Generic function -> Cannot convert return expression to return type - ios

Here is a little issue I am having using a generic function. Probably a basic error due to a lack of practice with generics. Anyway, below is the code relevant to the question.
The generic function itself, not showing any error:
func setThingRevision<GenericType:Revisionable>(entity name: String) -> [(GenericType,Int)] {
var resultArray = [(GenericType,Int)]()
// ..... we do some useful magic ......
return resultArray
Some code using the generic function above:
func setMyRealStuffRevision(entity name: String) -> [(RealType,Int)] {
return setThingRevision(entity: name)
Here is the error message given by the compiler in the last function (setMyRealStuffRevision):
Cannot convert return expression of type '[(_, Int)]' to return type '[(RealType, Int)]'
Rather than being surprised by the message, I wonder what is the right syntax to use.
My RealType is compatible with GenericType, but I am not sure if I need provide some information to the setThingRevision generic function or if it can be inferred from the context.
--- Addition ---
Here is a fake setThingRevision that I created for testing purpose.
func setThingRevision<GenericType:Revisionable>(entity name: String) -> [(GenericType,Int)] {
var resultArray = [(GenericType,Int)]()
// Here name contains the name of a Core Data entity and getArrayFromEntity is
// a local function, extracting an array from the contents of the entity.
for item in getArrayFromEntity(name) as! [GenericType] {
resultArray.append((item, 99))
return resultArray
return resultArray

On type safe languages if a "induced" conversion cannot be done, the compiler will tell you that message. Somehow 'var resultArray = (GenericType,Int)' it's not interpreted as a type that can be converted to the type of the return function. Examine closely the type of resultArray assigned by the compiler. The right syntax to use would be not using 'var' to create the resultArray variable, instead, explicitly define the type.

try this
func setThingRevision<T: Revisionable>(entity name: String) -> [(T, Int)] {
var resultArray = [(T, Int)]()
// ..... we do some useful magic ......
return resultArray
func setMyRealStuffRevision(entity name: String) -> [(RealType, Int)] {
return setThingRevision(entity: name)
protocol Revisionable {
// edited
class RealType: NSManagedObject, Revisionable {


iOS Swift4 how to reconcile T.Type and type(of:) to pass dynamic class type as function parameter?

