of theorems only, and another which contains those theorems and proofs? I looked at the abstract keyword, but that doesn't quite seem to do the right thing.
Of course, I can put all the type signatures at the top of the file, and have all the proofs at the bottom of the file; but it seems cleaner if I could have the statements in a file to themselves.
You could give names to the types of your lemmas. E.g. in file Statement.agda:
module Statement where
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
+-sym : Set
+-sym = ∀ m n → m + n ≡ n + m
And in file Proof.agda:
module Proof where
open import Agda.Builtin.Nat
open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
import Statement
+-sym : Statement.+-sym
+-sym m n = {!!}
In case your definition is level-polymorphic, Agda unfortunately doesn't have a (surface) name for types of the form ∀ {ℓ : Level} → .... You will have to take the levels as arguments in Statement and quantify over them universally when using the statement in Proof. This would give you something like this:
In Statement.agda:
open import Agda.Primitive
data ⊥ : Set where
⊥-elim : (ℓ : Level) → Set (lsuc ℓ)
⊥-elim ℓ = ∀ {A : Set ℓ} → ⊥ → A
In Proof.agda:
⊥-elim : ∀ {ℓ} → Statement.⊥-elim ℓ
⊥-elim = {!!}
The Agda standard library provides a data type Maybe accompanied with a view Any.
Then there is the property Is-just defined using Any. I found working with this type difficult as the standard library provides exactly no tooling for Any.
Thus I am looking for examples on how to work with Is-just effectively. Is there an open source project that uses it?
Alternatively, I am seeking how to put it to good use:
Given Is-just m and Is-nothing m, how to eliminate? Can Relation.Nullary.Negation.contradiction be used here?
Given a property p : ... → (mp : Is-just m) → ... → ... ≡ to-witness mp that needs to be shown inductively by p ... = {! p ... (subst Is-just m≡somethingelse mp) ... !}, the given term does not fill the hole, because it has type ... ≡ to-witness (subst Is-just m≡somethingelse mp).
Often it seems easier to work with Σ A (_≡_ m ∘ just) than Is-just m.
Regarding your first question, it is possible to derive a contradiction from having both Is-just m and Is-nothing m in context. You can then use ⊥-elim to prove anything.
module isJust where
open import Level
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Maybe
contradiction :
{ℓ : Level} {A : Set ℓ} {m : Maybe A}
(j : Is-just m) (n : Is-nothing m) → ⊥
contradiction (just _) (just pr) = pr
The second one is a bit too abstract for me to be sure whether what I'm suggesting will work but the usual strategies are to try to pattern match on the value of type Maybe A or on the proof that Is-just m.
As for using another definition of Is-just, I tend to like
open import Data.Bool
isJust : {ℓ : Level} {A : Set ℓ} (m : Maybe A) → Set
isJust m = T (is-just m)
because it computes.
I want to prove
∀ {ℓ} {A B C D : Set ℓ} → (A → B) ≡ (C → D) → A ≡ C
(and similar for the codomain).
If I had a function domain that returns the domain of a function type, I could write the proof as
cong domain
but I don't think it's possible to write such a function.
Is there any way to do this?
I posed a very similar question on the Agda mailing list a few months ago, see: The short answer is that you cannot prove this in Agda.
The technical reason is that the unification algorithm used internally by Agda for pattern matching doesn't include a case for problems of the form (A → B) ≡ (C → D), so this definition does not typecheck:
cong-domain : ∀ {ℓ} {A B C D : Set ℓ} → (A → B) ≡ (C → D) → A ≡ C
cong-domain refl = refl
It is also impossible to define the function domain directly. Think about it: what should be the domain of a type that is not a function type, e.g. Bool?
The deeper reason why you cannot prove this is that it would be incompatible with the univalence axiom from Homotopy Type Theory. In an answer given by Guillaume Brunerie on my mail, he gives the following example: Consider the two types Bool -> Bool and Unit -> (Bool + Bool). Both have 4 elements, so we can use the univalence axiom to give a proof of type Bool -> Bool ≡ Unit -> (Bool + Bool) (in fact there are 24 different proofs). But clearly we do not want Bool ≡ Unit! So in the presence of univalence, we cannot assume that equal function types have equal domains.