I'm trying implement generic storage of configuration parameters by using class type string as a dictionary key. The idea is that the retrieve function will return an object of proper type. Each type is unique in the storage. However, when I call the function, I'm getting a Swift compiler error and am not sure how interpret it:
Compiler Error:
Cannot invoke 'retrieve' with an argument list of type '(type: Any.Type)
I checked the documentation, and it seems like the type(of:) method is supposed to return runtime class, while the compiler makes it look like it's complaining because it thinks I'm passing a type of Any
How do I pass Swift class name as a function parameter without using an instance of that class?
func retrieve<T>(type: T.Type) -> T? {
let valueKey = String(describing: type)
print("retrieving: \(valueKey)")
return dictionary[valueKey] as? T
func update(with value: Any) {
let valueKey = String(describing: type(of: value))
print("Updating: \(valueKey)")
dictionary[valueKey] = value
let testCases: [Any] = [1, 2.0, "text"]
for testCase in testCases {
subject.update(with: testCase)
//Compiler Error: Cannot invoke 'retrieve' with an argument list of type '(type: Any.Type)
let t = type(of: testCase)
let retrieved = subject.retrieve(type: t)
//check for equality
//this works
expect(subject.retrieve(type: Int.self)).to(equal(1))
expect(subject.retrieve(type: Double.self)).to(equal(2.0))
expect(subject.retrieve(type: String.self)).to(equal("text"))
I've done more testing, and see that it appears my array does not honor the type(of: ) documentation, and this function returns the same object as "Any":
func retrieve<T>(sample: T) -> T? {
let valueKey = String(describing: type(of: sample))
print("retrieving: \(valueKey)") //always retrieves same object "Any"
return dictionary[valueKey] as? T
Updated: Thank you for responses, to clarify - test cases were intended to begin with simple types, then progress to more complex classes. The actual implementation would store completely unique instances of custom types, not Strings or Ints.
let testCases: [Any] = [ConnectionConfig(...),
The tests recognize the generic nature of the retrieve function and assign appropriate types, as evidenced by code completion:
expect(subject.retrieve(type: ConnectionConfig.self)?.ip).to(equal("defaultIP"))
expect(subject.retrieve(type: AccountID.self)?.value).to(equal("testId"))
The intended end use within RxSwift context: provide the generic storage to a class and allow it to pull the appropriate values for configuration parameters. If no value exists, an error is thrown and is handled by a separate error handler:
class RxConfigConsumer: ConfigConsumer {
var connection: ConnectionConfig?
var accountID: AccountID?
init(with provider: ConfigProvider) {
connection = provider.retrieve(type: ConnectionConfig.self)
accountID = provider.retrieve(type: AccountID.self)
The combination of a generic with a metatype (.Type) is very weird and is probably what's tripping you up. If you get rid of the generic things work as you would expect:
func retrieve(_ T:Any.Type) {
let testCases: [Any] = [1, 2.0, "text"]
for testCase in testCases {
// Int.Type, Double.Type, String.Type
If you really want the generic, then get rid of the .Type and write it like this:
func retrieve<T>(_ t:T) {
let testCases: [Any] = [1, 2.0, "text"]
for testCase in testCases {
// Int.Type, Double.Type, String.Type
Even then, however, it's unclear to me what the point is of passing the metatype.
The short answer is what you're trying to do is impossible, because there is no way to type-annotate the following line of code:
let retrieved = subject.retrieve(type: t)
What is the static type, known at compile-time, of retrieved? It can't change at run-time. It certainly can't change from iteration to iteration. The compiler needs to allocate space for it. How much space does it require? Does it require space on the stack or heap? There's no way to know. The best we can say is that it's Any and put a box around it. 1 doesn't even have a proper type anyway. It's just an integer literal. It could be a Float or many other things (try let x: Float = 1 and see).
The answer is you can't build a loop like this. Your individual test cases are the right ones. Once you create an [Any], it is very difficult to get "real" types back out. Avoid it. If you have a more concrete problem beyond the example you've given, we can discuss how to deal with that, but I believe outside of a unit test, this specific problem shouldn't come up anyway.
This is an interesting question and you can run the following codes in a playground.
The first step is to solve the T.Type parameter. It's hard to put it into a function call. So to achieve your goal, we can use T but T.Type.
class MySubject {
var dictionary : [String : Any] = [:]
func retrieve<T>(type1: T) -> T? {
let valueKey = String(describing: (type(of: type1)))
print("retrieving: \(valueKey)")
return dictionary[valueKey] as? T
func update(with value: Any) {
let valueKey = String(describing: type(of: value))
print("Updating: \(valueKey)")
dictionary[valueKey] = value
var subject : MySubject = MySubject()
let testCases: [Any] = [1, 2.0, "text"]
for testCase in testCases {
subject.update(with: testCase)
//Compiler Error: Cannot invoke 'retrieve' with an argument list of type '(type: Any.Type)
let retrieved = subject.retrieve(type1: testCase)
//check for equality
The compilation is correct. But as you said, the return value is nil as a result of a generic retrieve Function. In order to achieve your goal, we may skip the generic way, use Any directly.
class MySubject {
var dictionary : [String : Any] = [:]
func retrieve(type1: Any) -> Any? {
let valueKey = String(describing: (type(of: type1)))
print("retrieving: \(valueKey)")
return dictionary[valueKey]
func update(with value: Any) {
let valueKey = String(describing: type(of: value))
print("Updating: \(valueKey)")
dictionary[valueKey] = value
var subject : MySubject = MySubject()
let testCases: [Any] = [1, 2.0, "text"]
for testCase in testCases {
subject.update(with: testCase)
//Compiler Error: Cannot invoke 'retrieve' with an argument list of type '(type: Any.Type)
let retrieved = subject.retrieve(type1: testCase)
//check for equality
Currently everything is perfect as you wish. But this brings up an interesting thought about generic. Is it O.K. or right to use generic here? As we know, there is a presumption in generic, which is represented by letters T, U, V. They have one common meaning: Type. When we try to use generic, we assume every parameter should have only one unique type. So in first case, Any is the only type and should be accepted without question in a generic call. There is no other type will be revealed during function call.
This kind of misunderstanding roots from the use of "let testCases: [Any] = [1, 2.0, "text"]. Although swift allows you to write this way, they are not a normal array. They are a list which contains different type essentially. So you can ignore fancy generic here without any regrets. Just pick the Any to solve your problem.

Swift - Check if object is of a given type (where the type has been passed as function argument)

so I have an array full of objects that all inherit from a base class MyBaseClass. Say, there are these subclasses:
SubclassA : MyBaseClass
SubclassB : MyBaseClass
SubclassC : MyBaseClass
SubclassD : MyBaseClass
Now I want a function to filter the array and only include objects that are type of a given subclass:
func myFilter<T: MyBaseClass>(objectType: T.Type) -> [MyBaseClass] {
for object in myArray {
// include, if object is of type `objectType`
return filteredArray
// Example call (that's what I think how it should be called)
let filteredArray = myFilter(objectType: SubclassD.self)
How do I do this? I tried:
object is objectType // XCode: "Use of undeclared type itemType"
type(of: object) == objectType // returns always false, as it doesn't check for subclasses I think
object as objectType // XCode: "Use of undeclared type itemType"
This usually works when I want to check for Int, String or whatever. But it's not working here. Am I doing something wrong or do I misunderstand some concepts?
Any help is appreciated! Thanks
I don't know where you are taking myArray. You probably need to create an extension to Array for MyBaseClass. Like this:
extension Array where Element: MyBaseClass {
func myFilter<T: MyBaseClass>(objectType: T.Type) -> [T] {
var filteredArray: [T] = []
for object in self {
if let object = object as? T {
return filteredArray
Then you can call:
// Example call
let array = [SubclassA(), SubclassA(), SubclassC(), SubclassD()]
array.myFilter(objectType: SubclassD.self) // == [SubclassD()]
Easy solution if you want a return type of myFilter to be just MyBaseClass and you don't want to change the original array would be this:
array.filter { $0 is SubclassD }

Generic Function without Input Parameter in Swift?

I have a generic Swift function like this:
func toNSArray<T>() -> [T] {
The compiler gives no error but I do not know how to call this function. I tried:
but it did not work.
How do I call a Generic function in Swift without input parameters?
You need to tell Swift what the return type needs to be through some calling context:
// either
let a: [Int] = jList.toNSArray()
// or, if you aren’t assigning to a variable
someCall( jList.toNSArray() as [Int] )
Note, in the latter case, this would only be necessary if someCall took a vague type like Any as its argument. If instead, someCall is specified to take an [Int] as an argument, the function itself provides the context and you can just write someCall( jList.toNSArray() )
In fact sometimes the context can be very tenuously inferred! This works, for example:
extension Array {
func asT<T>() -> [T] {
var results: [T] = []
for x in self {
if let y = x as? T {
return results
let a: [Any] = [1,2,3, "heffalump"]
// here, it’s the 0, defaulting to Int, that tells asT what T is...
a.asT().reduce(0, combine: +)

How to covert NSMutableOrderedSet to generic array?

I have this for loop, p is a NSManagedObject, fathers is a to-many relationship, so I need to cast NSMutableOrderedSet to [Family] but it does not work, why?
for f in p.fathers as [Family] {
You can obtain an array representation of the set via the array property - then you can downcast it to the proper type and assign to a variable:
let families = p.fathers.array as [Family]
but of course you can also use it directly in the loop:
for f in p.fathers.array as [Family] {
A forced downcast is now required using the ! operator, so the code above should be:
let families = p.fathers.array as! [Family]
The simple solution by Antonio should be used in this case. I'd just like to discuss this a bit more. If we try to enumerate an instance of 'NSMutableOrderedSet' in a 'for' loop, the compiler will complain:
error: type 'NSMutableOrderedSet' does not conform to protocol
When we write
for element in sequence {
// do something with element
the compiler rewrites it into something like this:
var generator = sequence.generate()
while let element = {
// do something with element
'NS(Mutable)OrderedSet' doesn't have 'generate()' method i.e. it doesn't conform to the 'SequenceType' protocol. We can change that. First we need a generator:
public struct OrderedSetGenerator : GeneratorType {
private let orderedSet: NSMutableOrderedSet
public init(orderedSet: NSOrderedSet) {
self.orderedSet = NSMutableOrderedSet(orderedSet: orderedSet)
mutating public func next() -> AnyObject? {
if orderedSet.count > 0 {
let first: AnyObject = orderedSet.objectAtIndex(0)
return first
} else {
return nil
Now we can use that generator to make 'NSOrderedSet' conform to 'SequenceType':
extension NSOrderedSet : SequenceType {
public func generate() -> OrderedSetGenerator {
return OrderedSetGenerator(orderedSet: self)
'NS(Mutable)OrderedSet' can now be used in a 'for' loop:
let sequence = NSMutableOrderedSet(array: [2, 4, 6])
for element in sequence {
println(element) // 2 4 6
We could further implement 'CollectionType' and 'MutableCollectionType' (the latter for 'NSMutableOrderedSet' only) to make 'NS(Mutable)OrderedSet' behave like Swift's standard library collections.
Not sure if the above code follows the best practises as I'm still trying to wrap my head around details of all these protocols.