In the end, I 'solved' this problem by passing an extra argument of type A ≡ C everywhere it was needed. I know it's not ideal, but maybe you can do the same.
I should also note that Agda does include an option for injective type constructors, which you can enable by putting {-# OPTIONS --injective-type-constructors #-} at the top of your .agda file. This allows you for example to prove A ≡ B from List A ≡ List B, but unfortunately this only works for type constructors such as List, and not for function types.
You could of course always make a feature request at to add a option --injective-function-types to Agda. This option would be incompatible with univalence, but so is --injective-type-constructors, yet for many applications this is not a real problem. I feel that the main Agda developers are usually very open to such requests, and very fast to add them to the development version of Agda.
Here's what I understand about Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.TrustMe.trustMe: it seems to take an arbitrary x and y, and:
if x and y are genuinely equal, it becomes refl
if they are not, it behaves like postulate lie : x ≡ y.
Now, in the latter case it can easily make Agda inconsistent, but this in itself is not so much a problem: it just means that any proof using trustMe is a proof by appeal to authority. Moreover, though you can use such things to write coerce : {A B : Set} -> A -> B, it turns out to be the case that coerce {ℕ} {Bool} 0 doesn't reduce (at least, not according to C-c C-n), so it's really not analogous to, say, Haskell's semantic-stomping unsafeCoerce.
So what do I have to fear from trustMe? On the other hand, is there ever a reason to use it outside of implementing primitives?
Indeed, attempting to pattern match on trustMe which does not evaluate to refl results in a stuck term. Perhaps it is enlightening to see (part of) the code that defines the primitive operation behind trustMe, primTrustMe:
(u', v') <- normalise (u, v)
if (u' == v') then redReturn (refl $ unArg u) else
return (NoReduction $ map notReduced [a, t, u, v])
Here, u and v represent the terms x and y, respectively. The rest of the code can be found in the module Agda.TypeChecking.Primitive.
So yes, if x and y are not definitionally equal, then primTrustMe (and by extension trustMe) behaves as a postulate in the sense that evaluation simply gets stuck. However, there's one crucial difference when compiling Agda down to Haskell. Taking a look at the module Agda.Compiler.MAlonzo.Primitives, we find this code:
("primTrustMe" , Right <$> do
refl <- primRefl
flip runReaderT 0 $
term $ lam "a" (lam "A" (lam "x" (lam "y" refl))))
This looks suspicious: it always returns refl no matter what x and y are. Let's have a test module:
module DontTrustMe where
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.String
open import Function
open import IO
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.TrustMe
trustMe′ : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} {x y : A} → x ≡ y
transport : ℕ → String
transport = subst id (trustMe {x = ℕ} {y = String})
main = run ∘ putStrLn $ transport 42
Using trustMe inside transport, compiling the module (C-c C-x C-c) and running the resulting executable, we get... you guessed it right - a segfault.
If we instead use the postulate, we end up with:
DontTrustMe.exe: MAlonzo Runtime Error:
postulate evaluated: DontTrustMe.trustMe′
If you do not intend to compile your programs (at least using MAlonzo) then inconsistency should be your only worry (on the other hand, if you only typecheck your programs then inconsistency usually is kind of a big deal).
There are two use cases I can think of at the moment, first is (as you've said) for implementing primitives. The standard library uses trustMe in three places: in implementation of decidable equality for Names (Reflection module), Strings (Data.String module) and Chars (Data.Char module).
The second one is much like the first one, except that you provide the data type and the equality function yourself and then use trustMe to skip the proving and just use the equality function to define a decidable equality. Something like:
open import Data.Bool
open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary
data X : Set where
a b : X
eq : X → X → Bool
eq a a = true
eq b b = true
eq _ _ = false
dec-eq : Decidable {A = X} _≡_
dec-eq x y with eq x y
... | true = yes trustMe
... | false = no whatever
where postulate whatever : _
However, if you screw up eq, the compiler cannot save you.