Swift closure as values in Dictionary

I'm trying to use an Objective-C library which expects a NSDictionary as its return type. Within the NSDictionary, I can return values of any type, including blocks.
I cannot figure out if there is a way to write an analogous swift method that returns a Dictionary with a closure or a string as a possible value type.
I can't use AnyObject as the value type for the dictionary so this doesn't work:
Dictionary<String,AnyObject> = ["Key":{(value:AnyObject) -> String in return value.description]
I get a Does not conform to protocol error from the compiler regarding the closure and AnyObject.
Is there a higher level type or protocol that both closures and basic types adhere to that I can use as the value type in a Dictionary?
Your basic problem is that in Objective-C closures (aka blocks) are represented as NSObject (or more precisely are transparently converted to NSObjects) while in Swift there is no such mapping. This means that closures can not be directly stored in a Dictionary (short of using objective-c glue)
The closest I can come up with is something along the lines of wrapping the value in an enum:
enum DataType {
case AsString(String)
case AsClosure((AnyObject)->String)
var dict:Dictionary<String,DataType> = [
"closure":DataType.AsClosure({(argument:AnyObject) -> String in
return "value"
Which is probably a better solution anyway, because this way you have an explicit typing associated with individual arguments instead of it being implicit using some sort of inflection.
Alternatively, you could only wrap the closure and use a dictionary of type Dictionary<String,Any>.
If you still need a workaround, here is one; usage looks like this:
var d : [String : AnyObject] = [:]
d["a"] = Blocks.voidBlockToId({ println("Doing something") })
d["b"] = "Some string"
d["c"] = Blocks.intBlockToId({ i in println("Called with integer: \(i)") })
Output is:
Called with integer: 1
Doing something
Some string
The Blocks class is defined like this in Objective-C (with corresponding header and bridging header, I won't put those here):
typedef void(^VoidBlock)(void);
typedef void(^IntBlock)(int);
#implementation Blocks
+ (id) voidBlockToId: (VoidBlock) block { return block; }
+ (VoidBlock) toVoidBlock: (id) block { return (VoidBlock)block; }
+ (id) intBlockToId: (IntBlock) block { return block; }
+ (IntBlock) toIntBlock:(id)block { return (IntBlock)block; }
You also need to add a new xyzBlockToId and toXyzBlock method for every new closure-type you want to use. It's pretty ugly, but it works.
There is another type, Any, that object, structs and primitives all conform to but functions do not. There is no general function type, but you can describe a function type as its arguments and return value like this:
Dictionary<String, (AnyObject) -> String>
Function Types
Could you use an NSMutableDictionary?
Alternatively, this seemed to work for me using your example:
1> import Foundation
2> var myDict: [String: (NSObject) -> String] = ["Key":{(value:NSObject) -> String in return value.description}]
myDict: [String : (NSObject) -> String] = {
[0] = {
key = "Key"
value =
3> myDict["Key"]!("Testing")
$R2: String = "Testing"
Hmm, maybe this Swift-Code doesn't really help, because you want to have heterogenous dictionaries.
It's also not possible to put closures into an NSDictionary, it seems (as a closure does not conform to AnyObject).
You could also roll your own higher type using an enum. You need the dictionary values to be either strings or functions which return strings, so define a type to represent that:
enum MyDictVal {
case ValString(String)
case ValFunc(AnyObject -> String)
Then, you can put it in a dictionary:
let d: Dictionary<String, MyDictVal> = [
"a": .ValString("a")
, "b": .ValFunc({ (value) in value.description })
Then you'll need to process the dictionary values using pattern matching:
switch d["b"] {
case .ValString(let s):
case .ValFunc(let f):
A more "generic" solution which should work with Any object, but shown with closures and function references. Drop it into a playground and try it out!
// Wrapper for sticking non-objects in NSDictionary instances
class ObjectWrapper {
let value: T
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
// convenience to downcast `as! ObjectWrapper` and return its value
func getValueFromObjectWrapper(a: AnyObject) -> T {
return (a as! ObjectWrapper).value
func wrappedObjectsInDictionary() -> NSDictionary {
var dict = NSMutableDictionary()
let appendToFoo: (String) -> String = NSString.stringByAppendingString("foo")
let firstChar: (String) -> Character = { $0[$0.startIndex] }
dict.setObject(ObjectWrapper(firstChar), forKey: "stringToChar")
dict.setObject(ObjectWrapper(appendToFoo), forKey: "stringTransformer")
return dict.copy() as! NSDictionary
let dict = wrappedObjectsInDictionary()
let appendToFoo: (String) -> String = getValueFromObjectWrapper(dict["stringTransformer"]!)
let strToChar: (String) -> Character = getValueFromObjectWrapper(dict["stringToChar"]!)
appendToFoo("bar") // "foobar"
strToChar("bar") // "b"
